Okay, just to say why I started writing this story, a while back, when I wrote my very first one, people said that they liked the addition of the OC that had a past connection to Atem's reign as Pharaoh of Egypt. I started playing around with more ideas, and fixed up the OC a bit, as well as read some more reviews. People said they wanted to see here in the Battle City and Millennium World arc, so I figured I would start off the saga by doing the Battle City story, with the OC fresh and ready to join in the fight against the shadows. I guess I should stop rambling on, and let you guys read. I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

Disclaimer: The OC introduced is mine. Other than that, all properties of this story belong to the current TV station broadcasting Yu-Gi-Oh and its creator, Kazuki Takahashi.

Chapter 1

The youth sighed quietly to himself… he could not believe he was actually doing this. It was one thing for him to normally leave in a hurry to go to a meeting, but one scheduled this late at night? Even he figured he was crazy to do such a thing. Sure, he had his men here to guard him from people who might try to harm him, but it was still an absurd thing to be doing what he was at this moment.

Glancing out the car window, the young man gazed out at the city lining of Domino, all the bright lights of households still awake shone down on him like hundreds of tiny suns. He quietly turned his head back to face out the driver's window, rolling up his own as he did so. He reminded himself to thank his driver later, something he hardly ever did, considering how the man had left his home this late at night to come drive his boss around.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out the sleek cell phone he possessed. He glanced at the digital analog clock the monitor displayed on the front: 1:30 a.m.

He huffed indignantly; the woman who had called obviously had plenty of free time, considering the museum exhibit wasn't fully completed yet. He could consider this a 'VIP tour', but even then, why could she not have scheduled it earlier? He had known for years that he could never understand women and how they behaved, but for all the strange ones he had seen, this woman took the blue ribbon easily.

Letting his eyes drift shut slightly, as his brother had woken him earlier so he could attend the meeting, he began to remember what had gotten this started. The fact that that broadcast appeared on the news earlier, the woman herself talking about the new exhibit opening at the museum, was not even that shocking. It was that not even seconds after it ended, she had personally called him… with a proposition. At hearing that word, he had perked up slightly, based on what she told him of the card. He knew it would give him a chance to finally defeat his rival since the humiliation some time ago in the unofficial duel. How the young man had managed to pull off the monster summon of the century, he would never hope to know. Of course, he had thought the young man cheated, but he couldn't say so openly.

The woman had given him little information on the card, as well as the other proposition she had planned, but that was all he really needed. His deck thrived on power, and if this card truly had the strength the woman said it did, he was all for hearing more about it. So he had decided to take a short nap, and told his brother to wake him later in the night so he could go attend the meeting. Of course, how his brother woke him was not how he intended, but at least now, he was on his way to the museum.

A few minutes later, the car glided to a gentle stop, and the young man opened his eyes. Glancing out the window, he saw one of the guards he brought with him open the car door, allowing him to exit the vehicle. Reaching down and grabbing a hold of his briefcase, he regally stepped out onto the concrete sidewalk, his trench coat drifting in the wind behind him.

As he walked up the steps to the museum, he glanced down at the briefcase in his hands. What was inside always reminded him of why he loved the game of Duel Monsters; it was all about power to him. The duel disk symbolized the respect he had earned, the ranking he had gotten beating every opponent he came across. Then again, that one young man he could never beat; he swore to himself he one day would.

He didn't know why, but whenever he looked at anything that looked remotely Egyptian, something inside his mind just began screaming at him, and it would be no different in the museum. Of course, he couldn't understand what it was saying, but then again, he didn't really want to. Ever since that mess in Duelist Kingdom, he thought he began to believe in magic, but his stoic demeanor always convinced him otherwise. He just shook his head, and continued on his way, not even fazed as the glass doors opened up automatically to allow him entrance to the building.

Walking in, he was not surprised to see a group of four people standing not far inside the building. The three men each wore a black tuxedo, a white turban on each of their heads, and perfectly trimmed black beards. He hardly even took in more than the outward appearance of each man, as his attention was focused on the woman standing in front of them.

She wore a simple long tan dress with her shoulder exposed, black trim aligning the upper arm area of the dress. Her long black hair extended down to near the middle of her back, two strands pulled under her ears in front of her collarbone, tied together with golden bands. She wore a gold necklace with the Eye of Udjat in the middle, a tan headband tied in the middle with a green gem, all of which brought out her sea blue eyes. It was definitely she: Ishizu Ishtar.

Her stoic demeanor never changed as the young man approached her, silver briefcase in hand, "Thank you for coming Seto Kaiba."

The Kaiba Corp CEO narrowed his eyes slightly, confused as to why it seemed they were the only people here, "Where are the other guests?"

Ishizu let the tiniest of smirks appear on her face, "I did say this was a private exhibition. I only invited you because it makes discussing business so much easier."

The brunette man heard the sound of faint footsteps behind him, and let his eyes drift back toward the door, still keeping an eye on the Egyptian woman. From behind, he could see two other men, each with a turban and black beard, stand in front of the glass double doors.

One of them spoke, sparking an interest in the CEO's mind, "We've locked all the entrances. Nobody's allowed in or out."

Kaiba glanced at the man adjacent to his right side before looking back at Ishizu. Something was definitely wrong here, and whatever plan this woman had, it had sparked an interest. He was a gaming champion; if she was planning on challenging him to one, he knew he would get out of it no problem.

