Disclaimer: I do not own Homestuck
A Terezi, Jade, and Dave love triangle? Yes please!
Seven year-old Terezi sat down on the concrete side-walk next to Dave. Excited to be spending time with her bestest friend in the whole world!
It was warm Summer day, perfect for side-walk drawing.
"What took you so long?" Dave asked, pushing up his over sized, pointy, sun glasses.
"It took me awhile to find my glasses, sorry." She pointed to the red glasses she had swiped from her mother a long time ago. Her mom was blind. Why would she need them?
Dave nodded coolly, reaching for another piece of blue chalk.
Terezi giggled and grabbed a piece of red chalk, starting on her newest master piece.
Jade was watching the two from her room's window. Her apartment being conveniently placed next to park they were at.
She was grounded and dearly wished to go play with them. Although Jade loved her grandfather, he was just too strict sometimes.
Seriously, normal people ground children for going outside with guns. Not the other way around!
Usually she would spend time in her room alone, toying with stuffed animals and the such. But, she hadn't gotten to play with Dave in such a long time.
Don't get her wrong, Terezi was a great friend, and she loved talking to her. There was just this weird gut feeling she got around Strider.
Sometimes, her head got light and she found it hard to even stand up straight!
Jade sighed and looked back down on them. Something was happening...
Terezi was clearly finished with her artwork, but she looked angry.
"Hey, Dave, I'm finished!" Terezi pointed to her side-walk drawing.
Dave halted drawing another addition of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff: Babies, to look.
It was a hastily drawn picture of him and Terezi playing video games. Which was what they did yesterday.
Except Jade was there too.
"Terezi, Jade wasn't with us yesterday." Sometimes Terezi added things to her drawings that didn't make sense. Like various versions of her scale mates being hung in the corners. Or these stupid looking aliens she called 'trolls'.
But never other people.
He got increasingly agitated that Terezi had drew Jade in with them. Dave didn't know why it made him so annoyed.
Jade was a great friend, a totally cool sis. He just wanted to keep his hanging out with Terezi like it was. Not hanging out with Terezi and Jade.
"And?" She was confused. Dave never minded when she drew dragons into her pictures. Why was Jade so different?
Dave took his blue chalk and ran a line through Jade, "It's weird because she wasn't there." Sure it was harsh. But it made him feel better.
"Dave, what the hell!?" Terezi stood up and gestured towards the drawing.
He stayed cool, staring at her through his sun glasses. At that moment, he knew he fucked up.
When he didn't answer her, she pouted and stomped off towards Jade's apartment.
"Where are you going?"
"To tell Jade!" Terezi shouted without even turning to look back at him.
Jade heard a knock at her door, puzzled she went to unlock it. Only to be nearly knocked down by Terezi.
"Terezi what's wrong? How'd you get past Grandfather?" Jade asked, closing and locking her door again. She had an ocd-ish habit for locking doors.
"Dave's being mean." Was all Terezi said.
Jade sighed again, and sat down on her cluttered green bed. Rubbing her temples, she wished to go outside with Terezi. It would probably help sort their problems out in a more orderly fashion if she was there.
"What'd he do?" She patted the space next to her, inviting Terezi to sit down.
"He marked out a picture I made of you..." The angry girl jumped on the bed, making one of Jade's Squiddle Buddies fall off and onto the floor, "Said it was 'weird'."
This made Jade start to get upset too...It didn't really seem like something Dave would do. Did it? Did he just not like her? What if he didn't? Why did she care so much?
Jade jumped, startled out of her thoughts, when the other girl took her into a hug.
"I'm sorry Jade. I drew it for you, so that when you stopped being grounded...you wouldn't have missed hangin' out with us." Terezi said, face buried in her neck.
That nearly made tears come to her eyes. Her she was, sitting in her room all alone, being jealous of Terezi. When Terezi was thinking of her all along.
She hugged back, glad that she had such a great friend like Terezi.
If Jade would have looked out the window next to her bed, she would've seen Dave watching them.
Dave messed up. He knew that much. You really had to be an idiot to make Terezi angry. Right now, he was the biggest one on the face of the Earth.
Looking up at them, he figured why he didn't want Jade to intrude on his memories with Terezi. He was jealous. Even when Jade wasn't there with them she still talked about her.
Terezi was supposed to be his friend, right? So why was she constantly going on about Jade like she was the best thing since red chalk?
He took a minute to calm down and breathe. Jade and Terezi were friends too, he had to remember that. But with Terezi it was as if she never even acknowledged him when the other girl was around.
Now it seemed that Terezi was rewriting their days alone together by adding Jade in them.
It wasn't fair, Dave thought.
Running a hand through his blond hair, he hatched a plan. Grabbing a piece of green chalk from their container, he proceeded to write 'I'm sorry' so big across the side walk that the 'y' almost didn't fit.
For the first time in his life, Dave felt like a total tool.
Heh, I'm sorry that this one probably wasn't as good as the others. I was kind of rushed...
For proof of being rushed: I mushed together DigitalColor and shenza's suggestions.
Again, sorry about that.