I do not own Soul Eater. This entire story is written but not edited. I will be trying to update about once a week.

What You Really Want

Chapter 1

She supposed that the first time that she saw him, she didn't even notice him. After all, it had been the first day of class and Maka had been a bit preoccupied with finding her best friend Tsubaki. The two of them only shared the one history class together, and it was only because it was a core class that they both needed despite their different majors. This also meant that there were about 200 other students in the class with Maka and Tsubaki. Therefore, it was no wonder that Maka didn't remember Soul from the moment that she saw him.

With such striking features as stark white hair and deep red eyes, one might have thought that Soul was hard to miss, but Maka could only guess that she had seen him only for a split second that first day before continuing her search for Tsubaki.

Maka had been preoccupied at the moment. Not to mention, she already had a boyfriend. Hiro.

Hiro and Maka fit really well together. He was a very nice and sweet boy who was practically the definition of chivalry. Since their first date, he had always held open doors for her and pulled out her chair to sit in. After Maka's childhood of her parents' divorce and her father's womanizing ways, there was nothing she felt like she wanted more than a man who would treat her with the respect that she deserved.

She couldn't have been more wrong.

"Hey Tsubaki! Ready to study some History and ace the exam on Monday," Maka asked bounding up to her friend in their Library study room. It wasn't theirs per say, as they did not own it, but Maka had managed to book the room for them at the beginning of the semester for every Thursday from 11 to 1 o'clock.

"Of course Maka," Tsubaki looked up at her excitable friend and smiled gently, "though knowing you I bet you were ready for the test a week ago at least."

Maka simply waved off Tsubaki's comment, "Doesn't matter if I was, there is no such thing as being too prepared."

Tsubaki giggled softly, "Very true. Let's get started."

So they did. They went over all the key terms that their professor had given to them on the review sheet and double checked all the dates that they had for each as well as comparing their answers, and by in large, it could have been classified as one of their typical Thursday study group secessions. However, Maka could tell that something was off with Tsubaki.

The way the girl was checking her phone for the time about every two minutes and always bit her lip while doing so, was the first thing that Maka perceived was different than usual. It was true that Maka had the bad habit of getting lost in studying and losing track of time, but she wasn't so bad that Tsubaki needed to check the time that much. Obviously, something else was on the Japanese girl's mind. Maka realized exactly what it was when Tsubaki's cheeks tinted into a light pink at about 11:45 when she looked down at her clock once again.

"You have a date."

Tsubaki jumped at the sudden accusation and immediately floundered about for the right words. "No.. well… it's just… I-"

"It's so obvious," Maka giggled. "So tell me the details."

Now Maka had never exactly been the most girly of girls while growing up, but this was Tsubaki, and the one thing she was no matter what, was supportive of her friends. Plus, Tsubaki was obviously excited about this boy. After all, Maka hadn't seen a blush like that on her friend's face, ever since she'd had her first kiss back in junior high.

"Well," Tsubaki started slowly looking down at her hands. "You know that guy I've been crushing on in History class right?"

Maka tried not to make a face.

"He's not that bad Maka."

And apparently she failed.

"I know I know, he's just so loud and obnoxious and-"

"Confident," Tsubaki interrupted.

Maka sighed, "Okay, I'll admit he's confident, but what does this have to do with him."

"I'm meeting him for lunch today!" Tsubaki blurted out before slapping her hands over her mouth.

For a moment, Maka just sat their stunned while Tsubaki was frozen and sat staring at her best friend. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Maka replied smiling and thrilled for her friend. "Tell me how this happened. I'm so excited for you."

"I know," Tsubaki grinned finally dropping her hands to the side, and with that she began to explain.

She told Maka about how her and this guy, Black Star, had bumped into each other at the coffee shop downstairs in the library, and how he immediately asked her out on the spot when she listened to him the whole time they were waiting in line. Maka smiled at all the right places and giggled when Tsubaki told her how over the top he had been talking to her. When Tsubaki mentioned butterflies in her stomach and being nervous, Maka understood completely. After all, her and Hiro had started dating just this past summer, and she knew exactly what Tsubaki was talking about.