Figuring diplomacy would work and trying to edge his way to what the problem was, the youth spoke, "It's only been one minute, and I'm already bored. If you don't tell me what this is about," he turned around quickly to emphasize his point, "I'm leaving now."

His heard still turned to focus behind him, he saw Ishizu lower her head, her sea blue eyes disappearing as she let them drift shut, "Excuse us. We've faced a string of thefts recently and we have to be careful."

Kaiba cocked an eyebrow lightly as she continued, "You may leave any time you wish Seto Kaiba. However, I believe it is in your best interest to see all of what we have to offer."

Kaiba let his lips fall into a frown as he spoke back, "Really now?" Before he continued, he smirked, a characteristic quite unlike the young CEO, "And how is it you know what's best for me?"

Ishizu glanced behind her quickly near one of the hallways. For a moment, Kaiba could have sworn he glimpsed another figure disappear behind the wall, before he saw Ishizu turned back to him, "Please, follow me."

Without another word, the Egyptian woman turned and walked down the same hallway Kaiba thought he saw another person disappear behind. He considered his options briefly; on one hand, he could walk out of the door right now, head back to his company, forget this happened, and forget defeating his long-time rival. On the other hand, he could follow Ishizu, possibly get an unstoppable card, and at worst, have to endure a 10-minute history lecture.

He smirked lightly before following. He had put up with lectures in school, and if putting up with this one meant defeating the Duel King, he would have to stand it. Gripping his briefcase a bit tighter, he allowed Ishizu to lead him to the Egyptian wing. All the while though, he could not shake the feeling that something, or someone, was watching him.

As they neared the Egyptian artifacts, Kaiba glanced around, half-listening to Ishizu's words, "Kaiba, do you believe in destiny?"

The CEO carefully hid a conceited scoff, "Does it matter?"

Ishizu continued without bothering to pay attention to his reaction, "Ancient Egyptian thought that the true path of one's life was predetermined, because history repeats itself through the ages in a never-ending circle. They would say it wasn't your choice to come here, for it was destined the two of us would meet."

Kaiba mentally swore; he had heard enough of this garbage all throughout Duelist Kingdom, and he certainly was not going to hear any more of it now. He stopped walking forward, daring to speak back to the Egyptian woman, "Look, all this stuff might interest you, but I didn't come here for Egyptian History 101."

Even then, he couldn't help but briefly glance around at the different artifacts lining the walls of the exhibit. Sarcophagi of ancient pharaohs, tablets depicting messages left for others, and many others things he could not identify. He saw Ishizu glance back at him, her sea blue eyes piercing his own crystal color.

Figuring he could continue on, as she made no move to speak, he let more words cut through the tense air, "I came here because you said it would be worth my while, but it seems more like you've wasted my time. If there's a point to all this, then please get to it, because I have a company to run. You said you had an exclusive offer for me. I know everything about Duel Monsters and nothing can stop Exodia, so quit the charade and tell me what's going on."

Ishizu allowed her previously crafted smirk to fade, "All in good time Kaiba. Duel Monsters was based off of an Egyptian game that not many of us know about. It was played by Ancient Egyptians for power and was extremely dangerous."

Kaiba managed to resist the urge to shrug, "Who cares?"

"Maximillion Pegasus did."

Kaiba silently grew more interested than he was letting on. Ever since Duelist Kingdom, he had heard neither hide nor hair of the Duel Monsters card game creator. He had heard after the duel with the current Duel King, he had taken ill. Even then, Pegasus' true problem had been troubling Kaiba immensely, but he didn't want to waste time figuring it out.

"He fell in love with the game and decided to reinvent it for modern times."

Kaiba narrowed his eyes, "What's your point?"

Despite her growing impatience, Ishizu continued from there with tolerance for the CEO, "I'm getting to it. Unbeknownst to other duelists, Pegasus created a series of all-powerful cards never revealed to the public. Its really no surprise he kept the strongest cards for himself."

Seeing Kaiba's angry expression relax a little, Ishizu let that smirk once again appear on her face, "And Pegasus wasn't the only one who knew the game's original secrets. There are more mysteries about the ancient history of games yet to be discovered. However, there is one person I have also enlisted the help of, as she knows more about the origin of the duel monsters game than anyone else on the planet."

Kaiba scoffed, "So what? To me it just seems like a bunch of worthless history."

Ishizu sighed, "Kaiba, you let your impudence control your persona. I have a feeling the acquaintance I have called in will be of great assistance to you in the next few days. Now follow me, and I will reveal the reasons I have called you here tonight."

As she walked off, Kaiba began to try and sort the hundreds of thoughts racing through his mind. At first, Ishizu had said she called him here with a proposition for a powerful Duel Monsters card. But now, she was saying there was something else? Something, someone that would be able to help him? And to think that this person Ishizu knew had more knowledge of Duel Monsters than even its creator did.

The gears in Kaiba's head started spinning like crazy; he knew there were a lot of experienced players out there, in America, Europe, and many other places. He began to think of all the powerful duelists he knew, but no females that seemed important came to mind. If this girl really knew as much as Ishizu said she did, and Pegasus knew less than said person, why had she not been confronted, the facts pried out of her?

