Title: Ye Fecking Chancer

Summary: Bella Swan has always been up for all sorts of things, so when Irish Boy tries chatting her up using a bit of 'Gaeilge' she goes along with it. Watch as she falls for her man despite the fact he might not be the full shilling.

Story Type: A one shot, hope you guys like it!

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I wished I owned Twilight, so, so, so much! But I don't so I'm just going to play with them for a bit.


"So what time are you going to be on this?" Ma asked me through the web cam.

"Don't know Ma, I have work later on. And then dance class so I'll see." I told her. "What the fuck is he doing?" I asked when I heard my brother talking the back ground.

"He's got some bird over and apparently I'm cramping his style." Ma said.

"Ma!" My brother Connor said coming into view on the webcam.

"Shut it, you're just jealous that I'm the loved one."

"You're just jealous I have a date." He said. "I thought all American lads loved foreign girls."

"Yes but I don't love American lads." I told him. "D'ya want anything sent back?"

"Ah na you're grand." He said before fecking off.

"So no young lads catching your eye?" she asked me and I shrugged.

"It's not just catching my eye that I'm worried about; it's about keeping me interested." I told her.

"You're fucking right. Just be careful."

"Wrap it up!" Connor called and Ma threw a pillow in his direction.

"Although he's right, don't arrive home with a fucking Baby, that's the last thing I fecking need." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"God help the Lad who tries to get me up the duff Ma." I told her and she laughed.

"Ah your father's here." She said rolling her eyes.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing, listen I'm heading out tonight. Text me, when you're home later and I'll come on to you." She said.

"Alright, well I have to head to work. Tell Dad I said hi." I told her and she nodded before signing off.

"How was your Mom?" Rosalie asked as she handed me a cup of tea.

"Is that Barry's?" I asked her and she shook her head. "I suppose it will do." I sighed taking a sip. Not good. "She's grand. Heading out with her fella tonight." I explained.

"Why doesn't she and your Dad get a divorce?"

"Sure what would your one down the road who is related to your man who's marrying that woman from the parish think?" I asked her.

"I take it that means you don't know?" she asked me.

"No I just told you." I said shaking my head at her. "It wouldn't look good if they split up so they just like to be miserable." I said and she nodded. "To eaches own I suppose."

"I'm just going to sit here and pretend I know what you're talking about."


"So I walk in and there he is, fucking her." Rosalie said once she shut the door out after the last of the kids left the rec room.

"No way" I said sitting down and I untying my shoes. "My feet are fecking killing me." I said rubbing the soles. "Why do I do this again?" I asked her.

"Because it brings in the pretty money." She said handing me my half of the takings tonight. "$250 for you." She said "$300 for me."

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because you broke my vacuum cleaner." She told me.

"No I broke your Hoover."

"Don't play Irish with me Swan." She said before pulling me up off the floor. "So I ended it with Royce."

"I should hope so, fucking bastard cheating on you." I told her and she nodded.

"So we're going out tonight." She said as I shoved my money in my bra. "Classy." She said.

"I don't have pockets." I told her shrugging "Okay. Where are we going out?" I asked her.

"Doesn't matter."

"That is true."

"And we're going to get laid." She said.

"Fuck it that means I have to fucking shave." I groaned making her laugh. "I'm glad I make someone laugh." I told her.

"Don't worry Bellie, we'll find you a guy with a big mister to make you less grumpy." She said.

"It would have to be a pretty big one."


"Rose where are we fucking going, I wore my car to bar shoes. Not my car to run the New York fucking Marathon and then go the bar shoes." I told her as I rubbed the back of my ankle.

"Just up here." She said leading me in the door.

"Looks like a dive." I said.

"That's the point." She said.

"Okay so who are we going to ride?" I asked her as she led me over to the bar.

"Let's just wait and see."

We stood at the bar when I felt eyes on my back. Well actually my back side.

"Oh my God, you're being checked out." Rosalie said.

"Anything good?" I asked her.

