What if the My Little Pony cast were all in a chat room together?

Twilight Sparkle had been studying for most of the day. Equestrian history relating to Phillydelphia. She was getting tired when something made a small noise.


What had invaded her solitude and study with its noise? She hopped to her hooves and walked over to her desk.

"Ah, a new message!" Twilight said to herself.

"Hey, Twilight, look what I found! This is gonna be fun!" Twilight read Rainbow Dash's message aloud to herself.

"Oh, dear…" Twilight muttered.

Twarkle9 logged in.

"Hey, is everyone here yet?" Twarkle9 typed out, waiting for some response.

"I'm here! Is Pinky Pie around?" Dashitall's response appeared on Twarkle9's screen.

AppleFarmCo logged in.


"Umm… Applejack?" Twarkle9 typed hesitantly.


"Well, it's just that your name is… Well, how do I put this?" Twarkle9 attempted to explain herself before Dashitall stepped in with her usual blunt attitude.

"What's with the business advertising? We're just here to talk about our birthday party plans for Rarity."

Annoyance fell over Applejack as she sent her message out.

"Dang it! I'm still signed in to my business account. Hold on y'all.

AppleFarmCo logged out.

"Well, we can't really plan anything until Pinky and Fluttershy get here." Twarkle9 mused, but then, soon after, was answered with a dinging sound.

PinkyPartyPony logged in.

"Hi everypony! Who's here? I can't do the decorations like I thought I could cause my party cannon is malfunctioning still. Remember last time? I've still got confetti and streamers in my mane." PinkyPartyPony typed in just seconds.

"That's ok, Pinky. We can assign Fluttershy to that. More on my mind is where to have the party." Twarkle9 sent back.

Twilight took a moment to consider all of the potential locations for a party and which one Rarity would prefer.

"You are completely random, Pinky. XD" Came the response to PinkyPartyPony from Dashitall.

AppleJackAttack logged in.

"Alright, I'm here all." AppleJackAttack posted.

Shutterfly logged in.

"Hello everypony."

"Hey, Fluttershy." Twilight greeted.

"Hiya Fluttershy!" Dashitall sent back.

"Fluttershy, we are going to need you to fill in for Pinky Pie as decorator for the party." Twarkle9 informed Shutterfly.

"Is Pinky's party cannon still broken?" Shutterfly asked.


"It just wouldn't stop going off! I had to fight it into my basement with my mop and lock it in there until I could get Rainbow Dash to help me turn it off!" PinkyPartyPony typed at incredible speed.

"As fer the party, we could have it at the farm. Think Rarity might like it in the orchard?" AppleJackAttack sent, half joking, knowing her friends aversion to dirt.

"Well, Rainbow Dash had said something about holding it at her house." Twarkle9 sent, referring to a previous message.

"Actually, my pad is kind of, umm, messy." Dashitall typed guiltily.

"You really should take a weekend and clean that place up, Dash." Twarkle9 typed to where Dashitall could almost felt the motherliness oozing out of her screen.

"But I have so much going on during the weekends!" Dashitall sent back hurriedly.

"I thought that was your free time." Twarkle9 sent.

"It is! I can't clutter it up with something as un-fun as cleaning!" Dashitall explained.

"Excuse me. We usually have it at Twilight's house, right? Would that work?" Shutterfly typed slowly. She felt as anxious, as though, even through the chat, people were watching her as she typed.

"Okay. So, the party is at my house, Fluttershy is in charge of decoration, Pinky, you take over entertainment, and Dash, you help me gather everything else. Okay?" Twarkle9 sent out, assuming command.

"You've got it!" PinkyPartyPony responded.

"Fine." Dashitall typed back.

"What should I do, Twilight?" AppleJackAttack asked, eager to get started.

"All the treats and food other than the cake. We have Mr. and Mrs. Cake on that." Twarkle9 typed.

"Right on!" AppleJackAttack posted.

GrannyApple007 logged in

"Applejack, git yer tail out to the orchard! The apples are just beggin to be picked!" GrannyApple007 typed from another room in Sweet Apple Acres.

"Yes'm, sorry!" AppleJackAttack set the response and quickly logged out.

GrannyApple007 logged out

AppleJackAttack logged out

PinkyPartyPony reviewed the messages while enjoying some cake.

"feafjenlkkj4l sdiaeufi8vjudvdnklj knkjkq1emk/"

"WHAT THE?" Dashitall sent.

"Pinky, you okay?" Twarkle9 asked, somewhat concerned.

"Sorry, I was cleaning cake off of my keyboard." PinkyPartyPony typed back after managing to get the crumbs dislodged from her keyboard.

"Oh, boy."

Dashitall logged out

Rainbow Dash slid back the rolling chair she was sitting in and sighed. She needed to get to work. There was a big storm scheduled for tomorrow. She trotted away from where she had been sitting and flew out the door.