My Dream Is Reality

A/N I'm so sorry for late update this chapter is very forward so be prepared

1 week later

"Yeah sure! I'd love to go "

"Okay ill pick you up at 4" Damon says over the other end of the phone.

"Sure!"I say.

"Okay well I have to go but I'll see you later"

"Okay… Bye" I say then I hang up the phone.

It's been a week since graduation and me and Damon have been on one date and it was magnificent, we went to this little French café just outside of town, we had a blast, tonight it's a surprize.

in a couple of weeks I'll be leaving for collage, Damon is going to rent an apartment in California so we can still see each other, I'm a bit scared of leaving Mystic Falls but I will come back 'Eventually'.

I don't know where Damon is taking me tonight so I don't know what to wear! He won't tell me it's so freaken frustrating!

I decide to my favourite pair of jeans and I frilly white blouse, I do my hair in a fish tail braid and put a bit of makeup on. I look at he clock its 3:50 Damon should be here soon.

Damon's POV

I walk to the front door of Elena's house and knock. I wait patiently until Jenna opens the door; she grabs my hand and drags me into the living room.

"What the hell are you doing?' Jenna asks.

"What do you mean?' I ask.

"You know what I mean" she pauses for a moment and continues. "You can't date Elena, it will risk everything.. She doesn't remember Damon there is no use trying, I know you want to be with her again and I know it hurts you but you can't, the doctors said she her brain won't recover from the extensive injury she had from the car accident, the doctors were even surprised she woke up from her coma …" Jenna finishes and runs her hands through her hair.

Elena's POV

I start walking down the stairs with a big smile on my face when I hear Jenna yelling "You know what I mean"… "You can't date Elena, it will risk everything.. She doesn't remember Damon there is no use trying, I know you want to be with her again and I know it hurts you but you can't, the doctors said she her brain won't recover from the extensive injury she had from the car accident, the doctors were even surprised she woke up from her coma …" my smile slips right off my face.

I run straight back to my room and slam the door and lock it, I start crying why did He tell me why didn't Jenna tell me why didn't anyone tell me.

All I remember was that I was in a car accident about a year ago ,I had some miner brain damage and that I was in a coma for 2 months and that the brain damage caused me to forget the past 4 months all I know is I have to talk to them.

I walk down the stairs and into the living room where Damon Is sitting with Jenna.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I say with a stern voice.

"Tell you what honey" Jenna says with a sweet smile.

"Why didn't you tell me that me and Damon were together!"

Jenna's smile falls off her face.

"I have to say something before you start with your explanations?"

They both nod for me to continue.

"I been remembering things in the place of a dream."

"I have been having these dreams, about you" I say pointing at Damon

"They are dates there was one where we were on the school oval and we were watching the stars we kissed, then there was this one where me you and Jenna were playing monopoly and drinking wine together we were laughing. I all thought they were dreams but then you were yelling at Damon and I heard the whole thing they memories not dreams"

Damon gets up to leave but I stop him

"And why didn't you tell me!" I say poking my finger into his chest

"Because I promised your family and friends that I wouldn't" Damon says with no concern in his voice

"More people know about this!"

Tears start to fall

"I cant take this..." I say with tears streaming down my face

"Were over" I say give him one last kiss passionate and run to my bedroom crying.

AN Okay sorry about this chapter I know it's kind of short

~Spoilers: Fast forward 5 years ;]