"I wouldn't but he looks like your type." Rosalie said. "Okay he's getting up and... he's walking the other direction." She said.

"Ah well." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Make an effort."

"We're not here for me we're here for you..."

"Another round for the girl in blue." The bar keep said handing me a fresh drink.

"What?" I asked when he pointed down the bar.

"Oh my God." Rosalie said. "That's the guy who was checking you out. What do you think?" she asked me.

"I could have some fun with that." I told her and she laughed. He waved down at me, he was leaned against the bar, while barely perched on a bar stool. He had tousled reddish hair that looked like he had just rolled out of an orgy.

Oh what I could do to him...

"Go get him" Rosalie said and I nodded.

I wasn't going to make it easy for him though. I liked to make men work for it.

"Hi" I said pointing on an American accent.

"Hello there." He said and I had to hide my smile.

I would know that accent anywhere.

He was a home grown Irish boy.

After guessing he was Irish he started laying it on thick.

Real thick.


"Is that a... are you from Ireland?" I asked even twirling my hair for good measure.

"That I am beautiful, or should I say Alainn." He said.

Is he for real? No way is he trying to pull this on me.

"Alainn?" I asked humouring him.

"Beautiful in my native tongue. Is mise Eadbhárd Mac Masen. But in English that my name is Edward Masen." He said with a wink and I tried not to laugh. Some guys really wanted to have sex.

After flirting a little bit he launched into some poetry.

"Ca bhfuil mo gheansai, go failte, ach nil fhios agam a bhí ann."

Where is my jumper? Welcome. But I did not know.

I played the impressed American girl.

"What does that mean?"

"It's a poem, about meeting a beautiful girl." He said "I never really understood what it was about until now." He then added placing a kiss on my cheek.

Well that's bold.

"Wow" I said pretending to sound in awe. "Do you have anymore?" I asked him and he nodded.

"An bhfuil cead agam dul go dti of leithris, mar ta pian i mo bholg. Ach ta bron orm. Mise le meas, go tobann creid e, go nath creid e"

Can I please go to the bathroom? Because I have a pain in my belly. But I am sorry. With respect, suddenly, believe it or not.

"And what do that mean?" I asked him.

"I have to keep some mystery about me Ms. Swan" He said and I nodded.

"You know you're really something right?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked me.

"A fecking chancer." I said getting my own accent on and he groaned.

*YFC *

"No..." he groaned dropping his head on the bar while I tutted at him.

"Fucking hell, what made you think that would ever work?" I asked him curious as to why he would use such a corny bit, surely a lad that fucking sexy good get birds without laying it on that thick.

"Ugh Dubs" He groaned before running his hands through that sexy red hair of his "Seriously?" he asked me, but I was hung up on the whole 'Dubs' things.

"There's nothing wrong with that." I told him.

"There's nothing fucking right with it either." He said and I had to bite my lip to stop me from moaning, Jaysus I was fecking horny. I may have to forgive this lad's muppet tendencies and just go with it.

"Seriously though using Irish to pick up women? Surely a guy like you doesn't need that shite." I asked him. "Wait until I tell the girls back home about this. You're like the guy of that Carlsberg add on the telly." I told him and he chuckled.

"What do you mean a guy like me?" he asked and I realised what I had said. Feck it I might aswell go with it. He had made a bigger idiot of himself; he could afford me a little slip of the tongue.

"Oh I think you know just what I'm on about Masen" I said flirting because I wanted that inside of me, call me a horny slut for all I care I couldn't give a shit.

"Well it's been awhile. So why did you go along with it?" he asked me as he tipped back the beer he was drinking.

"I wanted to see how far you would push it? Plus you're a bit of a ride." I said with a shrug.

"Oh really? Only a little bit?" he asked leaning in to me.

"I wouldn't like you do get full of yourself or anything" I said tapping the top of his beer bottle.

"Oh right. So did I blow my chance then?" he asked me and I smiled.

"Not at all" I said leaning forward and leaning up to his ear "Do you want to get out of here?" I whispered.

