Ok, so this is my totally first fanfiction ever. So I really would like your intake on stuff to see if I'm even doing this right. I tried my best with nailing the characters, if you have any intake please leave me a comment. I just really liked this pairing and there just weren't enough stories on it. So tell me what you think. No M in this chapter but there is a little in the next. But I'm still debating if they're going to go 'all the way.' Please Enjoy!
Chapter 1
(Writer's POV)
Raven chanted her famous words as she meditated on top of Titans Tower. She levitated in her meditation pose as she chanted quietly to herself.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos."
It was nearly dusk. She loved to meditate at this time, because she knew that when she was done she could open her eyes to see the sun just as it was setting. And on top of the Titans Tower was one of the most peaceful places in the entire city. Out here you could stay away from all the city noise, and only hear the ocean waves as they connected with the Titan's island. She was even far enough up that see couldn't hear Beast Boy & Cyborg rage against their video games. Or Robin & Starfire smooching in the corner.
It has been a year since their whole ordeal in Tokyo. Half the team, including her, was 18 now. Even though it's been that long Robin & Starfire are still as in love as the day that they kissed over a year ago.
She was happy for them. Sure she had liked Robin once. He was the one who plunged into hell to save her after her father used her as the gate to get to earth. He protected her on numerous occasions and he was one of the first people who ever..well…cared. He had been there for her when she needed someone the most. And for that she would always admire him. But she had moved on from the whole 'crush' thing a long time ago. Besides she knew she could never really be with someone forever.
A part of her, her demon half, would always reject any and every one she might be interested in. Even dating could be dangerous. Though her father may be gone her demon side still clawed at her every move. She still had to meditate daily to keep it under wraps. It wasn't as bad when she was younger but now that she was older and in the peak of her physical maturity it had gotten a lot worse.
Once at a night club, the team made her go to with them, a random guy grabbed her butt. Without even realizing she had sent him through the club wall. Her powers radiated around her and she went into a trance. In her mind she saw a demon shrouded in black. Its four red eyes looked at her and it smiled under its hood. When she looked closer she saw that the demon was her. She had never seen herself when her demon side took over. Looking then she realized that she was truly frightening.
"Unworthy…," was all it spoke.
After that she was back in the club with her friends around her. She knew that her demon would never accept anything weaker than itself. Which would be difficult considering she's the demon Trigon's daughter. But that was okay, she preferred to be alone. Even her friends would be unbearable at times. How would she ever tolerate a boyfriend? It's alright, quiet was her sanctuary. At least here she could always find comfort….BOOOMMM!
Her concentration became broken and a surge of her energy exploded around her. She opened her eyes and looked for the source of the sound over the water. Just inside the city she caught a glimpse of smoke rising. She starred at it a few seconds before..BOOMMM! Another explosion & more smoke. She knew what this meant even before her communicator went off.
"I'll be right down," she said before Robin could speak. At that she fazed right through the titans roof and down to their living room. Everyone else was already there and waiting.
"It seems as though our old pal Cinderblock has made an appearance at Wayne Corp. Power Company," said Robin as he pulled up a picture of Cinderblock on the giant monitor.
"What's that guy doin at Wayne Corp.?" asked Cyborg. "As far as I know that's all computer and lab stuff, and the guy ain't exactly PhD material."
"Yes," said Starfire, "he is as you say unsmart as a stone." She laughed. You could almost see the question marks over everyone else's heads at this statement.
"Uh I think you mean as dumb as a rock Star," Beast Boy exclaimed.
"Well whatever the case," Robin jumped in, "It's our job to stop him, let's move."
(Raven's POV)
And like that Raven had teleported them all into the garage. She, Cyborg, and Beast Boy were in the T-car. Robin hopped on the R-cycle with Starfire behind him. Cyborg started up the engine and they all took off and headed to the Wayne Corp. Power Company. She could fly there just as fast but with Cyborg driving anyway there was never a point in exhausting her powers. He loved this car and after helping him rebuild it all the time she had grown to love it as well. Besides she kinda liked how it felt, racing off to fight the enemy.
I might be watching to many action flicks with Beast Boy, she thought. She looked ahead as they raced through the city. The lights flickered by and the people and buildings all blurred. She saw Robin and Starfire racing next to them. Before she noticed Cyborg slammed on the breaks when they arrived at Wayne Corp. and the car came to a screeching halt. She grabbed onto the sides of the seat digging her nails in to avoid falling forward like Beast Boy who was pressed against their windshield. He pried himself off of the glass and shook his face of the flatness.
"Dude, are you tryin to give me whiplash," screamed Beast Boy.
"Sorry B," said Cyborg as they got out of the car.