"So what time are you meeting him at," Maka asked excitedly.


"It's 12:15 right now Tsubaki," Maka's eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh, I have to go," Tsubaki immediately stood up and started rushing about the room gathering her things.

Maka laughed lightly, "Yeah you do."

Tsubaki suddenly froze and looked Maka in the eye, "I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you I had to leave early today and I know how much you wanted to get this last study time in."

"Tsubaki," Maka said standing up herself as she gathered together her papers on the desk. "It's not a problem, I'm happy for you, plus now I get to see if I can hang out for a little bit with Hiro."

She sighed, "Thanks Maka, you're the best. I'll see you on Monday okay."

Maka grinned, "Yeah see you then and I want to hear all about it, okay."

Tsubaki only nodded as she headed out the door and made her way to her date. Sighing to herself, Maka quickly sent a text to Hiro asking if he wanted to get together that night for dinner. After that, she simply got out her other homework and got back to studying, because if there was one thing that was important to Maka, it was her 4.0 GPA.

Maka didn't get a response back from Hiro until the next day. Apparently he had been out with a couple of friends for lunch and hadn't gotten her message until it was too late. Maka wasn't upset with him. Yes, she was a little disappointed because after her talk with Tsubaki she had wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend, but things don't always go according to plan. Therefore, she went on with life, and the following Monday was the first time that she met him; that she met Soul.

It was tradition for her and Tsubaki to always meet up outside the classroom right after a History test and compare thoughts and opinions. When Maka looked up from her book, she wasn't surprised to see Tsubaki looking a little worse for the wear walking slowly out of the classroom.

Maka smiled, "It wasn't that bad was it?" she asked gingerly. After all, they'd had an hour to complete the exam and Maka had managed to finish it in about 45 minutes, while Tsubaki had just finished at 5 till.

Tsubaki shook her head, "No, it wasn't too bad, I just feel worn out from it ya know?"

Nodding, Maka answered, "Yeah, there was a lot more dates on it than I expected and the multiple choice section was tricky."

"Yes, I'm actually not too worried about my short essay. I'm just afraid that I might have tripped up on a few of the multiple choice questions," Tsubaki agreed while taking a seat on the bench next to her friend.

It was then that the professor must have made everyone stop working on their tests because next thing the girls knew, it was madness in the hallway as the majority of the students finally made their way out of the test, all of whom were chatting and ranting about the exam.

"Tsubaki!" an obnoxiously loud voice suddenly yelled above the whole crowd.

And suddenly she was on her feet with her cheeks stained pink again. Maka only had to think for a second before comprehending what was about to happen.

"Tsubaki!" he yelled again, just as deafening as before, but now right in Tsubaki's face. She didn't really seem to mind, although Maka was a bit irked by it.

"Hey Black Star," the shy girl said smiling. "How do you think you did on the test?"

"I Did Amazing! No One Could Have Done As Good Of A Job As Someone As Wonderful As Me!" he continued to yell directly in their faces. Maka was not impressed.

"Dude, just a second ago you were telling me how shitty you did, so don't go lying to your girlfriend now," another guy said walking up to them slowly but confidently.

Maka took in his appearance. At first glance, he looked like just a typical "too cool for you" guy with a black leather jacket as well as dark jeans, but something about his presence said the exact opposite. His hair was bleach white and Maka couldn't help but wonder if he had bleached it to make it so. However, it was his eyes that really caught her attention. He had deep red eyes, like none she had ever seen before, and while normally she would just chalk it up to being colored contacts or something, something made her second guess that presumption. Perhaps, it was the perpetually lazy but almost gleaming look in them that made her wary of conjecture. He may have been teasing Black Star, who she could only assume was his friend, but obviously he cared about the fellow classmate.

