Family Issues and Vampires

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.

Summary: Tag to 1.20 the fight between Sam and John gets out of hand.

Chapter 1

"Pull off the next exit." Dean glanced at Sam.

"Why?" Sam snapped back, anger clear in his voice.

"'Cause dad thinks we got the vampires trail." Dean replied oblivious to Sam's anger.

"How?" Sam snapped again.

Dean looked at Sam before turning his eyes back to the road "I dunno, he didn't say."

Dean's eyes grew wide realizing that the car had sped up. He looked again at Sam, who had his nose scrunched up in anger.

Sam overtook his dad's car and swerved across the road, stopping both cars.

"Aw crap! Here we go! Sam!" Dean shouted as Sam got out the car and stomped up to his father also getting out his truck.

What the hell was that?" John asked, his voice low in frustration.

"We need to talk."

"About what?" John asked again, raising his voice.

Sam also raised his voice "about everything, where we going dad? What's the big deal about this gun?"

"Sammy come on we can Q&A after we kill all the vampires" Dean interrupted, trying to kept the peace in his family.

"Your brother's right, we don't have time for this!"

"Last time we saw you, you said it was too dangerous to be together, now all of a sudden out of the blue you need our help. Now obviously something big is going on and we wanna know what!" Sam yelled. Dean looked up and down the road, looking for any unwanted attention.

"Get back in the car!" John growled in a low voice.


"I said get back in the damn car!"

"Yeah, and I said no!" Sam answered back.

"Alright you made your point tough guy. Look we're all tired, we can talk about his later." John and Sam exchanged anger filled gazes. Dean grabbed the front of Sam's shirt, pushing him back towards the car "Sammy I mean it, come on!" Dean's voice was also low.

"This is why I left in the first place." Sam muttered to himself turning to the car.

"What did you say?" John asked.

"You heard me!" Sam shouted turning back around to face his dad.

John walked towards Sam "yeah, you left! Your brother and me, we needed you! You walked away Sam! You walked away!" John started poking at Sam.

"Stop it both of you!" Came Dean's voice from the side of them.

Sam was clearly getting upset "you're the way that said don't come back dad. You're the one that closed that door not me! You were just pissed off, you couldn't control me anymore!" Sam yelled.

John lost it, swinging his fist out, connecting with side of Sam's face. Sam spun around, his legs were unable to hold him. He dropped like lead to the floor, hitting his head again on the side off the road. John advanced on him again, anger radiating of him.

Dean stepped in front of Sam, willing to protect him. "Dad, don't!" he blocked John's path to Sam.

John retreated taking a few steps back. Dean turned to check on Sam, who has struggling to get back on his feet. Dean's protective-big-brother mode kicked into overdrive, he grabbed Sam's arm pulling him up. Sam swayed on his feet, while Dean gently grabbed his chin, turning his face to see the damage. Sam's face was cut to two places, one from where John had punched him and the other from where his head collided with the concrete, blood was flowing freely from both cuts.

John watched as his oldest fussed over his little brother, asking him how many fingers he was waving in front of his eyes. His eyes met with his youngest, his stomach flipped suddenly as he saw he hurt look of his baby's face.

Sam's anger returned quickly when he saw his father, he didn't notice Dean with a cloth dabbing at his wounds. He staggered back, away from Dean. His eyes darted between his brother and father.

"Sam, just let me.." Dean took a step towards him, but paused when Sam took an equal step back from him. Dean also saw the hurt look in Sam's eyes, almost looking scared.

After a painful few moments of glances between the family, Sam finally spoke "Dean, I can't, I'm sorry, I can't go back to how it was before, we deserve to be in the know about these things." Sam stumbled towards the Impala, going to the backseat. Dean stood in shock as Sam pulled out his bags. He looked at John how was watching his youngest son intently, he made no move to stop Sam from leaving.

Sam shot an apologetic look at Dean, mouthing "I'm sorry" again, before stalking off down the road.

What just happened finally sunk in for Dean, he ran after his brother not wanting to lose him again.

He caught up with him quickly "Sammy, Sam. Wait please, don't leave, just ignore dad, it's just you and me." Sam continued to walk forward, Dean grabbed his jacket sleeve. Sam sucked in a breath and turned to Dean.

