Of Cars And Cookies

The horribly screech of metal on metal is what flipped out Flippy.
The shattered remains of the tremendous car crash was all that was left, as Fliqpy walked through, looking for anyone who survived, till a familiar red car pierced his gaze, amongst the wreckage. Curiosity got the best of him as he went to check it out. The red vehicle was on its top, as he got on his knees to check inside. Then he saw her, her pink sweater torn form the glass, but all in all she was still in one piece.
"Flakes" Fliqpy said as he poked her arm. "You still alive?"
All he got in return was a moan, but still a sign of life. He put his arms under her shoulders and pulled her out of her car. Carrying her back to his jeep, he set the red head in the passenger seat, before turning back to wreck.
Toothy was stare wide-eyed in shock at the brutally carnage before him, he was just buying food when he saw the accident. But what he didn't notice was Fliqpy behind him, till a knife was jabbed through his eye and another through his heart, he gave a gargled scream before he died. After the murder Fliqpy gave control back to Flippy, who flinched when he saw the blood on his clothes, he should wash them of. But Flaky was hurt so it had to wait.
The drive was quick and easy (probable cause almost everyone die in the crash), Flippy parked his jeep in front of Flaky's house. He rushed to the passage's door, almost ripping it open in the rush, to see a still unconscious Flaky. He carefully picked her up and held her bridal style.
"Oh my gosh! What happened to Flaky?" A voice rang behind the solider. Splendid stood behind him, red cape swimming in the breeze.
'Oh look. It's the superman freak' Fliqpy mocked in his mind.
"What happened to Flaky?" He said, more stern this time, thinking the worst.
"I know what you're thinking but I didn't hurt her. There was a car accident." Flippy explained, trying to get the super-hero off his back. "But she's okay." Splendid seemed to straighten up after that, holding out his arms.
"Oh, okay. Why don't you give Flaky to me, I know her house better than you."
'Oh, hell no!' Fliqpy screech in his head 'Don't do it, he'll probable dress her up as Wonder Woman!'

"Um, I don't know, can you even carry her?" Flippy asked, Splendid was taller that Flaky, but still shorter than him.
"Sure I can, you know how strong I am!" Splendid urged and before Flippy could make another excuse, the red masked teen scooped Flaky in his arms and hurried in her house.
"Thanks, I'll take it from here!" He waved before walking in, leaving a dumbstruck Flippy in the street.
'I'm adding him to the list of people I have to kill when I get out' His other half spoke.

'The Next Day'

Flippy knocked on the front door, Flaky greeted him there.
"H-hi Flippy, c-come in." Flaky stuttered, moving a little to let the taller in.
"Thanks Flaky" Flippy sniffed the air. "Have you been cooking?"
"A-ah, yes I-I made some cookies for S-splendid." Flaky said, walking into the kitchen, the green haired solider followed.
"Splendid? Why did you give cookies to him?" Flippy questioned, as Flaky washed a plate.
Flaky turned to him. "Didn't you h-hear? Splendid saved me in the a-accident yesterday."
Flippy could feel is rage racing, as Fliqpy tried to come out. "Flaky, don't you remember? I-"
'Excuse me'
"-Fliqpy, found you and got you out of your car"
'Damn straight'
Flaky looked at him cutely, causing him to blush brightly.
"S-splendid told me; t-that he found me, pulled m-me out and ran, carrying me to m-my house in his arms." Flaky sighed dreamy, as Flippy was trying to recall all of the tortures in the Saw horror movies Fliqpy watched. The solider almost jumped out of his skin when he felt something be placed in his gloved hand. He glanced down to see a chocolate-chip cookie.
"I thought you gave them all to Splendid?" He questioned.
"Well I-I know how much you like my cooking so I saved you one." She gave a heart warming smile which almost made him forget Splendid - almost;
rage flared up almost instantly.
"Hey, Flaky I've got take care of something." The camouflage wearing teen walked out of the front door and wasn't even in Splendid's front yard before Fliqpy was out, knife bearing. The psycho double personality pounded the wooden front door, creating a dent in it.
"Splendid, you blue haired bastard, get your cape wearing ass out here! You ate my cookies!" Fliqpy stared intently at the door before hearing behind the door:
"Ummmmm...Splendid isn't here at the moment...um p-please leave a message after the beep...Beeeeeeeeeep."
Fliqpy kicked the door in...
...to Splendid's face.