Two-shot. She was a troublesome reporter and he was a rude policeman. "What do you know? Organized crime is better at matchmaking than we are." .




Aspirator .



It was a good day. It had to be, because one could almost smell the "good day" in the air. Maybe it was the smiling pedestrians, or the peaceful atmosphere—which was never a phrase to describe Manhattan, of all places—or the scent of coffee and bread wafting in the air.

One bright, doe-eyed, golden-haired young lady strolled in the bank, humming as she went.

She smiled at the young dark-haired man at the desk. "Hi, I'm here for my appointment at eleven o'clock."

He smiled back, a dimple in his left cheek. "Sure, what's your name?"

"Mikan Sakura." She spoke confidently.

"Okay." He typed a few keys, then his eyebrows rose. "Someone will be right with you to lead you to Mr. Tobita's office."

She didn't even finish her "thank you" before a commotion started at the entrance of the bank. She turned around to see a man with a white mask firing shots at the ceiling.

There were screams, whispering, and Mikan crouched with the rest of the civilians at the bank, back against the counter. The man came with two subordinates. He ordered them quietly, pointing this way and that.

After they split up, he approached the counter. Mikan shook her head at her luck. Of course, the one day she goes to the bank, there has to be a classic bank robbery.

"I'd like to make a withdrawal." The man with the mask sneered evilly. Not waiting for the shaking bank clerk to reply, he growled, "Open the safe."

The bank clerk seemed to have found his voice for he croaked out, "I-I-I-c-can't."

The robber, as if rolling his eyes, spoke impatiently. "Then call someone who can."

"I-I-I— Mister— He's not he-here." The bank clerk cowered under the man's glare.

"Really." The man with the mask sighed, as if it was such a pain, and pulled up his gun to the clerk's temple. The clerk's eyes widened, sputtering.

Mikan's eyes narrowed. The man is torturing the poor boy! Her attention was diverted, however, when she caught wind of chatter. She looked around the bank, realizing that one of the masked man's henchmen were collecting valuables from civilians.

Before she realized it, the voices came closer, and soon enough, a man stood in front of her.

He was tall, that was the first thing she noticed, but it might have been because she was crouching. The man had his hand stuck out, a bag in his other hand. She blinked, and the man demanded impatiently for her valuables. Frowning, she reluctantly handed him her nice Tiffany and Co. bracelet. When he didn't move his outstretched palm, she merely glared him down. He stared at her for a second, then shrugged, moving on.

"I-I-I'll c-call—" the clerk was saying, holding his hands up in surrender. He slowly and deliberately reached for the phone, typing in a few keys, and waited.

The man in the mask twirled the gun in his hand as he waited, looking around at his audience. Then he spotted her, cowering right next to him. He leered at her.

Suddenly, bank clerk spoke, catching his attention, "Uh—I— can you open the vault?" There was a slight pause as the man on the other line replied. Then he hung up. "He-he's c-coming."

The man in the mask merely nodded, then walked around the counter to the vault. Mikan couldn't contain her curiosity, so, making sure that none of the bank robbers saw, she quietly crept closer.

Yuu Tobita walked out curiously from the back, having been called in. He sure wasn't prepared for what he saw. His eyes widened, and he paused in his step, everything hitting him at once. So that was why his bank clerk sounded so nervous on the phone.

Taking a deep breath, he took cautious steps to the vault, where a dark masked figure stand waiting for him. He caught sight of Mikan inching closer. Inwardly, he shook his head.

"May I help you?" The evenness of his own voice surprised him.

"Open the safe," the masked man growled, having waited long enough.

"I'm sorry," Yuu refused, "we have some procedures for this."

When the man raised his gun, Yuu added quickly, "But I can make the process faster for you—this will not be on record." His professional voice returned to him. "Let's start with your name."

"Persona." The man smirked, deciding to humor him.

"Okay." Yuu nodded. "How much money would you like to withdraw?"

Persona seemed to think for a second then sneered. "I'll decide when I see it."

Yuu paused, deciding not to push the man too much, continued. "And why did choose this bank?"

At that, Persona grinned, baring his teeth, and sending a shiver down Yuu's spine.

Before he could answer, however, one of his henchmen approached him, whispering something in his ear.

The news wasn't pleasant for the man snapped to Yuu, growling. "You're buying time for the police. Son of a bitch."

Yuu took a step back. "I-I-I don't know what you're talking about. This is standard—uh emergency procedure."

But the man was not convinced. "You waste my time…" He dug the barrel of his gun into Yuu clean tie. "I take away yours. Permanently."

Mikan's eyes widened. Not Yuu!

She leaped forward, tackling the man just as Yuu threw himself on the floor.

It was uncanny timing, for the doors of the bank burst open, diverting the two henchmen's attention. The policemen piled in, gun first. "NYPD! Put your hands in the air and drop your weapons." More policemen piled in and the captives were led to safety.

Mikan barely registered this all happening as she struggled with the masked man, wrestling for control of the gun, then clawing or biting him if the opportunity arises. The man was obviously stronger for her and began to regain grip of his gun. Reaching for the trigger, he pulled back mercilessly, sending a bullet though Mikan's thigh. Searing pain hit her, causing her to lose any grip she had, and fell back. She collapsed on the marbled floor painfully, clutching her wound.

Yuu gasped from the ground. "Mikan!"

Persona stood up, sneering. "Guess you'll have to go first." He pointed the gun down at the girl, ready to pull the trigger when he felt something cold hit his skin.

A deep voice from behind interrupted. "No, you will."

And that was the moment Mikan met tall, dark, and handsome.

"If you don't drop your weapon right now and put your hands in the air," a second, blond policeman pointed a gun at him from the front, adding to his comrade's comment.

Persona merely grinned, complying with the police instructions. The blond policeman kept the gun on him as he nudged the weapon with his foot to a nearby policeman, who picked it up with a glove.

