"Your in the student body? Oh thats so great!" yelled the cheerful as ever Tohru as she smiled at Jeremy.

"Yes I am" Jeremy replied as he slowly cleaned his glasses his computer started to beep and he looked down at it surprised. Tohru who hand been making dinner looks at the computer in awe awaiting what it would do. Jeremy opened the screen as he noticed it went straight to the super-scan, he sighed sadly, though confusion was held in his face, He looked over at Tohru. Tohru smiled then looked down at the computer in suspicion as it locked onto one tower as it turned a misty red. "Sorry...I'll be right back" Jeremy said slowly yet very quickly as he grabbed the computer and walked up to his temporary room.

He quickly took out his phone and dialed Aleita's number hopefully she was at lunch and not in class. He let it ring and soon he herd her voice and he softly said, "Xana, I don't know how, but hes back" and immediately hung up. Leaving his computer on the bed, he walked back down the stairs hoping in all the world it wouldn't hit here, but as soon as he laid eyes on Tohru he knew that it had. Xana had taken Tohru.

I know a very short chapter but thecoldforest wanted Xana to attack so there we go. Next chapter will defiantly be longer and action packed (hopefully). Thank you for reading please review! Any feedback is welcome!


So I'm fixing up this story and decided to have it so Xana was dead, so this might get confusing. I shall explain. First off, there is no ataul tower that was activated, since lyoko was destroyed, Jeremys computer just automatically does that when it feels Xana. Second, and to try not to sopil i'll make this very simple, Xana is truly alive. That is all, I might be adding new chapters again, since I don't use this website much anymore, thank you anyway for reading. Bye, bye.