Tears threatened to fall from his eyes "I'm sorry I can't." He simply replied, with tears spilling down his cheeks. "You need to go with dad Dean, you're so happy when you're with him. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"No!" Dean suddenly yelled, causing Sam to flinch "no, I'm not getting him back to lose you, I want my family Sammy, I need both of you." Worried filled in eyes when he notice the cuts on Sam's face were still bleeding steadily "at least let me clean you up, then you can leave if you want to." He tried to reason with Sam, trying to keep Sam with him just for a little while longer.

"I'll deal it Dean, it's fine. Goodbye Dean." Sam smiled starting to walk away again.

Dean wanted to stop him but he couldn't he saw how much what just happened had hurt Sam, and he knew staying with dad would only make it worse. Tears fell down his face as he watched Sam disappear into the darkness "goodbye Sammy" he whispered.


He returned to his car to find John looking questionably at him "he's gone dad.." more tears fell down his cheeks, he looked down, gazing at his feet.

"Dean.. We'll get him back but he need to finish off these vampires first." John's voice hardened showing no emotion for his youngest son at all. He stared at Dean how was still looking down at his feet. "Dean, come on, we need to go!" He ordered, rewarded by a angry glare from Dean.

Dean finally exploded "don't you care dad! You hit him and you don't even care! you've just pushed him away again!"

"Again!? Are you saying that him leaving from Stanford was my fault? He decided to leave Dean! That's his choice! Now I've got no time for this either you help me with this or not, it's your choice."

Dean felt like he was stuck... Which he was, between his brother and father.

"I need your help though Son." John's voice was suddenly soft and gentle.

"Fine! But once we'd done, we find Sam and you apologize." Dean growled.

"Of course Dean." John smiled trying to coax a smile from Dean but only got a glare.

The two hunters climbed into their cars, Dean looked over to the empty passenger, Sam's seat, Dean sighed sadly.


Sam was miles away from a town, he knew if he kept walking through the night he still wouldn't reach a town by the morning. He trudged along the side of the road hoping a car would pass by so he could catch a ride. He looked at his watch that read 12.43am, and it was getting cold. His head began to throb, he had forgotten about the cuts on his face, he sat down on the side of the road and pulled out a cloth and disinfectant. 10 minutes later the cuts were cleaned and the blood on his face was gone, he took aspirin for the headache.

He decided to leave the road figuring his best chance is to find an abandoned cabin in the woods and wait 'til morning to find a town.

He had walked through the woods for what seemed like hours when he came across a small farm, there were cars parked outside the barn but the house looked empty. He stalked cautiously towards the barn, he halted when he heard voices coming the inside.

Sam rounded the side of the barn to see who was in there, he found a small window and peered in. His blood ran cold by the sight that met him, a girl younger than him was tied to a pole, in the middle of the dimly light room, she was being circled by some hungry looking people. Sam's stomach flipped knowing he had found the vampires.

He watched in horror as a man pulled out a knife and approached the young girl, Sam went to barge in and help the girl but it was too late.

He flung himself through the doors just as the vampire plunged the knife into the girls heart, killing her instantly.

Sam cursed himself for being so stupid by running in there without a weapon or back-up but the desire to help the girl over came everything.

The vampires turned to him, surprised to see the Sam Winchester standing in front of them.

Sam was quick to react and bolted back through the barn doors and sprinted into the woods. He heard one of them ordering the rest to go after him. He ran and ran and ran until he was just about to collapse in exhaustion, he looked around for any sign of the vampires to find there was none. He couched down behind a tree and pulled out his phone, without hesitating he scrolled down to Dean's number.

Before he could hit the call button something solid hit his back. He tumbled forward, landing on his side, he got up on his feet quick ready to fight off his attackers. Pain shot though his back and head. He launched his fist at the one that had hit him with a pipe hitting him square in the nose. Sam was aware that he wasn't the only one there, so he spun around quickly reading himself to fight the rest.

He was grabbed at the front of his jacket and flung back through the air, the pain in his back already spiked as he hit a tree.

His vision blurred as he slumped down at the bottom the tree. He tried to get up again but his back protested as every move made it worse. He gazed up at the the vampires standing above him, one of them brought up his foot, bring it down forcefully on Sam's head. Sam lay limp as unconsciousness claimed him. His last thought was of his family, hoping they would come to find him.

Having a bit of a writer's block with my other stories so I decided to write this one. Please review guys, let me know what you think.