I do not own Durarara!

After school, Izaya and Mikado walked to an abandoned area by the water, off the side of a bank. "We fight here a lot." Izaya said. "No one comes here, so it's quiet, so to speak."

"Do you like to fight Shizuo?" Mikado asked his new lover.

"Yeah. It's like a hobby. We've been doing it for years. Something to pass the time. I get a lot of things thrown at me. Shizuo likes to throw large things." Izaya said.

"How large?" Mikado asked, thinking of cinder blocks.

"Cars, vending machines, even people. I've had them all thrown at me, plus more." Izaya smiled.

"Wow." Mikado said. "Is it okay for me to be here?" He asked the taller teen.

"Yeah." Izaya said.

"You brought the new kid?" Both teens turned to see Shizuo standing there with his blonde hair shinning in the setting sun, a car over his head.

"Move." Izaya told Mikado as he ran toward Shizuo.

Mikado climbed the bank, and sat to watch his lover and his lover's friend, fight. He was surprised by the sheer power both teen possessed. Shizuo was throwing whatever he could get his hands on. Mikado knew that if he had been within reach, he would have been thrown as well. Izaya dodged everything that was thrown at him, literally thrown. At some point in time, Izaya had pulled a knife out of one of his pockets or something. Had he had that in school? Weren't knifes forbidden in school?

Mikado wasn't worried about Izaya. He seemed to be holding his own pretty well, even when they were fighting hand to hand. They were evenly matched. Where they trying to see who was a better fighter? If they were, it would take many years more at this rate. Did they really only fight fer the fun of it.

Things started to heat up about half an hour into the fight. Mikado could tell Izaya was starting to tire out a little. Shizuo was as well. Shizuo lifted the smashed car to throw it at the black headed teen. Izaya saw this, and went to dodge, but was a step too slow. The car grazed his shoulder. The car cut Izaya's coat, and Mikado could see blood. He jumped up, but didn't run out to him. He didn't want to get in the way, and he knew Izaya wouldn't want him to get hurt, even if it was to check on him.

Shizuo smiled. "Getting tired Izaya?" He taunted the other teen, though Mikado could see the worried look on his face.

"You're one to talk. That throw was pitiful." Izaya said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Pain was in his voice, but it was hard to hear unless you were really listening.

"Then maybe you should both stop for the day. It's getting late." Mikado yelled from the top of the bank.

"Maybe the new kid is right." Shizuo said. "I need to be going anyway."

"Okay. Cool. I'll see you at school." Izaya said.

"Yeah cool." Shizuo walked away, leaving Izaya standing with his hand over his shoulder.

Mikado waited until Shizuo was out of sight before he started down the bank toward Izaya. Izaya knelt on the ground, wincing from pain. "Izaya!" Mikado yelled.

Izaya looked up. "I'm okay Mikado." He said.

"No you're not. You're bleeding. Let me see." Mikado looked at the gaping wound. He pulled something out of his bag. It was a white scarf. "My mom makes me carry it, in case I get cold." He said when Izaya raised an eyebrow. He then proceeded to wrap it around Izaya's shoulder. Izaya winced. " need to treat this. I have a feeling you won't go to a hospital."

"And I know you won't let it go, and I don't want to go home like this." Izaya said.

"You can stay over at my house. I'm sure my parents won't mind at all." Mikado said. "My mom's out of town, and my dad will be at work until tomorrow night. He's still getting everything set up."

"Don't you have anyone staying with you. You know, like a babysitter. I know some parents don't want their kids to stay by themselves." Izaya asked.

"They trust me. We live in a pretty good neighborhood. We'll have to be careful though. My mom already asked our neighbor to keep an eye on me." Mikado said.

"Okay." Izaya answered.

They walked in silence the rest of the way. Together, the two teens went up to Mikado's house. Mikado unlocked the door, turned to wave at the woman in the house next to his, then went inside, Izaya following close behind him. Mikado put his bag on the table next to the door and told Izaya he could do the same. He then led Izaya into the bathroom. Mikado reached up, and untied the scraf. As he removed it, Izaya winced. "I'm sorry." Mikado said.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. It's my fault for fighting with Shizuo in the first place. I knew I'd get hurt at some point in time. He's just never been able to hit me with a car before. It kind of freaked me out. I'm sorry you had to see that, but I'm also glad you were there. If you hadn't been there, I would probably still be sitting in the ditch, doing nothing, not wanting to go home." Izaya said.

