Hello my wonderful, wonderful readers. I am sooo sorry that the wait was long for this chapter. I recently got a job and have been so busy that when I wasn't working I was sleeping. BUT for my birthday and with my parents help I got a new computer. To take away its fan fiction virginity I am writing you all the next chapter.
Also I'd like to dedicate this chapter to:
AngeLinks for pointing out that I can't spell. Thank you for pointing that out and I went back and fixed everything (no really I do appreciate it [sooooo used spell check for that]).
Ziaoqing for reminding me that I am in the middle of a story that people like if you are going by the 54 reviews that you guys have graciously given me.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these things... and if you see any original ideas in here lets just assume that none of them are mine either.
Fate Chapter 5
The next morning after their run Harry went to the school office to talk to the principal. The moment he walked in he knew only one approach would work with this man.
"I am second year Potter Harry, lord of the most noble and ancient houses of Potter and Black," Harry knew he had this man, hook, line and sinker. "It has come to my attention that my presence is needed in my home land for the week." 3...2...1...let the groveling begin!
"Of course my Lord! Take all the time you need. Don't worry about any of your classes, I'm sure the teachers will give you extra time to finish all the work that will be missed." the man was practically on his knees in front of harry trying to hopefully gain his favor and maybe even some additional funds for him sel- *cough* I mean his school at a later time.
"Thank you sir, you have been most generous. I will surly remember the things you have done for me." then harry left.
The minute Harry was out of sight of everyone he grasped his necklace, it had been a gift from the goblins, a portkey to a secure room in Gringotts so that if he ever needed it he could just transport himself there in a matter of seconds. The trip was, as always for Harry, miserable, as was every other form of magical transportation.
"Lord Potter-Black, what a pleasant surprise. How may we help you today?"said the goblin watching the room.
"I'm just going to see Griphook. I need to speak with him about something," the goblin went to get up and help Harry get there but harry stopped him, "no need I know the way." and with that he walked off towards Griphook's office. When Harry arrived he knocked and waited for the 'Enter' before going in. "Lord Potter-Black, may your vaults be always full, how may I help you today."
"And may your gold always shine my friend. I have come here to ask you a few things. First, do you know of any way to heal an injury that is years old? I have made a dear friend in Japan and his birthday is in a week, I was hoping to give him his mobility back as a gift."
"Well Lord Potter-Black, the only way I know of to heal injuries that are years old is to banish the affected parts and regrow them. To do that we use a modified version of the banishing charm, Depulsa (found on harry potter wiki and modified it a bit), so that the affected part doesn't just move away but actually disappears. Then a potion is used, like skele-grow (also found on harry potter wiki) for bones, or musca-grow for muscles. I can have a book with the spell and a vile of the potion for you by the end of the meeting if you would like. Now I suspect another of your questions is about telling your friends about magic. You will find that the Japanese Ministry of Magic is a lot less strict with these things. It is perfectly fine for you to inform your friends as long as they are all you are informing."
Harry was all smiles by this time, he had everything that he had wanted and more. He quickly confirmed the need for the items then motioned for Griphook to continue.
"There is one other thing that I would like to discuss while you are here Lore Potter-Black. When your parents were alive they wanted to make sure that you would have a place for yourself in either the wizarding world or the muggle world. They decided to invest in many things dealing with muggles. In this folder is a list of all the companies you own and are in charge of if you choose to be. The note book in the back of the folder is a two way Goblin book, if you have any questions you can just ask me. When you have a new message an alert will be sent to your muggle cellphone. I will be sending you weekly reports about all of your investments through this form of communication so it can in no way be tampered with. The messages will stay unless you tell them not to and everything will be translated into parsletongue so it will be for your eyes only." Griphook paused for a moment. "Did you need anything else Lord Potter-Black?"
Harry was stunned for a moment but that quickly wore off and he was all smiles again. "That would be perfect Griphook, thank you so much my friend." there was a knock on the door and Harry soon had everything he had come for and even some things he hadn't. "I hope to see you again some time soon my friend, but for now I must go. I have a birthday/coming out party to plan." and with a nod from the goblin Harry grasped his necklace and disappeared form the office.
Harry spent the rest of the day arranging the party for Takami and practicing the spell so that he didn't accidentally banish Takami's leg off. In fact that was what he was doing when Shin walked in.
"Harry…..what are you doing?" Shin who had just seen Harry banish a piece of elastic he had sitting on his desk, was confused. He knew that he was a little slow on the uptake and sometimes oblivious to the things going on around him, but being able to point a stick at something, say a word, and have that object be gone was different, and even he knew that.