Tall, dark, and handsome cuffed the man, then handed him off to another officer, who told him his rights as he led him away.

Mikan struggled to stand.

Suddenly, a gentle hand supported her elbow. She smiled. "Yuu! You're okay?"

He smiled in response, letting her go once she's stable. "Thanks to you."

The two policemen turned to them. "Hi, I'm Ruka Nogi," the blond started. "I'm with the NYPD." Then he nudged tall, dark, and handsome not-so-subtly.

Tall, dark, and handsome grunted, "Natsume Hyuuga." and said no more.

It suddenly struck her that he had the deepest, most intense red eyes she had ever seen. Mikan smiled and nodded. "Mikan Sakura. I would shake your hand but mines a bit…" She looked down at her own hand, soaked in blood. "Dirty."

"That's okay. I saw the whole thing." The blonde smiled. "That was very brave of you."

Natsume rolled his eyes, muttering, "No, that was dumb and unnecessary."

Mikan scowled at him. "What's dumb and unnecessary is you, standing around doing nothing while people are about to get killed."

Ruka coughed, covering his mouth and attempting to hide a laugh.

Natsume shot him a glare then returned sardonically. "Right, because I didn't just save your life."

Mikan made a face at the rude policeman, about to retort, but a burst of pain shot through her. She gasped, then fell forward.

Although three pairs of hands reached out, only Natsume caught her with ease.

Faintly, she heard, "Where is the damn ambulance when you need it?"






When she blurrily opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was white. Blindingly white.

Her vision came to focus and her memory rushed into her mind. Milan had remembered everything, and yet all she could think right then was how annoyingly rude tall, dark, and handsome was. What was his name? "Natsume Hyuuga." right. Somehow, it suited him.

She shook her head, physically trying to get rid of thoughts of that foul man.

Just then, a sweet nurse walked in, "Ah, you're awake!"




Mikan had been in the hospital for a few days now, and she was positively bored. And Mikan Sakura never failed to voice her opinions.

"I'm bored," she whined to her nurse, Nonoko.

Nonoko smiled, "I'll see what I can do."

Not a moment later, someone walked in the room.

Her eyes snapped up to meet deep scarlet ones. She scowled. "When I said I wanted entertainment, I didn't mean tall, dark, and handsome."

His eyebrow quirked in amusement on the way to a chair on the side of her bed.

Oops, did she say that out loud?

As he sat down, he drawled, "Good. I'm not here for entertainment."

"I'd rather go back to being bored." She matched his bored tone with her own.

Ignoring her, he continued. "I have a few questions."

"I'm busy." she huffed, turning away.

How old is this girl? Natsume thought. He deadpanned, "You just said you were bored."

"Well, I'm busy being bored."

"Well, too bad." He didn't give her time to reply as he started. "Just for the record, where were you between one and three p.m. on Monday?"

"The bank," she replied shortly. "What happened?"

"You were there." When Natsume glared pointedly, she sighed. "There was a bank robbery."

"Talk about the felons."

Tall, dark, and handsome didn't even ask—he ordered! Mikan scowled. "What's the magic word?"

"What, are we in preschool?"

"Might as well go back and relearn your manners."

Natsume rolled his eyes, "Look, the faster this is, the less time we have to talk. Just tell me about the bad guys."

Mikan sighed, reluctantly narrating, "One had a mask, and he was like, the leader or something. Said his name was Persona. Another one was blond, spiky hair, I don't know. They all wore black. I didn't really see the other one. There were three. Didn't you just arrest them?"

Natsume ignored her question. "What did Persona want?"

Mikan shrugged. "Why don't you ask him?"

Natsume merely stared her down. Mikan glared back, holding her chin up defiantly. "Just talk." He rolled his eyes, then added, with mirth, "Little girl."

"I'm not—how dare you! I'm as old as you are!"

"How do you know how old I am?" Natsume raised his brow in amusement. "Been checking me out?"

"I wasn't—ugh! Screw you!"

Mikan realized her mistake a second too late, he snorted. "You wish."

Unable to conjure up a retort for that, Mikan opted to kick him. Or, she tried.

Natsume blinked. "First of all, you're short. Second of all, you shouldn't be trying to assault a police officer. Third of all, you're in a hospital gown." Then his blank face morphed into a smirk. "Polka-dots."

It took her a moment, but when she did realize, she gasped so comically his smirk almost widened. Then she shrieked, "You pervert!"

"Little girl," he retorted easily.

Before neither of them could react, however, his phone rang. He easily picked it up. "Hyuuga." There was a pause, then he replied with a mere, "I'll be right there." Not even allowing the other end to respond, he hung up.

Turning to Mikan, he spoke dryly, "I don't have much time. What did they do at the bank?"

"I don't answer to perverts," Mikan replied stubbornly.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Natsume reasoned. "Are you gonna help me convict the people who tried to kill your beloved Yuu Tobita or are you going to help me?"

When he phrased it that way...Mikan quipped. "Persona wanted money but didn't get it. The second one was collecting people's valuables. I didn't see the third guy."

With that, Natsume stood up to leave, merely nodding in finality.

"Normal people say thank you and goodbye!" Mikan shouted after him.

Natsume only paused to smirk at her. "But tall, dark, and handsome is not normal people."

Mikan growled, taking her pillow and throwing it at him.

Natsume was too quick. The pillow hit the recently closed door and fell on the ground.

Mikan frowned. Now how was she supposed to get that pillow? A few minutes passed as Mikan poutingly stared at the pillow on the ground.

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Nonoko with an iPad. Her brows furrowed as she picked up the pillow. "Did you throw a pillow in your boredom? I wasn't gone that long, was I? I managed to sneak you an iPad."

Mikan only giggled at Nonoko, accepting the iPad graciously. "Thank you."




Natsume was off-duty. Which was quite rare since Natsume liked being on duty. It was one of those quirks about him. Natsume was a workaholic - in a policeman kind of way.

