Last chapter guys! Hope you like it, I had so much fun writing it :) Don't forget to R&R

Sorry about re-updating, something went wrong and I couldn't open it. But I think it's fix, not sure xD enjoy though.

Chapter 5: My handsome target



"Care to explain tell us how, scratch that, why you suddenly felt those feelings?!" Stella, being as nosy as usually, freaked out after my confession.

It's not a bad thing telling the girls about it, I mean, they are my best friends and they had to find out sooner or later. It wasn't like the world was ending, but hey, I'm Musa Melody, the Alfean fairy who wasn't in to these kinds of things.

"Spil, girl." Layla chuckled as she pulled me down next to her, she can really be persuasive at times.
I laughed and noticed that the rest of them moved in closer to us, I sat up and cleared my throat. "I'm not really sure when it started, girls, one day I just snapped and felt those awful emotions." I put a lot of sarcasm in those words and smirk at them, but they respond with a half smile.

I think they were satisfied with my answer, considering they had cherry cheeks and grins that could reach their ears. Yeah, that about proves my answer was enough.

"I just can't believe it..." Stella's voice trailed off as she knelt back with her mouth hung open.
"Same here, I would have never imagined those words coming from you." Flora said with a smile, her hand supproted her head in an arch position and she was seated next to Stella.
"Don't you think I'm shocked as well?" I rolled my eyes and laughed, if they couldn't believe it then double for me.
Tecna squeezed in between me and Bloom, we were seated next to each other, and she swung her hand around my neck "What'll you do? Go and tell-"
"Are you crazy?!" I slapped Tecna's shoulder and shot out a glare. "Don't even finish that sentence, Tec."

The girls began to laugh will I groaned to the side, maybe it wasn't a good idea telling them my secret. Stupid, this is how friends are suppose to act.

I got up and faced the girls for a quick sec, their expressions were mixed with joy, shock, and confusion (at least that's what I saw in Stella's face)

"Going to bed already, Muse?" Bloom stopped herself from laughing and wiped the tears that were about to fall from her eyes.
"I wouldn't last another minute with you girls tonight" I murmured loud enough for them to hear.

Layla got up and grabbed me a second time, she twirled me around and I lost my balance. Landing on the couch, next to Stella, I clearly don't have a choice than to spend the rest of the evening with my friends. Great.

"Don't worry, hun, we'll help you." Stella, after snapping out of her trance, assured me with a wink and her infamous smile.
"Help me?" I raised a brow with crossed arms. "How are YOU suppose to help ME?"
"With a little..." Stella sprinkled some dust on the air and pulled me closer to her. "Magic"

The very next day I was expecting to have my usual Monday routine, that inculded waking up to Stella's singing. She would, every single day, sing in the showers like there was no tomorrow. I've offered to 'train' her voice, but she would alway say 'I had enough training when I was a little girl'

But nope, today was different. I woke up and everything was quiet and dark, not a sound of old western Solarian songs or that bright light she loved putting our room for a wake up call. Nothing. It was like a beautiful dream, my ears or eyes weren't decieving me at all, the room wasn't filled with Stella's highly pitched voice or sunny powers..

"Muse" Tecna whispered by the door, her body was half in and half out the room.
"Tec?" I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and looked at the clock. "Why are you up so early?"

It was 6 am but classes won't start till 8, Tecna would always complain about not getting her 8 hours of sleep so why the heck was she awake?

"Come on, grab your slippers and let's go!" she yelled in a whisper, something about Tecna ordering me in the morning doesn't seem right.

I did what I was told and left the room within seconds, the rest of the girls weren't in their rooms as well, their doors were open and I couldn't sense them anywhere. I'm dreaming, right?

"Where are we going?" I leered from side to side, the halls were still pitch black since the curtains weren't open.
"Potions lab" she bluntly replied, Tecna was holding on to my hands as I dragged my feet through the carpet.
I yawned and didn't really take her seriously, it was 6 in the morning, our potions classes won't start till the afternoon. "Yes, yes, I know how much you love experimenting, Tec." I distributed my weight properly this time. "But isn't it too much for you to study this early in the morning?"
Tecna stopped on her path and turned to face me. "First, we're not here so you could help me study. And second, I do not love experimenting. It's just..." she paused for a moment, trying to think of a word to replace. "A hobby."

Ah, yes.

Once we reached the potions lab Tecna peered in, probably checking if anyone was patroling. After deciding it was safe, she pulled open the door and stepped in. I followed her, since I didn't really have a choice, and found my 4 missing friends.