The CEO shook his head once; driveling on these thoughts was wasting valuable time. He wanted to see if Ishizu had really spoken the truth about the powerful card, and a few add hours of sleep wouldn't hurt.

The female tensed up; she could sense it clear across the city. Someone was having a dream, and it involved him. The only words she could hear emanating from the dream were words she had heard all too often in her childhood, even when they were just playing a game.

To face my destiny…

Truth be told, she had lost count of how many times those words had been spoken between the two of them. Even when growing up with him, there was always some secret he was keeping from her. She did know that their father had taken him to several places, some with secrets, some without, all in preparation for his coronation. Then, only days after, the war had begun… the war of shadows…

She drew her jacket tighter around her body; she knew she was living in the past, but with her, it was on a whole different level. She knew she shouldn't even be here today, much less on Earth. Then again, she had given up her freedom for him, so he could live the life she promised their mother she would help him live. But now, that curse was the only thing between her, and returning to where she should have gone ages ago.

She knew of the impending danger that was coming, and figured he knew too. She had spent months as an inside token for the Egyptian exhibit curator, a 'long-distance family friend'. Even with what she found out, it was not nearly enough. True, she did know whom the mastermind behind all this was, but the bad news was that he could easily counteract her magic, if she used the standards. And she had sworn to the gods she would not use any of her divine magic while down here. At least, until it came to protecting the ones she swore to watch over. Her body shook just thinking about the fight she knew would come. It was starting out just like the war of shadows had… she was afraid it would end the same...

A common enemy… an evil source of magic… a battle of souls… a victor… a loser… the world either bathed in light, or shrouded in darkness…

She heard a small noise come from near her waist, on her belt to be exact. She looked down where she kept her own dueling deck strapped in the belt pocket. She placed her hand over the cards, the cards she had so carefully collected and constructed into the deck she knew mirrored her very soul. She closed her eyes in concentration, ignoring the wind blowing through her hair.

Seconds later, her eyes fluttered back open, the sea-green orbs mirroring the ocean's movement in the distance. So, it was finally almost time…

Slowly, she got up, making sure all her possessions were on hand before walking back toward the museum. Time was not of the essence, but she hated being late. And considering not even Ishizu's guards knew she was here, she had to make her entrance discreet.

She sighed once; she had plenty of distance to walk, she could think of a plan on how to get in on the way there. But now, what really bugged her mind was figuring out a way to make sure the plan of convincing the CEO went off without any problems.

A groan escaped her lips; she had a feeling this meeting would be more challenging than a duel monsters game.

The CEO kept his gaze locked in front of him as Ishizu led him down another flight of stairs. Was it really too much trouble to keep exhibit artifacts on a higher level of the museum? Or at least, use the elevator? Then again, he didn't know if this building housed one, even with all the underground levels.

"I've secured the most precious artifacts down here, carvings that depict the earliest known game played in Egypt. I'm sure you will find it most familiar."

As Ishizu turned to him, Kaiba couldn't help but notice down here, her voice carried itself with power, "Kaiba, behold the origin of Duel Monsters."

He looked at the archway that led to the dimly lit room beyond. It was almost as if Ishizu's voice was pecking its way into his mind, begging him to press on and walk into the room. To witness the artifacts, find out about the history of his favorite game.

The CEO really was more interested in getting the card, meeting Ishizu's acquaintance, and leaving, but even he knew when to exhibit patience. He walked forward, briefcase held tightly in his grip, as he waited for Ishizu to flick on the light switch.

Even though the room hardly had any light, he could still at least see the wall in front of him, and stopped within a few feet of it. Not far behind, Ishizu flipped the switch, the room bathing itself in the light. Kaiba lifted his head to look at the tablet behind the glass case, but not even the CEO could prevent his eyes from widening.

"It… can't be! These carvings look like duel monster cards." The brunette youth gazed at the different carvings on the tablet. Many of them depicted well-known monsters to the game, basic ones. However, what immediately caught his eye were five precariously placed carvings, in the shape of a star image drawn in the center of the tablet. Looking closer, his inner thoughts were confirmed; it did indeed look like the monster he thought was unbeatable in the game.

"Then… your stories are true."

Ishizu walked forward to stand a few feet behind the CEO, and began talking, not even registering he seemed zoned-out on her, "I see you've come to your senses. Furthermore, there is a theory, even believed by my acquaintance, that in ancient times the monsters were real. Egyptian sorcerers summoned monsters to Earth to do their bidding."

Ishizu's face took on a serious outlook as even thoughts about what she knew of the past began to race through her mind, "But even they began to see the monsters could not be controlled. They destroyed countless villages, and brought the Earth to the brink of destruction. The citizens turned to the Pharaoh for help. Though he could not permanently defeat the monsters, he enlisted the help of the fabled guardian, and both of them used their magic to seal the monsters away in stone tablets. The combined force of their magic brought peace to the world. However, over time, evil sorcerers learned to control the monsters, and released them from their prisons. With the army of powerful monsters they had, the sorcerers believed not even the guardian could stop them. They betrayed the Pharaoh, and waged an all-out war against him."

Taking note of Kaiba still staring at the tablet, Ishizu took a couple steps over to the next one, her slipper-covered feet noiseless on the tile floor, "This is the one you must look at."

