Hello people
I'm really sorry for this long delay. My life has been very evetful this last years (pregnancy, children, new job, new town...) but I kept this story on mind and now I'm ready to write again.

Thank you very much for all the reviews and follow/favorite :-).

Also I apologize beforhand for my bad grammar but I'm still french and English is still not my birth-language.

I don't own One Piece.

Chopper was confused. Now that the adrenaline rush caused by the discovery of Robin's condition was beginning to lessen, the young reindeer did not know what to think.

Despite his young age, Chopper was well informed about the mating process of humans. This had obviously been part of the training that Doctorine had given him. Indeed, many diseases could result from these behaviors.

Robin's nudity, the smell of the archaeologist on Zoro, the perspiration of the two humans, and especially the smell of rut that hung in the infirmary, all pointed to an obvious cause.

What the reindeer did not know was the reason of this behavior between Robin and Zoro. and Chopper was planning to ask this very question to Zoro. The young reindeer who was usually so shy in the presence of the swordsman was finding new confidence now that his patient was threatened.

While preparing the material for the test, Chopper hoped that it will confirm the cause of Robin's illness. Meanwhile, the doctor was keeping an eye on Zoro. The green haired young man was retranched a corner of the infirmary and from time to time cast anxious glances at the archaeologist. He was often rubbing his hair with his hands and because of sweat, green peaks had risen on his head.

"So Zoro," Chopper asked sharply, "what exactly happened? "

The doctor could have sworn that the swordsman slightly jumped at the sound of his voice, but he had immediately resumed his position.

"Uh," the young man hesitated.

He looked so embarrassed that it would have been laughable had it not been for Robin's dramatic condition.

While Zoro was searching for words, Chopper was collecting his material. The test was not very complicated to perform, and he took about twenty minutes to realize. According to the book, it consisted of making a thick blood drop that had to be spread on a slide. Furthermore, the result was immediate because you just had to look at it under a microscope. But specific equipment was needed and the slides that Luffy had broken were necessary for the examination. The only good thing about the aggravation of Robin's symptoms was that the test was more likely to work if performed during a fever spike.

"In fact, uh, with Robin ..."

Zoro mumbled behind him. Chopper did not understand all the words of the swordsman, but he heard enough to realize that the green haired man did not know where to begin.

The reindeer began by carefully cleaning Robin's ring finger with a swab soaked in alcohol, then took a large drop of capillary blood from the archaeologist's finger and placed it directly on the end of a slide.

All of this did not stir Robin. She was completely unconscious again.

Then, using the corner of a second slide, the doctor spread the drop by turning it for a few seconds.

After that, he put a few drops of clean water to completely cover the drop.

He waited one minute and drained it cleanly.

The thick drop was well transparent as shown in the book. He made two more slides just in case.

He now had to wait for the drop to dry completely before he could put a colouring agent on it for examination under the microscope.

He took advantage of those moments to check Robin's constants. The young woman's breathing was irregular and the muscles in her face contracted at regular intervals. Peering under the eyelids of the archaeologist he realized that her eyes were still yellow.

You did not hope that they would become miraculously white again, thought Chopper grimacing.

He sighed deeply, Robin's condition worsened from hours to hours. If the test he was doing was negative ... No, it was unwise to go down such path. If the test was positive, the treatment was well signified in his book on tropical diseases. A simple plant that Chopper knew very well.

Meanwhile, the slides had dried. It was now time to color them.

The doctor rubbed the blades with a swab soaked in alcohol and then covered them with dye. The coloring would take about ten minutes, which gave him time to talk with Zoro.

He turned to the swordsman, determined to drag the truth out of him.

While Chopper was preparing the required elements for his test, Zoro was thinking.

The swordsman was extremely relieved to see that the doctor's intervention had seemed to calm Robin down. Zoro would never have confessed to anyone even under torture but when the beautiful young woman had collapsed under the pain that seemed to drill into her skull…. It had terrified him.

Robin was always so calm, nothing seemed to ever reach her. Zoro's stomach was contracting as he remembered the expression of agony on the archaeologist's face.

I still managed to make her lose her cool mumbled the swordsman thinking back to the delicious moments that preceded the crisis.

Tch what a perv… it maybe that's what caused the crisis.

His eyes widened.

But yes, that's it, it's my fault, kuso!

Gnawed by guilt, he rushed to Chopper who had just finished ausculting Robin.

"Chopper," he exclaimed, "Robin and I, uh have uh"

"You have mated," the young reindeer cut him off accusingly.

"Uh yes," Zoro stammered "you can say that…"

"But what could have gone through both of your minds? ... »

Zoro interrupted

"Ototo-chan, is it my fault? "

Zoro's very serious tone interrupted Chopper, who was about to start a sermon on how to behave with sick people. He looked attentively at the swordsman, he saw that under the hard look was a sincere fear and perhaps another feeling.

He recovered and declared calmly

"No Zoro, her condition did not get worse because of you. I am not saying that it had improve it either, but it's the disease that cause these repeated crises. "

An expression of relief flew through the young man's face.

"Chopper, I know it was a mistake to do that, but I do not know what took me ... Robin was talking to me normally, she seemed to be much better ... One thing driving another ... "

Chopper felt that the swordsman was not telling him the whole truth. He felt that it was not just an isolated sexual act. But he decided to leave Zoro alone.

The slides were now ready to be examined. Chopper grabbed one, put it under the microscope, and he immediatly sees the result.

"Just what I thought," whispered the young reindeer.

"Plasmodium falciparum"

Plasmodium falciparum is a real parasite, for those who have not yet find the mysterious disease you can google it *wink*.

reviews are always welcomed