"What took you two so long?" Stella dramatically flailed her arms with a pouted lip, you could see her french tips glow even with the darkness.
"She.." Tecna pointed at me with her thumb. "Was being uncooperative." she accused. "Kept asking me nonsense things"
"I did no such.." I furrowed my eyebrows but my eyes were still heavy, I was never a morning person. "I just wanted to know why the heck are we, girls who have classes in 2 hours, are in the potions lab."

No one reacted, I scratched my nose using my sleeve and blinked... I kept my eyes closed for more than a second, hoping, when I wake up, I'd find myself back in bed and realize that this was all a dream.

Open. Nope, this was reality.

"We just wanted to help you, Muse." Flora approached me from Bloom's side and took my hand in hers, okay, Flora was actually, succeedingly, calming me down. Who could stay mad at her?
"With what?" I sighed, I hate waking up early in the morning and instantly doing something that I never planned. So being cranky was actually normal.
Stella tossed me a bottle, which she got from the, now opened, cabinet "We promised to help you with.."
"Don't say it!" I interrupted, quickly understanding where she was going and I certainly didn't want to hear the rest.

I grabbed the neck of the small bottle, it had some sort of watery substance. In the middle of the bottle was a gem that had a ruby red heart stuck to it and the liquid had this beautiful shade of deep purplish red.

It quickly registered in my mind what the girls wanted, it was what I wanted as well. But no, this was way wrong. Even for a trouble maker like me.

"We want you to be happy" Bloom spoke up, as if she read my mind she instantly knew what to say.
"Yes, but.." I looked down at the bottle again, thinking about the smile, the laugh, the arguments, the happiness, the jealousy, the feelings, and the love.
"It's wrong, we know.." Tecna had a half hearted smile, but it was enough for me to return one back.
"But we also know that it's for a good cause." Layla finnished Tecna's sentence and joined me and the girls for a hug.

After agreeing to this little.. How should I call this? Experiment? No. Project? No. Solution? Sounds about right, the girls and I were headed back to our dorms. Bloom, then Stella, followed by Flora and Tecna, and last Layla.

I stayed, just for a few seconds. I looked out the window, the sun was almost up.

"I just hope I won't regret this." I whispered under my breath and proceeded with my way.

-End of Flashback-


"Musa?" Riven wasn't breathing, he wasn't aware that he had stoped exhaling after he sprayed her with the love potion.

She blinked, once. Then her eyes started to flutter, her azure iris stared in to his purple ones. At that second, Riven thought the whole world was finally puzzling up to his will. He thought, that everything was finally going to go his way.

But he was dead wrong.

"What the heck was that for, Riven?!" Musa shook her head and looked at Riven with disgust.
"What?" Riven squeaked out and diverted his gaze to the bottle that was now in his gripping hands.
"Are you a retard or something?" she poked him on the chest, the only physical contact he had with her.

Musa turned her head, which was followed by her body, and walked back to her friends. She grumbled, stompped, and you could seriously hear her grummpy breathing. The girls gave her way and Musa entered the dorm with a huff, some dark aura was leaking off of her. Not worth messing with.

"You could've blinded me, RIVEN!" She scolded, drilling his name with pure hate which he, undoubtedly, felt. She was inside her room, but that didn't mean she couldn't be heard.

A few seconds, more like hours for Riven, passed. Everyone adjusted to the new air and they themselves let out their exhales, what a show the fairy of music put up. The best one, yet.

"C-can we go?" Riven directed his eyes to the floor and kept them there, he didn't want to see any of his friends face. Loser. Pitiful. Failure. Poor. A wretch. Pathetic. But most of all, miserable. He could see those words being put in a dictionary as a definition to him.

Without an answer from the others, Riven made his way out of hall and left his friends in the dust.

"Wha-?" Nabu stared at the hall, still assuming that Riven would pop out and come get them. Yelling.
Something rolled from where Riven stood. "What's this?" Flora looked at what hit her foot,.

She picked it up, examined it for a bit, then a gasp escaped her breath. The guys weren't aware that Flora had seen Riven's little love potion, heck, only Stella had notice Flora.

"Is that what I think it is?" Stella whispered, trying to not attract any attention.

Flora nodded, not saying a word. The two girls had already hatched an idea.

As the Specialists, minus Riven, said their goodbyes. They rushed back to Red Fountain so they could see how their brokenhearted friend was doing, not good, they assume.

They parked their leva bikes just inches from the entrance, there was a barrier so no one could steal it, and ran as fast as they could.

