Okay guys this is my first try at something... I got the Idea from one of my favorite stories Damon little daughter... though this is all of my words. tell me if you like. Okay so this might be a little confusing but here is the whole background of my thoughts:

Damon doesn't like Elena and Caroline is a vampire but Klaus, though in this, doesn't like her. this takes place in the second season and I might change things and not go the way the TV show did. But if you have any suggestions please let me know. Also if you know of any other great stories where Damon has a daughter or maybe evena sister PM me.


Damon POV

I was looking at my daughter picture oh how I missed my little Annie. She was a vampire like me, but according to Stefan I was too dangerous to be around. He made me send her off saying I needed her to leave, to keep her safe. I haven't seen her in Fifty-Seven years. Annie was this picture of me with raven black hair and that smirk piercing silver eyes. She was my world, and my brother took her from me.

I was filled with hate when I he forced me to stay locked up in my room as he told Annie that I ddin't want her around and that she should never come back. He took my daylight ring so that I couldn't go to the garden where he is sitting her down and handing her her suitcase. I smelt her tears, listen to her sobs, and I toor apart my room looking for something that could help me protect my little girl. I will forever make sure he pays for what he has done.

"Hello?" Elena called from the front door. Who the hell gave her a key? "Is anyone here?"

Elena POV

I was waiting for Stefan at the Grill when I saw this girl walking over with Caroline. She looked like a carbon copy like- no Elena don't think about him! I can't think about Stefan's brother, Damon. So far he had been nothing but trouble people dying and his drama has caused so many problems. And he tried to kill my brother!

"Hey Elena, this is Leese." Caroline bringing up the girls hiding behind her hair.

"Hi, my name is Elena. Is Leese your real name? I sounds kind of odd."

"Elena, You don't say that to a person," Caroline scolded.

"Oh it is fine, um... no it's not. It is actually Analeese."

"Leese was born here but moved away when she was 3." Caroline supplied. I rolled my eyes, Caroline was freaky weird. IF you lived in this town then she knew who you are, where you come from, and wether or not she was going to become her friend.

"Well I am just going to Stefan's house. He is not going to be there but Damon probably is. I plan to wait there to get something I need."

Leese stepped forward, panic on her face. "Wait what is their name? Stefan and Damon what?"

"Salvatore? Why does that-"

"I have to go." She stood pushing her chair back.


Analeese POV

Oh my God! My dad is here, he told Uncle to tell me that he didn't think i should come with him when he left for Italy.


"Ann, he doesn't think you should go." Uncle Stefan said. We were sitting in the garden me and my father built when I was younger, it was filled with my faviorte roses and daneliones. There was a bench and a pond filled with gold fish that I fed everyday; it was so beautiful. My dad had left to get everything ready in Italy, Stefan was supposed to bring me to him in a month.

"of course I'm going I'm his daughter. He can't just leave me here."

Uncle gave me a sad smile. "Annie, you are 70 years old- he thinks it would be best if you went on your own."

"well I want to go." I said stubbornly

"Analeese! he doesn't want to watch over you anymore. he is tired of it!" he shouted, attracting attention

I just looked at him. My Daddy doesn't want me. I felt my heart splitting in two. I have always know this would happen. I mean who do you know that wants a kid to follow them around all of their life?

"Fine, I'll stay. But make sure you tell him that I will never ever want him again. Just like he doesn't want me." with that I got up and left- I was no longer going to waste time on people who weren't worth it.

Okay so it was kind of short and I'm sorry but tell me what you think. Worth or not? and if your going to just give me flames, don't waste my time. i am just going to skip them- they aren't worth it.