But that morning, he was interrogating Persona and...let's just say, it didn't go well.

So now Natsume was prowling the streets in one of his moods. He was dressed casually in a T-shirt and sweatpants, but that didn't stop the woman from ogling him at every turn. His scowl deepened.

Getting some air had been a bad idea, he supposed, he'd just go home. He took one glance at the large crowd at the bus stop, and he decided he'll get a little more air walking home.

There was something about alleyways that Natsume liked. It was dark, it was quiet, and empty. He wouldn't say it was peaceful, but it was empty. He sighed inwardly; maybe this was why Ruka called him an introvert.

He joined the crowds at the streets and almost winced at the noise. A few minutes later, he was back in another alleyway. At the other end was an unpleasant commotion.

This time, Natsume let out a long suffering sigh. Most of the time alleyways were empty.

"Leave her alone!" a familiar voice demanded bravely. Natsume couldn't quite place who that voice belonged to, but somehow it irked him.

As he approached, he assessed the situation. Five thugs were surrounding two women. One woman was cowering behind the other, and the other woman—oh, it was Polka. Mentally, he groaned.

"Yeah? What are you gonna do if we don't?" the thugs laughed.

Mikan didn't answer as she tried to hit them with her crutch. She knocked the breath out of Thug Four but Thug Two easily caught the thing and threw it aside.

"Now there are two of them," Thug four wheezed.

Thug one growled. "That's okay we can have them both."

"You're not having anyone!" Mikan retorted angrily.

"We'll see about that." Thug three cracked his knuckles, and the five closed in on the two.

Tall, dark, and handsome just came outta nowhere.

Mikan gasped, and in less than two minutes the five men harassing them were on the ground, nursing their newfound injuries.

Once the thugs limped off, grumbling, Natsume rounded on Mikan. "What the hell are you doing, Polka?"

"Stop calling me that!" She picked up her crutch. "And what are you doing here?" Mikan growled back, huffing, of course this damned man doesn't have a single scratch on him after beating up five tough guys.

Natsume almost threw up his hands in frustration. "Saving you and this little girl from getting raped!"

"Well, I don't need your help! And this little girl's name is Nobara!" Mikan huffed, stalking away—or as much stomping as she could manage with a crutch—and the college girl trailing shyly behind her.

Natsume couldn't believe the nerve of this woman. Falling in step beside her without much effort, he retorted, "Yeah because you look real fit." And at that, he glared pointedly at her still bandaged thigh and the crutch. "To beat up five guys."

Mikan gritted out, "Well, we are okay now." She attempted to walk faster with an impaired leg. "Goodbye."

Natsume rolled his eyes, turning around and walking in the direction he originally intended to go. A shy voice stopped him. "W-wait!"

He paused momentarily to glance over his shoulder. It was the college girl, caught between him and Mikan, shyly she sputtered, "I-I-um-Th-thank you!"

He only nodded gently, then turned back around and left quickly. Mikan scowled at the way the rude policeman regarded the college girl. Nobara turned to her, lost, and she spoke gently, "That's his way of saying you're welcome."

Nobara nodded gently. "Oh."

And they went on their merry way.




Natsume scowled as he glanced at his watch for the umpteenth time that afternoon. Seated comfortably at a local diner, he waited for his company to arrive.

It didn't take long, for a strong voice called out, "Natsume!" He turned to see Ruka running in the diner, then standing in front of him.

"You're late." Natsume greeted unceremoniously, indicating the seat in front of him. Ruka glanced at his watch, and laughed. "You couldn't wait five minutes? Actually, I met someone on the way here."

He stepped aside to sit down, and revealed an all-too-familiar face.

Natsume growled, turning to Ruka. "Why did you bring her here?"

Mikan pulled up a chair and sat down on another side of the table. "Well, it's nice seeing you too."

Ruka smiled amiably, "Well, I thought we could help her out."

"I've helped her out enough." He was planning to have a nice, normal lunch with Ruka, dammit.

Sighing, Ruka smiled amiably at Mikan. "Ignore him."

Mikan smiled amiably back. "Gladly." There was a pause as a waitress brought out food for two people. "We come here often," Ruka told Mikan as way of explanation, then told the waiter, "Can you get the same thing for Mikan here?"

When the waitress left, he turned to the woman in question. "It's really good, I promise." Then paused, "Wait, you're not allergic to bacon or anything, are you?"

"No, no." Mikan stared at their food. "You have bacon for lunch?"

Ruka grinned sheepishly, and it was Natsume, who was tired of being ignored, that answered, "Yeah. Problem?"

"That's awesome! I love bacon!" Mikan told Ruka, completely ignoring Natsume. He rolled his eyes.

"Good." Ruka smiled. "You'll like our lunch for today."

Mikan nodded enthusiastically, and just on cue, the waiter returned with a plate and a drink for Mikan.

Once the waiter left, Mikan smiled openly at the two. "So, how's the case going?"

When she was met with two blank faces she added, "The bank robbery thing?"

Before Ruka could respond, Natsume interrupted, "What do you know about that?"

"I was part of it, duh?" Mikan rolled her eyes. "You interviewed me!"


"So what?" Mikan dug into her food. "So I wanna know!"

"We're working on it," Ruka intervened. "We got some…leads, I guess." He shrugged. "I don't know."

Mikan nodded. "But it's a bank robbery, right? And you caught them? So why is the investigation taking so long?"

"Well, Persona's not exactly a bank robber." Ruka smiled sheepishly, glancing at Natsume, who said nothing so far.

Mikan nodded. "Oh."

Before they could say anymore, Ruka's phone rang. He excused himself, then stepped away to take the call.

Natsume narrowed his eyes at Mikan, "What are you trying to pull?"

Mikan sat back. "Excuse me?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"Why are you so suspicious of me?!" Mikan scowled. "Ruka was nice enough!"

