By Greg Wong


Existence: A formal name given to the transcendental, nigh-omnipotent, and nigh-omniscient entities born from an Incubator's contract. Examples: Madoka Kaname (the Lady of Aspirant Radiance); Keltev Srroon'del (the Lord Of Sunlit Night)

Xori'an: The race from which beings such as the Lord Of Sunlit Night and Janev Ssree'ten are derived. Likened to large bipedal ferrets.


d'Arc, Joan: A transcended human female. Also know as Joan of Arc. Friend of Sayaka Miki.

Kaname, Madoka: The original human identity of the Lady Of Aspirant Radiance

Lady Of Aspirant Radiance: The Existence of hope for all contractors past, present, and future. Also see Kaname, Madoka

Lady Of Infinite Helix: The Existence of life for all contractors past, present, and future

Lord Of Fire Between: The Existence of life for all sentient beings past, present, and future.

Lord Of Sunlit Night: The Existence of redemption for all contractors past, present, and future. Also see Srroon'del, Keltev

Lord Of Unsung Sorrow: The Existence of remembrance for all contractors past, present, and future.

Miki, Sayaka: A transcended human female. Close friend and confidante of the Lady Of Aspirant Radiance

Rahkanael: Close friend and confidant of the Lady Of Infinite Helix

Srroon'del, Keltev: The original Xori'an identity of the Lord Of Sunlit Night

Ssree'ten, Janev: A transcended Xori'an male. Close friend and confidant of the Lord Of Sunlit Night

T!k!k: Close friend and confidant of the Lord Of Unsung Sorrow

Zeendahl: The original identity of the Lady Of Infinite Helix