Cool grey eyes watched her ruby red lips.

Does she ever stop?

Dr. Quinzel had seemed even more excitable than usual during their sessions over the past week. At first, Bane had found it amusing. His Talia had never spoken so freely around him, with such passion and animation. Even as a child, when she had first moved from her mother's side to huddle beneath his ratty bedclothes with him for warmth, no older than four or five, she had never shown such abandon with him.

His lips twisted, the small, exasperated smile falling, transforming into a scowl. Brow furrowed, he watched as her slim hands waved this way and that, gesturing wildly about something or other – in truth, he had tuned her out within minutes of their sessions start.

'One would assume that the point of these sessions were to ask me questions, Doctor, rather than to listen to you blather on for the entirety of our session.' The mechanical lilt to his voice did little to cover his distain. Ms. Quinzel was proving to be quite the disappointment. Just as she had caught his attention, she was once again proving herself unworthy.

Crimson lips formed a small o, carefully painted eyebrows drawing together as Harleen stammered to a halt.

'Are we going back to this, Bane? I thought we had moved past titles.' Fiddling with her forgotten clipboard, she straightened her glasses, an air of professionalism beginning to rise once more.

Bane's gaze remained unwavering, his arms folded across his massive chest. He never was quite sure what to do with his hands. Without his flank jacket to hand on to, he resorted to keeping them neatly tucked into his armpits. They had been removed a week to the day after his initial session with Ms. Quinzel. Not quite as quickly as she had promised, but the gesture of good will had been clear. She had impressed him – until this new-found bout of foolishness.

'What is his name?'

'What?' Glasses slipping down her nose, Harleen's mouth hung open in surprise.

Bane snorted. 'Of course. I had hoped I was wrong.'

'What's that supposed to mean?' Harleen's voice rose in pitch and volume.

'We have been sat here for almost an hour, Doctor. You have yet to ask a single question, yet I have learnt more care and makeup and dieting than I would ever care to admit.'

Bane stifled a groan. Of course her useless prattle had filtered through, no matter how much he had tried to tune her out.

'I really don't think that's any of your business.' She snapped, clicking her pen shut. 'We are done for today.' Getting to her feet, she rose, approaching the door.

'I had thought you above such foolishness, Ms. Quinzel. I see you wish to prove me wrong.'

She stopped, palm resting on the cold steel door.

'You ok in there, Dr. Quinzel?' One of the guards – Jim – called.

'Fi-Fine, Jim. Tell Dr. Crane I will be extending my session with Mr. Bane today. I could do with another hour or so.'

Silence fell, uncomfortably filling both room and corridor.

'Are you sure that's such a good idea, Doc?' Jim's voice broke the silence.

'Are you questioning my methods, Jim?' Harleen's voice sounded firmer this time, more sure.

'Of course not. Sorry, Doctor Quinzel.'

Eyes closed, Bane listened for the sound of her smart black heels on the bare concrete floor. They may have decided to trust him without the cuffs, but apparently a furnished Doctors office – one with carpets, a couch and a desk, was still considered too risky by Arkam's senior staff.

It brings to question how highly they value Ms. Quinzel's safety in comparison.

'Is it really that obvious?'

She sounded so lost, so unsure. None of her bravado or foolishness marred her words as she faced him. Head bowed, a few stray wisps of blond escaped their customary bun.

'You do seem more...talkative than usual. I had not thought that possible.' Bane's rumbling voice brought a small, half-hearted smile to her lips.

'I just don't know what to do.' She whispered, her back sliding down the dull grey wall. Knees pressed against her chest, she lowered her cheek, resting it against her stocking clad knee. 'I've never met anyone like him...'

'I am not sure I am the right person to speak of such things with.' Bane's thoughts flashed back to Talia. A month had passed since his sessions with Ms. Quinzel had begun, and yet still not word had been brought to him by his brothers on their leader.

'Have you ever been in love, Bane?'

His breath caught in his throat. Slowly, he opened his eyes.

'I mean really in love. Not a one-night stand, or a fling, or just dating or something. I mean really in love. Happily-ever-after stuff.'

'Is that your question, Ms. Quinzel?' He asked. Their game of a question for a question had continued on passed their initial session, much to Harleen's frustration. Bane could see that his insistence on it had warmed her to him as the weeks went on, despite her token protests.

Watery blue eyes rose to regard him. She looked to weary; so lost.
