A/N: I've noticed there is no Cicero/M!Dragonborn(or)Dovahkiin, well I can't find any. Well who can dance with the Jester of Death? How about a twenty-five year old man who has been a Vampire for just over sixty years? Well the main quest line for the Dark Brotherhood has gone through, the Dovahkiin sparing the unfortunate Cicero's life. So now it's just Nazir, Babette, Cicero, a few new initiates, and of course the Dovahkiin. How will a Vampire that refuses to accept blood, unless it's freely given, survive in the Dark Brotherhood? Let's find out, shall we?
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but my twisted mind, if that changes I will gladly let you know!
Dancing with the Fool of Death
Chapter One:
New Blood
(Dawnstar Sanctuary, after returning from Delvin M., end of Dark Brotherhood Quest Line)
"Ah, how nice to see you again, Sin." Babette called as the clocked figure swept into the sanctuary.
"I'm guessing based on what we heard the contract did not go well?" Nazir asked barley sparing a glance toward the Listener. The deep rumbling chuckle that might as well have been a feral growl was all the answer the fellow Assassins needed.
"I had to kill maybe twenty guards, and the contract as well as the client for stabbing me in the back. Stupid bitch should never have made a deal if all she was going to do was rat me out. I'll not tolerate betrayal." Sin said his voice a deadly hiss; if Sin was speaking then he was either incredibly pissed or thirsty.
"When did you last feed?" Nazir asked still sitting at the table, watching Babette walk about the room. Avoiding looking into crimson eyes that longed for a taste of blood, they unsettled almost everyone. Sin just threw his head back and laughed yet again, and then his eyes locked on Nazir.
"I haven't feed on human blood in months and I've been so busy I haven't hunted down a Saber or Wolf in maybe three weeks." Sin's glowing eyes flashed in a cat like way as he stalked closer to Nazir, who had enough experience not to back down. When Sin leaned over the table Nazir could finally make out how thin the other's fingers had become, the cloak hung over a frame that almost appeared to be a ghost. Sin removed his cowl to reveal how hollow his cheeks had become.
"I will kill, but I will not draw attention to my nature, I regret letting that bastard turn me. Do you realize how mind numbingly painful a turning is?" Sin said his blood red eyes boring into Nazir's darker colored ones.
"No, and I don't wish to." Nazir said his voice the same level tone he'd used since the Vampire had slinked in. The flash in Sin's eyes was setting the Redguard on edge. He had no wish on being the man's next meal.
Suddenly Cicero appeared with a goblet in one hand a blood coated dagger in the other, smiling in the most insane way that he always did. Sin's eyes locked onto the goblet and he became as still as stone. Cicero held out the goblet to Sin who eyed it but reached out a hand just to with draw it, and looked Cicero straight in the eyes.
"Where did you get it?" The crimson eyes glowed even brighter than they had now that the Vampire could smell the blood. Cicero giggled, and then grinned with that same insanity shining out of the eyes of the Jester.
"A rabbit." The mad man answered holding out the cup, and eagerly rocking on his feet. Sin looked at the cup then the Jester, eyes silent and searching. Finally after a moment the Vampire took the goblet, and sniffed at its contents. Swallowing hard, the vampire, walked into his rooms to avoid the stares he was receiving from the initiates. Not drinking the blood until he was safely within the walls of his room.
Cicero crept after the Listener wanting to be sure the man drank the rabbit blood. Sin drained the cup in one quick gulp easily. Cicero was now content his Listener would be fine for at least the rest of the day. But oh the foolishness Cicero had done! He still held his bloody dagger, and Sin could smell the divine scent lingering on the blade.
Turning around Sin spotted Cicero standing in his door way, leaning against the frame watching him. Sin eyed the blade before throwing his caution out the winds it was his room, and if the initiates valued their lives they'd stay away from it.
"Come to me." Sin whispered, letting his eyes draw in the Jester, knowing he didn't have to use his seduction abilities, but still seeing that glassy look in Cicero's eyes made Sin want to do such dirty things to the other's body. Sadly Sin refused to let his desires rule his judgment, he would never turn anyone. His own turning haunted his every wakening moment, and pursued him still in sleep.
Cicero stopped with in arm's reach of the taller man. Sin moved closer, almost brushing against the Jester's chest. Reaching down Sin's hand grasped the jester's hand that rested on the daggers hilt. Brining up their hands Sin's eyes locked on the bloody dagger, then the now fully in control Cicero who hadn't run yet.