Kaiba, still overcoming his shock, turned his attention to the Egyptian curator, "This carving was the reason you were called here tonight." Countless thoughts began swimming through his head; screaming at him to leave the museum, leave all this magic nonsense behind him. But he could not; it was like an invisible force was keeping him locked here, like a prisoner unwillingly behind steel bars. He followed in Ishizu's footsteps, keeping his gaze locked on her as his body turned parallel to the ancient tablet.

"This tablet depicts one of the greatest battles of the war, between the Pharaoh, his guardian, and their greatest opponent. Closely examine this artifact if you will. I promise you, as of this moment Kaiba, your life will never be the same."

As she watched him turn his head, the Egyptian turned to look behind her, near one of the pillars attached to the roof and the ceiling, the foundation keeping it stable. Noticing the look on the young person's face, they gave each other a quiet nod, before turning their attention back to the tablet, taking note of Kaiba's reaction.

As soon as his attention focused on the tablet, Kaiba's eyes went narrow with shock. His gaze locked on the person depicted on the left, his words came out with an obvious nervous tone, "That's the Pharaoh?"

In all a quick moment, he took in the similarities between the Pharaoh, and his rival. Even etched in stone, their identities could have easily been mixed up, starting with the hair, and right down to the little pyramid puzzle, "But, that's Yuugi!" Glancing upward briefly, he noticed another familiar carving, "And the monster above him, is the Dark Magician!"

Though Kaiba did not follow Ishizu's gaze to the carving etched in the middle, its eyes lit with anger, almost like a candle flame, the woman spoke again, oblivious to how quickly Kaiba could even take all this in, "And on the left stands his greatest opponent. That's you Kaiba."

Glancing toward the left side of the tablet, he did notice what she meant; even while wearing a turban, the carving could have passed for an ancient drawing of the CEO himself. Their facial structure was remarkably similar, and Ishizu's next words actually managed to send a shiver down his spine.

"If you still doubt my words, look at the monster above him. It's the Blue Eyes White Dragon."

Kaiba's eyes went wide with complete shock; he didn't even begin to fathom how all this could be possible. A man that looked like him, controlling the CEO's favorite monster, fighting against the Pharaoh, supposedly Yuugi, with the Dark Magician aiding him? And scratch whatever was depicted in the center; just even looking at one of the two men or monsters drove Kaiba's mind nuts.

Ishizu continued on with her lecture, "The hieroglyphics read that the sorcerer one day marched into the Pharaoh's chamber, and challenged him and his legion of mighty magicians to a legendary duel, with the fate of the world at stake. The Pharaoh accepted the sorcerer's challenge, and their epic battle began. Both opponents unleashed their mightiest monsters against each other. The sorcerer, fighting to control the world, against the Pharaoh, fighting with his loyal followers to save it. Today, 5,000 years later, this ancient battle is being played out once again. Do you see? Do you now believe in destiny Kaiba?"

The CEO was actually tempted to agree; the thought was trying to push its way to the front of his mind, he could feel it. However, all other logical thoughts banned together and pushed the ridiculous idea out of his head.

His grip on the silver briefcase tightened, his crystal blue eyes still locked on the carving, "This can't be real. There's no way. This piece of rock has got to be a fake." However, he could not remove his gaze from the Pharaoh, how similar he looked to his infamous spiky-headed rival.

Ishizu's eyes darted to her right, and a small flash of light signaled the Egyptian. She turned back to face the CEO, "If you won't trust my words, then you must look back in time and experience part of the battle first-hand. This, I can help you do with my Millennium Necklace."

Not even mentioning the other part of magic that would be needed to send the CEO back in time, the golden trinket began flashing, causing said CEO to take a few steps back, his free hand raised in self-defense. Ishizu placed her hands in a diamond-shape around the pendant.

It began flashing brighter, and she closed her eyes in concentration, "Now, open your eyes, and see into the past!" As the room brightened to the point where Kaiba could've thought he was standing on the sun, he raised an arm to block the light out. He barely had time to register another presence beside Ishizu before the light overtook him.

The young girl glanced over at Ishizu, who was taking in a few deep breaths, tired from concentrating so much magic into the feat they had just pulled. "I know he may need to see the past for himself to believe, but even the gods are telling me now was not the best time."

Ishizu looked at her female companion, "The gods may think so, and I do not doubt them. However, if we are to put our plan in motion to help the Pharaoh, then Kaiba needs to know of the past now. If not, he will never agree to the terms I will discuss with him when we bring him back."

The female sighed as a black ball of magic formed in her hands, and both watched as it began to drip toward the ground like blood, enveloping the girl in a dark aura. Closing her eyes, she let a few more words escape her lips, "I still say it's a bad idea…"

Ishizu watched her companion disappear, the last words lost on the wind. Her eyes narrowed in a tiny bit of concern as she glanced at the tablet behind her, particularly, the stone carving in the middle. I hope you're wrong… But of course, she would never have said that out loud.

All he could register was the feeling of darkness surrounding him. Cautiously opening his eyes, the ceiling above him was indeed an endless void, and the thought of that scared him. Looking down, his eyes went wide again. He saw along the wall intricate designs of Egyptian writing and decoration, as well as what appeared to be a throne of sorts. Then, he noticed the two men.

"What is this?"

Standing below him on two elevated platforms were what he figured to be sorcerers, if he really had been sent into the past. Laying on the ground on either side of the platforms were three stone tablets, and he could only figure one thing, based off of the lecture.

