DISCLAIMER:: I do not own bleach or any of the characters.

Chapter 10: A different kind of visit.

Orihime yawned as she left her school with Tatsuki by her side. It had been a few days since Halibel had gone back to Hueco Mundo and she hadn't heard anything about what was happening now. She was about ready to go to Hueco Mundo herself to see what was happening despite the fact that her arm still hadn't healed completely but only enough for her to be able to go to school without too much worry about it as it no longer hurt with every movement or every little bump.

The two girls were in conversation about the day they had and how their teacher still hadn't let up on Orihime about her unexplained absences though they had been explained when she had returned to school and her lack of explanation for her injury. Their conversation didn't last long however as another classmate caught up with them, though her actions were controlled and said, "So what are you two up to?"

"Nothing really," Orihime said. "I just want to go to sleep."

"You can always come to my house and sleep in my bed with me." Chizuru suggested happily.

"I wouldn't say that so loudly if I were you." Tatsuki said with a slight smirk.

"Or what, you going to get-" She stopped mid sentence with wide eyes as she found what had caught Tatsuki's attention. "Oh my gosh, I think my heart just stopped."

Orihime gave her a weird look before looking over to the school gates as well and found a warm smile on her face as she spotted Halibel standing there in a gigai. She wore a pair of skinny jeans and a short sleeve tight white shirt with dark blue covering the shoulders, sleeves, and sides and a light blue scarf hiding her mask. Her gaze was up to the sky as she watched it almost distantly as if lost in thought.

"I'm definitely going to make a move on her." Chizuru said with determination.

She started over only to be stopped automatically by Tatsuki as she said, "Do you honestly think she's standing there looking to get picked up? She's likely waiting for someone and not interested in someone like you."

"Do you have to ruin my fun?" Chizuru asked angrily.

"I'm saving you from disappointment and embarrassment." Tatsuki said. "Besides she doesn't seem like the overly friendly type."

"Looks are deceiving though." Orihime said as her smile warmed.

As she said it though a male student decided to approach her. He got her attention and started up a conversation. It lasted only a moment before he stepped back and took off down the street. Tatsuki laughed at the reaction, "Think she threatened him?"

"Maybe she's not interested in guys and said it to get him away?" Chizuru suggested.

Orihime's smile widened a little as she listened to the two talk while only one was oblivious to the relationship that was shared between her and the woman. Her smile warmed even more as Halibel looked over at them and stopped as her gaze landed on Orihime. A deep blush formed on Chizuru's face as she said, "I think she's looking at me."

"Get over yourself." Tatsuki said. "She's not looking at you."

"You don't know that." Chizuru said angrily.

"Actually, I do know that." Tatsuki said with a smirk. "I can even have it proven."

"Prove it then." Chizuru said.

"Fine, let's go." Tatsuki said as she quickened her pace towards the woman.

When they got to her they slowed to a stop and Orihime's smile widened, "How's everything going?"

"It's going pretty well." Halibel replied. "I finally got a chance to get away from everything. Sorry for taking so long to come see you."

"It's alright, I'm glad to know you're okay." Orihime said warmly.

"Wait, please tell me I'm seeing this wrong." Chizuru said nervously.

"How are you seeing it?" Tatsuki asked with a smirk. "If you see them in a relationship then you're right. If you don't then you are wrong."

Chizuru was left dumbstruck at the knowledge before she became upset and stepped between them, "There's no way I'm letting you take away my Hime."

"Your Hime?" Halibel asked angrily.

"She's delusional, don't worry about it." Tatsuki said pulling her away then into a headlock. "Don't make a fool out of yourself, Chizuru. Just let it go."

Halibel offered her hand to Orihime and said, "Shall we?"

"Of course," Orihime said happily before realizing that she didn't have a free hand to take Halibel's. "My hand's full."

"I'll carry your things." Halibel offered.

Halibel took both Orihime's book bag and her free hand before they started off with the other two girls. They walked down the street and had many eyes on them as they walked. They were silent at first before the woman spoke, "What shall we do this evening?"

"It doesn't matter." Orihime said with a smile.

"Would you like to go to the ocean?" Halibel asked.

"I'd love to go." Chizuru said immediately.

"You're not invited." Tatsuki said with annoyance before looking at Halibel. "Please ignore her."

"I planned to." Halibel replied coolly.

"So how do you plan on getting to the ocean tonight?" Tatsuki asked. "There's school tomorrow and Orihime can't miss anymore without getting into a lot of trouble."

"I'll have her back by then." Halibel stated. "It isn't hard to do."

