"All done. Feel better?" Amy asked.

"Yes. Thank you Amy."

Amy helped Rory to his feet. Rory gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Old girl are you going to be able to sleep now?" Rory asked.

"Does a TARDIS even sleep?" Amy asked.

Like cat nap.

"So, you are ok?" Rory asked.

Much better.

Amy and Rory gave the console a kiss. Rory yawned and stretched as he walked to the door.

"Don't wake us unless it is a huge disaster." Amy stated.

Define disaster.

Amy was going to launch into an explanation when Rory gave her a look.

"Oh. Ha Ha. Very funny."

Amy gently poked the wall nearest the door as she talked. The TARDIS let out her happy hum. Amy and Rory exited the TARDIS and walked to the kitchen. Rory quietly entered the kitchen thinking the Doctor and River were asleep.

"They are still at it?" Rory asked.

"Obviously." Amy said with a sigh.

"Better go stop her. We all need to rest."

Rory said as he walked into the front room. Amy caught him by the arm to stop Rory.



Rory paused and listened.

"That's not the Doctor." Amy quietly said.

"But, River isn't ticklish. How can that be her?"

Amy shrugged.

"Maybe the electric shock?" Amy guessed.

Rory was shaking his head no.

"Can't be her. Mels wasn't ticklish. I know that. River isn't ticklish." Rory stated.

River was glad the Doctor was giving her feet a break. She was in constant laugh mode when he was examining each foot. River was not sure it was because she was already laughing and couldn't stop rather than actually being ticklish. He was now slowly examining each calf.

River really wanted to know where this beautiful touch came from. Bless this Doctor. He truly was a klutz. He could touch her tenderly but not smoothly. Today his hands were soft as clouds and moved smooth as silk over her. Not that she minded. River just wasn't used to it. The Doctor was also kissing each one of her scars as he came across them. She would give him a big bear hug and kiss later for that.

"Find it yet?"

River had settled back into the pillows. She was still on her stomach. This was all rather relaxing. On the whole.

"No, but I won't give up. That bite mark has to be here somewhere."

"How will you treat it when you find it?"

"A bug is a bug. Neutralize the venom. Clean the area"

The Doctor came to the back of River's left knee. What do you know? River actually had a small bug bite there.

"Found one. It is a mosquito bite."


"Yes. Feel it?"

The Doctor drew half a circle around the bite. River felt a huge shock travel up her leg.

Rory and Amy were snuggling into bed when they heard a squeak, a strange noise followed by a laugh/scream.

"That is the noise you make." Amy said with wide eyes and a smile.

"What noise?"

"After the squeak. That is River. You two make the same sound when you are laughing really hard. That is so cute."

Rory rolled his eyes. Amy just laughed.

"Good night Mrs. Williams."

"Sleep well Mr. Pond."

Rory hugged Amy from behind. He had both his girls. They were both safe and sound.

"I love you." Amy whispered half asleep.

"I know."

Amy didn't need for Rory to say the words. Rory projected it with the hug and kiss on her neck. Amy was asleep in five minutes. Rory just listened to River's laughter for a few minutes. It was beautiful and vibrant. Rory closed his eyes and drifted to sleep with his baby girl's laugh.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" River squeaked.

The Doctor's hand was trapped behind River's knee. This was the most ticklish spot he had found so far on River. River had curled into a fetal position as soon as he had touched the bite.

"River. This must have been one very powerful Tickle Bug bite. Pumped vast quantities of venom into you. Have to get it out."

The Doctor tried to remove his hand but couldn't get it out.

"I need my hand back."

River shook her head no.


The Doctor saw another head shake. The Doctor was drinking up River's essence. River never felt so vulnerable and safe at the same time. Strange mixture. She saw the Doctor's face light up with mischief.

"I am afraid you have gone delusional, wife. I remember how to get rid of the toxin. It has to excrete from the lungs. Fear not. I will help you through this."

The Doctor saw River roll her eyes at him. She was trying to look smug through a smile.

Payback time, Song.

The Doctor used his free hand to find the rest of her tickle spots. River squirmed enough to free his other hand. River couldn't get away from both hands.

"That's it. Breathe it out."

River lasted another minute or so before she got lightheaded.

"Uncle!" River screamed.

The Doctor immediately took his hands off of her. That was her "safe word". River never thought she would ever use it in this context. River kissed him before she left the bed.

"That was fun." River said as she got to her feet.

While River disappeared into the guest bath the Doctor went to the window. It was a beautiful sunset. The rising moon was bathed in gold and red. The first stars were adding their sparkle. The TARDIS was happily napping in the garden.


The Doctor turned around to see River patting the spot next to her on the bed. He slid in next to her. They curled into each other. River's eyes fluttered shut. The Doctor just listened to River's breathing. Calm, deep and slow. Sometime before his long journey ended he would find a word to fully describe what he was feeling now. He couldn't think of one. River curled under his chin. The Doctor kissed her curls and whispered:
