a.n. Yup, I'm alive! So I checked my stories and realized that this one wasn't as crappy as I thought it was, so I reread the last chapter and decided to write another one!

Long time since I updated...

Enjoy chapter 6!


So basically, Luka gets her bag back, now stocked with food and water. She shows Miku all of the bells and whistles (no pun intended) she found within the castle as she explored. She finds a strange whistle with a dragon inscription, so she blows on it a bunch of times and out of the castle bursts the purple dragon from earlier.

They happen to be riding that dragon now.

The wind rushed by them so fast that it felt as if somebody was snatching the breath right from their noses. Luka loved this feeling; she had grown up with the privilege of being an equestrian, so the feeling of the wind as she cut through it was almost nostalgic to Luka. The only difference between this and horse-back riding was that when you rode a horse, they were a lot smaller and didn't have to cough out fire.

That, and the fact that you could actually breathe properly when you rode a horse, rather than trying to suck in air in large quantities through your mouth (though this didn't seem to bother Luka half as much as it bothered the passenger behind her).

Miku wasn't fairing very well on the back of the dragon. She was clutching on to Luka in true fear. Riding a dragon, she concluded with finality, was one of the most dangerous feats possible. She could feel the rhythmic flapping of the dragon's wings, each more threatening than the last, in possible hopes to throw her off. The ground below her seemed like a small fleeting mirage, the numerous shades of grass-green blurring together in jumbled mess. Her heart was racing within her chest, every neuron in her head telling her to scream.

Nonetheless, Miku being as reserved and unaccustomed to this feeling as she was, resorted to a much more reasonable solution (at least, it was in her opinion). She screeched in terror at Luka to slow down.

"LUKA! STOP! I'M GOING TO DIE IF THINGS KEEP PROGRESSING THIS WAY!" Miku let out an over-exaggerated scream right beside Luka's ear.

Luckily for Luka, the wind snatched away the sound before the full decibel level could be heard. Though, due to Miku's closeness (Luka realized this with a blush), she could still hear her just fine.

She pulled on the reigns within the palms of her hand in attempt to slow the creature down; her efforts weren't fruitless, as the dragon slowed down considerably.

The fields below and now turned into a slow animation rather than the garbled mess it was before, the wind now much more pleasant.

Luka was intently flying towards the shadowy figures of the mountains in the distance. The path she had come from was clearly cut, a clean path of earth that was quite traceable amidst the tall grasses beside it.

The pace they were going at was quite comforting, so much that Luka felt a weight slumping forward and onto her back. She involuntarily smiled, remembering that they had gotten half a night's sleep that morning.

Luckily, the dragon's back was wide enough for her to move. Pulling the reigns harder, the dragon slowed considerably; Luka took this opportunity to maneuver her so that Miku was now comfortably resting within her arms.

"Sleep well, princess. Things are going to begin to become more...interesting, to say the least. Our journey to find your family and mine is just beginning." Luka whispered fondly into her beloved's ear as she flicked the reigns to quicken the pace.

The dragon soared above the clouds, as if it realized that now, the one conscience passenger didn't have problems with altitude or speed.

Good thing too, Luka thought with a satisfied sigh. The time of day seems to be approaching sunset...

Luka leaned forward in the wind, pushing her negative thoughts to the depths of her mind.

Onward they rode, Luka, Miku, and the dragon now a small shadow splayed against the sun.

Night had definitely fallen; Luka was currently trying to figure out how to land on the snowy mountain below her, flying circles around and around a single spot. Miku had not yet woken up and lay slumped against her, making it a little more taxing on Luka to try and figure out how to land.

The dragon himself wasn't helping much, as now when Luka tried to guide it downwards by the reigns, it would simply ignore her and keep flying.

Almost as if it doesn't want to land here...

In a bout of frustration, Luke let go of the reigns completely. "Fine! If you don't want to land here, then pick a spot! I have to set up camp, and it's already dark!" She huffed, holding onto Miku as well as the saddle to keep them upright.

As if the dragon was looking to hear these exact words, it ducked out of its continual loop of circles and headed further into the mountains, dodging the ever-green trees as it hurtled at the speed of a bullet towards them.

After a few more minutes of fancy flying, the dragon abruptly stopped in a clearing near a frozen lake, dotted with only a few trees that seemed to enclose and protect it.

Just like my dream...

Luka began to fear that their time here might culminate into what she saw in her dream; the figure she saw twirling on the ice was presumably Miku, which meant that this may be the last of the time they had together.

Luka stared at their surroundings before turning in an accusatory fashion towards the dragon. "Of all places to go, why did you pick here?!"

She heard faint giggles in the background, interrupting her train of thought. Luka turned, the sight before her eyes making her breath catch within her throat.

I thought they were only myths...

In front of Luka stood three tiny fairies, all of them like miniature goddesses; perfect dainty little faces that complimented their delicate frames, accompanied with long flowing hair.

Upon seeing Luka's staring, they transformed into their human sizes, walking towards Luka with grace and elegance. With each slow step, they came closer to Luka, but Luka's instincts gave her a foreboding warning.

Something seems off about them...something's just not right...

Finally, they stopped literally inches away from her. The one in the front with short black hair (who Luka assumed was their leader) stepped even closer to Luka, her face almost too close for comfort. When she began to speak, her voice gave the allusion of being sweet and slightly alluring.

"Hello, Megurine Luka~" She began in a soft voice. "I'm Yuki, Queen of the Snow Fairies. I see you happened to have stumbled across our little dwelling. I hope you enjoy your stay here!" With that, she pulled Luka down to try and kiss her.

Miku chose that very moment to drift back into consciousness.

a.n. And another cliff-hanger...I don't think I can find any other logical way to end a chapter.

Like I warned you all, things are going to get loads more interesting. Sorry I had to make the fairies a little bit evil...not all of them are like that, just a few...

I have to thank a few people before I wrap this up...Thank you DeathThePanda and Gray Voice for just generally being there (that in itself means a lot to me). Along with Dolce Pianissimo; all of your support was really endearing and encouraging, thank you.

Ah, review if you've got anything to say about the chapter or just in general.

Feedback's a gracious gift. Truly.