
Here it is, the ending of Insane.

It was a race against time as Kiba flew through the courtyard, Tsunade and his friends on his heels.

He only had a few minutes to save Kira, to save his friend!

Now, you may be wondering what had brought us up to this point. Well let us backtrack about an hour…

An hour before

Kiba hadn't really been back on planet earth until Kira was being pulled away screaming for Kiba's help. When he did get back though, he pulled a guard following to the side. Now he wasn't some average guard, he was one of Danzo's guards. That made Kiba suspicious.

"What're you doing with her?" asked Kiba.

"That my boy, was her 300th kill. She's going to be gone forever soon." laughed the man as he continued on. Kiba's heart almost stopped.

His Kira, gone forever?

Wait a minute… his?

He had no time to think about that though because he was already racing through the courtyard and then the building. When he reached his destination news had already spread and his friends, plus Tsunade, were already on the top floor together. He burst through the door.

"Kira shouldn't die!" he shouted flying through the door. Everyone but the ever stoic Neji and Sasuke jumped.

"What do you mean?" inquired Tsunade.

"It's not her fault Yuki's dead! It was self defense!" yelled Kiba. Tsunade's eyes widened.

"Yuki was assaulting me and pulled a knife when Kira went to help me get her off. Kira tried to get the knife away when it slipped and plunged into Yuki's neck! Kira didn't mean to kill her and even though she did it was in self defense!" shouted Kiba.

"We need to stop Danzo!" realized Tsunade. Kiba's eyes widened.

"Wait, Danzo's guards were down there… I think he planned this!" realized Kiba. Tsunade smashed her fist into the desk.

"It makes sense, he was here today for no reason with his guards everywhere, and for the last few months he had been anxiously awaiting for Kira's last kill so he could kill her. He probably paid Yuki to try and set her off and she just happened to be in the way! Danzo planned this, we have to get to the tower now!" shouted Tsunade. They all looked to the clock. Assuming Kira would be executed on the hour, which would be in 15 minutes, they had to hurry. They flew down the steps and out into the courtyard, this is how we got to where they were now.

With Kira

Kira frowned as her hair was pulled back. Her strange eyes glared at Danzo as he strapped her to the table and put the needle in her arm. He already had the bag set up with the poison; he just had to hit the button now.

"You're finally leaving." laughed Danzo. Kira's eyes narrowed at him. Her strange glowing eyes, one piercing amber, the other bright yellow, although that eye was blind with a red lash mark that was the scar on her eye that blinded her.

"You're a bastard." spat Kira, Danzo laughed.

"I may be, but I just want to look out for the future of this place and the entire city, having you running around mentally unstable isn't very good now is it?" countered Danzo as he moved over to the button. Kira moved her eyes to the door.

'Kiba… you broke your promise…' As Danzo moved to push the button, the door flew open.

However it was too late, Danzo had already pushed the button.

Kira's eyes connected with Kiba's and she gave him a small smile.

'Thank you…' she mouthed and he watched as the bluish purple liquid moved through the tube slowly. It then reached the needle in Kira's arm and her smile faded.

During her final moments, Kira's life flashed before her eyes. Her parents before they died, their deaths, her foster homes, the brown haired man, her escape from torture, her friends, her time at the asylum, and then her times with Kiba.

Was her life worth it? She smiled as she laid there dying.

'Yes. My life was worth living, all the friends I made, made up for this.' decided Kira as she took her last breath and the poison set in.

Soon, her eyes dropped and closed. Her body became paler, and her body sagged.

It was just like that.

It only took one second of being late for one of his friends to be taken away from him.

Kira… was dead.

"You fucking bastard!" shouted Tsunade, pointing at Danzo.

"That girl was innocent! That girl was killed in self defense! Kiba here was a witness and you did no investigation! I should let this out to the papers, there goes all the income and business to this place!" shouted Tsunade, all the young adults behind her all nodded furiously.

"She killed 300 people, Tsunade, she was destined to die this way." laughed Danzo as he pulled the needle from Kira's arm. Kiba walked up to him and Danzo merely stared.

A loud crunch echoed around the room as blood spurted form Danzo's now broken nose. Kiba had punched him.

"She never deserved this, she deserved better. She deserved life!" yelled Kiba as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Everyone was holding back tears, Tsunade's only of rage and the others of sadness.

Kira was dead, and it was because of him. It was because he hadn't spoken up to the guards, hadn't been fast enough. Hell he was the one who had told Yuki of the job here. It was his entire fault.

The papers had so many headlines.

"Murderer of 300, innocent?" read one; it went on to say how she had been a traumatized and abused child for her entire life and how the manger of the mental hospital killed her for killing someone in self-defense.

Kiba hadn't left his apartment in days, grieving over his friend. He had let her down, he had broken his promise.

The Akatsuki had been outraged and heartbroken; they had fueled the newspaper and had even led a protest at the mental hospital.

Eventually Danzo was put out of his job and no one would hire him. Soon he moved from the country, unable to sustain himself.

All that had taken merely a month after her death. The city then began to settle down and eventually she would become old news, forgotten.

But Kiba would always remember Kira. He would always remember one thing though. One thing he had actually written down. He would always stop to think about this, debate it.

Was Kira really insane? She had been a mentally traumatized girl, an abused child. Did that call for her having to be labeled insane? In Kiba's opinion, no. And now, the entire city was on Kira's side. But was Kira insane?

No one really knew if she was insane or just traumatized. Some people argued insane because she should have gotten over it, however others pointed out and argued that I that happened to them, they'd probably have killed themselves instead of went through the torture of living like Kira.

Kira was her own kind of insane, decided Kiba one day. She had been the kind of insane that was the good insane. The one that made him wish he had been moments quicker. He wished to go back in time and stop all this from happening.

"Kiba, if you could go back in time and stop something, what would you stop?" he remembered Kira asking once.

"I would stop my father from leaving." he had replied without missing a beat. Now however, he would stop Kira from dying. He would stop all her pain, all her suffering.

He would stop all the insanity, because Kira was not insane. No, she was Kira.

She was 1313.

She was the friend of the Akatsuki.

So many people's younger sister.

His friend.

All his friend's friend.

Kira, was Kira.

And that was all there was to it.

And so, Kiba thought, the insanity was over.

There was no more insane.


Perhaps a sequeal? A prequel even about her time with the Akatsuki?

What did you guys think?

Was the story trash? Or was it worth your time?

Did you like Kira?

How was the ending? Sad? Weak? Did you even care?

Please let me now.

I would like to thank the 500ish readers, 3 reviewers, 1 favoriter, and 3 followers.

If you didn't like this story, please give my others a chance (Mainly Insomnia, it was my main focus and much better because i had a Beta and everything)


and remember, there was no more insane