Hello my wonderful readers! Thanks for the review it made my week! I saw your concern about teen pregnancy and I understand. I'm really not a fan about pregnancy on teen dramas because it's never done properly, either it's botched or it's all rainbows and unicorns. You have to trust me it won't be like that in this story. I don't like to speak about myself but I think I know what I'm talking about since my father raised my twin brother and I by himself when he was only eighteen (well his parents help him but still). I promise it will be realistic as more as possible. Hope you will stay with me!

About last episode : Thayer and Emma are moving way too fast. I love their scenes don't get me wrong but I'm so worried especially about Thayer. And that promo! What is this? Emma don't screw up please! Also I think I kinda ship Mads and Ethan, there's something between us plus he'd leave Emma alone. And I really don't know what to think about Alec and Kristin, it's weird.

The song of the chapter is The worst day since yesterday by Flogging Molly. Have a good reading ;)

At first Emma tried at his place but he wasn't there. Then she drove towards the cabin hoping that she would find Ethan. She stayed for a few minutes in her car to clear her head. She really didn't know what she was doing here, the day before, it seemed like to tell him that she was pregnant was the right thing to do. Now she wasn't so sure, she hadn't even really told to herself yet.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door only to see Sutton opens the door.

"Hi Sutton!" Emma tried her best to say politely to her twin.
"Well, well, well! Look who is here! Can I finally have my life back or...?" Sutton said with her trademark smirk.
"Is Ethan here?" Emma got straight to the point, she wasn't in the mood to fight with her sister.
"Oh you aknowledge his existence now?"
"Please Sutton, it's important!" Emma almost begged her.
"What is going on?" Emma heard Ethan but didn't see him.
"We have company Babe!" Sutton said to make Emma uncomfortable before Ethan came at the door bare-chested.
"I'm really sorry to bother you but I need to talk to you."
"Okay, just let me put some clothes on." He said before he kissed Sutton in front of Emma.
"I want my life back, so we're gonna switch next week." Sutton informed Emma.
"Whatever. As you wish Sutton."
"What? That's all? No more Sutton you're gonna ruin everything?"
"It's your family, not mine. You can do whatever you want." Emma replied with a sad look on her face. "I'm just gonna tell you one thing though." She finally added.
"How surprising!" Sutton said sarcastically.
"When I was a kid... I was picturing my mother and how it would be if I had a sister and believe it or not even in my craziest dreams, they were far from being as great as Kristin and Laurel... You're very lucky girl Sutton, I would kill to have this. So don't screw up."

Emma went back in her car and waited for Ethan. She tought about the better way to say it but nothing good came in her mind.

"Emma, I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were at the hosp..." Ethan started to apologize immediately after he came in the car.
"Cut the crap!" Emma cut him off, sounding meaner that she really wanted. "I'm not here for this."
"Okay. I'm listening." Ethan said waiting for her to speak.

Emma put her head on the headrest and closed her eyes.

"Emma!" Ethan called her. "I don't have the whole day." He said after a few seconds later.
"I'm pregnant." She finally admitted her eyes still closed.
"I said that I was pregnant!" She shouted after she had opened her eyes.
"I don't understand. How is it possible?" Ethan was in shock.
"What? You need an anatomy lesson?" Emma said sarcastically.
"It's just that... I can't believe it's happening just after one time."
"It's just what it takes." Emma replied to him annoyed.
"What do you want from me?" Ethan asked to her.
"I don't want anything. I just thought that you should know."
"And what are you gonna do?"
"What do you think?... I'm only seventeen... I don't have anyone to help me... or a job..." She said bitterly clenching her teeth between her words to not cry.
"Wait! If you had a choice would you keep it?" Ethan asked in apprehension
"But that's it Ethan! I don't have the choice." She said looking through the windshield.
"Good! Because it would ruin our lives. Trust me Emma! It's better this way."
"Yeah. You're probably right." She whispered turning her head towards him with a smile without humor.
"If you need money, just tell me and I'd find a way. Or if you want me to come with you. I'm right here." Ethan said before he opens the door.
"Thanks but I can handle it."
"Take care of yourself Emma." Ethan said before he got out of the car.

She saw the look on his eyes before Ethan left. There was something different, he still loved her but he wasn't in love with her anymore. And she still was. It was insane, how he could completely break her heart and she still loved him with every shattered piece of it. But none of this mattered at the moment. How it could? She didn't have the time to think about Ethan. She was too preoccupied to feel guilty. Emma didn't want to have that baby, she was ambitious, she wanted to go to college, have a great job and about a million things for herself. So she had planned to have an abortion but she felt selfish. Then she caught herself wishing that she had a miscarriage, that way it wouldn't be on her. But she ended up feeling even more selfish and hypocrite on top of that.

This very evening Thayer came to visit Emma at the Mercer's with a giant "Chocolate Therapy Ben & Jerry's" jar. His sister told him earlier that Emma had a terrible day.