As soon as they entered their dorms the boys halted in front of the only shut room, they actually didn't think this through.

"Riven?" Sky knocked on the door and gently pushed it open.

He spotted Riven on his bed, sitting with his back facing them. Sky widened the gap to the doorway so the rest of the guys could see what the situation was, and they agreed: it was not pretty.

As they stepped in Riven didn't flinch, he didn't move, he didn't even throw them out. Instead, he remained still in a hunched position.

The guys stood in silence, Riven was never the emotional type so being shot down by the girl he truly loves must be painful. They didn't know what to do, they couldn't do anything for the guy who always put up a tough face. Happiness, sadness, jealousy, pain, and love, all of those weren't present in Riven in the past. He only knew about anger. But, after he met Musa, things changed. He laughed at her, he got jealous whenever she would win an argument, he felt pain whenever Musa punches him on the face, he felt sad whenever she wasn't there since she had choir practice, but if you add all those encounters, Riven actually felt love.

Break the ice. Everyone thought.

"Did you know she could sing the alphabet backwards?" Riven spoke up, that caught the boys off guard.

They were all shocked that he knew this little detail about her, when did Riven do his homework? But Nabu, being his closest friend, knew where this was going. It was a good start, the best start actually.

"Seriously?" he took a seat right next to his buddy. "I can't even sing the alphabet without any of you beating me up."
But Riven didn't crack a smile, he was usually in favor of self bashing but not today. "She loves the smell of freshly cut grass" he continued "She hates her laugh cause she thinks it sounds like an untuned baby bird" he paused for a moment and stared at the paper that was in his hands, Riven had been staring at this ever since he got back. "She loves oatmeal but doesn't like it hot, it always burned her tongue." he smiled. "Her left ankle has a small scar, she got it when she was six, her dad removed the training wheels from her bike."
"I never knew that" Sky joined in and took a seat on the vacant area next to him.
"She also hates singing in the shower, surprising as it sounds, Musa hates the sound of her voice in the shower. It made her feel alone. I hate it when she feels that way" this time, Riven frowned, his eyes looked so hurt. "She loves turtles more than anything in the world, and she has a stuffed turtle back in Melody that her father won when she was a kid."
"Turtles are known to be really smart" Timmy parked himself on Helia's bed, he's never seen Riven talk like this.
"She also loves the smell of oranges, but never found a perfume that had the scent" Riven exhaled and his hands began to tremble. "But the most unique thing that I love about her, is that, she just loves getting in to trouble" he opened his palm and the little piece of paper fell on the floor, it faced upwards and there, Riven could still see her smiling at him.

Behind the 4 heros, Brandon and Helia had a smile on their face. Something about Riven totally snapped, something changed, and that something will really help him get the girl of his dreams.

It had been 2 hours since the Specialist encountered the little show Musa put up for Riven, he hasn't said a word after his little speech about Musa. Everyone couldn't take it, even if they were boys, they still had hearts that could hurt.

Nabu entered Riven and Helia's room, out of the rest of the guys, he couldn't just sit around and do nothing as his best friend grieves from self-loathing.

"Get up" he kicked Riven's side which sent him tumbling to the ground.
"Why?" Riven just held on the pillow that he wrapped around his arms.
"We're going to Alfea." he announced, that caught everyone's attention.

Helia turned from his work, the rest of the boys peeked in the room and Riven just stayed still on the floor.

"What good will that do?" he murmured as the pillow covered his mouth.
"Just listen to me for once, Riven." Nabu knelt down in front of him and waved his hands, it started to glow purple.

Riven watched at whatever it was Nabu was doing, he never really undertood why any magical being had to sway or flick their hands/finger/arms to conjure something.

"Lilies?" Rive asked and sat up, he took the flowers from Nabu's grasp.
"You know what these are for, right?" Nabu grinned and patted Riven's back.
"Yeah, but-" Riven stared back at the flowers, they were a bunch that had a beige silk like paper around.
"We'll go with you, if you want?" Brandon stepped in with the rest of the boys.

Riven looked at his friends, and then back at the lilies. He had a choice to make, and he was going for it.


"I don't understand you at all" Stella came back in the common room with her towel over her head.
"I'm a complicated person" I answered as I examined the two bottles that were in my hands
"I totally agree with you on that, Musa." Tecna nodded and was going to the bathroom, she had her stuff in her hands.

I wasn't good at these things and the girls know that, they should be the understanding ones not me. They were the ones who got all excited, I just informed them and they did all the action.

