A/N: Thank you so much for opening my newest story. I've written in two other fandoms and never thought I would pick up my old fiction notebook again. But four years, a Bachelors Degree in Political Science, and a few days of law school later, I'm back at it.
Once the story started to unfold in my head, I couldn't believe that I had never put two and two together when it came to Jenny and Jack. Upon searching around here, I saw that very few stories existed about the two of them. So I took the plunge. And I sincerely hope you like it. The chapters are a bit shorter than what I normally write for now, until the cases start to really kick into gear. I'd rather make them short and satisfying than drag them on for length's sake. I'm sure Jack could find an innuendo in there somewhere.
In this fiction, because Ten is my complete and total favorite, The End of Time's regeneration will not have taken place. Complications from Jack's knowledge of events will be explained within the first few chapters.
So without further adieu, enjoy!
Jenny picked the shattered glass out of her golden blonde hair as the world spun around her. Sure, she'd had some rocky landings of her space pod before, but this one was much worse. Disorientation didn't suit her terribly well.
Climbing through what once was her front window, she glanced around. Wherever she was, the walls were blood red and the floor was coated by heaps of dust. Yet again, she was faced with unfamiliar surroundings. Truthfully though, that was how she liked it. She wondered if her father felt this way every time he opened the doors of the TARDIS.
And just like that, he was on her mind again. Though, he was never really off her mind to begin with. Especially, not the past few years.
What had started out as an adventure had quickly grown lonely. She had to figure out everything on her own, never making a genuine connection or a friend along the way. The only person she had befriended was Donna, her advocate from the start. She often wondered what had become of the redhead she had greatly admired. Was she living back on Earth or was she still traveling in the TARDIS? She hoped she was still with her dad, whenever she managed to find him. It would be nice to see her again.
The last five years had been spent looking for the TARDIS's male occupant. The Doctor, figuring his daughter was dead, took off and never looked back. And while she hadn't admitted it for the first eighteen years, she had been looking for him ever since. Now, she was consciously trying to find him.
All traces had led to this station, Satellite 5. Yet, judging by the absence of life, it appeared as though she had either come too early or too late. "Probably too late," she muttered to herself. "Always too late."
At that moment, she heard a groan from the corner and turned to face it. Instinctively, she reached for her blaster gun in her holster. While she tried not to use it as much as possible, she really wanted to avoid being permanently dead. At least, before she saw her father once more, the only man she'd sacrifice herself for. Again.
Examining the end of the hallway more closely, she saw a shape on the floor moving slightly. Approaching it cautiously, she realized the shape was actually a man and that he was in pain. "Are you alright?" she asked, hearing silence.
"I… um," the deep voice replied, getting to his feet and brushing off his black coat. "I think so." He seemed surprise that he was okay. "Just a little… disoriented."
"That makes two of us," she answered, tucking her gun back into her holster and helping him to his feet. "How did you get here? This place is empty."
He shook his head with an odd laugh. "Long story, sister."
She cocked her head at him. "Anything to do with the Doctor?"
He turned deadly serious. "How do you know about him?"
Jenny opened her mouth to answer, but suddenly felt like the wind was knocked out of her as she stumbled back into the wall. Clutching her stomach, she grit her teeth. "He's my father. Even longer story."
"I'm sure." He grabbed a hold of her arm as she began to slide towards the floor. "Whoa, there… what happened to you?"
"I came here looking for him… and my shipped crashed. I know I got here too late."
"You were better off, believe me. What's your name?"
She moaned as her stomach lurched again. "Why should I tell you?"
"Because I'm a friend of your father's… and otherwise, I'll just call you little Doctor," he added with a crooked smile.
The blonde rolled her eyes. "Jenny," she exhaled.
His eyebrow arched. "Jenny? That's a surprisingly normal name for an alien. Captain Jack Harkness, nice to meet ya. And dare I say, you're the prettiest Time Lord I've ever met."
Jenny laughed painfully, "I'd make a witty retort right now if I didn't feel like I was going to explode."
Jack moved to speak, but then caught notice of her hand on his arm. "Jenny…"
Her eyes followed his gaze. "That's new. It looks like what happened after I'd been…" She froze.
"After you'd been what?" he pressed her.
"There's no time… Jack, you should probably get away from me. I don't know what the energy will do!" she shouted at him, her voice laced with anguish.
"Jenny, what's wrong?"
"Jack, you have to run!" she snapped at him, shoving him back. "Now!"
Harkness skid to a halt, refusing to move further. "He'd never forgive me if I let you suffer."
Men. Always the heroes. "But I'll forgive you. If you don't go, I don't know what's going to happen!" Jenny yelled, then steadied her breathing in an effort to prolong the inevitable. "I'm dying, Jack. And I think when Time Lords die, we explode," she added softly.
His eyes darkened with alarm. "How do I stop it?"
"I… I… don't know. We never got that far." Another shooting pain racked her body as she clung to the wall. "If… if you see my father again… tell him I love him, Jack. And that I never stopped looking for him."
Sadness hung in his voice as he promised, "I will."
Her body was enveloped in a yellow glow and she smiled at him sadly, hanging on just a little longer. "You're a good friend, Captain Jack Harkness. Thank you."
And as golden beams of light erupted from her body, Jack returned her sad smile. "You're welcome, Jenny."
Jack looked on as Jenny's body continued to burn in the yellow energy, vowing not to leave until it was over. He owed the Doctor that much.
But then, suddenly, it began to fade. And as the light finally dissipated, he was surprised to find someone else in her green cargo pants and black tank top.
She was slightly taller than Jenny, with bright emerald eyes and fiery auburn hair. Her face a tad less oblong and skin much fairer, as well. Maybe that's how it worked for Time Lords. When they died, someone else took their place. Whoever this girl was, he hoped she knew enough to get him out of there.