Harry was surprised by Shin's entrance into their room, so surprised in fact that the rubber band that he had almost completely banished quickly reappeared and shot around the room. Harry immediately ducked while Shin backed back out of the room. Eventually Harry called out into the hall saying it was safe to enter again and Shin walked back in. "Ummmm. What you just saw... hm OK lets just get right to it. Seijuro I am a wizard. I wave a wand, I fly a broom stick, I brew potions. When you told me about Takami's birthday I knew that I wanted to do something for him to help with his mobility issue. I also knew that doing this would reveal my special talent, so today I went and talked to the goblins, the creatures that run the wizarding banks, and they not only helped me find what I needed to help Takami but reassured me that I can let my friends know. I was soooo scared that you wouldn't like me any more and I soooo wanted you to like me but I needed to do something for the friend that has done so much for me already after knowing me for just a week and I-mmmmhm"
Seijuro had been watching his little kitten ramble on for some time and decided that he needed Harry to stop or he wouldn't be able to get a word in edge wise, and what better way to do that then to occupy the lips that were making all the words. After a few minuets the two broke apart panting for breath, or at least Harry was. When he caught his breath Harry was about to ask what that was about when Shin interrupted him.
"You were talking to much for me to say that I would like you even if you were half duck. I am in a relationship with you, magic practicing, wand waving, broom stick flying, potion making and all. You are who you are and that's the you I like. My Harry." Shin's words were few but the emotions and sincerity that he let out through the words and through his eyes the whole time almost brought Harry to his knees with relief.
"Thank you so much Seijuro. You have no idea how much those words mean to me."
The rest of the week went the same as the beginning of that day. The book that Griphook had given him with the Depulsa charm in it gave him specific directions on how to make a practice model of a leg to practice taking the muscles out of. It also gave him another charm to cast before hand to detect the affected muscles so he didn't have to take out and replace all the affected muscles in his friends leg, causing him unnecessary pain. After the first two days Harry had the spells mastered to the point that he was comfortable casting it on his friend.
This left the last four days to plan the surprise party. Seijuro was a great help in all of this. He knew all of the people that needed to be invited and he even knew a place where they could hold out. Between Harry, Seijuro, and Sakuraba they were able to get all of the invitations out, rent the room (Harry paid the principal a little extra for all his troubles), get all of the food, party favors, and presents, all without Takami finding out.
On the night of September the 14th Sakuraba could be found quietly and discretely leading Takami to the American Football club house to, according to Sakuraba, get in a little extra practice. Takami, who had honestly forgotten it was his birthday, thought nothing of the request. Sakuraba had often asked for his help in some extra practices since Harry had joined the team.
The two entered the door to the club house, only Sakuraba noticing the people currently hiding in the darkness ready to jump out. Takami, being the first to enter the room, went to turn on the lights and lost nearly a year of his life to the party poppers that went off and the yells of SUPRISE! from everyone gathered. The room had been artfully decorated with tables of food, games, and even a table covered in wrapped gifts. Wile Takami saw all this it didn't really register until Harry came running over and threw his arms around Takami's neck, wishing him a happy birthday.
"Did you do all this Harry?"
"Well I had help from Seijuro and Sakuraba. We wanted to surprise you, you've been such a good leader to the team and friend to us all that we thought you deserved it." Harry was scratching the back of his head looking sheepish.
Takami just laughed, "Thank you all so much this means a lot to me, I had honestly forgotten it was my birthday."
Harry just smirked, and with a "we can't have that can we?" he pulled Takami off to enjoy the night. And enjoy the night they did. Games were played, cake was eaten, and presents were opened. Takami noticed that there was nothing in the pile from Harry and thought, 'Good he's done enough as it, he doesn't need to get me a present as well.'
The guests had all left to go back to their dorms, the room had been cleaned and Takami was ready to go when Harry grabbed his had and started dragging Takami to his dorm instead of letting Takami go back to his own. When the four of them, Takami, Sakuraba, Seijuro, and Harry, were in the room and the door was locked Harry reached under his bed and brought out two things which he gave to Takami. A large envelope and a small box.
"Let me explain some things before you open those. The other night Seijuro and I were talking when I mentioned to him that I was a second year and I didn't even know what I wanted to do after school. As an off handed comment I said 'I sure hope Takami knows what he wants to do with him being a third year and all'. That's when Seijuro told me that you had decided to go in to medicine. That made me remember something that I had read earlier in the week. Before my parents died they made some investments that they hoped would help me in the future. My mother, who was particularly fond of helping and healing people, decided to open the Lillianic Medical University. My father, wanting to make my mother happy, started Marauders inc., a pharmaceutical company that focused on herbal remedies. In that envelope is an acceptance letter for you to go to LMU, one of the top medical Universities in the world and a permanently open position for you at M inc."