A duel…

The sorcerer on the left, wearing a purple turban, and wielding a cane-hooked staff raised to the sky, spoke in a haunting, echoing voice, "I hereby declare a challenge to the Pharaoh. By the rights of tradition, duel me if you are not a coward." It was only if he looked closer would Kaiba see that this sorcerer was him as depicted on the tablet.

Several men, wearing cloaks, standing behind the Kaiba lool-a-like began chanting, their bodies surrounding in a blue aura, "Magic powers, heed my cry, release the monster trapped inside. Magic powers, heed my cry…"

As the chant continued, one of the stone tablets stood up straight, the monster on it being depicted as a dragon. Suddenly, the image flashed, and a transparent image of the beast appeared. Its body was covered in black and scarlet red scales, its pearly white fangs ready to be used in battle.

The man standing opposite the sorcerer cried out in a mighty voice, "As the Pharaoh's loyal follower, I shall accept the challenge and duel you, you traitor!" Another tablet stood up on its own, this time, a much more familiar blue dragon with a large mouth and white fangs appearing, ready to fight.

The dragons stood facing one another, their battle cries echoing through the chamber. The man, whom Kaiba had not noticed sitting on the throne, moved, growing tense it seemed. It was then Kaiba also noticed a familiar pendant hanging around the man's neck, but that hardly fazed him.

The CEO briefly turned his head, figuring he heard a noise in the shadows behind him. However, due to the impending blackness, anything that was there was probably being kept a secret from him. To try and divulge his mind from it, he turned back to the duel.

The Pharaoh's follower magician cried out again, "I banish you all to the shadow realm!" The magician's dragon opened its large mouth, a scarlet and yellow ball of magic forming. The dragon let it loose, everyone watching as it collided with the scarlet and black-scaled dragon. Obliterated in one blow, the tablet lowered itself back to the ground as the dust dissipated.

A huge bolt of light flashed from the sky, and destroyed the men behind the evil sorcerer as Kaiba looked on, "Oh no, what is this?"

Quick as a flash, the evil sorcerer raised another tablet, the image coming to life faster than the dragon had. This monster Kaiba knew well; a green genie with gold jewelry, a small purple turban, and a lamp sitting below it.

The Pharaoh's follower spoke with a commanding tone, "Your La Jinn may be strong, but did you think I have not come prepared? It is no match for the combined fury of my dragons!"

As soon as those words left the magician's lips, a second tablet stood up, the men behind the sorcerer chanting as it did so, "Let two be one, let two be one…"

"Unite my dragons! You shall be unstoppable!" As the second transparent monster appeared, a small green dragon, bolts of lightning erupted between the two before they were engulfed in light. When it disappeared, a giant golden dragon with green eyes had taken its place.

The Pharaoh's follower raised his staff, "Attack! Bombard the traitor with your Blazing Inferno!"

Doing as told, the dragon let its attack loose, La Jinn not standing a chance. Wiped out, nothing but dust left, more of the men on the evil sorcerer's team disappeared as another crack of lightning struck.

The evil sorcerer glanced up toward the throne, "You have not won yet Pharaoh. You think one of your pathetic minions have the magic to defeat me? I will shatter them into non-existence before your very eyes!"

Kaiba glared down at the sorcerer from where he was floating above, "That sorcerer's a big mouth loser! How can Ishizu even compare him to me?"

The sorcerer raised his staff, turning to face the opposing magician, "You should have finished me off when you had the chance, for I will now call forth, the beast of ultimate destruction! Now Pharaoh, this is the end!"

The young man in the throne leaned forward a bit, suddenly intrigued. He knew his magician follower had the upper hand; why was this evil one preaching about winning?

The evil sorcerer raised his arms to the sky, "My loyal monsters, you have all served me well. Wake from your eternal slumber and obey me one last time."

Two tablets stood at hearing these words, one a centaur image, the other of an ox with an axe gripped firmly in its hands.

"Behold, I will now offer their life forces, and fuse them into the legendary dragon!"

As quickly as the transparent beasts appeared, light exploded from their chests, both orbs coming together. A roar erupted before the light vanished, but everyone knew that now, the real fight had started. As soon as the dust cleared up, even the golden dragon seemed to falter. The beast standing in front of it was at least three times its size, with sparkling silver scales, silver fangs and claws, and startling crystalline blue eyes.

"Behold, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

From where he was in the air, Kaiba was grateful gravity wasn't working for him at the moment, because he would have hit the earth from shock by now, "Blue-Eyes White Dragon?"

As the Pharaoh stood from his throne, Kaiba caught movement to his right, and glanced over, knowing for sure he heard something this time. A faint growl came from the darkness as the evil sorcerer spoke again, "Now, dragon, destroy them all with your White Lightning."

In one quick movement, the dragon opened its large mouth, a blast of lightning heading right for the golden dragon. The attack sliced it neatly in half before it vanished in a shower of dust. The attack continued, destroying all of the other tablets the Pharaoh's follower was commanding.

As the other side of the dueling field erupted into flames, the evil sorcerer seemed to smile, as if he enjoyed all this destruction. Kaiba narrowed his eyes in self-doubt; surely, he and this man could not be one in the same, or even have similar personalities?

