Disclaimer: I still don't own Batman, Robin, Superman OR any other DC comic superhero... or city xDD

AJCrane; Glimare; Arrows the Wolf; ShrimpyJess97; Anonymous17 and MyBatBoys... you guys gave me the best reviews! Thank you so much! It really got me inspired to continue this! HUGS!



Evidence is snot the problem



The Batmobile starts-up with a roar, but Robin's already asleep. He's resting his forehead on the window, completely curled on his side. From the fog forming on the window from the spot where Robin's resting his forehead, Bruce's confirms his suspicion of a temperature.

The Bat finally reaches over and reclines the boy's chair for him, no sense in him sleeping upright like that, he'll be stiff by the time they get home.

"Heyyy sexy lady!"

For a second the Batmobile swerves dangerously and almost hits two taxi's in the oncoming lane. "WHA-"

"Shh! Do you want to wake him up?" the damned green-haired villain says and 'tsks' the cowl-covered hero.

Of course, Bruce knows, but he still has to ask: "What are you doing here?!"

"Keep your voice down," Joker says and rests his elbows on the head-rests of the two chairs in front of him, "Look, toots. Your alto… It's a really relaxing d-minor and all… but really, if the boy wakes up now we won't be able to watch Paranormal Activities tonight."

It's like even the mention of thrillers set Robin on edge, the boy fidgets in his seat for a few seconds before suddenly sneezing.

Alright… maybe it wasn't the thrillers that set Robin on edge, but still…

Bruce thinks back to the last time Richard watched any type of thriller movie. The poor boy was too scared to sleep in his room for weeks and ended up sleeping in the lounge. With the lights on. All night.

Let's face it. Bruce Wayne is a nocturnal human. He lives for the night. He likes the dark. He felt like his eyelids were friggen glued open during those few weeks. Bruce Wayne does not appreciate a night light.

"We're not watching any movies. And you're definitely not coming with us," Batman scowls.

"What? You got an ejector seat rigged in the backseat or something?" the Joker said and quirks an eyebrow.

"Yes…" Bruce said, but he doesn't use it, not unless he wants Robin to be scared out of his mind by the loud noise the ejector seat makes.

"You're such a joker!" the green-haired assailant said and grinned at the double-meaning again.

"I do have a stun gun on me," Batman snaps and slows the Batmobile to the side of the road, "How did you get in here, anyway?"

"If I tell you, you'll just seal it off for next time I decide to drop in," the Joker said and nodded to himself.

"It's the hatch near the engine, right?" Bats concluded to himself and was only affirmed by the Joker's next comment.

"Damn! What tipped me off!?"

The Batmobile's top slid off, "Get out," Bruce said and made sure to tug Robin's cape further over the boy's form to keep out the night chill.

"That's what she said..."

"That's what I'M SAYING!"

"That's so incredibly kinky..."

"Get out. Now."

"Fine, fine, fine… sheesh…" the Joker finally got out and straightened out his jacket and started talking to himself, "You act all gentlemanly, offer to provide them with entertainment for the night and what do you get?"

And the tread-marks the Batmobile left behind let the Joker know exactly "what you get".

The green-haired man watched for a minute how the Batmobile made its way downtown before he frowned, "You could've at least let me finish!"

Bruce didn't circle-back though, he just drove them back to the cave and finally called Alfred in to help him out with Robin.

"Poor boy, when did he get sick?" Alfred asks and holds his hand to Richard's forehead.

"Basically when we were fighting the Joker…" Bruce says and shrugs, "You think it's serious?"

"With you-" Alfred motioned to the pair of the for effect, "It's always serious… but nothing I'm not used to handling…"

"Alfred?" Robin blinks tiredly and takes a deep breath before smiling, "You're up late…"

Alfred tilts his head and looks back at Bruce, "I'm sure some hot lemon and honey tea and a good night's rest will do him good?"

"I'll get him upstairs…" Bruce said and had to duck behind his cowl to stop himself from being pelted by green gross-ness.

At least Richard had the civility to excuse himself. "Sorry, Bruce, I totally messed up…"

Batman stares at his green splattered cape and looks expectantly at Richard.

"I said I'm s-shh-sssAACCCHHH-" and this time, the green splatter on Bruce's cape got a second layer. "I'm so sorry! I really wasn't on purpose…. But you really look good in green though, it really brings out your inner machismo!"

