Edited because of some typographical and grammatical errors.

Summary: Gray and Lucy had a deal which leads to a great misunderstanding. Natsu and Juvia heard Gray asked Lucy the forbidden question. What will they do if their worst nightmares happen right in front of their eyes? NatsuxLucy. GrayxJuvia.

You Are Mine—
A Fairy Tail Fanfiction
Written By: Mari Kia Aishiteru

First Key
The Deal

It was the usual in Magnolia's only and favorite guild, Fairy Tail. The members were all in high spirits and were talking among themselves about their recently finished missions and random things. But, amidst the guild members' uproars and noises, a young blonde hair lady sat on a chair alone at the corner of the main hall. Dressed in her usual blue sleeveless tank top and blue above knee length skirt with a belt that included her keys and whip, her upper body slumped on the table. At first sight, others assumed that she was sleeping but in all honesty, she was in the verge of losing her sanity.

Lucy Heartfilia let out another depressed sigh against the table. She realized it a few days before. Who would have thought that she would feel this way towards him? Who would have thought that she would fall in love with a hyperactive idiot and dense dragon slayer like Natsu? She was desperately telling to herself that there must be some kind of confusion here but every time the fire dragon slayer and his blue exceed companion would sneaked in her apartment window as usual, she would get all flustered and couldn't stop the fast beating of her heart. It was the first time she felt that way so she was very confused at first but she knew that she couldn't lie to herself anymore. There was no way everything that has been happening to her was just a dream. The blushing, the warm feeling on her cheeks, the tingles in her spine and whole body, the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach and most of all, the fast beating of her heart in every small physical contact with her fire dragon slayer partner slash best friend.

Yes, she loves Natsu Dragneel.

And for her, it was a very scary feeling of reality.

She went to the guild that day to talk to someone who she could trust about the matter but everyone seemed so happy and carefree so she didn't want to burden them with her simple problem.

Take note: SIMPLE.

Scratch that! If her problem was that simple, she should have solved it already by herself but that was the truth. It was not simple. Never simple, because it involved her feelings. Feelings that was so hard to deal with.

She sighed for the umpteenth time.

"What's with the sighs? I've been hearing them from you for quite a while now. Is something bothering you, Lucy?" a black haired young man asked from next to her. She jumped and stared at him. He was as usual in his pants and his shirt was nowhere to be found.

When did he arrive here? Is her problem that complicated that she didn't even notice his presence?

"Gray! You startled me!" Lucy shrieked, jumping from her seat.

The Ice Maker Wizard, Gray Fullbuster, just smirked at her and sat down across her, the table served as the hindrance in front of them. Lucy could sense that this talk would take its toll on her so she decided to just fend him off. Sure, her initial reason for traveling in the guild that day was to talk to someone about her feelings for Natsu, but she was in no mood to talk right now and all she wanted to do now was to go back to her apartment and have a good long sleep. So, before he could utter a word, she beat him to it.

"Gray, your clothes… again." She commented.

"What the— not again!" He cursed and she couldn't help but smile when her friend looked around the guild in panic in search of his missing shirt.

She intended to take his attention away from her so while he was so busy searching for his shirt, she took the opportunity to stand up and left the guild, but to her dismay, as she neared her apartment, she noticed that Gray had just followed her.

Gray knew that something was wrong with Lucy. He knew he sometimes act like an idiot—with Natsu—but he was NOT an idiot like Natsu. He could sense if something was bothering his friends and if he did, he would do anything to help them. So when he noticed that something was bothering Lucy, he didn't hesitate to ask her and even though he knew that she didn't want to talk about it, he still followed her to her apartment.

She had enough of him and turned to face him behind her.

"Gray!" she screamed at him with a glare. Gray smirked as he walked closer to her. She continued to glare at him but Gray couldn't care less. He won't leave her until she tells him what she feels.

"Why are you following me?"

"I want to hang out with you." He replied.

Lucy made a face. "Hang out with me? Do you want me to die?"

"Eh?" Gray gave her a confused face.

"If Juvia learns about this, I'm going to get killed!"

Gray raised an eyebrow. "She's doing a mission with Gajeel and be back later. And what is this has anything to do with Juvia?"

"Because," Lucy gritted her teeth. "She loves you too much and sees me as a love rival!"

Gray knew what she meant but pretended to act like a dense idiot. "I don't get you." He shook his head. "Now, come on, let's hang out in your place!"

Lucy stared at him. What another idiot. She thought remorsefully. She sighed heavily. She knew she wouldn't be able to get away from him until he knew something he wanted to know. Gray wasn't a total idiot. She knew that he was only doing this because he sensed that something was bothering her.

Gray smiled, not a smirk, but a real smile. He knew that his friend knew that he only wanted to help her.

"Fine." She muttered. "Let's go."

He shrugged his shoulders and fell in step beside her as the two of them made their to Lucy's residence.

