Hi people!

This won't be a long story, and it happens after the first Huger Games.

Hope you enjoy! Review please?


Ever Ever After

Chapter 01


I still couldn't believe Peeta and I have made it through the games. It was surreal that I was actually going to see Prim again. To see everyone again. But what would happen to Peeta and I? He told me himself he didn't want to forget, and I wasn't sure about myself either. I had strong feelings towards him, but they felt so weird to me that I could say I was scared of them.

We agreed to pretend one last time for the audience and then it would all be over, but I didn't want him out of my life. I decided I should talk to Prim later on so she could help me figure my feelings out. I said goodbye to Peeta when we got to Victor's Village and his hurt look killed me. That boy didn't deserve to suffer no more.

I walked inside my house and went to Prim. "Hi little duck!" we hugged tight and she was smiling so big that it made me realize that everything I went through in that arena was worth it so I could come back home. "Hey Katniss, I knew you would win! So, what about Peeta?" I looked at her in a confused way and she smirked "I mean that couldn't be all pretending right? Gale was pretty upset about the situation..." Gale, I thought he was like a brother to me, despite what everyone thought I didn't have any romantic feeling for him. I looked into Prim's eyes "I'm so confused little duck, I mean, Peeta's perfect but I think he deserves so much better..." Prim shook her head "And what's better than a victor? Besides I can see in his eyes how much he loves you..." My jaw dropped, it couldn't be love. "Katniss, why don't you give him a chance and try to know him better?" Before I could overthink the situation I decided to give Prim's advice a chance so I nodded.

The next morning I woke up so tired, those nightmares would be the end of me. I went to the woods, I needed some comfort only the green color of the forest would provide me. It was Sunday so it was calm outside. Getting in the woods I saw a figure I truly missed but would only confuse me even more, sitting there. "Catnip, how have you been?" I sat beside him and tried to smile but he only got a fake one. "As good as I can be, you?" he looked to his hands "what do you feel for him?" I rolled my eyes, I didn't want to talk about that now. "and why does it matter?" Gale grabbed my hand and made me look into his eyes "Catnip, you should be with me, everyone knows that, but then he came along and ruined everything..." I shook my head, I didn't want to lose my best friend but Peeta didn't ruin anything. "Please, let's stop talking about him? Damn you Gale, I miss you, isn't that enough?" before he could answer I got up and ran, ran away from everything. Before I realized where I were I found myself in front of a familiar bakery.

I sat there in the place where I did so many years ago, I realized how much the things have changed. I was lost in my thoughts when someone sat by my side. It was Peeta. "Hello, what are you doing here sitting on the dirt?" without even looking at him I answered "just thinking..." I could see with the corner of my eyes he was smirking "about?" I took a deep breath "everything... The Games seems to be stuck in my head, I keep reliving everything all the time, it sucks!" He got serious and held my hand "It's happening to me as well..." For the first time I looked at him "Do you think it will ever go away?" He just looked away "I have no idea, but I hope it gets better with time..." I nodded "I think I need to go home. I need to fix some lunch for mom and Prim..." He smiled and got up "come here, take some bread for them..." I got up as well and nodded.

After he gave me the bread telling me he was the one that made it I started to go but he grabbed my hand once more "Can I walk you home?" I knew there was no way of denying Peeta anything so I just agreed. What surprised me was that he never let go of my hand. I didn't either, I liked to feel him close to me even though I would never admit that. We kept walking through town and everyone was looking, of course we were the victors, the star-crossed lovers from District 12, and we were holding hands. In those people mind we finally would be able to live our love, and be happily ever after. We passed in front of the only drugstore in the district and Peeta looked at me "Katniss, I need to pick up some medicines for my leg, can you wait just a little bit? Or would you come with me?" His leg, I still felt guilty about that so I never let go of his hand and went inside with him. It was the first time I got there, medicines were way too expensive for Seam people. But now I was a victor, I could buy anything I wanted.

After Peeta bought what he needed we went back to Victor's Village. And in front of my house there was Gale. Damn, I didn't want to see his face anytime soon, let alone while I'm holding Peeta's hand. "Catnip, I was worried!" he looked at me with a genuine expression, still I was mad at him. "There's no need to, I know how to take care of myself... See, I'm safe!" I felt Peeta's hold in my hand tight. He knew that if he ever had any competition it would be Gale. I turned to Peeta ignoring Gale and said in a sweet tone "Wanna have lunch with us?" he nodded and I told him to get inside that I needed to talk to Gale alone. Peeta let go of my hand but got closer to my face and said "If you need anything just yell okay?" I giggled, something I only did when I was with him, and nodded "now go, see you in a minute..." he smiled and did something I really wasn't expecting, he pecked my lips and went inside. I turned to Gale and saw him red with rage. "What the hell Catnip? So it was all real?" I looked to my feet, that was so complicated. I took a deep breath "Gale, at first it was all for the games, but he grew on me and now I'm so confused! Please, don't make it worse..." he shook his head in disbelief and walked away. I went inside and saw Peeta talking with Prim on the kitchen table. I was mad at Peeta for kissing me like that and I was going to yell at him until I saw the way him and Prim were having fun. They almost looked like family. I forgot that I was mad at him the moment he looked into my eyes and smiled. That boy would be the end of me, Katniss Everdeen, as everyone knew.

"Katniss, come join us!" Prim said with a happy voice and I did what she told. A while later my mom joined us as well and my family was complete. As soon as we finished lunch Prim went out to play with her friends and my mom smiled at us. "Katniss my dear, I need to talk to you about something." Peeta was ready to excuse himself when my mom told him to stay as well. She smiled at me and held my hand, she looked like a completely different person. "Dear, now that you have a boyfriend I wanna make sure you don't screw everything up..." I looked at her confused, what was she talking about? And I didn't have a boyfriend, at least I didn't think I did. She noticed my face and continued "I know you're pure and you, Peeta, seem like a very kind boy but you're both just 16 and sometimes hormones talk louder than reason. And if that happens I want you both to be prepared. Peeta, you should buy condoms, it's easy to wear it and you have money to buy tons of it now, so use it! And you, my dear, I will give you a shot, it needs to be taken monthly so you won't get pregnant if the condom fails..." I couldn't believe mom was saying that on my second day back home and in front of Peeta. I should have said I don't have a boyfriend and spare all this embarrassment but I couldn't, I liked the idea of Peeta being mine. Mother excused herself and I looked to my hands that were on my lap. "I'm so sorry Peeta, I have no idea why she said that... I mean, we aren't even dating!"

To be continued.