"So you're flying most of the way then?" Chizuru asked. "I never knew you were such a gold digger, Orihime."

"We're not flying, we're using the Descorrer." Halibel said casually.

"I'm not even going to ask." Tatsuki said. "Just have her back for school tomorrow morning and I won't complain."

Halibel gave her a side glance but nothing more as she returned her gaze to the street ahead of them. Nothing more was said as Chizuru continued to give Halibel a series of glances and Orihime smiled happily at walking down the street with two good friends and her lover. In all her thoughts of the time they spent together she never thought Halibel would meet her at her school and walk her home with a couple of her friends.

After awhile though Tatsuki glanced over at Chizuru and said, "Alright well this is our street so we'll see you at school tomorrow, Orihime."

She didn't wait for a response before taking a protesting Chizuru by the arm and dragging her down the closest street. Orihime watched them with a curious look before saying, "Tatsuki doesn't even live around here."

"She was giving us some privacy." Halibel said. "I'm a little grateful, I'll admit I'm not too fond of the other one."

"Chizuru is just a little outgoing." Orihime said in her defense.

"She has feelings for you." Halibel said.

"She's just playful." Orihime said as she continued her oblivious denial.

Halibel didn't respond as they continued in silence down the street towards the young girl's house. Some others that spotted the two together gave them a variety of looks. Orihime walked with a happy smile and uncaring of the looks they were getting. To her everything was right and she didn't care about the looks of others. All that mattered in her eyes was that the two of them were together and happy.

The rest of their walk was made in silence as Orihime led the woman to her home. When they arrived the woman was let in and the door was closed behind them. Orihime's things were put aside before the girl was taken into the woman's arms. The girl smiled up at her lover before the scarf was removed and the mask opened to allow their lips to meet.

They kissed feverishly as Orihime was brought gently to the wall and held against it at a small distance to prevent any pain coming to the girl from her arm. They got a little closer to the other as their tongues met. There was no hesitation between them and no further form of intimacy. All they needed was the other's presence to be happy while their kiss proved their ever growing feelings.

When they broke the kiss Orihime held a blush and looked up at Halibel lovingly. She never wanted to look away from Halibel as her beauty knew no bounds nor did the love in her eyes when they looked at each other. The woman smiled warmly down at the girl before placing a kiss on her forehead and allowing her mask to close when she straightened up, "Do you need help with anything?"

"No, I'll manage on my own." Orihime said with a smile. "You can just relax in my living room while I get ready to go."

Orihime took hold of Halibel's hand and led her into the house and to the living room where she sat her on the couch and climbed on top of her to continue their kiss in a more heated passion then before as limits were forgotten. Halibel's hands grazed Orihime's sides gently before undoing the girl's shirt. Orihime's hand ran through Halibel's hair as their pace quickened as much as they could handle it before separating to pant for air.

They shared a quick smile before their lips met once more. Their pace continued to rise as much as they could take it before they needed to separate once more and shared a series of quick kisses. It seemed impossible for them to stop or even separate from the other as their bodies were pressed against the others while Orihime's arm was awkwardly, but comfortably, to the side so it wouldn't bring her any pain in their passion and need for the other's love.

When they finally brought their intimacy to a rest Orihime was resting comfortably on Halibel as they laid back on the couch with their eyes closed. Orihime was held tight and protectively as their breathing calmed from their long passionate kisses. The girl's hand was still in the woman's hair as she allowed her fingers to run through the messy strands of blond hair. When her arm got tired she allowed her hand to fall to a long strand and played with that happily.

The two held each other for a long time in silence while simply enjoying the other's company. They were content with the way things were just like this and needed no words between them and any uncertainty they may ever hold were shunned by the other's actions and any doubt was banished by the other's eyes. Their love for each other held no bounds and knew no limitations that their race held. It didn't matter to Orihime that Halibel was a hollow just like it didn't matter to Halibel that Orihime was human, or at least it didn't anymore, as she had stopped hiding from the emotion that had stirred within her by her curiosity of the young girl.

After awhile Halibel shifted her hold making Orihime look up at her curiously but smiled at the love in the espada's eyes. A hand was placed on the girl's cheek as the woman asked, "Shall we get going soon?"

"Sure," Orihime said and placed a kiss on Halibel's mask before rising from the couch with a bit of help before she went to her room to change out of her uniform. It was done with slight ease as her uniform shirt was still unbuttoned, though nothing else had happened. She gathered some nice beach clothes and changed into it as fast as she could with her broken arm before packing a few things in a large bag and hurrying back to the living room where she found Halibel sitting on the couch with her scarf loosely wrapped around her neck. "I'll just pack a bit of food and snacks for when we get hungry."