The evil sorcerer raised his staff in victory as the Pharaoh looked at him in shock, "Hahahaha, victory is mine!" This was short-lived though, as both men then turned to look up at the black void behind Kaiba. At first, the CEO thought they saw him, until it donned on him; the growl he heard earlier.

Turning his head slightly, he saw a black flash of light erupt from the darkness before it flew down to earth. Impacting the ground like a meteorite, the Pharaoh and evil sorcerer each lifted their arms to defend themselves from the backlash magic. But, one could see the anger on the evil sorcerer's face as the dust vanished.

Standing between the sorcerer and the fire was what appeared to be a black cat of some sort, though from a distance, Kaiba couldn't make out the details. However, it was clear that whatever grudge the cat and the sorcerer held, it ran deep.

The Pharaoh seemed to smile in relief as the sorcerer raised his staff toward the cat, "So, the fabled guardian has finally shown up? If I can eliminate you, then there will be no one left to defend the Pharaoh!"

The sorcerer glanced over at the monarch, the hatred in their eyes like daggers being thrown at one another. The sorcerer turned back to face its opponent, as both cat and dragon poised to fight, to decide the fate of the world.

"Attack with White Lightning!"

His entire body shook as he was finally brought back to the present. All he could register for the moment was he was on his knees, hands on the cold tile floor to keep himself from falling. It had all seemed to real, like he could have actually been standing in the middle of the duel. He wondered if he had, if he would have felt anything; the attacks sure seemed real.

Kaiba glanced back up at the tablet as Ishizu spoke up, "Now do you understand Kaiba? History is starting to repeat itself. It isn't coincidence that Yuugi is your greatest rival; you two have battled in the ancient past. It's destiny that you two dueled, and its destiny that you will battle again."

The CEO managed to get one knee under him to support his body from falling. His mind was now very nearly screaming at him to believe all that Ishizu was telling him, but like always, his heart was telling him another story.

Reaching over to his briefcase that he had probably dropped a while ago, he slung his hand through the handle to pick it up, "Thanks for the lecture. But I make my own destiny, and do what I want to do."

As he turned to walk back up the staircase, he failed to notice that Ishizu hadn't moved from the spot she had been standing, nor had she taken her eyes off of the ancient tablet, "Kaiba, what I thought you wanted were powerful cards, the Duel Monsters cards that surpass even Exodia." She turned halfway to face the brunette youth, "What if I told you they were right in front of your eyes?"

Kaiba turned back to face the Egyptian, "What?"

Suddenly, another voice erupted from the shadows that enveloped another part of the room, "You are wasting your time with him Ishizu. The deal shouldn't have to go through; he doesn't believe anything you are trying to tell him."

Ishizu turned to face the shadows as Kaiba smirked, thinking quietly it seemed the owner of the voice read his mind. The Egyptian woman still stood in the same place she currently was, and spoke in reply to the voice, her own vocals carrying themselves across the room, "And I thought that until I spoke to him about the deal, you had agreed to not interfere with my giving him the card."

The voice scoffed, "It's not like he would be able to control them. Only one person in history can."

Kaiba narrowed his eyes lightly, "Whoever you are, clearly, you haven't seen me play Duel Monsters. If this new card is just a card that Pegasus created, then surely it will be easy for me to hold in my deck." He turned back to face Ishizu, "So, you said its right in front of my eyes. Where?"

With one last glare at the shadows, Ishizu turned back to the tablet, "Take a look at the top. They were the most powerful and feared monsters of their time." One by one, she named them, Kaiba following her gaze as she looked at the corresponding pictures, "Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, the Winged Dragon of Ra."

Respectively, the images were depicting a giant humanoid figure, a slender dragon with a long neck and massive claws, and what appeared to be a dragon's head crossed with the wings of an eagle and the body of a lion.

"Control one, and an entire army will fall before you. Control all three, and the planet itself will quake beneath you."

Kaiba cocked an eyebrow, "And Pegasus turned them into cards."


"You lie. If he had them, then why didn't he use them against me in Duelist Kingdom?"

The voice from the shadows spoke up again, "Because even Pegasus feared their power, the power he thought he had sealed into the pieces of paper he created."

This time, without contempt, both Ishizu and Kaiba turned to face the shadows. A humanoid figure stepped out, but what surprised Kaiba was the fact it was indeed a young lady that owned the voice. She had tan skin similar to Ishizu's, her slender figure adorned in befitting clothing. It consisted of dark skinny jeans, black slippers like Ishizu's in style, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Several pieces of gold jewelry adorned her wrists and fingers, as well as a silver stud earing in her left ear. Her jet-black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, her bangs hanging lazily in front of her.

As soon as he moved his gaze more up toward her face, Kaiba had to restrain himself from gasping in shock. The girl also had a pair of yellow bangs that came together at the part in her hair, and hung down at the same point Yuugi's did, framing her elegant face. Her eyes seemed to burn right through Kaiba's own icy color, the girl's own the color of freshly drawn blood.

Kaiba knew he had seen those eyes before, but figured somehow, the light was playing a really good trick on him. He kept an eye on the girl as she walked over to join the two people, standing next to Ishizu.

With less anger than she had earlier, Ishizu turned to look at the young girl, "Seto Kaiba, this is my acquaintance Akela. Akela, this is Seto Kaiba."

The girl gave a curt nod, her eyes still narrowed much like the Duel King's were during a match, "Pleasure."