"Don't push me!"
"Huh?" Layla was by the balcony with her training equipment lying everywhere.
"What's up?" I got up and walked over to her, there was a lot of ruckus outside.

The rest of the girls followed, including Tecna, and we started to hear some engines roaring. We opened the door to the balcony and to everyone's surprise, it were the boys who'd been here a few hours ago. By the boys, I ment all of them. Present and accounted for.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Stella yelled and waved her hand.

The guys started to push a specific Specialist to the center, and he had his hands behind his back. I looked at him closely, trying to read his moves.

"Care to tell me why you brought that, thing, here?" I pointed at Riven, who looked really pale.
"Be nice" Bloom elbowed me and smiled at the guys.

I groaned and looked back at the boys, they were still forcing Riven to do something that I was really curious about.

"Riven!" I called out, my eyes were practically puncturing his every nerve.

His head snapped, his eyes looking straight at mine like awhile ago. I couldn't move, my whole body froze and my senses had gone numb.

"Uhmm.." he freely scratched his nape with crimson cheeks. "You see..."

Hang on a minute, was that right? Is Riven blushing? Or is this the work of my bad eye sight? No way, I have 20/20 vision. But Riven never blushes, I never saw him, not once, blush over a girl.

"S-spit it out already!" my forehead felt hot and I could feel myself passing out, stupid, stupid, stupid! Just calm down, my whole body felt uneasy with this situation.
"I- uhmm.. Musa... " he exhalde and his fist trembled. "I don't know how... But I.. Uhh.."

I couldn't understand him at all, I was getting impatient. This isn't suppose to happen, not to me anyway. I never signed up for this, the girls were the ones who actually tried to take action.

"Did you know she could sing the alphabet backwards?"

What? I flinched and my ears were trying to look for the sound, Riven wasn't talking but it sure did sound like him.

"She loves the smell of freshly cut grass"

I do, I felt like the whole world is clean and the air was being purified. It's a feeling that both my mom and I mutually shared.

"She hates her laugh cause she thinks it sounds like an untuned baby bird"

It does, now that I think about it I started to hate my laugh after I had my tonsils out. But that was just because the surgery gave me a very itchy and hoarse throat.

"She loves oatmeal but doesn't like it hot, it always burned her tongue."

There was always something with oatmeal that I never understood, I mean, I love them but they can't seem to share that same feeling with me. Even if I blow on them I would still get burned.

"Her left ankle has a small scar, she got it when she was six, her dad removed the training wheels from her bike."

Yeah, I was so confident that I was good enough to join my friends back in melody that I insisted to have them removed. So instead of having a great time laughing and riding on my bike, I end up crying in my dads arms with a wounded ankle.

"She also hates singing in the shower, surprising as it sounds, Musa hates the sound of her voice in the shower. It made her feel alone. I hate it when she feel that way."

I just don't seriously get why people like singing in the shower, singing is for others to hear your voice. If you sing in an isolated room then you'd only hear yourself, doesn't it bother the person that no one is listenting to their wonderful voice? Doesn't it make you feel lonely? Doesn't it make you sad? Or better yet, doesn't it make you feel unfulfilled.

"She loves turtles more than anything in the world, and she has a stuffed turtle back in Melody that her father won when she was a kid."

That's 100% true, my first pet was a turtle. My dad bought me my first pet and it turned out to be a turtle, after it died he decided to give me a stuffed toy so that I wouldn't kill it. Turtles just make me feel safe, with their homes always on their backs. They'll never feel homesick.

"She also loves the smell of oranges, but never found a perfume that had the scent"

No one in magix ever made orange scented perfume, no one can create that citrusy flavor that my nostrils love to sniff.

"But the most unique thing that I love about her, is that, she just loves getting in to trouble"

No one actually loved me because of my bad behaviour. Not even my dad, he loves me because I'm his daughter and that I made him feel home when mom died.

My eyes started to water and I had a smile on my face, the girls stood behind me in awe, probably wondering how on magix did the voice in the record know those things about me. They never knew anything about those secrets. Bloom never knew I love the smell of freshly cut grass, Stella never knew I had a scar on my left ankle (she'd totally freak out), Tecna never found out that I have this addiction towards turtle, Layla never would've guessed that I hated singing in the showers, and Flora never knew I loved oranges more than any other fruit.

"Why the hell did you record that?!" Riven tried to strangle Brandon, he was the one who had the tape recorder.
"It was for your own good!" he laughed and ran around the courtyard.
"Hey, Musa!" Helia waved and I quickly looked at him, he raised some sort of picture that really shocked me. "We saw Riven staring at this when we got back, there's more in his closet though!"