There was no response as Orihime went to it happily with a warm smile. Her mind was filled with thoughts of sitting on a small beach alone with Halibel and having snacks with a romantic mood around them. It was a lovely scenario for her and she wanted to create it to the best of her abilities, though it was a little difficult to imagine the scenery of the ocean since she had never once had the opportunity to go there before. But it wasn't just the ocean that had her so excited as any beach would do it was the fact that she was going there to spend time with Halibel.

When she finished packing any snacks she thought they might enjoy she returned to the living room where she found Halibel in the exact same spot as before but with her eyes closed. Orihime went over and sat beside her while taking the woman's hand in her own. Halibel opened her eyes and looked over at her human lover with a warm look, "Shall we?"

"I'm ready." Orihime said brightly.

Halibel rose to her feet and offered her hand to Orihime, who accepted the offer with a smile. As she was assisted up a Descorrer opened at the end of the couch and the two went through it hand in hand. They walked through it silently and got to the other side in a few minutes before coming out and taking in the breathtaking scene. Orihime's face lit up almost immediately at the sight and her grip on Halibel's hand tightened a little as she was pulled into the espada's arms.

The ocean spread as far as the eye could see as they came out high above it. They came to an unpopulated area for guaranteed privacy from others. Due to the remote location the beach below wasn't very big and consisted of various rocks and some cliffs off to the side. The two met eyes as Halibel brought Orihime down to the beach at a slow pace. Orihime wrapped her arm around the woman's with a warming smile that refused to fade.

When they reached the ground the espada's embrace became more intimate then supportive making a blush form on the girl's face. The two stood and watched the water for a long time before Orihime was let go so she could put everything down. It was done quickly and Orihime turned to take Halibel's lips with her own only to find she was removing her shirt while her scarf had already been discarded.

A strong blush engulfed her face at the site as she found Halibel wasn't wearing anything under her shirt. There was slight confusion in her as she found the absence of her rank making her look up at Halibel questioningly but no questions were asked as she was silenced with a kiss. She wrapped her arm around Halibel's neck and pulled her a little closer as her blouse was being undone at a slow pace.

They parted with warm smiles and stared into the others eyes for a long time, unable and unwilling to let the other go. When they were no longer able to control their desire for the other they kissed once more as Halibel began to carefully take off Orihime's blouse and letting it fall to the ground without much care as her hands made their way down to the girl's thighs. Their pace quickened as Halibel picked Orihime up and held her comfortably in her arms.

When they parted from the kiss Orihime held a strong blush and couldn't help but giggle at the way she was being held in an almost seated position. As her giggle was stifled and her embarrassment had died down the two kissed once more and entered the other's mouth. They kissed for as long as they could before parting with loving smiles.

Orihime was lowered to the ground, so she was standing again, before being kissed once more, though this kiss was very restrained and very short. They separated from the other but didn't look away as they held warm smiles. Halibel placed a hand on Orihime's cheek and their smiles warmed. "Shall we swim?"

Orihime's smile faltered a little as she said, "I can't with my arm like this, but don't let that stop you from enjoying yourself."

Any smile on Halibel's face fell instantly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it would stop you from enjoying this. We can do this another time if you want."

"I'm fine with this." Orihime said happily. "You go enjoy the water and I'll wait here and when my arm heals we'll come back again or maybe we could find another beach to enjoy."

The smile reformed on Halibel's face as she reclaimed Orihime's lips once more for a moment before she pulled away to say, "It might be wise to avoid this at the moment."

"I don't see why." Orihime said with a smile. "I enjoy doing these things with you."

"Even still, there isn't much comfort here for us to lay." Halibel said as she glanced around the beach. "We should find a place more comfortable before doing anything else."

"Since when did comfort matter?" Orihime asked. "You had me half off the bed at one point and against the wall another time."

"That was different." Halibel said as she avoided the girl's eyes. "My lust controlled my actions and I held little restraint towards you when I should have. I fear my actions may have you expecting our lays to be similar to that but I'd prefer they were more soothing then lustful."

"No matter how it is it will be soothing for me and wonderful." Orihime said happily before their lips met once more momentarily. "As long as it's just the two of us I don't care how it is or really where it is as long as there's no one around to see or hear us. If I'm with you then it doesn't matter what happens."

Their smiles widened and their lips met once more and they pulled the other closer with no resistance on either side. They continued on happily without much pause and no hesitation and soon had to seat themselves on a nearby rock as one was leaned back and the other above and leaning over. There was no room for comfort as the rock wasn't big enough for them to lay down properly.

