Hello again everyone. Once again, i hope you are enjoying your weekend. I wanted to get this chapter posted tonight because tomorrow i will be packing to go back to college. We're also supposed to get a tornado warning which i'm hoping will just pass us over. On the bright side, Lindsey Stirling's new album was just released on iTunes and i'm dancing in my chair. If you haven't heard of her I strongly suggest you look up her YouTube channel, LindseyStomp. She is an amazing violinist. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, were finally getting into the Lord Of the Rings story.
Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings or any of its characters or plot. I only own Faolan.
The sun began to sink into the horizon, coloring the sky a deep orange and pink hue. Fravardin was too lost in her own thoughts to even think about making camp for the night. Still in the form of a wolf, she walked quietly through the leaves littering the forest ground; her head tilted downwards, and her eyes watching the path ahead of her blankly. Coming upon a small stream, she stopped to take a drink and look at her surroundings. She had been following a path that passed near the Elven city of Lothlórien, and from there she planned to follow the Anduin until reaching Amon Hen. Looking at her current surroundings Fravardin guessed that if she continues traveling without stopping to make camp, she should make it to the borders of the Elven city when the moon was at its highest point in the sky. Once there, she would rest for the night before traveling alongside the Anduin. Raising her head from the river, the wolf sighed and continued on at a brisk pace, her thoughts easily drifting back to the conversation she had with Edrie the previous week.
Once she had heard that Vucic was being controlled by Feardorcha, the only thing that mattered to her at that moment was helping him. She had run into the woods towards Amon Hen without a second thought, adrenaline gained from what she had learned powering her movements. After the first day of traveling the adrenaline went away, and her movements slowed as the reality of what she had been told began to sink in. The wolf thought about what Edrie had said near the end of her tale.
"I have finally found my heir."
Fravardin had not thought much of those words before, but now they were weighing on her heavily. Edrie had said that she is Reylene Lucia, the only one out of all the living werewolves.
I am alone.
Her head hung a bit lower at the thought, but she kept walking; it was all she could do to keep the panic rising inside of her from overflowing. She had done all she could to stay out of the war for Middle-Earth, and preferred simple adventures and the occasional battle with smalls groups of orc that would be traveling on the same path as her. It would seem now that if she were to save anyone, then she would have to get directly involved in the war.
"You carry a new light to push back the darkness."
It seems that the true burden of her bloodline was now resting heavily on her shoulders. The wolf's footsteps became heavier for a moment, but quickly lightened again once she remembered the others who had her same desire to destroy the ring. Edrie had said that they would be facing all the dangers of Mordor, including the Karas Zie, and she had vowed to help them. She mentally berated herself for forgetting.
I shall not forget again.
Suddenly, her ears registered the sound of bows being drawn and she snapped out of her cogitation just in time to see someone standing right in front of her with an arrow pointed towards her skull.
She instantly halted in her walking and quickly observed the situation she had just landed herself in. Elves surrounded her, all with arrows pointed towards her. The wolf berated herself again for being so distracted that she had failed to notice passing over the border into Lothlórien.
Either I had been closer than I thought, or my thoughts had kept me occupied for a rather long time. She decided on the later.
Fravardin lowered her ears and tucked her tail between her legs, lowering herself slightly towards the ground. She wanted to convey the message that she was not a threat to them. It seemed to have some kind of effect as one stepped forward. They made eye contact and Fravardin could hear Edrie whispering to her within her mind, when suddenly a new voice appeared.
Welcome Faolan.
The Elf seemed to see the surprise in her eyes and signaled for the others to lower their weapons.
"The Lady Galadriel has been expecting you." He said softly. Fravardin narrowed her eyes in confusion.
"If you could please revert back to your human form, we shall take you to her."
She looked around at the other elves before turning her attention back to the one addressing her. After a moment of hesitation, she closed her eyes and her body began shrinking as the white fur began to disappear. She stood on her hind legs as her paws once again became her hands and feet, and she could once again feel her weapons resting on her shoulders.* She opened her eyes and looked back at the elf after a quick, nervous glance at the others. He nodded, seemingly satisfied, and walked towards the city motioning for the woman to follow.
The voices of the Elves echoed throughout the trees of the glowing city. Fravardin looked up from where she was standing with tearful eyes. She was not fluent in the Elvish language, but she knew enough to recognize that this was a song of mourning.
"They sing for the loss of a dear friend to us. Gandalf the grey." Fravardin turned her attention towards the source of the gentle voice and her eyes widened. She lowered her head and placed a hand over her heart in greeting.
"My Lady." She said quietly before looking up again. Galadriel stood before the woman with a piercing gaze, reading everything about the woman through her eyes.
"You have come far, and have suffered great losses." She said softly.
"A great responsibility has fallen upon your shoulders young Faolan. The fate of your kind is tied with that of the ring, which now lies in the hands of a young Hobbit from the Shire." Fravardin looked shocked at the news, her eyes narrowed. She would have to meet this Hobbit.