"Definitely" He said before putting his beer on the table and grabbing my hand, leading me to what only can be described as the first night of the rest of my life.

*YFC *

I could hear a banging on the door but I wasn't focusing on that. I was focusing on those strong hands running up my sides.

"Baby" Edward murmured his voice gruff and husky in the morning.

"I'm sleeping" I mumbled turning my head into my pillows. It was his fault I was so tired. Fucker kept me up all night doing things to my lady parts that I didn't even know possible.

"Come on" He said kissing my neck, his hands running up my sides to my breasts.

"Edward!" A voice yelled from the other side of his bedroom. "Come out here you fucking dickhead."

"Oh fuck" Edward groaned from behind.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked him sitting him when he shushed me and pulled me back.

"Just come back here Baby." He said kissing me.

"Masen you fucking duped me!" The voice bellowed.

"Fuck sake" Edward grumbled standing up and opening the bedroom door. I pulled the covers up over me and made sure I was covered up.

I could hear them bantering back and forth, and I groaned. I looked over and found his shirt on the floor and pulled it over my head before finding my panties. I pulled them on and walked over to where they were standing.

"And the blonde punched me while you shagged her friend!" The guy exclaimed as I fixed my well his shirt.

"Rosalie punched you?" I asked shocked. "Really I thought she'd find that cute." I said with a shrug.

"Did you help him set this up?" he asked.

"I never met him before until last night." I said. "I can't help it if I find a lad making a fucking eejet of himself hot." I added as I kissed Edward who smiled. "Now I think you owe this man some money. Baby can I make tea?"

What? He had good tea bags.

"Help yourself." He said as he placed kisses along my neck before letting go of me.

"You fucking set this up."

"I didn't. Seriously why would I be wasting my time in a bar if I knew there was a one of them walking around?" Edward said making me smile as I opened cupboards and found what I was looking for in the kitchen.

"Too fucking right Masen." I yelled back earning me a chuckle.

"What the fuck?" Another guy asked coming out of the third bedroom, a girl coming out behind him. "I send you two out on a bet and Edward brings back a bird and Emmett a black eye."

"Don't call me a fucking bird." I said as I handed Edward his tea.

"My bird?" he asked me.

I don't think I had ever made a decision so quick in my life.

"Sure" I said with a shrug, what? He was fucking sexy and knew what he was doing in the bedroom. Plus it was the morning after and he wasn't making my skin crawl. None of those were easy things to accomplish with me.

"What now Alice?" Edward asked the girl who had just come out of the bedroom that was looking at me weirdly.

"Isn't bird, girlfriend?" she asked.

"Yeah" I said with a shrug before taking a sip of my tea, that's the good stuff. "Edward your flat mates talk too much." I told him and he nodded.

"Wait, wait, wait, you just agreed to be his girlfriend like that?"

"Why not? He's a fucking ride." I said before kissing him, making him smile. "Where's your phone I'll put my number in it?"

"On the dresser." He said pointing into his room.

"Seriously do you not want romance though?" Alice asked.

"Like what?"

"Well Jasper had to woo me." Alice said.

"And I take it you're the whipped fecker?" I asked the blonde guy who nodded. "Maybe one day she'll give you you're nuts back. Alice was it?" I asked. "You're better off letting men think they're hardy, riding them every so often and then you want have any hassles." I told her.

"Every so often? What the fuck?" Edward asked. Oh he was up for a challenge? I haven't broken a man in; in a long time actually maybe it was time I got back into the business.

"Well you'll just have to be good won't ye?" I told him.

"Oh this one's a beaut Edward. She'll keep ye on your toes. Fucking A1" the one who was yelling, Emmett I think, said.

"What is 'fucking A1' they're always saying it?" Alice asked me making me laugh.

"You haven't shown her the Snapper yet?" I asked the lads.

"She didn't get it." Jasper said.

