Pure experimenting. Based off of this adorable gender-bent Disney princess picture I found.

Just a fair warning...the Mother Gothel as a man obsessed with hair thing in this is going to be extremely creepy. My goal is to creep you out...


This...is the story of how I died...

Don't worry! This is actually a really fun story...in fact it isn't even mine.

This is the story about a boy...named Rapunzle.

And it starts...with the sun.

Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. And from this single drop of sunlight, drew a magic golden flower.

It had the power to heal the sick and injured.

Centuries past, and a kingdom with a beloved king and queen prospered. Now the queen...was very sick. She was running out of time, so the kingdom went searching for the magic flower.

Now...an old man...named Gothen...was keeping the flower for himself to stay young for hundreds of years. And all he had to do, was sing a special song.

"Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal was has been hurt. Change the fates design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

Yeah...he sings to the flower...turns young...creepy right?

Anyway, one night when Gothen went to visit the flower, he damaged it's cover in a quick escape from a coming crowd. It was palace soldiers. They found the flower and took it back to the kingdom with them. Gothen followed, not far behind.

The magic of the flower healed the queen. A heathly baby boy, a prince was born, with beautiful golden hair. The king and queen were enchanted by their son's beautiful hair, and decided to let it remain as long as it could be.

I'll give you a hint. That's Rapunzle.

To celebrate his birth, the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. And for that one moment, everything was perfect...but then that moment ended.

Gothen snuck into the baby's chambers and sang quietly under his breath.

"Flower gleam and glow...let your power shine..." The long hair of the small child began to glow. Gothen beamed as his shriveled hand returned to its former glory. He took his scissors and cut a tiny bit of hair. He growled as the hair turned brown in his shriveling hands.

This growl caused the child to stir. A small cry escaped his lips. Gothen scooped up the child and ran to the balcony. The baby stirred a little more as he climbed down the rope ladder. Once away from the castle, Gothen admired the sleeping child in his arms. His flower was safe.

Now...the king and queen were devastated to find their baby missing. They sent hundreds of search parties throughout the kingdom, but it was no use...

Gothen had taken to baby to a tower hidden in the woods and raised him as his own. He would have little Rapunzle sing the song to him while he brushed his hair.

"Save what has been lost...bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

Gothen had found his new magic flower...and he was determined to keep him safe.

"Daddy...why can't I go outside?"

"The outside world is a dangerous place filled with awful people. You must stay here, where your safe. Do you understand Rapunzle?"

"Yes Daddy."

But the walls of that tower could not hide everything. Every year on his birthday, the king and queen would launch thousands of floating lanterns into the sky...in hope that one day...their prince would come home.

Hope you enjoyed it. More to come if you want ;)

I don't own Tangled.