Takami was speechless. Almost all of his dreams were coming true right in front of him. If only fixing his leg wasn't impossible, then maybe they would be able to win the Christmas bowl this year.
Harry, as if reading his thoughts, decided to continue, "The explanation of whats in the box is a surprise for the two of you Takami, Sakuraba, but the contents of the box is solely for you Takami. When I was 11 I was introduced to the world of magic, I am a wizard. I can fly on a broomstick, brew potions, cast spells, I went to school and learned how to harness this power. When I was 12 I broke my arm playing the school sport and the idiotic Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher that had started at the beginning of the year decided that his fame took precedence over my health and tried to heal me. Normally all it would have took was a simple spell and then bam, all fixed, but because this teacher was so incompetent he some how managed to completely vanish the bones in my arm. I was in the hospital wing that entire night regrowing it with a potion." Harry paused to giggle and catch his breath. Takami and Sakuraba were speechless, but Seijuro just smiled at him as he silently laughed at his friends and motioned for Harry to continue. "Well when Seijuro told me that your birthday was coming up I knew that I had to do something for you. So I went to my friends the goblins and asked if there was any way for me to tell you all about my world, and if so if I could fix your leg for you. They said if I had caught it when it happened it could have been easily fixed with a simple spell. Since this injury is old I would have to remove the affected muscles and regrow them with a variation of skela-grow, the potion that was used to regrow my arm, musca-grow. It will be painful but the recovery would only last a week, the potion copies the conditioning of the other muscles in the body so no physical therapy would be needed. I know that this is a giant bomb to drop on you so suddenly but you can sleep on it and,"
Harry was entering another one of his rants but thankfully (for Takami and Sakuraba) this time Seijuro didn't have to kiss him out of it, Takami yelling "YES!" was enough. "Yes I'll do it. Harry your my friend. You just gave me all of my dreams laid out on a silver platter. Even if you can't heal my leg I am going to accept you for all you all are, my friend, you being able to heal me is just a bonus." Takami offered Harry a hug and a smile then continued, "I am ready any time you are Harry, we could even start tonight if you want."
Takami had said it as an off handed comment but it sent the wheels turning in Harry's head. "Yah and we could do it here you can take my bed and some one will stay up and watch you while the other two sleep. We can watch you in rounds and by the time my special practice comes tomorrow morning you should be all healed, just weak. Then we can tell the coach that you twisted your ankle and that the doctor said you should be fine in a week, but not to walk on it before hand. And when you come back to practice next week it will be a miracle with your new ankle, all fixed!" Harry jumped up and into Takami's arms for a hug.
Takami looked at Harry with all his excitement and couldn't argue with him, not that he wanted to. "OK lets do this. Sakuraba can you run to our rooms and get the things we'll need for tonight and tomorrow morning?" Once Sakuraba was out the door Takami turned back to Harry. "We should start now, Sakuraba is very squeamish about these things." Harry nodded.
"OK Takami, I need you to sit on my bed and take off your pants so that I can see your leg," Takami did so without complaint. "I'm going to use a spell to identify what muscles in your leg were affected then I am going to use another spell to remove those muscles. This is going to feel extremely odd but I don't want you to try to move your leg. When I say you can take the potion in the box, and sorry, but you have to take it all and it will taste disgusting. Just put it to the back of your tongue and think happy thoughts. When it's gone and all the way down you can have some water to wash it down with." Harry gave Takami a moment to get settled. "Are you ready?" at the nod Harry continued. "OK I'm going to cast a spell, the skin on your leg will become transparent and some of the muscles in your leg will glow." Harry waited for the OK then preformed the spell. What Harry said would happen happened, "Now I'm going remove the glowing muscles. I'm going to say 'Depulsa' then they will be gone. It will feel extremely weird but I don't want you to move your leg. When I say you need to need to drink down the potion in your hand, count to twenty, then you can drink the water that Sejuro has for you. Are you ready?" Takami took a deep breath then nodded. Harry preformed the spell and then nodded to Takami who gulped down the potion and proceeded to gag but thankfully nothing came up. Takami didn't even notice that twenty seconds had passed when Shin shoved the glass under his nose form how focused he was on keeping the potion down.
Harry carefully elevated Takami's leg, conjured some crutches for Takami in case he needed to use the bathroom, and then settled down with Shin on his bed to wait for Sakuraba to return.