This is a quick two or three shot that I couldn't get out of my head. Call it boredom, or following my muse, or whatever, here I am. I'm just writing this to get some ideas out of my head so I can clear some space for my Gallagher Girls Fic "Who I Am"… cuz I've kinda hit a wall with that one.

Now, I used to hate Luke with a passion… But sometime between the Luke/Andy breakup and now, my opinion of him has turned almost a complete 180. Almost. But only as Andy's friend. Never a boyfriend again... Ever. And I'm kinda pissed at Sam at the moment, so I'm kinda trashing him… a little… a lot. Enjoy!

This is NOT Andy/Luke!

To say Luke didn't like Swarek would be an understatement.

He hated that arrogant, stubborn, bastard with a passion. Because while most people don't realize what they have until it's gone, Swarek knows exactly what he has, and he lets it go. And Luke hates him for that.

There are people out there that are invisible. They could hop on the Subway naked and no one would notice until 10 minutes into the ride. But then there are people like Andy McNally, who electrify an entire room by simply walking through the door. That was her affect on him her first day, when he almost hit her with his car. He'd been having a crappy day, to say the least. He'd gotten stuck in traffic and was late for work. An hour into his current case, he spilled coffee all over his favorite shirt, and had to buy one off of a guy who was just going off shift and heading to the gym. He had just started chasing a lead on a double homicide when he was called to the scene of an OD. A case that could've been given to anyone else in the office, but instead, Boyco decided to task an extremely busy and short-tempered Luke with a simple case. Halfway there he realized he left his phone on his desk, and started grumbling to himself about why he should have stayed home today.

So imagine his initial reaction when a fresh paint copper ran right in front of his car. He hit the brakes and opened his mouth to shout at the idiotic wanna-be-hero of a rookie, but then she turned towards his car and he shut his mouth. She was wide-eyed and overwhelmed, just trying to do things right, and he flashed back to a time when he was exactly the same. So instead he flashed his badge at the rookie when she told him to turn the car around, and watched her from his side mirrors long after she resumed her chase. His crappy day became a memory, and he faced his new case with the determination and open mind that made him the top-notch detective he was today.

That's who McNally is. She's a beautiful woman who can turn anyone's day around. Her laugh lifts the spirits of everyone around her. She leaves a mark on everyone who meets her, and those lucky enough to call themselves her friends? They strive to be more like her every day. She bears with her a calm logic, and a strong will. She's open to suggestions, but when she sets her mind, she doesn't give up until someone gives her a damn good reason. And sometimes that's not even enough. She's selfless and giving, and through everything she's seen and done for this exhausting job, she still has faith in this goodness inside of people that sometimes just needs to be coaxed out of it's tough exterior. She can relate to anyone, because she done things she's not proud of, and she's gone through things that some people never come back from. But she did. And she came out on top.

Luke never got the chance to tell her any of this. Because before he got the chance to tell her just how much he loved her, he fucked it up… royally.

And the thing about Andy, she doesn't give second chances out like they're sticks of gum. She's been hurt too many times for that. But it's taken Luke this long to realize, that even though it didn't turn out how he wanted it to, even though he still loves her with all that he is, and even though he and Andy will never be… She's the best thing that's ever happened to him. And like Dr Seuss said, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." And until Luke witnessed Sam's stupidity, he was smiling. Someday he'll move on, and find someone who measures up to Andy just enough to catch his attention, someone who can deal with his dedication to his job, but for now, he just wants to hit Swarek for making the same mistake he did. Because he knows how much it costs.

Now imagine what you would say to a man you absolutely hate, a man that is making the biggest mistake of his life, a man who is so god damn self-righteous that he won't realize it till it's too late. A man that Andy McNally loves like she'll never love again. Luke doesn't want too, but he owes it to Andy to try and knock some sense into Sam, figuratively speaking, although he wishes it was physically.

So he sits down on the bar stool next to Sam. Orders a beer, and then buys Swarek a shot of Bourbon. He drinks his own shot and turns towards Sam. "You're an idiot. And if you don't figure that out soon, you'll lose Andy for good." With nothing else to say, he grabs his beer and stands from the stool, looking down at Sam, and turns away. With one last thought, he tosses over his shoulder, "Take it from me." Sam has a sudden fascination with the label of his beer bottle. But what neither man sees is one Andy McNally, standing on the other side of the bar, listening to the conversation taking place. And as Luke goes to walk out the back door, she puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Can we talk outside?" She looks up at the tall detective.

"Yeah, sure," he holds open the door and lets her walk through first. When he looks back towards Sam, he sees the brooding cop watch Andy walk away and Sam shoots the detective a look that could kill. He turns around and lets the door shut behind him.

Review! Let me know what you think! Ask questions! I'm writing the next chapter now, and it should be up tomorrow.