Thanks for the reviews! Here's the last chapter. Enjoy!

P.S- If you're under the age of 10, you might NOT want to read the fight scene. We do not want to be responsible for little kids having nightmares. It's nothing bloody or scary but its detailed because Snitch wrote it.

The Conclusion

Brady's P.O.V
"Brady."I heard a voice say. "Brady, get up."

The voice tried to wake me up and I thought it was Boomer. "Hey Boomer, stop it. I'm trying to sleep here!" I said to my brother as I threw a pillow to his face.

"It's not me!", Boomer said.

"If it's not you then-", I opened my eyes to find Susan hovering over my bed. "AHHH!"I screamed as I jumped out of bed.

Mason and Mikayla came running into the room. "My Kings, what's wrong?" Mason asked.

"Susan." Mikayla said the name as though it was a vile word.

"Hello guard girl." Susan said with the same amount of disgust.

"I thought that you were told to stay out of the castle." Mikayla said.

"Is it a bad thing that I want to stay with my Brady-Bear?"Susan turned towards me and walked in my direction. "Come on, Brady. You know that you'd want to be with me rather than her."

"Actually, I'm good."I said as I moved away from Susan who was now following me. I tripped as Susan was still following me,"Now I'm scared."

"There's abseloutly nothing to be scared of Brady." Susan said.

"Yeah, abseloutly nothing Brady..."Boomer repeated sarcastically.

"...You know, except for the phycotic ex that watched you while you slept."Boz continued.

"Shut up!" Susan exclaimed.

"Look, Susan," Mikayla said catiously, "This could be over pretty quickly if you just leave and promise never to return."

"And let you take my Brady? HA! Fat chance."

"You asked for it." Mikayla said, taking her machete out.

"Wow. Wow. Wow. Wait!"said turned to him. "AHHHHHHH!"he yelled, running out of the room followed by Boz who was yelling, "KINGS FIRST!"

"Wimps."Mikayla murmured under her breath.

"You're going to have a hard time getting me to leave!"

"Oh, please, you're an easy victim. Plus, its not like you have back-up."Mikayla said confidently.

"Want to bet?" asked Susan cockily.

Before Mikayla had time to respond, a dark figure followed by three other figures came flying into the room through the balcony.

"Lucas?"Mason, Mikayla, and I asked.

"That's right. I'm back. And I'm not leaving until I win you back, Kay-Kay, even if it does mean killing that fool, Brady." Lucas responded.

"Hey!" I protested.

Mikayla turned to Susan, "Can't fight your own battles, huh, Susan?" Turning to Lucas, Mikayla scowled, "You and Susan are making my life complicated. I think its time to get rid of you ," Mikayla said while not taking her eyes off of Lucas, "RUN."

Without hesitation, I ran out of my room. Mikayla shortly followed. Catching on quickly, Mason also ran out of the room.

"WIENIES!" Lucas yelled after them.

"Well,what are you guys waiting for?" Susan asked, "GO GET THEM!"

Lucas and his goons ran after us. Susan was right behind them. "You can run, but, you'll never hide!"

I took out a sword from the lamp and continued running. We continued running until we got to the plaza. Mason and I took on Lucas' goons, while Mikayla battled Lucas himself. Susan stood on the sidelines watching this hoping Mikayla would soon die.

Mason had been fighting two of Lucas' minions. Once he destroyed one with a swift stab to the heart, he had turned around to defeat the other, only he didn't cause much harm to the other. Before I had to turn to fight my opponent, I noticed that Mason's opponent had the upperhand. I turned and tried to stab my opponent in the heart. That was a fatal mistake. He had quickly deflected my sword, causing me to loose balance. As I fell to the ground, he began to slash his sword in complex movements that I was pretty sure even "Mighty Mason" couldn't stand a chance against. Getting on my feet before he had a chance to harm me, I began to defend myself using my sword-only it didn't prove to be very effective.

My sword flew out of my hand, and landed on the other side of the plaza, leaving me defenseless. My opponent had pointed his sword tip to my throat. With some quick thinking on my part with a bit of stupidity, I had kicked his sword, causing it to land next to mine. Before he had the chance to retrieve his sword, I kicked him in the shins. That normally wouldn't have affected him at all. But he was caught off guard so he fell to the ground, clutching his leg. I took this chance and made a mad dash for the two swords. On the way, I noticed Mason crumbled on the ground, defenseless with his opponent hovering over him. He had no chance of survival.

I picked up the two swords, a plan formulating in my head. Meanwhile, in the corner of my eye, I saw Mikayla fighting Lucas. Mikayla swung her machete-only to be deflected by Lucas. Lucas had slashed his sword, hitting Mikayla's shoulder and creating a new scar at her upperarm.

"Come on Kay-Kay! You don't want to do this! Just admit you love me! We could kill Brady! Run away! Be together!" I heard Lucas shout at Mikayla.