"It's fine. It freaked me out to see you get hit by that car, but I knew you were okay, and didn't want me to get in the middle. I hope it didn't bother you, what I said after you got hurt. I just wanted the fight to stop before you got hurt again. I think Shizuo also wanted to stop. He seemed worried about you." Mikado said. "We'll have to wash your clothes. And I'll have to fix your coat."

"Can you fix it?" Izaya asked.

"We'll see for sure once I get it off." Mikado helped Izaya take his coat and shirt off. "I'll have to fix your shirt too." He whispered. After that, Mikado got the first aid kit out of the cabinet. He got some wound cleaner, and bandaged out. He cleaned the wound, trying to be as careful as possible, so as to not hurt him. Izaya winced again. "I'm sorry." Mikado whispered.

"It's fine." Izaya said.

Mikado threw the bloody cotton ball into the trash, and started to wrap the bandage around Izaya's shoulder. Izaya winced. Mikado whispered an apology again as he taped the bandage closed. Instead of saying it was fine, Izaya kissed the other teen. Mikado was shocked at first, but gave in to the kiss willingly. This was the first time he had ever kissed anyone other than family members. He briefly wondered what Izaya would say if he found out he was the one taking his first kiss.

Izaya put his tongue against Mikado's lip, then into his mouth when the other teen's lips parted. He then slipped his hand up Mikado's shirt, pinching one of Mikado's nipples. Mikado gasped, breaking the kiss.

"You like that?" Izaya asked. Mikado said nothing as Izaya lifted his shirt to run his tongue over the nipple. Mikado moaned.

"Izaya." He breathly said.

"Yes Mikado?" Izaya asked around the nipple.

Mikado wimpered. Izaya grabbed Mikado's manhood through his pants, causing another gasp and moan from said teen. Izaya unhooked Mikado's pants. "Wait Izaya." Mikado managed to say.

"What is it Mikado?" Izaya asked, afraid Mikado was having sencond thought. He didn't want to push him though.

"Let's go to the bed. I don't want to do it here. It's dirty." Mikado said. Izaya smiled and lifted Mikado up to carry him to his room. "I can walk Izaya. You'll open your wound again." Mikado said even as he was being layed in his bed.

Izaya smiled again. "Thank for worrying about me. I really am fine now. I can barely feel it as long as I'm with you." Mikado blushed. Iyaaza pulled Mikado's pants down, reveling an erect member. Izaya lowered his head, taking the cock in his mouth. Mikado couldn't hold back. He let his voice go, no matter how embarrassing the sounds were. Mikado felt as if he were going to die of pleasure and embarrassment. Mikado felt like covering his face when Izaya looked up at him, his mouth still around his manhood. "Don't look at me." He said.

"Why?" Izaya asked, only taking his mouth away long enough to do so.

"It's embarrassing." Mikado said. "Wait. Please stop. I'm going to cum."

"Then come." Izaya said. Mikado came hard into Izaya's mouth. Izaya pulled Mikado's pants all the way off, then his shirt and jacket. He then proceeded to remove his own pants. Using the cum left on Mikado's cock, Izaya coated his fingers, and placed one at the other teen's entrance. "Are you ready?" He asked, pushing his finger in.

Mikado gasp. It felt strange. After a minute, Izaya inserted another finger. This one hurt. Izaya started to scissor his fingers, which led to pleasure instead of pain after a minute or so. Mikado moaned loudly, glad no one was in the house but him and Izaya.

After Izaya finished with the thrid finger, he finally took them out, causing Mikado to whimper from the loss. "Just wait Mikado. I'll give something back." Izaya said. He wiped some of the cum still on Mikado's now erect member, and used it to coat his own. He then placed it at Mikado's entrance. "This will hurt a little." He said.

"Okay." Mikado said. Izaya pushed in, and Mikado gasped in pain. Izaya pushed all the way in. After giving Mikado time to adjust, Izaya pulled out, and pushed back in. Mikado soon again started moaning, and gasping in pleasure. Izaya repeated his thrusting until he found the one spot that caused Mikado to scream his name. Izaya aimed for that spot over and over again. Mikado tried his best to keep his voice down. He didn't want his neighbors to hear him.