After awhile they were forced to stop as there was no way to properly enjoy themselves so their actions became limited once more. It didn't last long before they stopped and searched for a better place to share their passion with one another but soon found no suitable place to have their lay with ease or comfort. They watched each other with quick breathing from their heated kisses that left tingles on their lips and a deep need for more of the other's love but they remained still.

Halibel rose to a proper seated position and brought Orihime down on her lap. They looked into the others eyes lovingly and longingly but held their lust tight out of fear of hurting the other in the lack of room for them. A slightly sly smile formed on Orihime's face as she said, "Maybe next time we come here we could make this our own private beach and have it more suitable for our needs."

"Perhaps we could." Halibel said as she took another look around the beach. "It is quite nice here."

She released Orihime and stood up to have a better look around. Orihime stood in wait as she watched her walk a few feet away before looking back, "We can definitely do a lot with this place."

"Next time though." Orihime said with a warm smile. "For now enjoy the ocean."

Her smile was returned but was only visible for a moment as Halibel's mask closed once more. The two went about their things as Orihime arranged a comfortable place for them to sit and relax while Halibel finished undressing so she could swim. All her clothes were brought to where Orihime had placed the blanket for them. A strong blush formed on Orihime's face as she found Halibel was bare of any type of clothing and it worsened as she recalled how stunningly beautiful she looked when she was glistening with the sweat of their previous lay. It would only worsen now that they were at the ocean and she would be swimming.

"Y-you're swimming like that?" Orihime barely got out as she was near speechless.

"How else would I swim?" Halibel asked.

"In a bathing suit." Orihime said.

"That's not necessary if it's just the two of us around for miles." Halibel said. "None will bother us here whether human, soul reaper, or hollow. We can do as we like and be as loud as we wish, something we cannot have elsewhere."

Her blush deepened at the thought of what they could do with this freedom. It would likely tie in with their lust for the other greatly once everything has been set up for them to enjoy to their leisure. If that were the case then they would make many trips here until the weather cools too much for it then they would have to find a warmer place or still their lust. Though it might not be stilled so easily as the only thing that stopped them now was the lack of comfort on this beach.

Orihime sat and watched as Halibel entered the water at a slow pace but with no hesitation or mind for its cool. She tried to distract herself from the view of Halibel in the water and focus more on how she could walk into such cold water so casually without even the slightest of cares. Perhaps this was due to the cold baths she took regularly and would also explain why she wasn't fond of warm water.

She watched the woman dive under the water and disappear from sight for a few minutes which quickly became concerning until she came up for air. Her whole torso was above water for a short moment before she fell backwards and remained floating on the surface of the water and watched the sky as if completely lost in it. She stayed there unmoving or awhile before sinking under the water once more.

Orihime sat comfortable as her mind wondered on her curiosity of what Halibel was feeling right now in the depth of an actual ocean and not just a cold shower. The difference between the two would always be unknown to her as she didn't dare to see how well she could cope with a shower at the temperature that Halibel coped with every day. If she slowly changed the temperatures of her bath she might be able to manage it but the thought of slipping into a steaming hot bath always chased away any thought of an ice cold bath no matter if Halibel was in it or not.

After awhile Halibel returned from the water as water dripped from her body and glistened in the sunlight behind her. The blush on Orihime's face returned in full as she marveled in Halibel's beauty. Orihime stood with a towel for her and smiled happily, "Did you have fun?"

"I've never felt so relaxed." Halibel said with a sense of relief. "I'd have more fun if you were in the water with me."

"I don't think I can swim like you can though." Orihime said as she tried to keep herself calm in front of the naked woman before her.

Halibel chuckled at her comment, "Not many can, I am a shark after all."

"That's the second time I've heard that, what does it mean?" Orihime asked.

Halibel took her hand and placed it on her mask as she spoke, "Before I held a human form I held more of a shark form. Even now my mask resembles the jaws of a shark. My preference of cold water also reflects the shark persona along with my urge to swim in an ocean."

"Does it have anything to do with swimming naked as well?" Orihime asked a little nervously.

"No," Halibel replied as she came closer to the girl. "This is just for your eyes."

A strong blush formed on Orihime's face at the tone the words had been spoken. The woman's hands were on the girl's shoulders while her hand still held the towel tightly but with how close they were her arm was between Halibel's breasts. Her breath quivered as she looked up at Halibel in wait for a chance to claim her lips but was given no chance to take them as the woman refused to move at all.

The water still lingering on Halibel's hands soaked through Orihime's blouse with ease and chilled her skin at just the touch as she slowly began to realize why there was no further intimacy between them, her whole body was cold from her swim. "Are you cold?"

