Hey, everyone! Don't kill me, but in this story I kill someone off… I love this character to death, but I thought this storyline was too good to resist. Warning, it'll make you sad… Go on, go get some tissues.

Also, please don't review with hater comments saying that you hate me for killing off so-and-so. I will delete those… Feel free to express dismay that the character is dead, but please don't hate me for it.

One final note: I ship Frank/Hazel and Jason/Reyna. I'm warning you in advance because the whole story will have hints of romance… You have been warned!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters or settings. Those are Rick Riordan's.

The final battle against Gaea was won and most campers were celebrating. Sadly, along with the celebration there was mourning. Both of the camps had lost valuable friends and some losses hit home harder than others. The biggest shock came a few days after the battle when one more body returned to Camp Jupiter.

The body of Hazel Levesque.

It was on that day, when the campers of Camp Half-Blood and the legionnaires of Camp Jupiter finally knew what had become of Hazel, that Dakota made a discovery.

Dakota, as the centurion for the 5th Legion, was in charge of clearing out Hazel's things. As he slowly and sadly went through her belongings, a packet of envelopes fell out of her jacket pocket. The top envelope said, For Everyone on the front, and as Dakota paged through the others, he noticed each one had a different name on it.

Sighing and sitting down on Hazel's bunk, he opened the For Everyone letter.

Dear everyone,

If you're reading these letters, then I'm probably dead. Or you're a way younger camper from another generation who's stumbled upon these quite by accident because I forgot to throw them away. But it's most likely the first.

I'm not trying to depress you. I just want to say my final "words" to each of you, since I'll probably die in battle. Whoever found this, if I've died recently, please make sure that each person gets the envelope with their name on it. They don't have to read them together, but it might help them if they did. I'm also recording the names of everyone who should receive a letter just in case someone (hi, Dakota) loses one. That way you could go and find the missing one. Each letter is important.

I hope you don't ever have to see these letters. I hope I don't die, but chances are great that I will. I'm not going to ask you not to cry over me, because that would be stupid, but please try not to lose it completely. I'm important, but not that important.

Well, all that's left to be said are in the letters. Thank you to the person who delivers them. I owe you one, and you can collect when you come down to Hades.

Your friend,

Hazel Levesque


Jason Grace





Percy Jackson

Annabeth Chase

Piper McLean

Leo Valdez

Thalia Grace


Nico di Angelo

Frank Zhang

Dakota raised his eyebrows in surprise as he finished the letter. He stood and grabbed the rest of the envelopes and raced out the door, shouting for Jason to help him round up the rest of the Greeks and Romans. Hazel's letters needed delivering.

The Greeks and Romans had assembled in Jason's house in the principia. The campers were sitting on the floor or on various couches and chairs. Terminus was sitting in a corner and Julia was on Jason's lap.

Dakota read the letter to everyone allowed and by the time he was finished, almost everyone had tears in their eyes. Only Frank, sitting apart from everyone else, didn't cry. He was just there, motionless, not speaking or acknowledging anyone. Julia made a movement to jump off the praetor's lap and sit next to him, but Jason pulled her back.

"He needs to be alone, Jules," Jason said. Julia bit her lip, but nodded.

"I just can't believe she's gone," Gwen murmured. The others nodded in agreement. Nico dragged his feet on the floor.

"Dakota, may we have our letters, please?" Annabeth requested to the centurion who had lapsed into a sad silence.

He wordlessly handed them out, one by one, before sitting back down. Jason studied the neat handwriting on the front of his envelope, missing acutely the small, happy legionnaire to whom it belonged.

"Do we want to read these together?" Percy asked, breaking the silence. Most of those present nodded assent, barring Terminus (who can't nod, anyway) and Frank.

"All right, then," Jason said softly, turning over his envelope. "I guess I'll read first."

*sniff* Writing this chapter makes me sad! This is my first attempt at writing something like this, so let me know how I did (if you want). I tried to capture the grief from a bunch of different angles… It was kind of hard because I've never lost a loved one (thank the Lord for that!), but I just imagined how I'd feel if my sister died...

Hope you liked it! The next chapter will be Jason's letter!