Meanwhile, Black Star was just blathering like an idiot trying to regain any lost ground with Tsubaki, who apparently had began to blush a deep red at already being called Black Star's girlfriend, and therefore couldn't manage to say a word. Thus, Maka took things into her own hands.

"So how did you do on the test then?" she asked finally standing up.

The mystery boy shrugged, "We'll see when I get my grade back."

For a moment, the two just stood opposite of one another, almost as if they were sizing one another up, like they had to decide if the other was really worth their time before they talked any longer. In the end, Maka's curiosity won out.

"I'm Maka Albarn, journalist major, 4.0 GPA, and taken. This is Tsubaki, business major, 3.76 GPA and currently dating this guy," she said gesturing towards Black Star, "you?"

If he was thrown off by her quick summary, he certainly didn't act like it. He only paused for a second before answering. "Soul Eater Evans, yes that is my real name, music major, unknown GPA at the moment, and single. While this guy," he gestured with his head at the blue haired guy next to him, "is Black Star, an engineering major, and you don't even want to know his GPA, and is trying to date her."

"Hey I Am Dating Tsubaki! Isn't That Right Tsubaki!" Black Star immediately retaliated looking at Tsubaki, who simple nodded her head in agreement.

Soul simply rolled his eyes at his friend. Maka knew that something was up with the guy though by the way he looked at her immediately after and almost smirked. "Yeah, but you're just dating right? I mean she could date someone else if she really wanted right?"

Maka hadn't realized that Black Star wasn't anywhere close to being riled up until now. Now the boy was shouting all sorts of things at Soul about how amazing his date was with Tsubaki and how wonderful they were together. Meanwhile, Soul seemed rather unperturbed by the whole situation. If anything, he seemed amused.

"If you guys are so perfect together then why are you only dating the girl?" Soul asked as calmly as ever.

The face that Black Star made was priceless. It was as if gears had been going as fast as possible in his head, yet nothing had happened, until that moment when something clicked over. "YOU'RE RIGHT!" he suddenly whipped his head to look at Tsubaki. "Tsubaki, Will You Be My GIRLFRIEND?!"

The poor girl almost fainted as she turned a deep red. All she was able to do was simply nod at the boy. And that was how Tsubaki became Black Star's girlfriend. Maka was surprised of course, but since she had talked with Tsubaki about it last Thursday, she had known somewhere in the back of her mind that it was rather inevitable, especially if the date went well. If anything, she was rather impressed with Black Star for getting up the guts to ask out her friend so quickly. Tsubaki had been right about the confidence thing. Of course, Black Star immediately suggested that they go on a date right at that moment.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Tsubaki asked for the third time, "I know that we were supposed to go out for lunch today to celebrate finishing the test."

Maka shook her head. "It's no problem Tsubaki, go have fun with your new boyfriend." Maka teased as Tsubaki blushed at the new title. "I'll call Hiro and see if we can hang out, after all we didn't get the chance to this weekend."

"Well alright if you say so," the blushing girl said smiling lightly. Then she turned to Soul, "If it isn't too much trouble, would you stay with Maka until Hiro comes, I don't like the idea of her waiting all alone."

For the first time since she had met the guy, Soul seemed genuinely surprised by Tsubaki's request. Maka quickly interjected herself in, "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you don't need to wor-"

"Of course I will," Soul suddenly interrupted as he stepped forward. Maka simply stared at him in surprise as he looked at her from the corner of his eye. "What kind of cool guy would you take me as if I didn't watch out for my fellow classmates." It wasn't a question, but a statement and Maka wouldn't have admitted it, but she was slightly impressed.

"Thanks!" Tsubaki quickly said before turning to head off with Black Star for their first date as an official couple.

Maka was careful to only speak again when Tusbaki was well out of hearing distance. "You know you don't really have to wait with me for Hiro to show up, right? I texted him and he said that he'll be here in about an hour."

"I know," Soul responded, "but I made a promise to your friend, and cool guys don't break promises."

She stared at him for a moment, and it was only a couple of seconds before he looked over at her and stared right back. Both were proud and refused to look away and instead only focused on each other's eyes.

"You're weird you know that," Maka said tilting her face slightly to the side.

"Says the girl who not only has her own GPA memorized but her best friend's as well," he snorted lightly.

"Hey," she protested frowning. "I just care a lot about my grades okay."

Soul held his hands up as if in surrender, "Sure sure, whatever makes you sleep at night… weirdo."

Pouting, Maka poked him in the stomach quickly before retreating back to the bench she had originally been sitting on. Once there, she pulled out a book and began to read. It was only about 55 minutes now till Hiro was supposed to show up, she mused. Soul, after wincing from her forceful poke, slowly joined her, laying his head back against the wall and closing his eyes while stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I know you promised Tsubaki, but honestly I can take care of myself," Maka said referring back to their original topic without looking up from her book.

He didn't even bother opening his eyes to answer. "I'm sure a girl like you can. God knows you just gave me a bruise with that finger of yours."

"It wasn't that bad."

"How would you know, you've never poked yourself," he drawled back.

Maka scoffed, "Of course I haven't, I just think you're a wuss."

He grinned at that, though he still didn't open his eyes. "A wuss huh?"

"Mm-huh," she hummed lightly. She could tell that she was baiting him, after all, his cool exterior practically screamed cool guy, and she knew that he wasn't going to take her insults simply lying down.

She also didn't know why she wanted to get a reaction out of the guy. All she knew was that she wanted to see him respond differently than his usual lazy drawl.

"Bet I could prove you wrong about that," he answered back cheekily.

Maka forced her face to remain as impassive as possible, determined to get some sort of reaction. "What could you possibly do about it weakling?" she asked trying to take her insults a step further and see how this boy would respond.

She didn't expect a demonstration, because next thing she knew he had grabbed her book, slammed it shut on the bench next to her, grabbed her wrists and pined them back to the wall.

"What the hell!" she exclaimed clearly surprised by Soul's actions.

"I am not weak," he said staring her in the eyes. She couldn't speak. His eyes were so intense staring into hers. Suddenly, she was rather nervous and knew that she had crossed a line with the boy. She should have known better than to goad a complete stranger. After all, she didn't really know what he was capable of, especially now that he was in control of the situation, at least for the moment.

Forcing herself to calm down from her initial surprise, Maka felt her eyes bore right back into Soul's. For a moment his flickered in response, and she knew that she had shocked him by calming down so quickly. "Neither am I," she responded back before expertly bringing up her leg directly between his legs strongly.

His reaction was instant as he let go of her wrists and quickly fell to the ground in a heap grabbing his crotch. "Mother FUCKER!"

Maka simply sighed. She hadn't wanted to do it, but he really had left her no choice. "You okay?" she asked picking up her book and trying to find her spot, mostly to keep her eyes off the embarrassment in front of herself.

"Damn you bitch," he practically snarled out, "you really suck you know that."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't like being taken advantage of."

He slowly made his way back onto the bench next to her, throwing his head back with deep breaths, obviously trying to breathe through the pain. "I wasn't going to take advantage of you. I was just trying to make a point."

Maka didn't even look up from her page, "And how was I supposed to know that?"

Soul chuckled at that eyes still closed as he leaned his head back. "You're quite the girl you know that?"

She tried to suppress a grin but failed, "Even if I'm weird."

"Yeah," he laughed, "Especially because you're weird."

For a while they sat in peace, Soul with his head against the wall seemingly asleep though he was probably just trying to relax and work through his bruised manhood, while Maka pretended to read her book because she, despite the boy's silence next to her, simply could not concentrate. Honestly she was surprised by Soul's actions. Not so much the attacking her thing, looking back she already realized that she was in the wrong, but now what he was doing? After all, if someone had ever hit her, she would have left them in a heartbeat. So why on earth was he still here, seemingly not too mad at her?