"Indeed," Alfred quips as he reaches the top of the stairs, "Once the tea is ready I'll bring it Master Grayson's room…"

Bruce was about to help Richard Dick Grayson out of the Batmobile, but then -

The noise slapped Bruce to the chest and managed to get him to flinch at the boom. "GEE-ZZ" the double spasm in his hands –which were instinctively reaching for weapons too far away at the moment. Fortunately, being trained in Ninjustsu has many benefits. For one, it helps dampen your reaction when a supernatural entity breaks the sound barrier just about your mansion, "Circle around again, I'm not sure Robin heard you the first time."

For a second it actually looked like Clark would, but then he recognized the sarcasm in there, "Oh haha, very funny," Superman stares at the duo for a few moments before frowning, "Robin… you look terrible…"

"No, it's s'not a problem… heheh, get it?" at least Richard still got his humour intact, "Get it? SNOT?! Hahahah!"

"Is he sick?"

"He's not normally like this," Bruce conceded and shook his head, "He got sick while we were fighting the Joker… he might've gotten sick even before that".

"It looks like it… he's sporting a good fever by the looks of it," Superman says and pauses for a moment before turning back to Batman with a frown, "The Joker?"

"Yeah, after he saw Robin was sick… he let him go…"

"Wait a minute… Richard's sick and the Joker just let him go? Just like that?"


"Doesn't anybody else get a creepy vibe from that?" Richard finally pipes up and grins sleepily.

"Robin, get upstairs… Alfred should be done with tea by now," Bruce says when Clark holds up a couple of investigation folders.

"Aw… but I don't like tea…."


"I know… I know…"

Once the young man finally disappears upstairs, the superheroes finally get down to business.

"You know Metropolis, Star AND Gotham city's crime rate has been falling?" Clark starts and opens one of the folders in his arms and shows the contents to his friend, "See that? Drug trade's going up…"

"I noticed… "

"Lois sent me these a couple of weeks ago… I didn't think the two cases were related, but I'm starting to change my opinion…" Clark holds up a picture of the Red Hood and waves it a few times in the air, "Remind you of anyone?"

"Yeah… but he doesn't deal in drugs…" Bruce frowns and finally takes off his mask and takes the photo from Clark, "well it's a start…"

"I'm not sure if this is good news or not… crime rate down is always a good thing…" Clark starts and hands over the next couple of folders, "But disappearing crime bosses are almost always a bad sign."

"Hmmm…" Bruce nods and arranges the folders on his desk, "I'll have to take a look at them after I check on Richard."

"Are you going to take him to a doctor?"

"Alfred's better than any doctor I've ever met… and he never asks questions," Bruce grinned and they headed upstairs, "You know, you could've just emailed the information to me…"

"I also heard about Robin… "


"Lois also sent me these," Superman retrieves a couple of photos from his sleeve and holds it out towards the Dark Knight, "It wouldn't look good to have these on the front page of every newspaper in the Eastern County."

"I guess you're keeping tabs on all the superhero publications, huh?" Batman chuckles and directs his friend towards the kitchen, "Thanks…"

"All part of the perks of being a reporter...wh-Wait… what did you just say?" Clark grins openly when Bruce decidedly ignores him. He heads over the fridge, "Hey, mind if I -"

"Hey… are we getting ready for a mission?" it's Robin again, poking his head out from open refrigerator door.

"Not yet," Clark smiles when he spots Alfred coming down the stairs, "Hi, Alfred!"

"Good to see you again, Master Kent…," Alfred says with a smile and enters the kitchen carrying a tea tray, he stops at the fridge for a second to glare at the young man before continuing to the sink, "Richard insisted on having a drink before bedtime…"

"Oh…." Richard paused in taking a drink straight from the milk carton before remembering to use a glass. He stares at the carton for a few seconds, deciding whether or not to continue just as he was or to walk way wayyyy over to the other side of the ginormous kitchen to get a glass. He decided against it, because doing THAT will have him pass by Alfred –who was pretty scary at the moment… so, another quick swig from the carton and he stashes away the milk and shuts the cupboard door as he walks out, "Uhh… you'll call me, if something happens, right?"

"Night, Richard…" Bruce calls and sighs heavily once the boy was out of earshot.

"He's really sick, Bat… I mean… he looks terrible!" Clark says, his face twisted in concern.

And, Bruce being Batman, he couldn't just answer plainly, he just HAD to ask the sarcastic edge to compliment the worried frown on his face, "Nnnoooo, because healthy people keep milk in the cupboard and not in the fridge."

At least this time Clark Kent did catch the sarcasm.





LOL, pardon the completely lame title, I seriously couldn't think of one xDD

Thanks for reading! And please drop me a pm or a review, I'd really appreciate some feedback ;)