Being Crazy With Candy

Flippy combed his light green locks, after he set his usual dark green beret on top of his head. His reflection in the mirror grew sharp teeth and its eyes turned yellow.
'So, whatcha doing with the sexy red head today?'
Flippy glared at his counterpart but answered him none the less.
"If you must know I'm going to the movies with Flaky."
The reflection ponders for a moment then announced 'Great I can kill lots there.'
"No, you will not ruin today for Flaky, that car accident has her scared." Flippy stated, pointing an accusing finger at the darker image.
'Fine, if I come out I'll kill everyone -except- Flaky.' Fliqpy stated before Flippy's image returned to normal.
Flippy did an anime sweat drop. Well it was a start.

Flippy parked his jeep in the parking lot of the movie theater. He smiled when he saw that Flaky was waiting for him inside.
"Hey Flaky" He greeted, politely raising his hat.
"H-hello Flippy." She smiled at him, reaching in her pocket and pulling out a ticket. "I hope y-you don't mind, I bought your t-ticket for you."
Flippy's eyes softened. "Flaky you didn't have to."
"N-no I wanted to." Flaky stated, gently her nimble fingers placed the smooth paper in his gloved hand; she smiled up at him again. He smiled back.
"Well since you bought me this, I'm buying the snacks." Flippy replied.
"O-okay, I'll go pick out our seats." Flaky blushed madly before going inside. The older chuckled warmly.
Flippy waited patiently at the snack bar for service, hoping nobody was too scared to help him. Then Petunia came out, her blue hair waving as always.
"Can I help you?" she asked sweetly.
"Umm, can I have some popcorn, large size and two drinks- one sweet tea, the other a Dr. Pepper and skittles and -oh gummy bears. (He likes the green ones) That should be all." Petunia nodded as she wrote all that down, before going back to the kitchen. Few minutes later the blue haired girl returned with the order.
"That'll be 34.94 please" she charged him, Flippy handed her the money, she put it into the cash register.
'Man that was expensive' Flippy thought.
'I know away to make it free' His other half spoke 'Just take that straw and jam-
'Be quiet!'

Flaky climbed the steps to the seats she deemed worthy. She sat down in the middle of the row and put her jacket over Flippy's seat.
"Hi! Flaky!" The red head turned around.
"Oh, h-hi Nutty" the girl addressed the green and yellow hair, sugar in love boy. "Have you come to watch the movie too?"
"Yup!" The hyper teen smiled "Mind if I sit by you?"
Flaky shook her head and Nutty sat in the chair on her left.
Flippy came in carrying the food, he looked up to the hill of seats, looking for red. Then he spotted Flaky waving at him and the soldier made his way up, but didn't expect to see another green haired teen already by her side.
"O-oh, Flippy look w-who came" Flaky stuttered, the confusion dropped. The tension increased tenfold.
"Ah, Nutty good to see you" Flippy spoke, even though he wanted to maine the sugar loving boy, but acted nice for Flaky's sake.
"You too." Nutty forced out, he didn't like the soldier ever since the 'birthday party'.
'Ugh, the candy freak' Fliqpy groaned.

The movie went by quickly, Flippy enjoyed the fight seen and Flaky enjoyed the romance. This was turning out to be a good day. About half way in Flippy remembered the candy.
"Hey Flaky here are your Skittles" Flippy whispered, he was sitting on her right, setting the candy in her hand.
What happened next was a chain of events.
When Flaky opened the red bag, Nutty's candy sensors went off, but when he went out to grab the rainbow color treats, he also grab Flaky's left hand. Putting the arm in a very painful position.
"Ahh!" Flaky yelped, but Nutty was to engrossed in the sugar to notice, but Flippy did and now he was angry.
Gloved hands gripped Nutty's hair painful, making him release Flaky, pulling up hard, Fliqpy let out an unearthly growl.
"If you dare to hurt her again, you little lollipop sucking bitch, I will hunt you down and rip off your candy cain-and I'm not talking about the one on your stomach." Gold eyes glared daggers into Nutty's light green ones. "Get it?"
"Got it!" Nutty cried, scratching futilely at the other teen's hand. "L-let go!"
"Heh. Ok" The psycho soldier, threw - actually threw the candy in-love boy down the hill of seats, feeling satisfied when he heard a bone chilling snap.
"T-thank you" Fliqpy turn back to Flaky. "Umm...t-that was r-really nice-expect for killing N-nutty."
She blushed brightly, in-turn almost making Fliqpy blush to.
"Whatever Flakes, I was just bored." he coughed trying to sound unimpressed.
"D-do you want to w-watch the rest of t-the movie?" The red asked.
"Nah, I have to kill everyone in the theater except you."