"Yanks" I said with a shrug. "Right I better get go home? See how Katie Taylor is doing." I said shooting a smirk Emmett's way.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Don't tell her to shut up" Edward warned before he leaned in and kissed me. I finished my tea before pulling on my jeans and shoving my t-shirt in my hand bag. I kept his shirt on and tied a knot in the side of it, because it was easier. "Hand us your phone." He said and I smiled as I grabbed me mobile and handed it to him. He quickly exchanged our numbers.

"I better go; Rosalie is probably freaking the fuck out." I said looking at my phone. Three miss calls in the past hour... yeah that was scarier than having those from me Ma.

"Right, right. I'll ring you later?" he asked me coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You better." I told him leaning up and kissing him. He squeezed my ass as I kissed him and I smiled. "Cheeky"

"Just something to tide me over until next time." He said and I nodded.

"Fair enough." I said squeezing his ass. "Talk to ye." I said before leaving his apartment. He winked at me as he shut the door behind me.

Oh thing were about to get plenty interesting 'round here.


"Where the hell were you?" Rosalie asked me as I walked into the apartment. "And who's shirt are you wearing?" she asked me coming to like at me. "And why do you look like sex?"

"How about letting me answer a fecking question?" I asked her. "Now what's this I hear about you punching a poor Lad last night?" I asked.

"How do you know about that? One minute you're flirting with sex hair and then next thing I know you're gone and not answering your fucking phone." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry Ma, excuse me for getting the ride." I told her.

"You slept with him?" Rosalie asked me. "What the hell is wrong with you? You don't even know him? And you just had this random one night stand with some guy from a dive bar?"

"Rose! You're the one who made me go out. And it wasn't just a one night stand." I told her. "And I'm twenty one years old; I can ride whoever the fuck I want!" I yelled.

"What do you mean it wasn't just a one night stand?" Rosalie asked me curiously and I shrugged. "What the hell is going on?" she asked me. Just as I was about to answer I got a call from Edward I smiled as I answered it.

"Missing me already?" I asked and I heard him chuckle.

"Wouldn't you like to know" He said. "So you got home alright?" he asked him.

"Sure did" I said as Rosalie looked at me with a smirk on her face. "So what's the craic?"

"Just wondering did you and Muhammad Ali want to come out with us tonight. Me, Emmett, Jasper and Alice are heading out for dinner and then going the pictures, do you want to come with?"

"Yeah sounds great." I said "Just a sec Babe. Rose do you want to come out?" I asked her.


"Tonight." I told her.

"We were just out last night?" She said.

"Yeah and?" I asked her. "Come on."

"Fine" She said.

"Game on Masen." I said into the phone. "Seeya Later."

"Seeya Later."


"Are those jeans tight enough or will I sew you into them?" Rosalie asked me as I examined my ass in the mirror.

"Rose I am trying to impress my new fella, my arse needs to bounces coins off it!" I told her and she shook her head.

"The phrase is bounce a quarter off it." She said and I shrugged.

"Now how do my boobs look?" I asked her and she just shook her head. "You are no use." I told her as I grabbed my jacket and checked my hair one more time before we left the apartment.

"So are you planning on bringing this guy back to our place tonight?" she asked me and I smiled. "Two nights in a row?" she asked me.

"Rosalie it's a simple science this is the stage where I get him hooked on me and then once we've been in a couple of weeks I slow it down." I told her.

"And then what?"

"We get married and I use sex as a weapon for the rest of our lives." I explained. "Did your mother not teach you anything?"

We arrived to the restaurant where Edward told us to meet him and the others. I smirked when I saw him leaning against the wall outside; Jasper was on his phone while Emmett was holding his eye.

"Don't be such an Abbey Actor." I told Emmett who glared at me as I walked towards Edward.

"Well" Edward said and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. I smiled and kissed him. His lips pressed hard against mine, kissing me back his hand squeezing my ass.

"Seriously we should get the hose for those two." Alice's voice said and I pulled back while Edward glared at her.