Kaiba didn't return the nod, "Same. If you don't mind though, and I'm sure you don't, do tell me more about how Pegasus even feared these cards. Ishizu said you knew more about the true history of Duel Monsters than anyone else. True or False?"

The girl looked at the tablet, "True, in many ways, some I cannot yet reveal."

Knowing she was not ready to talk that much yet, Ishizu decided to take over for her young friend, "Pegasus himself couldn't even fathom the strength of the magic contained in these Egyptian God cards. Not even he could control the very beings he had brought into the world as cards. They threatened to destroy him.

Kaiba kept his gaze locked on the two women, all the while thinking to himself. Cards that made even Pegasus quake in his boots. If I can obtain these three legendary monsters, I'll be unstoppable in any duel, and Yuugi won't stand a chance. But how do I get them? I can't ask Pegasus, he's dropped off the face of the earth. They have to be somewhere.

Deciding a hunch was better than nothing, he finally talked again after condoling the last of his thoughts, "Ishizu, what did Pegasus do with the cards?"

Glancing briefly at the young woman next to her, the Egyptian woman replied, "He gave them to us for safe-keeping. Pegasus realized that if these cards got into the wrong hands, they could be used to destroy the world. He had me bury each one in a secret location, but they were unfortunately discovered. So I had to gather the remaining ones and hide them once again."

Kaiba lowered his head, "So someone already found them?"


"Tell me who."

Ishizu's eyes narrowed with a seriousness not even the CEO could pull off, "The Rare Hunters."

Kaiba's eyes widened in brief shock, "Rare Hunters?" He said the phrase with a bit of a flop, the unfamiliar name rolling off his tongue with disgust. He didn't even know about these people except for the name, but the fact that they stole the cards he so desperately wanted immediately caused him to bear a grudge.

Ishizu gave a solemn nod, "Akela knows more about them then I do. She had already faced them in many battles to get the cards back. Every time they dueled her, she won, but they never honored their pre-arranged agreement. Another Rare Hunter just snatched the card back and ran off before she could get it."

Kaiba looked at the other young woman, "Is that true?"

Akela nodded, "The Rare Hunters are ruthless. There are many top-knotch duelists all over the world, but not even they could beat the Rare Hunters elite forces. As an underground sect, they have easy access to the black market."

Kaiba narrowed his eyes, "Let me guess. They steal cards and sell them for money?"

"Correct. But like I said, they are an elite force. Naturally, like yourself and Pegasus, they keep the strongest cards for themselves to create more powerful decks than you could even imagine."

Kaiba took a defensive step forward, "How dare you? I am the president of a company and the top duelist in the world! How dare you compare me to these Hunters!"

Akela shrugged, "From what I heard, Yuugi Mutou beat you in a duel. Guess you can't really call yourself the best anymore."

Ishizu stepped between the two youths, "Please, this is not the time for fighting. Akela, you know why we have called him here. Let us just get on with the business talk so we may all leave in peace for the night."

The girl seemed to calm down a bit briefly as she turned to face the stone tablet, flicking an arm sarcastically, "The floor is all yours."

Ishizu narrowed her eyes lightly before turning to face Kaiba, "Rare Hunters don't come out very often into the open. As they operate from the dark, they cannot be found easily. Akela has managed to find several of their hideouts, but there are many of them, always changing location. The business deal I have called you here for is because I need your help in drawing out these card stealers."

Kaiba's shoulder rose slightly, his body tense, "Go on."

Ishizu continued from there with little change in her demeanor, "If you were to host a Duel Monsters tournament, then your reputation would surely attract the best duelists in the world. The collection of rare cards in one area would be like drawing bees to their hive with honey; the Rare Hunters would not be able to resist."

"I see. You're planning on using my tournament like a bear trap, getting all the Rare Hunters together and snagging them all at once. And when they come, they'll bring the god cards with them."

Ishizu took a couple steps forward until she was mere feet away from the CEO, "I have one more thing to tell you, but first, take this card."

Looking down at her outstretched hand, Kaiba saw what appeared to be a giant blue humanoid figure with about 10 star levels, the attirubte of light, and the card itself was also outlined in a navy blue.

Kaiba's eyes widened in surprise, "C-can it be? It's Obelisk the Tormentor." He briefly glanced up at the picture on the tablet before speaking again to the Egyptian curator, "But I thought the cards were stolen."

Ishizu nodded, "They were. However, I didn't say that all of them managed to elude Akela's grasp when she dueled the Rare Hunters. She managed to retrieve Obelisk before the hideout she was dueling in collapsed. She brought the card back to me, since she knew I was already planning to give it to you. You may borrow it for the tournament, but I expect it back."

Kaiba's frown turned into a smirk, "It's not every day a card this powerful is handed to me. What if I chose to keep it forever? What makes you think I can be trusted?"

Akela took a step forward, her eyes narrowed at the CEO, "She called you here for starters, didn't she? I'd say that's proof enough she trusts you, or else she would have gotten someone else to help."

Kaiba glanced over at Akela, "Why didn't she just enlist you then?"

Akela scoffed, "One, I don't a run a million dollar company. Two, let's just say I have certain 'limitations' on what I can do here in this city. Some very powerful friends of mine don't like it that I am here."

