Note: Hello. So, uh, yeah... This is the end :') Damn it! *gets away, scrubbing eyes furiously* Sorry, it's just, I always get like this after every end of one of my stories, especially when I have awesome readers and reviewers like you guys! Thank you for giving Beyond the Horizon your support! It has been fun to write, and I hope you had fun reading as much as I had fun writing it!

Special thanks to all who reviewed, favorited, followed, or simply read this story! YOU GUYS ROCK!

Anyway, enjoy the chappie!

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Leo Valdez! :(



7 years later

The sun was setting beyond the horizon.

Six-years-old Mia Jackson peeked around the corner, her sea-green eyes twinkling mirthfully. She slowly eased herself out of the huge barrel she was hiding behind, and made her way as slowly as possible towards the door. She had no idea if Joe Grace was waiting for her. Abruptly, she looked up. No, he wasn't floating above her.

Then where was-?

"Heads up!"

The ballon slammed into her mid-riff and exploded into ice-cold water.

Mia gasped.

Joe laughed heartily, his dark hair messy and his blue eyes sparkling.

"I am so catching you, Grace!" Mia threatened and the seven-years-old and the six-years old broke into a run. Joe ran up the steps that led to the upper deck; Mia was hot on his heels.

The Poseidon's Sea Pearl deck was buzzing with activity as usual. The two kids twirled around the demigod's legs, dodging their hasty footsteps. Travis and Conner Stoll laughed as the two kids passed between their legs and made their way to the helm.

"Mia Jackson!"

Mia stopped. Joe snickered as he dived into a secluded corner.

Annabeth Jackson gave her daughter a look. Her arms were full of Mia's baby brother, who looked at his sister with wide, mirthful grey eyes. Alex Jackson giggled, clapping his hands happily.

"Why are you running around?"Annabeth asked, frowning in disapproval. "How many times do I have to tell you it's not safe?"

"I am sorry, Mom," Mia said, frowning. "But Joe drenched me in water."


Piper Grace emerged from the inner room on the helm, staring at her hidden son in disapproval. Joe winced and dashed up behind Mia, trying to look innocent. "We were just playing, Mom."


"Don't stress, love," Jason said, appearing with Percy. They were both grinning. Jason wrapped his arms around her, resting his hand on her swelling abdomen lovingly. "It's not good for your health."


"No harm done!" Percy declared, walking up to his daughter and tapping her clothes once. They were instantly dry. Mia squealed in delight - she had always loved that trick - and hugged her father. "Thanks, Daddy."

The two kids dashed away from their parents, laughing as they tumbled right into Uncle Tyson, who scooped them both quickly and effortlessly. From his mother's arm, Alex clapped his hand excitedly.

"You spoil them too much, you know?" Nico's voice came from one of the ratlines, his eyebrows raised in amusement.

"When you have a kid," Jason replied, winking, "you'll understand."

Nico made a face. Percy laughed. Leo came strutting up the stairs, grinning widely. "I have good news!"

"Knocked Reyna up yet?" the son of Poseidon asked.

"Percy!" Annabeth kicked his shin.

"How did you know?!"

Percy's eyes widened. He and Jason exchanged wary glances. "Gods help us those nine months..." the latter muttered.

Leo glared. "She isn't that bad. Piper was worse."

"Excuse me, but no one was worse than Annabeth's pregnancy with Alex," Percy said, matter-of-factly, nodding.

"Hey!" their wives exclaimed.

Nico sighed, shaking his head, as Alex Jackson clapped away, giggling happily.


Annabeth tucked Alex into his crib. The little guy gave a soft sigh. She checked on Mia, who was sleeping soundly as well, before settling back on the bed beside her husband, who immediately curled his arm around her.

She kissed his neck. "It has been a long day."

"Yeah, it has,"

He ran his fingers through her hair as she traced invisible lines on his bare chest.


"Hmmm?" he turned his head, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"It was like this day, exactly nine years ago, when you were going to sail away and leave me behind," she whispered. His shoulder tensed. "It was on this day that I hunted you down and asked you to bring me the horizon..."

She looked up at him, smiling, her eyes shining with tears.

Percy leaned forward. "Did I...?"

Annabeth Jackson reached up and kissed her husband, lovingly.

"Yes, and you took me beyond."


It's done! :') I hope you have enjoyed the Epilogue! I am sorry if there are any typos... it's 2 AM in here! :D Thank you again for everyone! I love you all!

Take care! :3