IDY2: I dare you to

I just thought of my previous games of truth or dare with my friends, I just noticed my dares were kind of impossible to fulfill so why not let anime do it? XD

You guys can send in dares to any character you want, no choices, just review, this is not a truth or dare, just dare, right now let me have some fun….

Hello I don't know if you all know me but my name is Kassy, Silver's OC I'm here to...

Force everyone to do the dares in my own little way *grabs chainsaw* yeah I'm warning you I don't know how to work this thing, oh yeah I'm in cooperation with Madoka, who stole everyone's beys, now let's get started.

Number one on Silver's torture list is: push Ziggurat off a cliff, that's so predictable…

~grand canyon~

"I'm still wondering how a thirteen year old girl managed to stuff me in a sack and bring me here…." Ziggurat was too busy wondering.

"Hey! Time to fulfill your dare, now jump!"

"What if I don't want to, you'll kill me"

"Aw come on, there's a river down there, all you have to do is land on it

"What if I don't land on it?"

"I how should I know?!" there I pushed him off a cliff and drove back to where ever I came from.

Number two on Silver's torture list: make Ginga bungee jump off the Eiffel Tower?! Silver I thought he was your second favorite character, what happened?

~on top of the Eiffel Tower~

"I do not know how she got me into this"

"Haha! The puppy dog eyes always work on you!"

"Fine I got my harness, now what should I do now?"

"Jump of course"

There Ginga sighed and jumped off

"I'm not sure if that harness can hold your wait!"

"Kassy you devious person!"

"IF you survive that, you have to call this thing the I Fell instead of Eiffel"

Number three on Silver's torture list is: Let Yu drive a car…that would be adorable!

"Hey Yu, you know why you're here right?"

"No, why am I here?"

I gave him a set of car keys

"Wait what's this?

"Car keys, just walk out the front door and you'll find your car"


Yu ran outside the door immediately.

Later that day…..

I was looking at multiple head lines about a seven year old kid attempting to drive, it was all over the news, and unfortunately he was unbelievably fast, they still haven't caught him yet.

Next on Silver's torture list: Make Zeo dance on the edge of the Hollywood sign….this can not be good.

~on top of the Hollywood sign~

"I thought you said you wanted to battle up here?"

"Nope, I lied; my creator wants you to dance up here"

"What?! No way there is no way I'm doing that"

"Fine, I pitied you, just do something remarkable"

"Like what?"

"Um….say your pants are on fire"

"My pants are on fire…"

"Louder, or I'll really set your pants on fire"


"I guess no one can hear you from up here, hold on let me get a mega phone, and don't attempt to run because I implanted a tracking device in you brain, I can find you anywhere! "


"There I didn't run, happy?"

"Yeah, sort of, now scream my pants are on fire in this mega phone"


Everyone was starring at as…

Next on Silver's torture list: Make Masamune wear a purple mini skirt and a white top with a panda on it…oh…….god


Masamune came out wearing it

"Do not ask how I changed him, it was a horrible experience"

Next on Silver's torture list: make Ryuga drink this.

"Here Ryuga, drink this"

Yeah, he really drank it

"What is this anyway?'

"Toilet water"

Then he spat it on me and barged out the door.

Next on Silver's torture list: cut Tsubasa's hair, that's gonna be hard…

"Get off my back!"

"Not unless I cut your hair"

Tsubasa kept struggling.

"Hey stand still or else I might end up shaving all of it off!"

Do not ask what Tsubasa looks like right now, I'm telling you, your not gonna like it.

Next on Silver's torture list: Take away Jack's paintings and his art materials and lock him in the janitor's closet.


"Ahh! Let me out! I can't spend half an hour without my without my paint brush!"

"Your gonna be fine! Relax it's not like I took your arm away"

"Wah! I can't live without my art supplies"
"Go paint with the mops!"

So, when do you think I should let him out? Next on Silver's torture list: put Benkei on a diet.

"Veggies are for rabbits"

"Good then you're a rabbit for now"

~one month after~

Benkei lost 15 pounds

Next on Silver's torture list: Make Chris waltz with a random stranger, I wonder who should I get?

"Who's this?"

"Just a random fangirl who really loves you"


"Just waltz with her"

And Chris was taken away by the crazy fangirl, who knows where he is right now.

Next on Silver's torture list: Make Kyoya wrestle a pack of wolves, well, Leone is with me MWAHAHA

"Good luck Kyoya"


Hahah it's a good sight to see Kyoya run from wolves, it's not the same without Leone eh?

Next on Silver's torture list, which is the last one: take pictures of Toby? Aw come on are you trying to embarrass me!?

"Kassy, where are you?"

"No don't look for me!" I took a lot of pictures and climbed out the window.

He didn't see me right?

Anyway, dare anyone to do some thing, I can handle them, no matter what age, except big muscular people, I can never take them down, but if you really want, give me a tranquilizer. I'm Kassy and see you in the next chapter.

Hehehe *takes all the pictures of Toby and hides them somewhere* thank you Kassy!

Yeah, send dares, hard core or not, just review and tell me