Ishizu looked at her with a look of sympathy, speaking to Kaiba, "That is the other matter of the deal I have called you here for. Like I said, Akela knows more about the Rare Hunters than even I do. If the Rare Hunters were to come to your tournament, there would be so many of them it would be hard to keep track. Akela could be your on-the-ground eliminator duelist."

Kaiba looked at the curator, "You're saying she would work for me?"

"In a manner she has agreed to, yes. She would be on the lookout for Rare Hunters and duel them. If she were to find an Egyptian God card, she would contact you to tell you where it is so you could retrieve it. And with as many Rare Hunters as there will be, it might not be a bad idea."

Kaiba cocked an eyebrow as he tucked Obelisk into his trench coat pocket, "And who says I need your help? Just because you work for me doesn't mean I would need you."

Ishizu looked back at the CEO, "Akela's deck is strong. She doesn't need the god cards in her deck to win. However, she despises the Rare Hunters, and the feeling is mutual. If you took her into your tournament as an eliminator, and exposed some familiar manner of her to the Rare Hunters, they would be even more eager to come to this city. She has beaten a great deal of them, and they want revenge for humiliation."

Kaiba took a moment to consider his options, "So, an on-the-ground duelist who works to obtain cards for me, in exchange for revenge?"

Akela spoke up, her voice powerful, not like what Kaiba originally expected, "I would still have free will of my own. If I ever felt anything you told me to do was wrong, I would be able to defy it without question. That is the only term I will draw in on my own. Other than that, I would be an eliminator under your control."

Kaiba looked at the girl, their eyes locked in a fight. Despite his own cold exterior, he could almost feel it melting away under the pressure of her blood-colored eyes. She was a war-hardened duelist, he could sense it, and that was what would be needed in a tournament of this magnitude. And with his own skills, he could sense the power of her deck he knew she had. It was strong, powerful, full of fire, a perfect mirror image of its owner.

There weren't many options to consider in retaliation to what Ishizu was offering. Near reluctantly, the CEO held out his hand, "Shake it and we've got a deal."

Equally reluctantly, Akela stuck her hand out, grasping the CEO's. A momentary shake occurred before he turned to leave. "Be at Kaiba Corp tomorrow at 7. I will need your help in planning the tournament. As of now, you work for me."

Not bothering to check if she nodded, he began walking up the steps, "I'll set up this tournament, but not because of any of your hocus pocus mind tricks Ishizu."

"I thank you."

"I want to reclaim my title as the number one duelist in the world."

As the two women watched the CEO walk off, Ishizu let her gaze falter briefly. You will return the card to me Kaiba. I have forseen it…

Akela scoffed as Kaiba exited the room, leaving the duo alone, "Cheerful, isn't he?"

Ishizu glanced over at her, "You may not enjoy this deal, but don't forget it was your idea. I don't even understand how that mind of yours works, but however it does, it is strange to me."

Akela shrugged, "What do you expect? I don't understand how yours works either. My mind is basically a past treasure. Even you know I shouldn't be here in this time."

Ishizu looked at the tablet, at the carving in the middle between the Pharaoh and the Sorcerer, "It was never your fault though, was it? You did it to protect someone you loved, and the curse is now bonded to you. Not even the gods can take it back."

Akela grimaced, "They just want me as a puppet to do their work on earth. I constantly have to maintain my form here instead of the dominion where it is easier. And when I go back there, I have my own problems to attend to. My life was never easy. I even find myself wondering how I will be able to protect him this time."

Ishizu stepped forward to look into Akela's eyes, the orbs now the color of the ocean in the morning sun, instead of blood-red, "You did it once before, didn't you? You can easily do it again."

Akela looked down at the floor, "Back then he had the full extent of the power he possessed. But when the spell was completed, they were sealed away, and now he can't get to them. If that Rare Hunter leader truly does come along to try and fight him, he knows what he will get in return."

The young girl clenched a fist in rage, her teeth gritted together. Ishizu reached out, gently taking hold of the young girl's hand, "You cannot let your anger get the better of you. All we need is to follow through with the deal, get the cards back, and defeat the shadows that have formed inside someone I care for. If we can do that, then all this will be worth it."

Akela sighed as she turned toward the wall, "I hope you're right." The girl then walked forward toward the shadows she had come out of, and disappeared under the veil she depended on for protection.

As Ishizu watched her go, she couldn't help but glance sadly in that same direction. I hope so too…

The CEO smirked as he sat comfortably in the limo, his driver heading down the road that led to his company. Normally, he wouldn't even consider being in this happy of a mood, but considering the card he had just gotten, he couldn't contain it.

"One down, two to go…" And then he was laughing, the sound mixed of slight evil and pride.

As the car continued to glide gently down the road, he looked ahead at his company, already formulating the events ahead of him. So focused on the tournament plans, he failed to notice a presence watching him from the shadows…

And that's the end of the first chapter! I feel proud of myself, although it did take me two days to finish writing it. I know a lot of the stuff here was still taken from the script in the show, but it was how I wanted to start it off. I figured the easiest way to introduce the OC with what I had planned for her role was by starting with Kaiba's meeting with Ishizu. So now, as you've read it, Akela officially works for him, although she's not happy about it (the feeling is probably mutual).

For any of you who might be wondering about Akela's eyes, yes, their color did change. Why? Well, that will be revealed later (partly because I'm still thinking of a way to explain why).

Well, anyways, that was the first chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it. Please R&R!

Expect the next update within two days...