(A/N) Here it is people, the sequel to LOST AND FOUND! I hope you review and to those who think it's a stupid idea well that's just your opinion. I'll let you all know I plan on doing this, then MARK OF ATHENA and then the story of Percy in a crossover or Percy's child and he or she's life (I still don't know which to choose from). So this isn't just two stories but a whole series. It would be smart to read the other story first, if you haven't (Just saying and it gives you better insight).

Disclaimer: I don't own PJATO or HoO or anything affiliated with the either series.

(Lupe speaking)

(Demigod's speaking namely Percy)

Man is said to fear darkness. To create monsters in myths, stories to pass around and scare children in behaving. The problem with this was that the very stories people told to have a sense of normalcy sometimes ended up to be total fact. Life is a cycle of predator and prey; humans think they are the predators that roam the world when in actuality they are the prey. Prey to themselves, to their urges, hormones, emotions, idiocy and hubris.

They think the natural order puts them on the top. They're unobservant little minds have no clue of a world that sit right next to them, a world filled with real predators and prey, a world that practically governs everything from one room. The pantheons of both Rome…and Greece. The world of monsters, gods and Demigods.

Demigods, the children of Rome. The responsibility of Lupa, the wolf goddess and mother of Rome. It was rumoured that she never told a joke before or that she did and the person who heard it wasn't heard from again. Fearless and more strict than a ninth grade science teacher.* She was a firm supporter of Diane** and thus when the Goddess asked her to get a Demigod from the wolf house to camp Rome she was confused but still complied.

The goddess was currently running to her destination with her pack. They were about two miles away from the Wolf house and her pack of fourteen was curious as to why they had come, because Lupe usually made the journey herself. They were curious but didn't say anything seeing that Lupe wasn't in the mood for conversation, as if she ever was.

When they reached their destination the wolf goddess found a man standing there looking around confused while holding a hammer. Thinking that this was the demigod Lupa growled for her pack to be silent. Knowing the fate for insubordination they fell silent immediately, they all loved the goddess but sympathy or empathy wasn't Lupe's strong point.

She came forward and noticed pleasantly how he noticed her without seeing her 'A hunter, that's good to see' she thought at least being a little happy to see a fellow hunter and predator. When she was out of the bushes and growling at him to see his bravery she was again a little happier to see he didn't even flinch away from her, 'Courage another great quality of a hunter and warrior'.

She felt the power that rolled of him in waves with her enhanced senses. She also noticed the smell of the sea and a faint trace of ozone, the sea blue eyes with shocking yellow irises, the relaxed but wary stance, bulging muscles and gigantic form of the man that although looking huge didn't affect his agility. The man had a sense of danger around him, it unnerved Lupe but she didn't let it show.

'What's your name?' She asked mentally while growling to add affect. It was all for nought as the demigod didn't even looked slightly flustered.

"Percy…I think" The man said and Lupe looked at him strangely.

"You think?" She asked, mentally of course.

"I don't…remember much." He said forlornly and Lupe found herself thinking to herself 'Trust the gods to give me an amnesiac giant'

She would have sighed but that would show weakness, so she said simply "Follow me."

"Why?" he asked causing Lupe's temper to flare.

"You need training to survive to the trip to Camp Jupiter."She said mentally wanting to teach the man a lesson for questioning her.

He shrugged "Ok" and started to walk towards the bushes Lupe came from while his hammer changed into a pen. 'I have a feeling this is the beginning of an interesting year…' Lupe thought as she walked into the bushes following someone for once.

Three women watched the exchanges between the goddess of Rome and the Hero of Greece in a cave of gold. The scene was truly something to behold.

"The hero of Greece slumbers…" Atropos the cutter of the thread of life proclaimed.

"The guardian of earth lives…" Lachesis the measurer continued.

And Clotho, the spinner ended "Now comes the time for the warrior of Rome…"

(A/N) So there is the prologue! If you like Alex Rider stories or AR and NCIS crossover and AR and Castle crossovers you can check out my other stories.

*: Believe me I talk with experience *shudder in horror*

**: To those who don't know that's Artemis. From now on I will give the roman names and Greek names I'll put in brackets.

As always it would be great if you reviewed! THUNDERER out.