"Ruka is too nice to say no."

Mikan was silent. Then she started, "I was just trying to help."

"Help? By asking questions? How is that supposed to help?"

"Some people think better when they brainstorm." From the look they shared, they both knew she was bluffing. But she held her ground.

"Yeah," Natsume scoffed. "And some people sneak information for the enemy."

"We're not at war! Are you suggesting —" Mikan gasped. "How dare you!"

Natsume only looked away from her offended expression.

Mikan fumed silently.

When Ruka returned there was an uncomfortable silence hanging over the table. "So...what's up?" he asked brightly, looking between the two.

Mikan spoke first, "Thanks for the lunch."

"What? Leaving already?"

"I'm just gonna go." She gathered her things, muttering, "Since I'm not welcome here." She stood up, nodding. "Yeah. Uh, see you around, I guess." She left quickly.

Once Ruka saw her leave, he turned to Natsume, "What was that?"

He shrugged.

"Mikan's a nice girl." Ruka looked at him disapprovingly. Contrary to what he expected however, Ruka didn't stand up to go after her. Instead he stared at Natsume.

He looked up. "What?"

Ruka frowned at him, "I'm tired of trying to explain you to crying girls. You go fix it."

Natsume stared back, but Ruka was unforgiving. At length, Ruka sighed, placing his hands on the table, he leaned in. "Okay, how about this. If you go fix that, I'll lay off your back about being single, and Hotaru Imai will lay off your back."

Natsume eyes widened the slightest bit. "Hotaru Imai?"

"She's Mikan's best friend. If Mikan goes crying to her, you're in a hell lot of more trouble than just your pride deflating a millimeter." Ruka grinned.

Sometimes Natsume hated that Ruka learned to blackmail from his girlfriend. Other times he hated that Ruka had a girlfriend and was forever holding that over him. He sighed. "Fine. You're paying."

Though he walked confidently, Natsume left the diner feeling unease. What was he supposed to say to her anyway? He didn't have to walk far before he heard her voice.

"Let. Me. Go!"

Natsume frowned, that was not what he was expecting to hear. He glanced around the corner to see one man holding Mikan down, one man interrogating her, and another man looking around, threatening any passersby that try to interfere.

This was a well-planned ambush. But why? Natsume stepped back behind the corner, planning his rescue as he listened.

"What did you tell them?"

"Nothing!" Mikan yelled back.

"Don't lie to me, bitch!"

"I'll show you a bitch—" Mikan growled.

There was sharp growl of pain, and a grumble. "Bitch bit me!"

Natsume almost snickered.

A second male voice continued incredulously. "You ate lunch with two policemen on our case and you said nothing? You didn't give them anything?"

Natsume took out the gun he always carries around, unlocking the safety hatch.

"Yes! Let me go!"

"You're lying," the first male voice growled.

There was a gasp, the same time Natsume spotted a flash of light bouncing off a passerby's phone.

"Fine." The second voice was more reasonable. "I'll let you go...if you give us any information you have."

Natsume peered around the corner to see a knife held against her throat.

There was a millisecond pause, and Mikan replied quietly, "They didn't tell me shit. Police confidentiality or whatever."

Natsume paused, swallowing the fact that he was just proven wrong.

"You don't have information?" came a skeptical voice.

In the same glance, he spotted a gun in each of the men's pockets, easily accessible.

"Not yet," snickered voice one.

Natsume smirked, but that was their mistake. They didn't have it in their hand. It would take a second more to access. And a second was all he needed.

"How about you work for us, hm?" the second voice continued.

Natsume didn't give Mikan time to answer for he leaned against the corner and shot the lookout man in both thighs and right arm, causing him to collapse. In the next second, when the second man was reaching for his gun, he shot the man in the same three spots. When the third man turned around, he was in front of him, taking the knife out of his hand, gun out of his pocket, then using his own gun to land a harsh blow to his head.

Mikan didn't even have time to breathe before Natsume grabbed her wrist and dragged her along as he ran to disappear in the crowd.

Once Natsume deemed them safe, he let her go. Mikan deemed that moment appropriate to talk. "What was that?"

Natsume threw her a cursory glance as he walked. "That was me rescuing you."

"But you hate me!"


Mikan didn't respond as they walked on, then she stopped. "You're just guilty they want something from you and they came to me instead."

Natsume stopped too. Sighing he glanced at the direction they were headed, then looked at her. "What is your problem? I just saved your ass. You're supposed to say thank you then move on."

"My problem?" Mikan threw her hands up incredulously, "My problem is you." She stuck her index finger in the middle of his chest. "You say one thing, and then you do something else."

Natsume merely stared at her, and then moved on.

Mikan huffed, trailing along behind him.

Somewhere along the way, Mikan got tired of silence and spoke up. "You know what I do for a living?"

"No, and I don't care."

"I'm a reporter." Mikan continued, "Maybe that's why I'm so interested. It's in my job description to follow up and to investigate. So I want to follow up and investigate."

"Are you going to report?"

There was a pause. "No. Don't you trust me?"

"I just met you," was his short reply, which obviously meant no.

Mikan frowned. "I was just trying to help."

"You?" Natsume glanced at her skeptically.

"Sometimes, reporters know a little bit more than the police."

"Rarely," Natsume scoffed.

Mikan continued, "Like the fact that Yuu's office was searched."

Natsume paused, swallowing the information. Damn, he didn't know that.

He shrugged. "That could be useful."

There was another moment of awkward silence.

Then Natsume cleared his throat awkwardly. "Look, don't take anything I say to heart, or whatever you little girls do with words."

Mikan giggled a little, and Natsume, for the life of him, could not understand why.

At length, he heard a quiet, "I forgive you."

It was almost unnerving how this girl he barely knew understood him so perfectly.

Natsume didn't respond.