Robin and Starfire hopped of the R-cycle, and they all examined the scene. It was safe to say that this was the place. The front was clearly a wreck, the doors were smashed in, pillars broken, glass all over, and injured security guards were all over the place. Sparks were flying from wires that were dangling. I think it was safe to say Cinderblock used this entrance. Starfire quickly flew up to examine the guards.
"They are injured but will be alright," she said. That's good, the last thing we need is a bunch of body's lying around, she thought.
"Alright team," Robin said, "We need to move in cautiously, no telling where Cinderblock is or what he wants."
We all hurried and raced down the hall. Cinderblock's path wasn't hard to follow, he left the halls in rubble and guards lying all over the place. We ran through a hole in the hallway he had obviously made to get into another room. He was easy enough to spot. The big concrete guy in the middle of a giant circular power room trying to rip out the buildings, and probably half the cities, power source.
You could tell it was a power source just by looking at it. Apparently Wayne Corp. had developed a new Eco friendly electric power source. One that was getting more and more famous by the day. So famous in fact that Jump City was now using it to power most of the City, if not all of it. This famous power source was what looked like a metal cylinder in the middle of the room attached to the floor. Around the cylinder were lines coming from it that appeared to be glowing blue. The cylinder had a similar pattern on it. The glow of the floor now began fading in and out every time Cinderblock tried to tug out the power source.
"Don't let Cinderblock take out that VMI Power Source, he could take out the whole city's power!" said Robin, "Titan's Go!"
I was careful not to waste any time after that, quickly I separated him from the power source with my powers as Starfire knocked him back with a few starbolts.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos," I said making a shield around the cylinder. First priority was keeping the city's power up. That going down could cause mass chaos in town. While I kept focus I watched as Robin threw some exploding discs at Cinderblocks head and Beast Boy transformed into a giant gorilla to fight him. Then all of a sudden the lights flickered and I watched to blue pattern on the floor as the lights faded in and out. I looked, the Power Source looked like a mess from almost being ripped out.
"The Power Source has been damaged!" yelled Robin as Beast Boy was being swung by his now kangaroo tail. "Raven! Let Cyborg in the barrier to try and fix it!"
I immediately did as he asked creating an opening for Cyborg to get into. He quickly entered and I closed it again.
"Man," said Cyborg within my barrier, "This thing is majorly damaged."
"Just do your best to keep it running, I don't know how long the three of them can hold off Cinderblock," I said. With the lights going out the only things that could be seen was Starfire's eyes and starbolts as she threw them at the giant beast. Watching a fight go on with flickering lights was like watching a DVD that skips. You only catch a couple of the scenes that go on. If the lights were more constant than I would be able to see in the dark, but my eyes just can't adjust fast enough with all of these flickering lights. I'm starting to get a headache. I turned my attention back to Cyborg in the barrier hopping that I could concentrate better as he worked to repair the Cylinder. His finger a tiny blow torch trying to get the power source to stand properly again.
A girlish epp grabbed my attention again as I turned back to the fight. All I caught was Beast Boy, a rhino now, flying threw the air right at Starfire. As he hit her they both crashed against the room's wall and fell to the floor. Now they were both unconscious. Robin took off running to the both of them. With the others out of the picture for now, Cinderblock was free to turn to the Power Source again. Only with my barrier around it he was having a difficult time getting there. The big idiot looked confused for a minute as to why he couldn't get past. But it quickly turned to anger as he began beating against the barrier profusely. That won't help him I'm a lot stronger than I used to be, my powers can't be broken so easily. Apparently Cinderblock must have thought the same thing because he turned to me. I flew up just as he came to me so that I was out of his reach.
"Robin! The VMI is back on!" yelled Cyborg as the blue lights on the floor and the regular lights in the room turned back on and stayed on.
"Good Cyborg, we need help out here!" Robin yelled back. I opened the barrier enough for Cyborg to get out but Cinderblock was waiting for him and punched him. Cyborg flew back on the ground. Cyborg! I thought and got closer. Bad idea. As soon as I got close enough Cinderblock grabbed me from the sky by my leg and flung me. The speed and force of his throw threw me directly through a wall. And I knew by now my barrier had dropped. But I couldn't keep it going any longer, the warm liquid on my brow and the pain in my head was distracting me. The room around me was spinning and then it all just faded into black. Weird, I thought Cyborg turned the lights back on…..
Alright, I promise you I wrote more than that and I intended to post more. I just thought that was a good dramatic way to end the chapter. Look out for my next post coming soon. I already have half of it written I just hate typing it. So if I don't get it posted soon I give you permission to kick me in the ass. Thanks for reading so far!