"Only a little bit." Halibel said calmly.

"Shall I, warm you up?" Orihime suggested with a sly smile.

"I might be a little cold to touch." Halibel said.

"That's why I'll warm you up." Orihime said cheerfully.

They went back to the rock where the blanket was laid out and Orihime sat Halibel down and climbed onto the rock as well to meet her lips. As they kissed Halibel removed Orihime's shirt before wrapping her arms around the girl's back sending a shiver throughout her body but she didn't halt in her actions as she needed them. Their hands and lips explored the other though more exploration was made on the woman as she was on the receiving end of their lay.

The two continued until their cold was replaced with heat and water was replaced with sweat and Halibel's chilled breath with heated pants and sweet moans of enjoyment. All of the girl's clothing were quickly dismissed as their heat was too much for clothing. They continued on for as long as they could handle it before switching receiving ends. As Halibel took control she dominated Orihime's actions with the use of both her hands increasing the pleasure the girl felt.

When the two were finally content with their actions they came to a stop with heavy panting as Orihime rested in Halibel's arms as they looked out at the ocean as the sun set in the distance and set the whole sky on fire with its beauty. They held hands as they admired the view in pure silence. The only sound they heard was the waves crashing against the shore and rocks while the birds chirped in the forest behind them.

Even long after the sun set they remained still and silent, though blind by the lack of light. The blanket was wrapped around them tightly as that and their body heat kept them warm from the cold ocean and the chill of the night. Halibel buried her face in Orihime's neck with a loving sigh, "This is our spot, it's perfect."

"Yeah," Orihime agreed warmly. "While you were swimming I thought about what we could do with this place. All we have to do is make more of a sanded area and build a small house for shelter from storms and warmth at night."

"Any shelter built would have to be strong enough to withstand the ocean and any storm that would blow through here." Halibel said.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out." Orihime said.

Halibel brought her face away from Orihime's neck before gently placing a kiss on it, "We should get dressed and go back soon."

"Yeah," Orihime said sadly.

"We'll do this again soon." Halibel said. "But we have until morning to hold each other. I'll be staying with you until then."

Orihime smiled and tightened her grip on Halibel's hand before they rose to make a poor attempt at finding their clothes to get dressed but ended up stumbling over a little until the espada grew tired of it and formed a cero for a dim light that was enough for the girl to get dressed. When she was done she gathered Halibel's clothing for her and placed it so it would be easy for her to get when the cero was gone. It went out as she dressed and Orihime blindly repacked her bag until the cero was reformed.

Halibel had only half dressed and carried her shirt in one hand and the Descorrer was open beside her in wait of the young girl. When everything was done they left hand in hand as Halibel carried the bag for Orihime's ease. The trip back was made in the same silence as it had on the trip there. As they returned to Orihime's living room she was immediately pulled into a one armed embrace and held tightly before kisses were placed on the her cheek. It wasn't long before Orihime turned her head and kissed her back.

Their actions were controlled now and didn't progress for very long before they stopped and Orihime was let go. She led the woman to her bedroom with a smile as everything was left in the living room. They were still well worn out from their previous and very pleasurable lay and were ready to rest for the night without fuss or further activity to occupy them for any period of time longer then undressing.

They released each other and Orihime was aided out of her shirt once more before Halibel completely stripped her and brought her to the bed before removing her pants and joining her. They had done everything without turning on a single light for their later ease. Orihime wasn't able to maneuver much due to her arm so Halibel laid as submissively as she could without her mask irritating her lover. The woman rose momentarily for a single kiss before resting her head once more on Orihime's shoulder while her hand played with a lock of her hair in a continued silence. Now that they were lying down they felt wide awake though didn't announce it as they awaited rest to take them to another blissful place in hopes of encountering the other there as well but with more energy to interact with one another.

When they did sleep they both dreamed of the room Orihime had been in when they first exchanged words but there was no danger around them and no secrets had to be kept as it was only the two of them. They sat on the bed and exchanged many words and many interactions though they differed for both of them in both words and interactions. All that remained the same was the room and the time they spent together which they were both vastly fond of.

When they awoke from their slumber they held each other for as long as they could before they each had to depart for their separate day in different worlds with the promise of seeing the other again soon. There was no doubt and no worry for the other as their feelings told them that everything would work out just fine for both of them. Orihime held complete confidence in this because in her dream she had been an espada as well. She didn't mind the thought at all even with the knowledge that before she spoke with Halibel it would have disturbed her. It was perfectly accepted now as she knew it would happen in time.