When they arrived at the diner, Ruka was standing outside looking around. When he spotted them, he grinned enthusiastically. "Oh." Ruka looked at Natsume meaningfully. "I see."

Mikan wasn't sure what that meant but apparently it was something between the two men for Natsume glared at him. "No, you don't."

Ruka nodded determinedly, "No, I do."

Mikan couldn't help but let out. "See what?"

Instead of the expected explanation, that shut the two of them up. Ruka just smiled and Natsume looked away in annoyance.

Ruka turned to Mikan. "I just got a call and we have to go to the station. I'll see you soon?"

"Oh—yeah, sure." Mikan smiled.

Natsume lingered a little bit after Ruka to mutter to her, "Take the bus. Or subway."

Mikan scowled at him. "Don't tell me what to do."

Natsume rolled his eyes, turning to leave, "Fine put yourself at risk, I don't care."

Mikan only turned away stubbornly, but a passerby could witness that she had a smile on her face as she walked to the nearest bus station.




Natsume groaned inaudibly, refraining—just barely—from banging his head against the desk. He could see a headache coming on.

"Anything?" Ruka asked, approaching empty handed.

Natsume shook his head. "No. There's just something really off about this case."

"Yeah, we just can't pin Persona and his men down for attempted murder."

"No, not—" Natsume paused, looking at Ruka. "What happened to the surveillance camera? The witness statements?"

Ruka looked away sheepishly. "It got destroyed the same day Persona and them escaped."

Natsume slumped, his hands messaging the sides of his head. Now he definitely has a headache.

"I mean, we still have witnesses! We can go back and interview them." They both knew they were now grasping at straws. "Right?"

Natsume shook his head. "No. They've probably been scared shitless."

Ruka sighed. "Damn." Then he paused. "What were you saying before? Something off about the case?"

"Persona went to the bank, but he didn't get what he wanted."

Ruka nodded. "Okay? We interfered."

"No he had to be stalling. And he got himself caught, on purpose."

Ruka grabbed a chair, and sat down, thinking aloud. "He's careful. He's never been caught…everything was planned." Then something lit up inside his brain. "He got himself caught so he could look for something…here?"

Natsume added, "They also searched Yuu's office."

"So they're looking for something that could be in Yuu's office or here." Ruka nodded. "But what?"




The amount of time Natsume spent at the station was unbelievable. One could almost assume he didn't have a home. But he did. If one multiplied the amount of time he spent at home by two, the amount of time he spent at the station would have that and some. He passed that number years ago.

This time, he was trying to figure out what Persona was looking for—digging through old files, everything. But there was nothing on him. Nothing at all.

It frustrated him to no end. And the escape. How could Persona have escaped?

Until now, he had only one conclusion. The culprit had a connection inside the station. He was close to finding it, but he still had a few suspects to narrow down.

Idly, he listened to radio chatter as he worked.

It was past midnight when he heard it.

"Gunshots fired from the alleyway between 86th and 25th east."

Natsume froze. That was the way Mikan got home. In a flash he was on his motorcycle and weaving around the streets. He berated himself; just because that was one of the alleyways Mikan passes through doesn't mean it's actually her. It could be anyone. But that didn't stop him from hastily jumping off his motorcycle and running into the alleyway.

Of course it was her.

One man was sprawled on the ground nursing an injury to his waist, possibly a gunshot. Another man was holding Mikan down, the gun to her temple. Natsume already had his gun out, stalking quickly closer, he shouted, "NYPD. Drop your weapon and put your hands in the air."

The hooded man snapped to him, but instead of listening, he fled, dragging the injured man behind him.

Natsume turned to Mikan, in front of her in less than a second. "What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," was her sarcastic reply.

He didn't have time to reply for she continued softly. "You know, from what just happened, I'd think you cared about me."

" He looked away. "You would've done the same."

She hummed, then sighed. "I knew you cared when you saved me so many times and you weren't in uniform." There was a pause where he didn't reply. And she continued, "You have this tough guy act but you're just a closet care bear."

Natsume snapped to her, growling. "Don't compare me to a...that."

Mikan giggled. "Aw, big tough Nattie can't say fluffy teddy bear?" she teased.

He scowled at her. Then suddenly, he became aware of how close they were. He had only very narrow alleyways to blame. Why did he felt the need to stand in front of her? Slowly, quietly, he muttered, "Go before I do something I might regret."

Mikan was not afraid. Instead, she looked at him with those big brown eyes, unaware of the turmoil inside him, and asked just as quietly, "Like what?"

Natsume didn't know why he let himself do what he did, but it just…happened. He just leaned forward, capturing her lips in a passionate, passionate kiss. His palms against the opposite building, caging her in his arms. He never intended for the kiss to deepen or for her hand to grasp his shirt so tightly, but it just happened.

When they gasped for air, he immediately released her, leaning back against the other wall of the alleyway. He didn't dare look at her. Hoarsely, he whispered, "Just...go. Leave."

There was silence, then a laugh. He looked up puzzlement, why was she still here?

But she kept laughing; when she stopped, she shook her head at him. "You say one thing but you do something else." she took a step towards him and smiled. "You don't mean it," she stated with confidence. Then she looked up at him, her palm landed lightly on his chest as his fingers instinctively rested lightly on her waist. "Do you?"

"No." He muttered quietly. He let himself do it again. He kissed her. And he kissed her again. Somehow his arms had circled fully around her small waist and her arms came around his neck and somehow he ended up pressing her against the opposite wall. Somehow he was just kissing her senseless.

Then she started talking. "Just—" she gasped between kisses, "because—you're a good kisser—mm—doesn't mean—that I forgive you—for being mean." He stopped, and Mikan was caught in the intense gaze of deep scarlet. Then he chuckled, and she blinked. Then he started laughing, and she thought it was beautiful. She couldn't help but laugh with him.

So it was one in the morning, and the two of them were just laughing and they didn't know why.