"You are weary. Go and rest. You shall be safe here in any form you choose." With a knowing smile Galadriel motioned towards a staircase. Fravardin smiled gratefully and bowed again.
"Thank you my Lady."
Fravardin opened her eyes and turned her head. The Elves had stopped singing and all was quiet aside from the sound of the stream and small fountain nearby, but she could also hear the faint sound of footsteps from where she sat against the tree. The woman ducked into the shadow of her room as the footsteps came closer and what looked to be a small boy walked passed. She raised her eyebrows as she glanced down at the boy's large feet.
A Hobbit then, not a child. I wonder… rising silently from her hiding spot Fravardin slowly began to follow the Hobbit towards the stream. As they came upon a fountain, the Hobbit stopped. Hearing a new set of footsteps, the woman decided to climb onto a branch that overlooked the small courtyard but still remained in the shadows.
Galadriel stood by a small waterfall near a large metal bowl resting atop a pedestal, filling a silver container with water as the Hobbit walked down a set of stairs watching her. She turned to look at him as he came closer to the pedestal.
"Will you look into the mirror?" she asked.
"What will I see?" he replied, walking closer. The royal Elf smiled slightly and walked towards the bowl.
"Even the wisest cannot tell. For the mirror shows many things." She began pouring the water into the bowl.
"Things that were, things that are, and some things that have not yet come to pass." She finished, stepping back and watching the Hobbit as he approached the mirror. He glanced up at her before looking into the water.
Fravardin watched in concern as the Hobbit began to show signs of distress from whatever it was he was seeing. A growl of warning echoed throughout her mind as her body suddenly became rigid. Fear began to settle within the woman's mind and her ring began to hum as Edrie worked to shield her from the sudden threat. The Hobbit began to lean into the mirror, as if being pulled by an unseen force. Her eyes widened as they settled upon the golden ring hanging from a chain around his neck.
As quickly as it had all started the Hobbit suddenly threw himself away from the mirror, landing hard on the ground with a gasp. Fravardin swallowed and hesitantly released the white knuckled grip she had on the dagger at her side as she felt Edrie as well as her own inner beast calm slightly, but still remaining alert.
Galadriel watched the hobbit with a curious, yet guarded expression.
"I know what it is you saw." she said as the Hobbit staggered to his feet.
"For it is also in my mind." The Halfling had a look of fear on his face as he regarded the Elf.
The two stood in silence as they simply stared at each other, the Hobbit looking more distressed with each passing second.
She must be speaking within his mind. Fravardin continued to watch the scene from the shadows of the tree, greatly disturbed by what had just occurred. This was the Hobbit that Lady Galadriel had spoken of; the Hobbit who carries the fate of the entire world around his neck. Suddenly, the Hobbit held his hand out to the woman as she regarded him with curiosity; the ring sitting in his palm.
"You offer it to me freely." She said in awe, walking closer with her own shaking hand outstretched towards the cursed item.
"I cannot deny that my heart has greatly desired this." Her eyes grew dark.
"In place of a dark lord you will have a queen!" the royal Elf suddenly threw her hands out to her sides as her body gained an unnatural glow to it, and her voice was joined with a dark echo.
"Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn!" Fravardin ducked further into the shadows as her fear returned. If the ring could do this to Lady Galadriel she feared what would happen should it fall into the hands of Feardorcha, or return to Sauron.
"All shall love me and despair." The woman's unnatural glow suddenly vanished, and Galadriel stood with a look of shock on her face as she breathed heavily and swayed slightly.
"I passed the test. I will diminish and go into the west, and remain Galadriel." she said quietly, looking away from the Hobbit and closing her eyes.
"I cannot do this alone." He said sadly. The Elf looked up at him again.
"You are a ring bearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power, is to be alone." She said sadly. Fravardin absently rubbed her ring as her own eyes became sad.
"This task was appointed to you, and if you do not find a way… no one will."
"Then I know what I must do, it's just… I am afraid to do it." Galadriel leaned down to look him in the eye.
"Even the smallest person, can change the course of the future." With those words, Frodo closed his hand around the ring and put it back around his neck. After a moment of silence, he bid the Elf goodnight and walked back up the stairs and back the way he came.
Fravardin stayed on the branch with her legs pulled up close and her arms wrapped around them. With her chin resting on her arms, she stared out into the dimly lit woods wondering just what exactly she had gotten herself into. She did not notice Galadriel's watchful eyes on her.
*I had this idea that her cloths and weapons were enchanted so that she wouldn't have to worry about losing her weapons and being naked every time she changed back. Basically they change to become apart of her transformation, turning into bone, fur, etc.
Next chapter I will be introducing Faolan to the Fellowship. *finally...* i know.
Please let me know what you think, i did not get any feedback for my last chapters and it did not get many views either, i hope i have not bored you. I just wanted to get some specific things out of the way first.
Until next time!