"So you came to see the biggest slut in town!" Emma said as she was starting to varnish her toenails.
"What are you watching? It seems kinda depressing." Thayer asked to Emma looking at the TV screen and ignoring her comment before he sat next to her on the bed.
"Blue Valentine. And it's not depressing, it's the reality." Emma replied nonchalantly.
"That's what I said, reality is depressing." He said while opening the ice cream jar. "There."
"Chocolate Therapy, huh? You must be very concerned." She said as she took the jar.
"Mads told me that you had a rough day." Thayer told as he took the peach nail polish and continued what she had just started.
"I don't even care anymore. They can say whatever they want." She spoke with her mouth full.
"Yeah, right! Thayer said sarcastically.
"I'm serious. I don't have time for this. I have bigger problems than that."
"Like what?"
"Like find five hundred dollars for an abortion." She blankly replied.
"Wow... this is... how do you feel?" was the only words which could came out of Thayer's mouth.
"Terrible." Emma sighed.
"And are you sure about... you know?"

Thayer asked even if he didn't want to know. If he was selfish he'd let her take care of it, because the idea of the girl he loved having a baby with somebody else was unbereable. But he knew better, it wasn't about him. It was about Emma and what was best for her. Her happiness was more important than his to him.

"Can someone be sure about something like this?"
"Probably not."
"I don't know, I just keep thinking and thinking that there's no coming back. It's so... permanent." Emma said having a lump in her throat.
"You don't have to do this. You have options."
"Like what? Adoption? I don't want to bring another kid in this world who won't know his parents."
"What did Ethan say?" Thayer asked another question without really want to know the answer.
"Basically it was something like we have to get rid of it because it would ruin our lives. And you know what? He's right."
"No, he isn't. You are not alone." Thayer said looking right into her hazel eyes.
"Yes I am. Kristin and Ted are not my parent and next week I'll be gone because Sutton's gonna take her life back and she has the right to do it because it's her family, it's not mine, it never has been." Emma said frustrated.
"I can help you." Thayer shyly said.
"How? You can't fix this Thayer. Don't you get it? You can't undo this!" Emma shouted. "I think you should go."

Emma didn't want to be rude. She knew that Thayer just wanted to help, but she was exhausted and didn't feel like to speak anymore.
Thayer looked at her one more time before he left, thinking about the trite remarks that he had just made. He had thought to tell her that he loved her, that he'd follow her in hell. That was how much he loved her. But he couldn't. No, she didn't need to hear this right now, she didn't need to hear anything for that matter.

"What is this?" Emma asked to her sister the next morning after Sutton stopped her in the street during her daily jogging.
"It's five hundred bucks." Sutton played dumb.
"Yeah I know that. But wh..."
"I thought it could be useful. You know..." Sutton cut her off.
"He told you? I can't believe this." Emma said throwing her hands in the air.
"So you didn't tell to Thayer?" She said suspiciously and Emma didn't say anything. "That's what I thought."
"I don't want your money."
"You can't keep this baby, it would rui..."
"Ruin my life I know." Emma cut her sister off.
"I was gonna say it would ruin mine."
"Of course it's always about you." Emma rolled her eyes.
"Ethan is with me now and he doesn't want to play house with you."
"How about I pour you a big nice cup of shut the fuck up! I couldn't care less about Ethan right now." Emma rudely said.
"I know you're still in love with him."
"So what? I'll be gone next week and I'll never come back."
"Sounds good to me."
"Good for you Sutton. Now can you leave me alone?"
"With pleasure. But keep the money, you'll pay me back later." Sutton insisted.
"Whatever." Emma took the money before she went back to jog. At the moment Emma just wanted to get rid of Sutton.

Emma was in her car in front of the hospital. She was daydreaming. Thinking about what it could have been if the circumstances were different. If she had someone to rely on, if she was older, if she had a job... she would be happy.
Thayer entered in her car completely out of the blue and pulled her out of her reverie.

"What do you really want?" Thayer asked without any explications.
"What?! How did you find me?" Emma was confused.
"It doesn't matter. What do you really want?" He asked again.
"I want to go to college, I want to be a book publisher and I don't want to have an abortion or give my baby to adoption." She replied after a few seconds. "But I guess I can't have everything."
"What if you could?... I thought about this all night long..." Thayer started to say. "I'll turn twenty one in a few months and I'll receive my trust fund. We could live wherever you want. Money won't be a problem. You could go to school and I would help with the baby." Thayer naïvely said.
"No!" Emma firmly said.
"Why not?" Thayer asked.
"Because this isn't fair. Why would you do this?"
"Because I want to and because you feel like family."
"I thought you wanted to be a game programmer."
"I want to and I will be."

Emma wanted to believe him. That two kids who were just friends raising a child wasn't so insane. That she could be a good mother. That they could have everything they had dreamed about while taking care of a baby.

"You would be stuck with me for a very long time." Emma said with a little smile on her lips.
"Come on! Let's do this!" Thayer said as he took her hand.

She couldn't help but think that they were heading straight for disaster and she was probably right. But at this very moment, she believed there was a tiny hope that eventually everything's going to be okay. And it was enough for Emma to say yes to Thayer.

So what did you think? Please review! How am I doing so far?