A/N Hi, guys! Yes, I am back. This story is a little different to what I am used to. Basically, Edward is a Hunter. A supernatural male born and raised to protect the innocent from evil. In this chapter he is given the chance to go back in time so he can destroy a demon before she comes into her power. Only when he goes back in time, what happens when he doesn't find an evil, heartless demon, but a girl? Can he still kill her or will he go from her murderer to her protector?


"Put that poor bastard down, you blood sucking whore from hell," I drawled as I walked up to the brunette that was currently draining the blood from a blond-haired man.

She dropped the body to the ground and I flinched when he lay lifelessly on the ground.

Dammit, Id lost another one.

The evil bitch in front of me straightened out and turned to me with a small smile on her full, bloody lips.

"Eddie, baby, why do you always insist on name calling? Aren't we above that now?" She replied, her voice a seductive whisper that was designed bring a man to his knees.

The woman in front of me was utterly gorgeous. Made for a man to hold with her luscious curves and full breasts. Long dark hair, pale skin... and pure black eyes.

The woman in front of me was Isabella and she was an unstoppable force of pure evil.

For the past year I had hunted her down, always being a little too late to save her victims. She didn't need to drink the blood of the ones she killed, she wanted to. Over the past year I had seen her kill women, men and children, never seeing a hint of regret or compassion in her eyes as she watched them plead to be spared, to spare their children.

I had promised myself that I would stop her. I was a Hunter, born and raised to stop evil bitches like her.

"You bring it out in me, bitch." I snapped as I threw a dagger at her, embedding it in her chest.

She didn't even flinch as she pulled the blade out of her body and dragged her tongue across the sharp metal and make my stomach turn.

"Now, that wasn't nice." She spoke softly and flung her hand, sending me crashing into the stone wall behind me and holding me there as she sauntered over to me. "Eddie," She whispered against my lips. "Why do we always have to fight?"

"I thought Id answered this before. You're a whore from hell and I won't stop until your back down there burning for what you've done."

She shook her head slightly. "And you're so much better. You were born to kill, Eddie. You were raised to kill. I just got a taste for it." She smiled at her own sick joke.

"And a talent," I snarled.

"And I'm bored. Your cute and all, but you are getting dull, dull dull. You have been trying to kill me for so long and you. Just. Can't. Do. It." She grinned. "Why don't I just do us both a favor." She said as she plunged her hand through my chest, gripping my heart.

I clenched my jaw against the need to scream in pure agony. I had been raised a hunter and part of my training was to never show pain and I wouldn't let this bitch be the monster who made me cave.

Before I could draw a last breath, I was being pulled away, fading under her hands.

"No!" She screamed as her black eyes widened.

I lay on my bed, my chest burning and a sweat covering my body.

"You are welcome." A deep voice spoke from beside me.

Pain forgotten, I jumped to my feet, blade already in hand.

"You can put that down, Hunter. I just saved you life. I have no desire to harm you. Yet."

I looked at the man standing calmly in my room.

He was as tall as me, muscular with long blonde hair. The man was also decked out in armor and looked like he could take on superman and not break into a sweat.

"What do you want?" I snapped, never taking my eyes off him.

"Your help, Hunter. That is all."

"What are you?" I demanded suspiciously.

"I have many names. Angel being the most popular of late."

I looked at him for a long time before I burst out laughing. "An angel. Are you fucking high?"

The dick in front of me looked into my eyes and suddenly I felt the room shake and power shimmer across my skin. My instincts came alive, warning me that the dude was big and bad.

"Now that you understand. I am Zachariah. The demon that you were hunting, I need your help in stopping her."

I rolled my eyes. "The bitch just had her fucking hand in my chest. I'm guessing I wouldn't be much help to an angel." I bit out.

"Well, you are all we have. Out of all of those who have gone up against it, you are the only one who has not succumbed to her power. Her voice. Others have tried and failed and you are all we have left."

"Well, don't I feel fucking special. Why do you even need me? You're an angel for fuck sake. Shouldn't she be dead with just a mere thought?"

Zachariah glared at me. "Our powers are limited. We can not harm the demon. She is the Prophecy."

I snorted. "You see, when I hear word's like 'Prophecy', I find it better to get out of dodge."

"The Prophecy doesn't concern you." He snapped.

"Like hell, it doesn't. You want me to go up against a demon bitch who kills everything she comes into contact with. It fucking concerns me. Besides, how am I supposed to kill her when you can't?"

He pulled out a big, nasty looking dagger with symbols Id never seen before on it. "This is a blade that can stop the demon. I can send you back to before she developed her powers, you use the blade and kill the demon. You kill the demon before she comes into power and none of the hell that she has wreaked will have ever happened."

I looked at the blade doubtfully. It looked pretty badass, but I doubt it could take her out.

He smiled when he saw my expression. "The demon will be human. You will be sent five years into the past and destroy the demon."

I gaped at that. "Your telling me that five years ago she was just walking around human?" I demanded.

"Don't develop a conscious on me now, Hunter. Which is more important, the lives of thousands of innocent people? Or the life of a human who is destined to to be a unstopable force of evil.

Well, put like that...

"I'm in."

A/N So, what did you think? Review and let me know!