"Calm down." I told her as I gave Edward another kiss before pulling away. We went in and got dinner and it was like going home, eating with the Lads. We took the piss out of Emmett over the thing with Rose who just shrugged before heading to the pictures.

It was some car chasing film with Vin Diesel in it but I couldn't tell you what happened past the trailers of the film. The minute we sat down Edward turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"Come here." I told him with a smirk and kissed him.

"Gag me with a spoon." Rosalie said shaking her head but I flipped her off and kissed continued to kiss him.

After about half an hour of this Emmett shoved Edward in the back. He had it on both side because Jasper and Alice were at it too.

"Do you not need to get air?" Emmett asked him.

"Fuck off" Edward said.

"Come on" I said grabbing his hand and leaving the movie.

"Where are we going?" he asked me.

"Well my bed is a lot more comfortable than those chairs." I told him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Lead the way Baby." He said. I smiled and lead him towards my place. By the time we got to my apartment he was definitely in the mood. Horny fecker. I moved to unlock the door and his arms surrounded me. His lips moved along my neck and sucked on the spot behind my ear.


Once the door was unlocked I lead him towards the bedroom. He shrugged his coat off and while I threw mine on the chest of drawers with my handbag. I smiled as I leaned against the chest of drawers bracing my hands on the top of it.

He stood in front of me and lifted me on top of the dresser before kissing me again. I pulled his t-shirt off of him and he did the same to me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He smirked as he opened the button on my jeans and pulled them down, as I kicked them down my legs.

"So sexy" He murmured kissing me down along my neck, in between my breasts down my stomach before pulling my panties down my legs and climbing down onto his knees.

"Where the fuck, do you think you're..." I began when he launched his head in between my legs and tongued my clit. "Holy fuck, never move." I told him and he nodded, his scruff scratching my inner thighs and his lips and tongue worked over me.

I gripped the edge of the dresser and through my head back as he pulled my legs over his shoulders. He hummed against me and I threw my head back so fast I hit the mirror.

"Shite are you okay?" he asked him looking up.

"Did I tell you, you could stop?" I asked him.

"Let me check if you're bleeding" He said standing up and reaching for the back of my head.

"Edward I'm fi-..." I said and he tapped the back of my head "Ow that fecking hurt."

"Bella maybe we should stop." He said.

"Eh no" I said shaking my head. "I want my orgasm." I told him and he chuckled. "Stop laughing and get back to it."

"Bella are you sure you're okay?" he asked and I nodded. I reached forward and opened the button on his jeans and he chuckled. His laughter soon stopped as I pushed his boxers down and hopped down off the dresser. I walked him over to the bed and pushed him down on the bed. I reached into my bedside locker and pulled out a condom. "I like a prepared woman."

"You'll like this, a whole lot better."


I straddled him on the bed and rolled the condom on him.

"God you're so fucking sexy." He groaned against me as I sheathed myself with him cock. "Oh holy fucking Christ."

"Yeah" I moaned as I moved up and down on his cock.

"Come on Baby, ride me." He said gripping my ass making me moan. "Fuck" He groaned.

Our lips joined together as we kissed, his hands continuing to spear me with his cock making me feel like I was splitting into two.

"Fuck, fuck." He moaned. "Are you...?" he asked and I knew he was trying to hold off on cuming.

Never had a fella done that for me before, Edward Masen was definitely one in a million.

"Yeah just there." I moaned when I felt the sensation rip through me. "Yes" I moaned and he groaned into my neck as he came as well.

"Holy Fuck that was good." He said and I nodded as I slumped against him.

"There's a bin for the Johnny in the corner, I have to go and check you haven't broken my fecking fanny."


"So what does this Lad do?" Da asked me over the webcam and I rolled my eyes. I had just told about Edward and he didn't seem too impressed.

"He's like me Da, he does bar work and then during the days he works in the restaurant attached to the bar." I explained.

"And what about back here? You said he's from here right?" Da asked and I nodded.

"His Dad owns a farm."