When they settled down, he smiled a rare, small smile, and said, "Go home."

She gave him a look, and he rolled his eyes. "I'll walk you home." So she smiled happily back, and he let her hook her pinky with his. Oh, she was so childish.




He hasn't seen her in a while. He was busy, obviously, with a few cases on his docket, and for some odd reason, it was a high time for criminals to act up.

He was writing the report on a kidnapping case he solved just a few hours earlier when Mochu interrupted.

"Hey, Natsume, there's a hot chick asking for you." He shrugged at the cursory glance his colleague sent him. "Says her name is Mikan or something—" At that Natsume's head snapped up.

"Oh." Mochu's eyebrow rose.

Natsume knew that tone—it was the same tone Ruka used. He glared.

Mochu chuckled, unfazed. "Is that the potential girlfriend Koko's been talking about?"

Natsume grimaced. Instead of answering, he asked, "Where's Ruka?"

Mochu glanced back at the entrance of the police station. "Talking to the scary looking one, that girl, Imai or somethin'."

Natsume smirked. "That's Ruka's girlfriend."

Mochu's eyebrow rose again, "Devil's incarnate? Some odd taste Ruka's got."

Natsume nodded, silently agreeing. After Mochu patted his back and a "see you later," he proceeded to the front of the police station to meet his guest.

The sight of her almost stopped him in his tracks. She was laughing, talking to Koko brightly. What made him stop, however, was the thought that maybe she was a fresh ray of sunshine in his bleary life. He shook his head, falling back into step. When did he get sappy?

Once he was in her hearing range, he demanded, "What are you doing here?"

Koko raised a brow at his grand entrance. "Uh…what he actually means is, hello."

Mikan laughed, waving at him dismissively. "It's okay, he greets me like that all the time. It's almost like a tradition."

Koko nodded slowly. "A tradition, huh?" Then slinked away at Natsume's glare. He repeated, "What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk somewhere private?" she responded evasively looking around, still smiling amiably.

Natsume looked at her cautiously as he led her to his desk, which was as private as the police station gets—not counting the interrogation rooms.

When they settled down, Mikan started, "I lied."

Natsume's face was blank. "About?"

Mikan didn't answer directly. "If you looked at the bank records, Yuu took two appointments that day, around the time of the incident. One was Hotaru Imai, my partner in investigation, and the next would've been me if it weren't for the incident."

Natsume nodded. "So?"

"They were looking for something either me or Hotaru has. They thought it was Hotaru, so they intervened before Yuu could put it somewhere they can't reach." Then something clicked in Natsume's head. All the attacks on Mikan, the protective custody Hotaru requested. "

Why didn't you tell me this in the first place?"

At that, Mikan fidgeted. "I would've…but Hotaru told me not to tell anybody except for Yuu but apparently not anymore."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

She smiled softly. "Because I trust you almost as much as I trust Hotaru."

Natsume's brow rose. "Almost?"

She laughed. "I'd say that's pretty good since we used to hate each other."

"I saved your ass a billion times," Natsume stated pointedly.

"Maybe," Mikan teased.

"So where is it?"

She hummed, "Somewhere safe." She looked around, then stood up, "I'll see you...around." Laughing at his bewildered look, she patted his uniform pocket. He didn't miss the feeling of something small slipping into it. She's careful, he thought.

When he saw her off, Koko approached.

"You like her."

"No I don't," Natsume denied. "Stop spreading rumors."

Koko looked flabbergasted, to say the least. "No?" He scrutinized Natsume's glare, then suddenly laughed loudly. "Of course not, you're in love with her!"

"Shut up."

Though the man walked away from him, Koko's grin widened at the fact that he didn't deny it.




It was loads of incriminating information all on one flash drive. No wonder Persona wanted it so bad.

Natsume, Ruka, and Mochu were putting it all together for their district attorneys, Koko and Kitsuneme, to present.

"What would we do without Mikan and Hotaru?" Kitsuneme commented idly, approaching with legal warrants, subpoenas, etc.

Koko snickered. "Ruka and Natsume would be single."

Ruka turned red to the roots of his blond locks and Natsume glared.

Before any more could be said, all their phones rang at once. They looked at each other in odd amusement.

All at once, they looked at their phones, and their hearts stopped dead.

Natsume growled, Ruka almost dropped his phone, Koko looked shocked, Kitsuneme glanced at Natsume and Ruka, Mochu talked for all of them. "Well, shit."

It was a video, but they could already see Mikan and Hotaru handcuffed and bound on metal chairs. Four men in all black were standing around them. They all had masks on.

The video started with the two men standing behind the captives removing their mouth gags.

Two men beside the two captives held pieces of paper in front of them. "Say it."

The two didn't react, merely staring at the piece of paper.

The man beside Mikan muttered, then slapped her hard across the face, leaving a red stain on her cheek and her head tilted sideways. She merely looked at Hotaru, who looked back at her. "Hey."

Hotaru nodded. Their eyes seem to be conversing.

"Stop talking to each other!" The man beside Hotaru ordered.

The man behind Mikan commented to the man beside Mikan. "Dude, why do you keep slapping her?"

"What the hell? Annoying bitch put up quite the fight when I had to get her, I can slap her all I want!"

"No." The man behind Mikan rolled his eyes. "I mean, you can do something else to her."

The man beside Mikan paused then dragged out the word, "Oh." He looked at Mikan in a new light.

Mikan's eyes widened, struggling in her bounds again. "Son of bitch—you— Don't touch me! I swear—"

The man behind Mikan, smirking, put back on her gag.

The two men around Hotaru turned to her, but before they could say anything, Hotaru's smooth, cold voice cut in. "Threaten me all you like, you'll never get away with this."

Then Persona's face came into view. "Quite charming, those two. You know what we want, bring it to the Central Park north entrance at eight o'clock. Don't try anything funny. If you make copies, we'll know. Destroy any evidence you already have. Every hour you don't show up, those two get a little bit of a treatment. If you show up, those two go free."