"Sit down, though you are already doing it." She sent him a glare as he sat down on her couch.

"Oh, I want some water with ice. Thanks Lucy!" he said with a smile.

"You… ingrate pervert…" she muttered under her breath but did it anyway. When she came back from the kitchen, she laid down his water with ice on the table and sat down across him.

Gray drank the water that Lucy had given him. "So, what do you want to do except stripping here in my house?" she asked amusedly as she saw Gray scampered around with only his pants. He left his shirt on the floor and stared at Lucy intently.

"What's bothering you?" he asked.

Lucy feigned innocence. "And what do you mean by that?"

Gray's eyes narrowed and Lucy frowned. It was not every day to see Gray this serious. "Lucy…" His voice was creeping her out so she told him the truth… with a question.

She sighed. "Gray, what will you do if you just realize that you love someone?"

Gray furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Huh?"

Lucy scratched the back of her blonde hair. "I mean, what you will do if you realize that you fell in love…" she didn't even finish her question as she glared at her friend who let out a hearty laugh.

"Eh? Lucy! You're in love! That's it?! Haha!" He stopped when he realized her glare though. It was much like Erza's. "Sorry. Just couldn't believe it."

Lucy started to play with her fingers on her lap.

"So, want to talk about it?" he asked.

She just continued to fiddle with her fingers. "What choice do I have?" she mumbled without looking at him.

Gray crossed his arms against his chest. He had an idea of who this someone might be. It was very obvious. Besides, he was the only male who was very close to her, aside from him. They belong in the same team after all.

"Okay, so… this someone…" he quoted in the air when he said the word someone. "Do I know him?"

Lucy seemed to get nervous. "Well…"

Gray smirked teasingly. "Oh… I know now. It's a certain fire eating dragon slayer…" At this comment, he noticed her face got red and she stiffened.

"With your gestures, I guess I hit the spot." He nodded his head in confirmation.

Lucy shut her eyes tightly and then sighed for how many times that day. "Yeah, I really am in love with that… idiot." She let out a sigh.

"Well, I'm not surprised." Gray smiled but changed his expression into a more serious one. "But Lucy, you do know how dense he is right?"

She nodded grimly. "Yeah, that is why I don't know what to do. I am not good with these kinds of things so Gray please help me!" she desperately needed help and even though he was not really good with these kinds of things either, he will try his best for his friend.

He smiled gently at her. He could tell she was very distressed. Damn that Natsu. If only he was not that dense and childish… Lucy wouldn't have any problem like this.

"Of course I'll help you. You are my friend and you are like a sister to me, Lucy."

Lucy smiled at that. "Aww… I'm so happy that you saw me that way. You are like a brother to me too Gray. Thank you."

He chuckled. "No problem."

"Oh wait, speaking of falling in love, how are things between you and Juvia?"

Gray suddenly had a blank look on his face as he pretended like a dense idiot for the second time that day. "Lucy, there's nothing going on between us."

"Tsch, Gray, sometimes love is in front of you but you are just too blind to see it." Lucy said with a teasing smile.

"Now look who's talking." He shot back.

"Hey! At least I admit that I really love him, unlike you!" Lucy reasoned.

Gray gasped silently. Damn, she's right. He sighed. "I don't know." Lucy's eyebrows joined.

"It's just… well… at first I get annoyed at her for stalking me and all but now… I don't know…" he shook his head. "It's like I got used to her nagging now…"

"What about her and Lyon?" Lucy asked innocently. She knew that would send him on edge. And she was right.

She smirked when she saw his reaction.

He growled. "I get so mad whenever he tries to flirt with her. It's very annoying."

Lucy smiled knowingly and Gray stared at her suspiciously. "What?"

"I discovered something…" she said in a singsong voice.

The ice maker wizard raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Gray." Lucy squealed suddenly, causing Gray to almost drop down from his seat.

"You love Juvia!"

"WHAT?" he yelled shocked.

"You love her!"

"How can you tell?!" Gray asked. How come she knew and he didn't?

"You said so yourself." Lucy crossed her arms against her chest as she said. "You just said that you got annoyed, as in very annoyed and mad whenever Lyon flirts with her. That's just means you're jealous. And… if you're jealous…" she gave him a wink. "That means that you don't want any other guy close to her but you. And you feel a sense of possessiveness of her! That's means you love her!" Lucy rambled. She giggled.

"Oh, if only Juvia could hear this, I'm sure she'll be happy and leave me alone! Haha!"

As Lucy talked to herself about what Juvia might think of this revelation, Gray realized that what his dear friend said had been right. No matter how many times he denied it, he knew that he was having some sort of feelings for the water wizard. He started to feel this way ever since they came back from Tenroujima. And when they did that Unison Raid together back in their battle with Daphne, it was just… he felt… amazing. He felt warmth and… and…


Maybe it was her love for him as she always boldly claimed. He always knew but just ignored it. Juvia had always strongly loved him and maybe… just maybe… he always held some special feelings for her and didn't know it?