Izaya kept going until he felt Mikado start to tighten around him. "I'm cumming." Mikado said. Izaya kept going. With a yelled of his partner's name, Mikado came hard. "Izaya!"

Izaya felt Mikado tighten around him, drawing his orgasm from him. They both clasped on the bed. "That was great Mikado." Izaya said.

"Yes it was." Mikado agreed blushing.

"You're so cute when you blush." Izaya said.

"Shut up." Mikado mumbled.

"Then again, you're cute period." Izaya said.

Mikado smiled. "Let's get our homework done, then head to bed. I'll wash and sew your clothes." Mikado went to get his and Izaya's bags, after getting some clothes on. He then went and got Izaya's shirt and coat and took them back to him room. He got a needle and thread out, and started to sew up the clothes. Izaya watched him do it for a little while, then went back to him homework. When Mikado was done, he took the clothes, plus the rest, and put them in the washing machine, and then went back to do his own homework.

When the clothes were done washing, Mikado got them out, and put them in the dryer. After they were done, he and Izaya had both finished their homework, so Mikado let the other teen look over his handiwork.

"Nice job. You can sew really well." Izaya said. "You can barely even tell where it was ripped."

"Thanks." Mikado said. He yawned really big. "Sorry." He said.

"Let's get some sleep. We still have school tomorrow." Izaya said. "Can I sleep with you?" He asked. "In the same bed?"

Mikado blushed. "Okay." He whispered. Izaya smiled and pulled Mikado on top of him. "Hey. I have to turn the light out." Mikado said.

Izaya let him go, but pulled him back as soon as the light was out. "Good night Mikado." He said.

"Good night Izaya." He said. "I have a question first. Can I tell my parents I'm dating you?" He asked.

"If you want to." Izaya answered

The next day, they walked to school together. Mikado's mother arrived home the same time Mikado did after school. "Hello honey." She greeted him.
"Hello mother." Mikado greeted his mother.

"Did you have a good time at school?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to do my home work. Love you." He said, going into his room.

Mikado's mother went into the bathroom. She was cleaning it up when she saw something that nearly gave her a heart attack. In the trash she saw the bloody cotton ball and beside that was the white scarf Mikado carried in his bag, also covered in blood. "Mikado?" He yelled, worried as she ran into his room with the bloody piece of cloth.

"What is it mom?" Mikado asked.

"Are you okay? Where are you hurt. This is a lot of blood." Mikado looked at the scarf in his mother's hand.

"I ment to wash that." He said. "I'm not hurt mom. I swear. a friend of mine got hurt last night, so I helped him. He didn't want to go to the hospital, and he didn't want his parents to find out, so I helped him. The scarf was the only thing I had on me at the time. I'm sorry I worried you. We're both fine." Mikado said.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mikado's mother asked.

"I'm sure mother. I swear." Mikado answered.

"Okay." Mikado's mother turned to leave.

"Wait mom. I need to tell you something." Mikado's mother turned back to him. "I'm dating someone." He said.

"Really? Already?" Mikado's mother asked.

"Yeah. It's a guy. His name is Izaya. He was over here last night. He was the one who got hurt." Mikado said, looking down.

"You're dating a guy?" Mikado's mother asked.

"Yeah." Mikado answered.

"Okay. I'm glad you told me." Mikado's mother walked over to her son, and kissed him on the top of the head. "Why didn't you ask me if he could stay over last night?"

"I didn't want you to know. I was afraid of what you might say." Mikado answered. "He wants to come over tonight for dinner. To meet you and dad."

"I'd like that." Mikado's mother left the room to start on dinner.

That night, Izaya came over to meet Mikado's parents. Mikado's dad was apprehensive at first, but warmed up when he saw how much his son liked the guy. "Mikado is amazing. He helped me when I was hurt, and he can sew. I've never met a guy who can sew before." Izaya said.

"Shut up." Mikado said, blushing.

"So cute." Izaya said.

"You are the nicest guy." Mikado's mother said.

"Thank you ma'am." Izaya said.

After dinner, Mikado walked Izaya out. "Thanks for having me over." Izaya said.

"Thanks for coming." Mikado said. They kissed good night, and Izaya left, each already thinking of seeing the other the

I hope you liked the lemon