"A farmer? You're shagging a farmer?" Da asked.

"Da! Don't say that. I'm dating a nice Lad who just happens to be a farmer."

"Of for Christ sake Bella, what's the bet's all he's got is a small water logged field."

"Da he's got road frontage." I explained and he let out a sarcastic laugh. "Stop fucking laughing."

"How do you know?" he asked.

"He showed me pictures." I told him and Da laughed. "Stop it Da."

"Right right." Dad said shaking his head. "I better get going." He said and I nodded before signing off as I did I heard there was a knock on the door.

"Rosalie can you...?" I asked her and she nodded. I heard the door open.

"Bella it's your Leprechaun." Rosalie called and I smiled as I walked out of my bedroom towards the living room where he was standing.

"Leprechaun? Is that the best you got?" Edward asked her before turning to look at me. "D'ya hear her?" He asked cocking his head towards Rose with a smirk on his face.

"Awh is she bullying you?" I asked him and he nodded with a pout. "C'mere." I said pulling him to me and kissing him. "You just out of work?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Am fucking knackered" He said as Rosalie walked passed us and walked into the living room.

"Do you want something to eat? I'm thinking of making mince quickie." I told him.

"This has to be one of the best parts of this relationship." He said following me into the kitchen. I began peeling the potatoes and he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist. "I hate double shifts."

"You were working last night aswell?" I asked him and he nodded. "Go throw yourself down on my bed while this cooks." I told him and he shook his head.

"You were working last night aswell and then got up to go dancing, and now you're cooking for me? Least I can do is stay awake Babe." He said and I smiled and kissing his cheek before I got the bar smell of him.

"You smell wrank." I told him. "Go get in the shower will you, the immersion was on so you'll be grand." I added.

"Right." He said giving my ass a pat as he walked out of the kitchen.

Rosalie appeared in the kitchen once the shower turned on.

"So he's coming here straight after work now?" she asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Royce moved his t.v. here without you asking me." I told her "And the rest of his belongings."

"Fine but if he's idiot friend starts showing up here all the time he's gotta go."

"Aye, aye Captain."


"Babe" I murmured as his phone vibrated on the bedside table beside me. I reached over and slapped him on the chest but he wouldn't wake up, the lazy fucker. I grabbed his phone and answered figuring it was his job and he would crack up if he missed this call. "Hello?" I answered with a yawn.

"Hello? Edward? Hello?" A woman's voice called loudly and I groaned as I sat up.

"Heya, yeah Edward's asleep. Who's this?" I asked.

"I think the better question is who the hell is this?" the woman said and I looked at my watch and saw it was early in this morning. My eyes widened as I realised who this was.

"Mrs. Masen" I said sitting straighter. "Yeah I didn't check his caller ID and he left the fecking phone beside me and I'm trying to sleep and..." I ranted.

"Oh so you're the girlfriend." She said.

"I hope so or he's in deep shit." I said and she laughed.

"Oh I like you. You'll keep him in line." She said and I smiled. "Listen I was just calling to tell himself the dates for his Godson's christening and you should definitely come with him."

"I wouldn't want to but in..." I began when Edward woke up and saw me holding his phone.

"Babe who are you talking to?" he asked me.

"You're Ma." I told him before going back to my conversation with his mother as she told me I just had to come home with Edward for the Christening. "Yeah, well I'll see Mrs. Masen. Yep, here Edward woke up I'll put him onto ye." I told her before we said our goodbyes and I tossed Edward the phone.

He chatted to his Ma for another couple of minutes while I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I got back he had a weird look on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Yeah I might aswell not go home if you don't come home with me."

"Ah no Baby, it's a family thing." I told him and he shook his head.

"Ma has fecking spoken you're coming." He said reaching for his laptop.

"What are you doing?"

"Buying our tickets." He said and I took the laptop out of his hands. "Babe come on, my sister will just pick on me if I don't bring you with me."

"Oh that's just lovely." I said. "Edward I'll be fine. Just tell them I was sick."