I'm an idiot. But Natsu is still the worst. He thought.

"So Gray…" Lucy was saying now as she smiled at him. "Why don't we have some sort of a deal?"

He stared at her. "Deal?"

She nodded. "Yeah, in return of you helping me with my 'Natsu Problem'," she quoted her fingers in the air as she said the last two words, "I will lend you a hand with your 'Juvia Problem'." She said it happily.

"'Juvia Problem' you say…" Gray sighed. As if I have any other choice… he thought to himself.

"But before that, Gray…" he turned to her as she seriously looked at him. "Tell me… honestly…" he gulped at the threatening gaze of Lucy. He swore she must have been a long lost twin sister of Erza.

"Do you… love Juvia?"

"Why are you asking me that now?"

"Well… I don't want to force you into something you don't want…" she whispered and Gray smiled.

And here she has her own problem and still thinking about me… Lucy is really a great person. He complimented inwardly.

He took a deep breath and faced her. He thought that telling her what he felt was the right choice so he did. "I don't know yet if this is love but…"

Lucy waited patiently, anticipating.

"By what you have said earlier, I realize that I have some sort of special feelings for her…"

Lucy smiled gently and her eyes softened. "That's great. You are becoming less than an idiot in this department. Congratulations Gray."

He turned away with a pout and a "Shut up."

She giggled. He couldn't help but smile and shrugged.

"So now, what should we do first?"

"Why don't we solve the Juvia Problem first?"

Gray raised an eyebrow, again.

"Really Lucy. You and your way of naming things."

Lucy giggled. "But you won't want me any other way, ne?"

Gray shook his head but smirked. "Yeah, that's right too."

"Now, what do you propose we do?" He asked her. Lucy looked thoughtful for a moment before what it seemed like a light bulb light on her head.

"I know! Why don't you invite her on a date?" Lucy excitedly said, her eyes shining.

"Eh?"Gray asked surprised. "Lucy, that's not included in my dictionary!"

"Why?! It will be fun!"

"For you…" he mumbled.

"Gray, just do it! You'll realize some things when you go on a date with a girl you have special feelings for." She encouraged.

"No way! Why don't you—" Gray stopped. He just realized something interesting.


Said lady was near to freaking out by her friend's taunting voice.


"Do you want to know if Natsu feels the same way as you?"

Lucy backed away from his evil aura. "What's with you? Didn't we agree to solve the Juvia problem first?" she asked, willing her voice not to tremble.

"Well… why don't we go on a date, Lucy?" Gray asked smugly as Lucy's eyes widened in shock.


"Well, that will get things solve faster you know?"

Lucy was in the state of shock.

Gray sighed as he tried to explain.

"Look, if we go on a date with each other, that will get Natsu and Juvia to get jealous. When they do, that means that Natsu feels the same way towards you."

Lucy seemed to get out of her initial shock and hugged herself. "But what about Juvia? We don't need her to get jealous because she gets jealous all the time whenever we are together!" Lucy shivered. "And I don't want to get killed just yet. I have my own dreams you know."

"You're so dramatic Lucy." He sighed. "Don't worry, she won't kill you. You know that she's only taunting to do that."

"But what if she really does kill me? Gray!" Lucy asked desperately. "Let's do anything but that!"

"But Lucy, that's the only fastest and most effective way to solve both of our mishaps! Don't worry!" he smirked. "I'll stop Juvia before she does anything to you." Lucy wasn't relieved with that at all. But she couldn't think of anything alternative so she hesitantly nodded.

"Okay, let's do it." Gray closed his fist and bumped it with Lucy's.

"Wait." Lucy spoke again. "How will we do it with their knowledge? Everything will be useless if they don't know that we are going to…" she didn't finish her sentence when Gray cut her off.

"I know I'll be dead meat on the spot with this idea but… I'll ask you to date me in front of the guild members."

"WHAT!" Lucy shrieked. Gray covered his ears with his hands. "Lucy, will you stop that?!" he told her, annoyed. Don't get him wrong. He loved Lucy as a sister but her nagging and shrieking was getting him annoyed.

"But you!" Suddenly, she thought of something. "Wait! Why don't you just ask me out to lunch or dinner or something? That's an indirect approach but that will do it…" she said calmly.

He nodded. "Okay, that sounds reassuring."

Lucy smiled and raised her right fist. "Let's do this later."

"Yeah!" Gray raised his fist too and they bumped it against each other.

Next Chapter Preview:

There will be a blood bath here for sure…

"Let's have a dinner together!"

"I am proud that you have the courage to ask the woman you love out Gray."

"I'm going to kill someone…"

~Please Read and Review. Thank you. :)