"Sorry" she said without thought, though she didn't regret it. Soul peeked open an eye and stared at her without shifting an inch. "I shouldn't have challenged you like that, I should have known better."

He didn't respond, only looking up and down her body as if trying to analyze and understand her. She sighed, "And I'm also sorry for kicking you in the nuts," he winced, "I shouldn't have done that."

"Naw, it was self-defense, and honestly it was warranted considering how I practically attacked you," he shrugged.

"You were just trying to prove a point," she defended him looking up from her book giving up pretending to read.

He simply smirked back at her, "And I think I proved it rather well. Still think I'm a wuss?"

She glared at him, figured that he would get a big head. "No."

"Good," he responded sitting back again and letting his head fall against the wall behind him. "Cause I wouldn't want you underestimating my ability to protect you, considering Tsubaki asked me so nicely to babysit."

Maka poked him again in the stomach. This time he didn't respond, but he did smile as he closed his eyes once again. "If anything it proved I don't need someone to babysit me."

Soul laughed at that. "Damn straight you don't." She allowed a giggle to escape her lips as she looked back down at her book expecting their conversation to be over. "But if you ever do, feel free to call me up."

She felt a small blush paint her cheeks as she continued to stare intently down at her book. Perhaps that was the moment that they became friends. It was anything but the typical beginning, but she liked it. She liked it a lot.

After that Maka read and Soul took a nap, obviously not too concerned for Maka's safety, if he even had been to begin with. Two hours later when Hiro still hadn't shown up or texted his girlfriend, she woke Soul up with a shake and told him she had to go to work. Noticing her disappointed face, Soul was smart enough to refrain from asking about her boyfriend. Instead he offered to walk her to her job.

The local coffee shop where she worked wasn't too far, therefore she accepted his offer. The walk was mostly done in silence, but the kind that two old friends would share. Despite being stood up by Hiro, Maka was in a surprisingly good mood as she worked. She was elated when she left work and pulled out her cellphone to see that she had a new text message that read: Tsubaki gave me your number. Feel free to call on me anytime you need a babysitter- Soul.

She got an excuse from Hiro the next day about how his phone had died and he had gotten stuck in traffic while coming to pick her up. She accepted that things happen, but this time she gave him a stern glare and a small lecture. She wouldn't have been half as mad if he hadn't messed up like this just a week ago. It was frustrating.

Worse yet, Hiro continued to stand her up. Well not technically, but for the next two months whenever she texted him he would either forget to text her back or show up ten minutes to two hours late for their agreed meeting time. Maka tried to be patient knowing that Hiro had a lot on his plate with school and a job. But so did she, and she always managed to be at their agreed meeting spot on time as well as just be there for him in general. Still he was always such the gentleman on all their dates and obviously made such an effort to impress her, it was hard to stay mad at him when he acted as such. Then again, the moment they were away from each other, it felt like everything fell apart. She supposed she was just being overdramatic though.

Meanwhile, Maka and Soul became much much closer. With Black Star and Tsubaki now official, the two boys had taken to sitting with the girls during class. Maka was finally getting used to Black Star's constant energy and watching him interact with Tsubaki seemed almost too adorable. They were such opposites, yet they complimented each other so well.

She was glad that she had Soul by her side during and after class as well though, and she was sure that he felt the same. Tsubaki and Black Star weren't exactly very private, or rather Black Star had no impulse control and tended to make out and flirt constantly with his girlfriend, after class especially. Maka was thrilled for her best friend to have found someone who made her weak in the knees and swept her off her feet, but sometimes, it got to be a little much. Therefore, Soul and Maka couldn't help but spend a lot more time together.

"They really need to learn how to get a room," Maka commented dryly as she sat down next to Soul. Tsubaki's greeting for Black Star was a bit more energetic.