"Jack?" the woman called to him. Her voice was different too. "What are you still doing here? I told you to run?"
Jack quickly began to cover the distance between them. "No, Jenny told me to run." He pushed her against the wall, his forearm right beneath her neck." Who are you?!" he questioned threateningly.
"It's me," she replied, completely befuddled. "I'm Jenny." She glanced around, trying to see if anything around her had changed. And when she looked down at her hands to see if they were still glowing, she knew. The space station hadn't changed. She had changed. "Oh, no…"
"But how can it be you?" he took a step back, lowering his arm. "You died."
Jenny lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers in the air. "I think I… just changed. Like, self-preservation. No, that's not it…"
"Reincarnation?" Jack offered.
She shook her head. "No, that's not it either. Closer. Re- re- regeneration!" she exclaimed loudly. That sounds right!" Instantly, she was forced back against the wall and he rushed to her side. "I… I think I'm alright. My outside is done changing, but I don't think my insides are."
"So what are we supposed to do?"
"I think I have to get somewhere safe," Jenny decided after contemplating the thought for a moment. "It took a while for me the first time, so this should take longer. What was I doing last time? Sleeping… yes, sleeping!" she announced to herself. "Sleeping, Jack!"
His eyebrows furrowed at her. "Uh, okay…"
"This isn't safe here. I need to be somewhere I won't be disturbed while I'm asleep. We need to get off Satellite 5."
A wry grin crossed his lips and he wrapped his arms around the redhead, holding her up. "Then it's a good thing I have this!" he yelled proudly, holding up his wrist. "Time Agent issue only!" He saw her tilt her head in confusion. At least she didn't insult his choice of time vehicle. "It lets me travel through time and space, but it doesn't work that well anymore. I think that it's nearly out of juice, so I only have one trip left."
Jenny chortled, "How fitting."
Maybe not.
"Honestly…" He leaned in closer to her. "I'm not sure it's even going to be able to take both of us. But hey! That's what us travelers do… jump in the face of danger!"
She let out a pained laugh. "You're insane."
He shrugged, punching the coordinates into the screen. "So I've been told." He turned serious again and Jenny immediately decided that she didn't like serious Captain Jack. "Listen to me, Jenny. I'm going to set this for December 28, 2006 in Cardiff, Wales. We could get separated. If we do, whether it's in time or place, meet me at Canary Wharf on December 28th of whatever year it is. You got that?"
She stared up at him, marveling at his intelligence. She was used to brilliance… Time Lord brilliance. She'd even met a few impressive scientists along the way. But Jack… Jack was something special.
"Jenny!" He snapped her to attention.
"Yes, got it!"
He grinned at her and pressed the button. "Here goes nothing!"
They were enveloped in a blue light and Jack felt the familiar sensation of tumbling and tossing until his feet finally landed on pavement. He glanced around, watching horses trot down the cobbled streets. But there was no sign of Jenny anywhere.
Oh, he had missed. He had definitely missed. The question was… by how much?
He stopped a man in a three-piece suit on the street. "Pardon me, but could you tell me the date? I've had a bit too much to drink at the pub."
The man eyed him. "28 December 1869."
Jack lifted his wrist just in time to see the vortex manipulator spark and burn out. "Fantastic."
Jenny didn't like the sensation of falling. It triggered memories of her first trip in the space pod, nearly crashing into one of Glom's moons while she learned how to deal with gravitational pull. But at least then, she had a navigation system.
By the time she landed on solid ground, she was so disoriented that she immediately landed in a heap on the floor. She incurred a few scratches and cuts that healed promptly, but likely at the expense of requiring more rest. At least she would have Jack looking out for her…
"Jack!" she called out in spite of herself. As if she needed to call more attention to the fact that she was a human disaster in the middle of the sidewalk.
Glancing around, she surmised that she was definitely at some sort of pier or plaza with water within eyesight. Though, whether she was actually at Canary Wharf, she couldn't be 100% sure. But what she was sure of was the fact that if she couldn't find Jack, she was going to be in a world of trouble. She did not know how much longer she could stay conscious in this body while it was still cooking, but if she collapsed, she would be taken to one of the Earth hospitals and quickly become a science experiment.
In a panic, she shakily rose to her feet and grabbed the railing ahead of her. About twenty-five feet ahead was a bus stop with a digital screen featuring a scrolling message.
3:44 pm… Wednesday… December 28, 2011.
"2011?" Jenny gasped frantically. The stupid teleporter had thrown her ahead five years.
Her stomach dropped twice, once from nerves and once from the regeneration effects.
Frantically, she steadied herself and began to walk ahead. She no longer could wait him out. She had to find Jack.
Crossing the road, the newly-redheaded woman trudged into the bricked plaza and scanned the whole circle for him. But there was neither hide, nor hair of Captain Jack Harkness.
And in that moment, Jenny realized her luck had run out. Jack was probably even further in the future with no way of getting home or so far in the past that he was dead by now. She was a soon-to-be science experiment without hope.
Tears beginning to stream down her cheeks, Jenny felt the regeneration energy rip through her again, harder than ever before. It was growing harder and harder to stay conscious.
With a final pulse through her body, the world began to spin around her and she found herself falling again. Dizziness overtaking her, Jenny felt a pair of arms engulf her. "I've got you."
A/N 2: So there you have it. Short and sweet and a little context for their introduction. I have a few chapters in the can, waiting to be published. I can't wait for you to see how their banter gets increasingly funnier as they get to know each other better.
I do love feedback, so please leave comments in the form of reviews so I know how I'm doing. I have and will continue to adjust my writing habits based on constructive criticism and am always creatively encouraged by reviews. Hint hint.