Note: You have asked for it, and I am here to deliever it! :) Yay! I have been able to write this with all of you in mind! I have the most amazing reviewers in the whole wide world! :D Thanks a ton to all who reviewed, favoured, followed, or simply read Aye, Aye Captain! I love you guys!

I hope you enjoy this sequel as much as I will enjoy writing it! I already have tons of ideas! :D


Discalimer: I do not own Percy Jackson! :(



High up in the cotton-like clouds, Mount Olympus stood beautiful and untouched. The streets were lively with wind nymphs playing the sweetest melodies and the inhabiting citizens of the ancient, beautiful city laughed and danced along. It was a wonderful day.

Encased in one of the many majestic temples, Lady Aphrodite sat in front of her vanity, adjusting a non-existent mistake in her perfect makeup. Once she was satisfied, she ran her brush through her ever-changing hair, glancing at the glowing orb beside her vanity every once in a while.

She giggled happily.

The orb showed the sleeping figures of Aphrodite's favorite couple, tangled together in the sheets. The young woman's head rested on the young man's chest while his arms circled her shoulders snugly.

Aphrodite had favored those two from the moment they met in that small cabin on the ship. She was sure, as always, that they would be great together. And, as always, she was right.

Despite what the young woman's mother and the young man's father said, Aphrodite was certain that their relationship will last and stay strong. Of course, that didn't entitle that the goddess of love couldn't have her fun with them every once in a while.

Aphrodite abandoned her orb-gazing and walked towards her walk-in closet. She selected her finest red dress and changed into it. She placed her belt around her waist, adjusted it, and reached out for her perfume.

She paused, confused.

She could have sworn that she had left her perfume beside her belt. She always left it there since a lot of it could cause a lot of mayhem.

Aphrodite walked out of her closet and searched through her vanity. Panicking now, she strode towards her nightstand, and then to her wooden chest. The perfume was not there.

Her scream echoed throughout the temple and down towards the lively streets.