Then a hand covered the lens and the screen turned black.

Kitsuneme spoke first. "We have half an hour before eight o'clock. It takes twenty minutes to get to Central Park from here. We have ten minutes with the information."

Something caught Ruka's eye, and he glanced up to see all the security cameras in the precinct directed straight at them. Creeped out, he nudged Natsume.

Natsume acknowledged the cameras. "They're watching us."

Mochu frowned. "But there's no audio on those cameras, is there?"

"We need to be careful, just in case." Kitsuneme lowered his voice to a whisper.

Natsume nodded in concordance. "Talk quietly."

The five huddled, and the men talked, argued, reassured, and consented.

When they separated, Natsume checked his watch. "In five minutes, Kit and Koko will go to Central Park with the flash drive. The other three will be on standby."

Then the five got to work, Koko and Kitsuneme gathering up the information and warrants they have, and shredding them. Mochu was reviewing the video and trying to find any clues as to their location. Natsume and Ruka also worked on separate computers, researching any warehouses Persona owned, tracing anything that could be traced.

Twenty minutes later, Koko and Kitsuneme were on their way, when Mochu hit gold. "I think I found something."

Both Natsume and Ruka were next to him a second. Mochu had his screen up on a satellite view on the wrong address, but when their three heads blocked the view from the cameras, he opened a heat sensor view of a warehouse on the edge of the city. Talking quietly, he told them, "That's the right amount of people."

Both men took note of the address and the location as Mochu quickly closed the window.

"They're smart. It's about an hour away from here. But in Manhattan traffic right now, it'll take two or three hours. We won't be there in time." Ruka shook his head.

"Then let's not drive." Natsume smirked.

Mochu and Ruka turned to him in surprise. Natsume merely gathered his things, looking at Mochu. "You said you were in the air force?"

Mochu grimaced. "Yeah, but y'all better buckle up."

The three left, leaving a bunch of the wrong addresses on their computer screens, allowing Persona to gloat a little.

As they got on the helicopter on the roof, Ruka brought up another good point. "We have the SWAT team on standby but they'll still take time."

Natsume nodded. "Then we buy them time."

Mochu shook his head from the front seat. "We're some crazy fucks." Adjusting a few things on the board, he called to the back, just as Natsume closed the door. "A'ight, let's run."

When they approached the area five minutes later, Natsume muttered, "Okay go in quietly."

Mochu sent him an incredulous glance. "This is a damn helicopter, Nat—it doesn't do quiet."

Natsume gritted his teeth. "They're gonna be watching…but they won't be expecting something from above."

Ruka already understood where Natsume was coming from. "Mochu and I will stay and land on top,"

"I'll distract—how far are we?"

"Five blocks."

"Good, hover for a minute." Ruka opened the door, extending a long ladder, as Natsume hopped out, letting himself fall, then catching the bottom rung of the ladder at the last moment. Once he got close enough to the building, he let go, dropping down softly on top of an apartment building. He quickly took the fire escape down the streets.

Back at the helicopter, Ruka let the stairs hang, since he'll use it later, but Mochu called back, "You might wanna close the door."

Ruka frowned but did as he was told. Then he climbed up front, next to Mochu. He glanced at the altitude and his eyes widened. "We're two blocks away, wait what are you— Why are you climbing?"

Mochu only smirked. "Like Nat said, we're gonna drop down on them."

Ruka didn't need to be told twice as they approached coordinates he recognized and Mochu shut everything down.

In what seemed like the longest drop of his life, Mochu was taking everything off and putting on SWAT gear. Ruka numbly followed, also climbing to the back of the helicopter.

"I think I'm gonna puke," Ruka managed.

Mochu sent him a disgusted glance. "Puke outside; we're going out in two seconds. Do it fast, we want a surprise attack."

"But it's not gonna land—"

Mochu shook his head, opening the door and letting out the ladder. "We don't wanna be there when it lands."

They were glad it was night for they dropped down quietly in the dark of the night. They were already behind the door and waiting when they heard a crash and fire ignited, lighting up a distorted silhouette of the helicopter.

It felt like ages had past as they waited for someone to open the door for them.




Five minutes before Koko and Kitsuneme reached the North Entrance of Central Park, a text from Natsume showed only an address. They grinned, then schooled their faces as they approached two darkly dressed men waiting.

Nodding in acknowledgement, Koko handed over the flash drive to the first man. The second man took out a laptop, plugging the flash drive in. After a few minutes of tapping keys and anxious silence, he nodded, putting the laptop away. Both men took out their guns the same time Koko and Kitsuneme did. But one of the men took out something else that made Koko's eyes widen.

"I can detonate the whole building from wherever," the man spoke, confirming their suspicions.

The first man nodded to completely black car parked nearby, with tinted windows. "Get in the car."

The two followed obediently. They're leading them to Mikan and Hotaru anyway, right?

They were blindfolded, and their hands bound. The two held no objections.

When they arrived, the place was completely silent.

Koko and Kitsuneme nudged at each other, silently communicating their confusion. I thought Natsume and them were here.



Twenty minutes earlier

Natsume casually walked through the streets as to not raise suspicions, expertly avoiding any cameras. When he approached the building, he hid in the shadows of the night. Creeping closer, he waited at a spot by the edge of the building. Sometime, hopefully soon, a guard will pass by.

He waited, and waited. He gritted his teeth.





Koko and Kitsuneme led by guns wedged in the center of their backs were herded to small door on the side of the building, as a guard passed and nodded to the two other men. The guard replaced one of the men in placing a gun in Koko's back, as the man pressed a pass code in the keypad.

Koko idly cursed that he could only see blobs and silhouettes. He couldn't tell what the code was.

