I don't own APH. I got this idea rping with my friend; Rinu-Motoga on deviant art.
Amelia sighed, today was the last day of spring break and she had nothing left to do. Even her roommate, Alice, was gone. Then again Alice did have a family unlike her. She brushed her long blond hair over one shoulder, one lock sticking up in the air, glancing at Alice's bookcase of occult and spell books. Perhaps there was some ritual in there she could do for kicks.
She skimmed the books until she found a spell to summon a demon that was pretty easy. She set up the circle. Amelia was pretty hot with D-cups, a small waist, and wide hips. She hummed as she set up, even if it didn't work she would no longer be bored.
She chanted the incantation, the chalk circle she drew glowed, a man appeared; a tall man wearing a long tan jacket and a pink scarf, he had light hair, a long thin but powerful looking tail, black bat like wings. His eyes were like amethysts, his nose big, like a Russian's, and out of his forehead were a pair of horns.
"Holy shit…it worked…" she said in awe.
The demon looked around before locking eyes with her, "State you name and reason for summoning me human."
"I'm Amelia…an orphan collage student…I was bored to be honest, I didn't think the spell would work."
"Then I shall take my payment and leave," he said looking around again.
"Only this half of the room's mine so…yeah…I read that you take something from the dwelling of whoever summons you so go ahead. Sorry I don't have much," Amelia told him looking sheepish.
But she didn't notice that the demon was looking her over.
'Hmm…good breasts, wide hips, no family…she's perfect,' he thought his tail wagging behind him.
"Did you see something you like…uh…"
"Ivan, I am called Ivan, and yes I have chosen my payment," he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close, "I choose you."
He locked her lips in searing kiss that literally stole her breath away, so much so that she fainted in is arms. Ivan scooped her up.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you…my bride," he cooed before they vanished.