Soul merely glanced up at Maka not even bothering to acknowledge his supposed best friend and his girlfriend, not that they had even bothered greeting him. He knew exactly who Maka was talking about. "How do you know they haven't already?" he flashed her a toothy grin.

Maka scrunched her nose in response, "Thanks for that lovely image… pervert."

He simply chuckled. They didn't have another chance to talk until after class, as just then their professor walked in and immediately began to lecture. Strangely, she realized that her and Soul had made a system for class ever since they had started sitting next to one another.

Soul was the type of person to fall asleep in class, and Maka had a zero tolerance policy for that type of behavior. At first, she would constantly nudge him to wake him up the entire period. However, all this did was to make Soul grumpy and Maka annoyed. Soul eventually realized that if he took notes for just a moment whenever Maka woke him up, she didn't nudge him as often, and Maka realized that no matter how much she elbowed him during class, he was only going to wake up for about five minutes each time. Therefore, whenever the teacher said something particularly important she would bump him, and he would jot down a quick note before going back to his nap. It was a strange system, but oddly both were rather satisfied with it.

"What do you do in your other classes that I'm not there to wake you up for?" Maka once asked him after class while they waited in the hallway for Hiro to show up for Maka and his date. Amazingly, Soul had yet to even meet this notorious boyfriend of Maka's.

He shrugged, "Most of my classes are music and I couldn't fall asleep in those even if I wanted."

"What's it like being able to play an instrument?" she'd ask.

"What's it like being able to study nonstop for hours on end?" he countered quickly.

She slapped his arm lightly making a face. "Come on, it must be pretty cool right?"

"I guess," he answered. He obviously wasn't going to say anything else about it, so Maka made a face and opened back up her book to continue reading. She didn't know that he saw her obvious disappointment. Running his hands through his hair in slight frustration, he spoke once again. "It's just like walking or running for me." She looked back up curiously, "I've been playing the piano for so long it's just like doing the dishes. It's simply a part of my life."

She frowned at that surprisingly. "That doesn't sound very special."

"It isn't for me," he admitted chuckling.

"Then why are you majoring in music?"

Soul simply stared back at Maka blankly. He didn't get a chance to say anything though, cause that was the moment that Hiro decided to show up.

"Am I interrupting something?" Hiro asked obviously glowering at Soul, who immediately realized both himself and Maka were leaning rather close to one another. He quickly drew back, but noted that Maka merely looked up at her boyfriend.

That was the first time that Hiro and Soul met. Maka expected Soul to dislike Hiro, after all, he had heard more about how the guy had stood up or show up late for his and Maka's dates than anyone else. She did not expect Hiro's blatant antagonism toward Soul, especially after he had done nothing wrong. Even more surprising was Soul's casual attitude toward Hiro.

"Hiro!" Maka squeaked, her face lighting up in a grin before she quickly stood up and flung her arms around his neck in an embrace. Hiro continued to glare at Soul as he slowly made his way to his feet.

Letting go of her boyfriend, Maka realized that introductions were in order. "Hiro this is Soul my friend from history class, and Soul this is –"

"Hiro," Soul cut him off. "I've heard a lot about you." He didn't say it threateningly or rudely, in fact he was rather monotone.

"What's that supposed to mean," Hiro quickly retorted sharply.

"Nothing, just that Maka likes to talk about you," Soul easily replied as he continued to stare Hiro in the eyes calmly.

"Hiro, be nice," Maka hissed under her breath.

Hiro continued to glare, but he didn't say another bad word to Soul who seemed unfazed by the guy. Maka quickly decided that she didn't want to stick around any longer with the growing tension between the two boys, at least from Hiro's perspective. "I'll see you on Monday okay Soul?" she quickly said pulling Hiro by his arm to start backing up towards the door to the building.

"Sure thing Maka," Soul said simply blinking lazily as she disappeared out the door with her boyfriend in tow.

Waiting for a moment to make sure the two of them weren't coming back, Soul finally let out a shaky breath. He ran his hands through his hair finally allowing his head to fall into his hands while his elbows rested on his knees slouched over completely.