Riven growled and turned his attention to Helia, of course, he was now aware that Riven is targetting him now. So with a quick laugh, Helia ran for his dear life. He still had the picture in his hand.

"Wasn't that the picture Flora had to give to Helia since Jared asked for a photograph for the school news paper?" Layla rasied an eyebrow and she had this smile on her face.
"Yeah, each of us had our picture taken and we gave them all to Flora and she gave them to Helia." I nodded and turned back to the boys.
"Don't tell me Riven set it up so that he could have your picture" Stella snorted with her hand aligned to her lips.

But I wasn't looking at the boys, something else caught my attention. There were a bouquet of lilies on the ground where Riven stood awhile ago, I couldn't take my eyes off them.

"Riven!" I yelled once again, he stopped trying to kill Helia and looked up at me.

I smiled and crossed my arms, I can't believe this was actually happening.

"Did you bring those?" I pointed at the lilies that were on the ground.
"Oh, shit!" he ran to the flowers and scooped them from the ground.
"So?" I giggled and rested my weight on the balcony's edge.

He looked at the guys once again, they all gave him nods and thumbs up of approval. Ah-ha! So that's how he got the courage.

"Uhmm.." he took glances away, aw, he was blushing again.
"How'd you know those stuff about me?" I asked since it looked like he was no where near telling me what was on his mind.
"I just.." Riven looked straight at me, his eyes looked so calm and caring.
"Since when did you start to turn all soft in front of me?" I smirked and his whole body flinched.
"Musa, I..." Riven bowed his head and I could see his free hand balling and unballing itself.
"Do you, love me?" I glance away since I knew he would look at me with those deep purple eyes.

I heard the girls gasp and the boys took steps back, I heard Riven's breathing. It had this rhythym, a beat, a tune, a perfect melody. My heart and his heart sang a beautiful sonnet, it was like we were creating the most breathtaking music that the world had to hear.

Everything went still, everything went blank, but the most of all, everything focused on me and Riven.

"What did you say?" his voice sounded weak and squeaky, I guess he was surprise, but who wouldn't be?
"Do you, Riven, love me?" I repeated but this time I looked at him, my heart raced like an orchestra playing for the climax of a ballet concert.
"I, Musa... You..." he blinked, shut his eyes, deep intake of breath, and pounded his head with his fist.

I waited, everything in time just stopped. I felt like the clocks weren't moving anymore, but still, I heard them tik. Tik tok tik tok.

"What?" I inhalde with my eyes widened as every second of what my eyes were showing me was laid just in front of me, no way was this real anymore.

Riven knelt on one knee, pushing his hands up with the lilies as his reprasentative. His right knee, the one that he used for support, was shaking.

"I.." he inhalde and shouted. "I LOVE YOU, MUSA!" Riven looked up again and his face was redder than a new borns cheeks. "I love your laugh, its the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard and it doesn't sound like an untuned baby bird. I love how your melodic voice fills me with so much energy that I could literally carry my douche bag friends and throw them to the dragons pit. I love how you get excited when you hear that Stella and Brandon have front row seats when they argue" he smiled and panted. "But, seriously? I just fucking love you because you're you!"

I smile, I cry, I laugh, but deep inside, I'm seriously in love.

I turned around and smiled at the girls, they all nodded with their arms crossed. I toss them the two magenta bottle of liquid that I had and ran out of our room, I had to get down there before I find out that I just hallucinated all of it.

"Riven" I whisepred, at first. "Riven.." I called out the hallway. "Riven!" I yelled and pushed open the doors to the courtyard where, I saw him. Standing where he stood, smiling at me with a bunch of lilies in his hands.
"You called?" he smirked, god, he's hot.
"Yeah." I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled.

How did he know about my secrets? Was he that observant? When'd he start liking me? I never used the potion on him. When'd I start to like him? He used the potion on me but I already liked him. Why did he want my picture? He never showed interest back then, neither did I though. Then again, there are some things in this world that should never be answered. Well, not now. All that matters is the present, which is such a wonderful gift.

"I.. Uhmm.. I lo-" he blushed once again, adorable, I think I'll easily get used to this new Riven.
I giggled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I love you too, Riven."

I looked back up at the girls and raised my eyebrow, they laughed and flaunted the two love potions that were made, but never used.

How was it? xD well, thanks for reading this fic till the end! Till next time :)