"Yeah no." He said snatching the laptop out of my hands and booting it up. I tried distracting him from buying the tickets but it was obvious he was more afraid of hit mother and sister then me. I would have to remedy that soon


Despite my initial nerves about going home with Edward it proved to be the best trip of my life. I wasn't sure what to expect when we were home together. But Edward had impressed me when we had gone home.

Normally guys weren't really interested in talking about the future, or whenever women brought it up then ran as fast as they fecking could in the opposite direction. Not Edward though. The whole time we were at home he kept asking me questions, like where did I see myself in the next couple of years and did I want to settle in America.

I already knew the answers to those questions myself but to hear he was thinking about it himself was pretty fecking amazing to hear.

Plus to finally be able to tell him I was in love with him was pretty great.

So to come back to Seattle to get sick was really pissing me off. A real fucking smack in the face to say you're back right.

"Bella, Sweetie are you okay?" Rosalie called from the other side of the bathroom door as I got sick in the bathroom.

I finished and sat on the floor.

"Yeah I'm okay." I told her. "You can come in." I told her and she came in handing me a glass of water. "Thanks Rose."

"That is some nasty stomach bug." She said and I nodded as she flushed the toilet. "Do you want me to bring you to the doctor?" she asked.

"Nah." I said as she helped me stand up. "I'm fine." I told her.

"Well at least it will pass." She said as I walked back to my room. "It's not like you're pregnant or anything." She added. "Right I have to get to work, call me or Edward if you need something. Don't suffer in silence or anything." She said before leaving the apartment.

But I wasn't focusing on that.

It's not like you're pregnant or anything...


Visions of the night of Edward's nephew's christening came flying into my head.

I could remember pretty much all of it except for one bit.

For the life of me I don't remember us stopping for him to suit up his misters.

"Oh you fucking eejet!"


"Bella, Love slow down now." Ma said as I cried over the phone. "Now have you taken a test."

"No." I said through my tears. "Ma he is going to freak out." I said.

"Sweetheart you have to take the test." She told me. I had called Ma waking her up in the middle of the night but I needed to talk to someone about this. I was panicking.

"Ma what if it's positive?" I asked her.

"Well then you're going to have a baby Bella. That's what." She told me. "I taught you about safe sex, you know the fucking consequences of not looking after yourself. What kind of eejet leaves it all up to the fella?" Ma asked me.

"I know Ma, I just wasn't thinking. Shit, this is just a fecking mess."

"Well what's done is done Bella. You need to go get a test and if it's positive, get yourself to a doctor and talk to Edward about this. Have you talked about kids yet?" she asked me.

"No Ma we haven't talked about kids yet." I said wiping my eyes.

"Well no time like the present." She said. "Right now get to it and text me. My nerves are gone with ye."


I leaning against the sink, the test was in the sink itself while I waited for the answer. I can't believe I'm such a fecking eejet. Leaving it all to him. Edward couldn't be trusted to pick up toilet paper, why the hell did I think he could shoulder the whole responsibility of all this.

If this turned out negative I was running to the doctor to get birth control.

This was fucking terrifying.

I don't know how slutty girls did this all the time.

My stomach hurts.

I was nauseous.

My boobs were fucking killing me.

I was moody as fuck.

My phone beeped beside me and I sighed looking behind me. I picked up the test and looked at the results.

"The luck of the Irish my arse."

So I wanted to write that because I think Bella is a very strong female character. I like writing strong women you know, I've been on a bit of a kick with it for a while. I love this Bella and I wanted to give you a quick glance into the mind of Bella and her thoughts on the night she met Edward and like all things it grew from that.

That's all I'm going for this particular perspective, but it was definitely interesting stepping into Bella's head and I hope you enjoyed it.

If you're looking for a new story of mine to sink your teeth into, I've begun posting a story called 'Like It's That Easy' it's New Moon alternative and my first vampire multi-chapter fic! So if you so inclined please go check it out.

Review please.

Love The Irish Cullen.