He felt like such an idiot. He was such an idiot. From the first day of school, something about Maka had caught his attention. He remembered the first time he saw her looking around the room in history before class had even started. She wasn't exactly a bombshell to look at, but something about her drew him to her. Perhaps it was the pleasant smile that rested on her lips as she whipped her hair all about, obviously looking for someone. Or it might have been the blondish brown pigtails, it was such a childish look and yet somehow he couldn't find it in himself to care. If anything it made him more interested in her, because suddenly he wanted to know why she wore her hair that way. Then again, it was probably her eyes. He had always liked the color green, and her's were such a vivid shade that it was no wonder that he couldn't help but wish for her to sit close to him. Disappointingly, she had sat with her friend up in the front of the class while he and his friend had chosen seats on the back row.

Of course, now things were a lot better. He got to sit next to her during history class and even though he couldn't really nap during the period anymore, he couldn't care less. Ever since BlackStar and Tsubaki had made it official, he'd had the chance to really get to know Maka. He thanked goodness that their two friends had actually gotten together, although he knew that he might have had something to do with it.

But now, what the hell was he doing!

She was taken, and he had seen just now first handedly just how taken with the boy she was. He was pleased to see that Hiro, this boyfriend that she had spoken so much about, wasn't like a God or anything. But he might as well have been with the way that she had greeted him. He felt silly hoping that she would light up like that when she saw him, but he knew it was just wishful thinking.

It was silly for him to feel so attached to a girl that was already taken. No, he would mind his business and let things take their course… just like he always did.

Maka had her first real fight with Hiro that day. After the stunt he had pulled with Soul, she wasn't happy in the least, and even more so, she was disappointed.

"Don't you trust me!?" she hissed walking down the street refusing to touch her boyfriend or let him touch her.

"I just don't like you having other guy friends, okay?"

Maka was furious. "So it's okay for you to hang out with other girls, but I can't hang out with guys?"

Hiro beamed at her, "Exactly!"

It was official, Maka decided, her boyfriend was a dumbass. She stormed away.

"Wait up Maka! Where are you going?" he shouted after her.

She quickly turned on her heels and stared Hiro directly in the eye with such anger that she was pleased to see him flinch. "If you don't know what you said wrong, then obviously we have issues." Hiro simply stood there spluttering for words and yet nothing came out. Maka couldn't help but think that Soul would have had some sort of speedy retort back. She quickly shook out that thought though as she interrupted her indecipherable boyfriend's words. "I'm going to work and as we already agreed, you're to pick me up at 7 p.m. understand?" she snapped.

He merely nodded obviously dumbfounded and once again Maka found herself slightly disappointed with her boyfriend's lack of quick wit.

When he picked her up that night Maka was still steamed from earlier. However, when he opened the car door for her and asked her how work was and small details about her life that proved just how much he had been actually listening to her; she couldn't find it in herself to continue acting mad at the boy. She was rather pissed at him of course, but knew it would be easier to act like she wasn't and move on. He left her with a small chaste kiss on the front doorstep to her apartment that night. They had even made plans for a date, dinner and a movie, for the next day.

Maka knew she should have been pleased, but as she walked into her apartment and slowly leaned back against her door, she couldn't help but think that holding back her anger from Hiro had been a mistake. After all, if they were serious, then he should be able to handle all of her which included her rather short temper from time to time. So why couldn't she just have been completely herself with him? She quickly got a headache and finally went to bed more upset than she knew she should be. And strangely, she couldn't stop thinking about Soul, and the slightly hurt look that had crossed his eyes when she looked back at him while still dragging Hiro away earlier that day.

So I actually think this is my least favorite chapter, but I hope you all enjoyed it all the same. If you are reading any of my other fics, sorry for being ridiculously slow. I hope I can get around to them soon enough, but unfortunately I've got a lot going on right now. Anyway, as always, keep writing- FFG