Random Person with No Name almost put sith instead of with. Haha. I've just been bouncing around in my head all the different ways Rick Riordan could do the Percabeth reunion, so I decided I would do a series of drabbles to keep the creative juices flowing and give all you a Percabeth fix until they're back up and running like they should be. I titled this 50 Ways to say Hello (as opposed to goodbye, like the song by Train- that was actually my inspiration for this.)

Mood: My mind is awake, but my body is tired.

Song That's Stuck in my Head: Both 50 Ways to Say Goodbye by Train

Diss: Yard Work. It sucks.

Prompt: Cheeky

My hands were shaking. What if he didn't remember me? What if he did, but he chose that girl in the cavalry helmet instead?

I gripped the rope ladder harder. No, Annabeth. You can't think like this. Be strong.

My feet hit the ground, and I spun around, looking for him wildly. I stumbled as I did so, and Jason grabbed my shoulders to keep me from falling on my face. Smooth, Annabeth.

And then he was right there, asking me if I was okay.

"Annabeth?" He waved a hand in front of my face. "Earth to Athenian. You know, instead of Earth to Martian? Cause that would be Frank."

I stood and stared at him.

"Wow." He grinned cheekily. "Looks like Beth is a little tongue tied."

I gaped, and then threw my arms around him. He remembers!

"Wait." Leo cut in. Oh gosh. "Annabeth, the entire time I've known you, anyone who calls you Beth you attempt to kill. Travis still has that scar, you know."

Percy smirked. "Well I sure hope she did. Beth is my nickname for her."

I rolled my eyes, and without even looking at me, "You know, Annabeth, if you keep doing that, your eyes will get stuck like that."

"Shut up Seaweed Brain." I laughed, then turned to face the Roman Legion.