They were led in the warehouse. Kitsuneme quietly memorized the way they had walked. Straight, right, left.

Then they were seated down in cold, chairs. Koko noted that they didn't bother binding their legs.

Their blindfolds were taken off, and the two were nearly blinded by the brightness.

When their vision came to focus, Koko spotted Mikan and Hotaru on the other end of the room, looking more beat up than the video.

Hotaru was looking strong, staring coolly at the wall. When she caught their eyes, she nodded in acknowledgement, saying she was okay.

Mikan, on the other hand, had her head tilted to the side, eyes closed.

Koko couldn't stop himself from letting out, "Mikan!"

She lifted her head slightly, and when she spotted them, she smiled.

"Are you—are you okay? Stay awake, Mikan, you can make it!"

She nodded, she said quietly so that Koko couldn't hear but he read her lips, "Just taking a nap."

That meant she was okay. Koko spoke brightly, "You should stay awake."

Kitsuneme nodded along with Koko. "Did they hurt you bad?"

Mikan shook her head slowly and glanced at the man next to her, idly playing on his iTouch.

He looked up, and immediately Mikan went back to sleeping. Koko and Kitsuneme looked on with confusion.

The man glanced at the other man behind Mikan. "Dude, how long we gonna let her sleep?"

The man addressed lifted a shoulder. "She'll wake up eventually."

The man beside Mikan glanced at her. "Well, whatever, she'll need her energy." He chuckled darkly and went back to playing the game on his iTouch.

The two men that just walked in had headed to a room on another side.

The four men around the original captives looked up from their games. The man beside Hotaru was the first to speak in astonishment. "Oh, they're back!"

The man beside Mikan hastily pocketed his iTouch. "Damn, I still need to—" He nudged Mikan roughly. "Hey, wake up,"

Mikan woke up with a start, looking at the man questionably.

The man was already unbinding her legs from the chair, and the moment he did, she kicked him in the face. He dodged quickly, "Bitch—" He held his hand. "I'm gonna make you suffer anyway." He smirked evilly.

Mikan struggled as he pulled her up roughly and led her off.

Hotaru also struggled roughly, but the man beside her held her down.

Koko caught the two men behind the two original captive's chairs glancing at each other.

Persona walked in a few minutes later. He looked at the Koko and Kitsuneme, turned to Hotaru, then looked at the man holding Mikan, almost there. "Where're you going?"

He was met with a fidgeting silence, then the man holding Mikan answered slowly, "I was going to, uh, bring her into the room."

Persona nodded. "Fine, you can have your fun."

The man nodded, dragging Mikan along into the room.

Turning to Koko and Kitsuneme, he spoke lightly. "True to my word, I'll let them go." He paused, considering something for a moment, then nodded in finality. "I'll let you go too." He then motioned to the men behind him.

Out of four men, three stood in front of the three captives.

"I've done a bit a favor. I thought maybe, making it quick would be better." Persona laughed a little and walked off.

The three guns cocked, and Koko's eyes widened. "Hey, hey, hey, look—look, we'll keep mum."

Persona paused. "Well, yes, of course you will."

"I mean, alive, we will," Kitsuneme reasoned.

Before Persona had a chance to answer, however, the warehouse door opened. Though far away, they could hear it slamming open. Then quick footsteps preceded a tall man, also dressed in all black with the same mask.

Persona turned. "Guard? What is it? Quickly."

"We're surrounded."

Persona took out his iPhone skeptically, looking down on it, and pressing a few buttons, "No we're—"

He didn't finish for the guard shot at him, but Persona hid behind one of his men. Suddenly, it became a shoot-out. The two men behind had their guns out too, shooting at the other men.

Koko grinned as the guard took off his mask to reveal Natsume; he didn't even have to ask for Koko looked in the direction of the room.

Natsume nodded, shooting as he went. Mochu immediately ducked and rolled, coming to their side and unbinding them, handing them two more guns. Hotaru was already up and about, a gun in her hand.

More men piled in, and Kitsuneme struggled to find Persona.

"We have to cut off the snake's head!" he shouted to Mochu, who nodded to Ruka, who nodded in the direction of another entrance. Mochu and Ruka headed first, Hotaru in the middle, and Koko and Kitsuneme taking up the rear, walking backwards and shooting as they went.

They caught Persona at the back exit, surrounded by five men.

Mochu and Ruka took down two almost immediately, but Ruka took a bullet to the leg and Mochu took one to the shoulder. Koko and Kitsuneme took down two more, as Hotaru watched their backs.

Persona had bolted and Koko knocked the last man unconscious as Kitsuneme took off after Persona.

The rest stumbled after him, but a few minutes later, Kitsuneme came running back. "SWAT's here, we got him."




Natsume barged in the room, but he was not expecting to see the man across the room, attempting to escape, and her on the ground. When the man saw him, he pointed his gun at him.

Natsume glanced at Mikan, noting with barely contained fury her disheveled appearance, her bruises and cuts, and that the top few buttons of her blouse were unbuttoned.

He ignored the man for a second, asking Mikan. "Did he—?"

She shook her head immediately. "I'm fine," she gasped from the ground.

He turned to the man, who saw his stare, and spoke shakily, "Come closer and I'll shoot."

Natsume growled, "Fine." And he threw his gun at him.

It was a good thing Natsume has good aim, for the gun hit his gun hand, causing him to misaim at the ground. Natsume marched quickly to him, but he was not fast enough. He picked up his gun the same time the other man picked up his, but he was aiming for Mikan this time.

Natsume stopped in his tracks. "Don't you dare."

"I die, she comes with me."

Natsume narrowed his eyes at him, the man slowly climbed out the window, talking as he went. "You let me live…" He was out the window, his gun still pointed at her. "She dies anyway."

Natsume's pulled the trigger, but he was too late—in a split second decision, he jumped in front of Mikan, protecting her with his body.

There was a scream.

Then he was out like the light.