"Why haven't you fled, Cicero?" Sin asked his hand resting on the Imperial's wrist, feeling the rapid heart beat. He wanted to taste the other so badly; his now rust colored eyes were betraying his lust for the other's blood so why hadn't the man fled? Sin knew that Cicero had a strange obsession with him because he was the listener, but why had he Fool of Hearts not fled for his life yet?
"Cicero wants Listener to stay healthy, to continue hearing the Sweet Mother's voice." Cicero said, ragging inside his own head about wanting the Listener to stay healthy for a totally different reason.
"You kept a bloodied blade on you, Cicero. Do you know how much more dangerous I am now that I've had a taste of what I need to sustain me? I might just try to feed of you, or maybe get Nazir to submit to me. But you intrigue me, Keeper, you lust after me, I can smell it. Why? I'm a creature of Night; I have nothing to offer a human like you, sane or other wise." Sin whispered the last part, his free hand drifting up to run along the pulse point on the other's neck. Sin's eyes betraying his own desires and Cicero could see them clearly, but mistook the hunger in the rust colored orbs for a different kind.
"Cicero would gladly allow the Listener to take what he needed." Cicero said his voice not rising any higher than barely a whisper. Sin's eyes narrowed and he pushed Cicero against a near by wall, pressing him self fully against the Jester, resting his hands on either side of the other's head. .
"Do you have any idea what you offer!?" Sin hissed his voice as loud as a Saber's roar. Babette and Nazir appeared in the door way soon after the man had shouted.
Cicero just laughed nodding to the Listener, knowing what he offered perfectly clear. Babette moved closer to defuse Sin's anger, but Nazir stopped her with a few quickly whispered words.
"You offer your life, Keeper, are you sure you understand that? I could easily lose control and suck you dry! I've spared your life in the past, why throw it at my feet again?" Sin's whole frame shook with rage, how could Cicero be so stupid? He practically just offered his life to Sin's blood lust.
"Listener, listen." Sin almost chuckled darkly at that, he often remained silent always listening, "Cicero wants Listener to hear the Night Mother for years to come and if Listener is to die then Cicero would fail our sweet mother." Cicero said grinning like the insane Jester he was. Sin just growled and tried with the last bit of will power he had left not to just bite into Cicero's neck and drink until his blood thirst was sated. Sin backed away from the Jester and gestured toward the door.
"Leave or I'll take your offer, after all you said I could take what I needed yes?" Sin said, his voice a low rumble, and he let the meaning of his words hang in the air. Babette giggled, and Nazir groaned before they left, not wanting to be involved any further. Cicero stayed leaning against the wall, blinking in confusion, had the Listener said what he thought he meant? No! No! The Listener jested with poor gullible Cicero, surely? Sin's eyes flashed again and stalked forward.
"Cicero, unless you are willing to give me everything then leave, I don't just desire your blood, I want… Go." Sin whispered, winning his own battle, he turned away from Cicero unable to look the man in the eyes any longer with his will was beginning to fade. Cicero hesitated, but left as he was told, not wishing to anger the Listener further.
Sin stood in the middle of his room, before finally walking to his door and shutting it. He walked silently to his bed, sliding out of his cloak, then his cowl and leather shirt. He sat on his bed only in his pants and boots. Knowing if he didn't go out to hunt soon he'd have to take Cicero's offer. Letting out a tired sigh, Sin let his hand drift to his inner thigh. He wanted Cicero's body beneath him so bad.
Sin sighed in relief as he took the matter in hand, literally. Sin kept his moans of pleasure quite, but the echoing room was silent and any noise he made almost sounded deafening. Sin finally flopped down onto the bed and curled into a ball on his side as he let him self go, he turned his head and cried a forbidden name into the furs.
Sin uncurled and groaned, before getting up and stripping completely before, he turned back to his bed, dreading the night terror he knew waited for him. He grabbed a pair of soft leather pants. Pulling them on he flopped onto the pile of furs that served as his bed. He closed his rust colored eyes and prayed to Talos he would get some rest.
A/N: I hope you've enjoyed this so far, and am pleased to say that I now have been reassured that Cicero will get some male action. I can't believe no one has thought about the possibility of Cicero with another man. Really people!?
Emerald, Out!