"In a million years! I like Brady! You are nothing compared to him!" Mikayla yelled back, slahing her machete to block Lucas' hits. Lucas obviously had the upperhand but Mikayla was holding in, refusing to loose.

I looked to my right and saw my previous opponent getting up. Without hesitation, I had charged toward Mason's opponent. I slashed my sword, creating a fresh cut on his left cheek. My actions had caught him off guard, causing him to stumble back. This gave Mason enough time to get up and quickly limp away-he was in no condition to fight. Before Mason's opponent had the chance to recover, I stabbed him in the stomach and, using my own sword, (A/N: Remember, Brady still has two swords in his hands-he is unable to grab that sword.) I had taken his sword and made it fly out of the plaza, into the next room.

I took that time to analyze my surroundings. Mason was nowhere to be seen-he was probably safe now and was healing. To my far left, Mikayla was getting weaker by the second,she wasn't going to last much longer. I wanted to run over and help her but I couldn't-my opponents still weren't defeated. They had both recovered from their injuries and were ready to charge. They were surrounding me. I had realized that it wasn't going to be difficult-they were both weaponless and charging, rather stupidly, might I add, at me. I had a sword in each hand.

When they had come close enough, I had slashed both swords at the same time. It was difficult to control the sword in my left hand because my sword hand is the right. Nonetheless, it worked. The swords had created a large gap in both of my opponents' stomach. They had fell to the ground, clutching their stomachs and hoping for a chance at survival. That was highly unlikley-the gaps were too deep to fix-even if they had help immediately.

I spared no time. I dropped my opponent's sword (A/N: That means he still has the sword he pulled out from the wall lamp.) and ran to Mikayla's side. She was crumbled on the ground with Lucas hovering above her. With one swift movement, I had slashed my sword, aiming for Lucas' legs. It hadn't created much damage but it was enough to distract him and help Mikayla up. Mikayla and I took on Lucas together. What I wasn't expecting was falling to my knees and being chocked by Lucas. He held his sword to my throat, "Make one more move, and say good-bye to your King."

"I told you to leave him alone!"Mikayla yelled.

Lucas removed the sword from my throat and pointed it to Mikayla, "And I told you that it's rather me or him."

Mikayla was desparate. After a few seconds, she spoke up, "I give up. I can't do it anymore. You win, Lucas. You win."

"Mikayla! No!"I yelled.

"I'm sorry Brady. But Lucas won this time."Mikayla said.

"I thought so."Lucas said. He let go of me and pushed me to the ground. "Come on, Kay-Kay."

Mikayla then kicked Lucas causing him to stumble back. Lucas quickly got up and asked, "What was that for?"

Mikayla kept slashing her sword at Lucas until he ran into a wall. She flipped him and kneeled down, "This is for almost killing Brady." Before he could react, Mikayla raised her machete and stabbed Lucas in the heart.

A moan escaped Lucas' lips, "You will never win."

"I just did."Mikayla said. Getting up, Mikayla and helped me to my feet. We stood shoulder-to-shoulder, facing Susan with our swords raised.

"I'll just to go."Susan said and turned around. She would have ran away if two gaurds weren't blocking her way, swords raised.

Susan turned around again, eyes focused on the ground, "Nevermind."she murmured.

Mikayla and I smirked. We had won.

Later that day...

Mikayla's P.O.V

Brady and I were relaxing in the throne room. I'm so glad that the Susan and Lucas problem is over. I killed Lucas by stabbing him in the heart and Susan went to a mental hospital. Other than that, nothing exciting or dangerous happened.

Everything went back to normal and everyone in the castle was calm. I can't believe that it took us a week to get rid of Susan and Lucas. That week passed by fast for anyone to remember. My mind was filtered of thoughts I had during last week. Brady pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Mikayla?"Brady asked.

"Yes?"I replied.

"So, do you forgive me?"

"For what?"

"For everything I did wrong."

"Yes. I forgive you."I smiled.

I had been so touched by Brady's sweetness that I leaned in and kissed him. At first, he had been shocked but he then kissed back. Brady wrapped his arms around me and my arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled me into his lap where we kissed properly.

At the end, everything was perfect.

Forgive Me is finally done! Now that that is finally done, Seeing Doubles is coming to an end soon. It will have one more chapter and that is it. My story 'Problems' probably won't be uploaded for a while.

Also, 'Starstruck' will have one or two more chapter so review if you want more! Seriously, we need more reviews! It's great that a lot of people view this but never review! We spend more than an hour trying to make it perfect and we don't get one review!

Oh, and, Snitch wrote the fight scene for the chapter. She also helped me write this chapter. So don't think it was me who wrote the fight scene. I just came up with the idea for this story and chapter and everything else.

POK Versus: Snitch and I are currently working on the first chapter. It should be uploaded by Saturday the least. Check out my profile for information on the hosts. Seriously, if you don't, you won't understand the hosts.

Thanks! BYE!

~Brakayla Fan44

P.S- Don't forget to review! :)