Sorry I didn't get this to you guys on Halloween,it's been a rough week and I have been tired. I managed to get it out Today,so I hope you enjoy.

Chris's Review-

"Okay last time on Total Drama Whatever,Bon Appetite to our got a Five Course Meal of some of the Horrifying Delicacies that Chef has to offer.A.K.A the food was nasty as Heck! But Owen and DJ were the main roles in the challenge as they helped their Teams to an addition to Slop the Deers had a special Card which made Chef eat his own disaster and guess what he even puke! Alright soon it came down to Anne Maria and Cameron for the win and guess what Alejandro used the old Mike Shirt thing and Anne Maria won it for the Deers and Cameron went Home.I actually kind of feel sorry for the little guy,I mean he didn't see that coming-

*The Door to the Office slamed open*

"What the!?"Chris yelled.

"We've come for you McLean!"A Mysterious figure yelled.

"That's right,Hehe!"What appears to be a Girl snickered.

"Who are you!"Chris shouted.

"Don't worry about all that"The Ghost smiled.

Chris is seen being dragged away.

"No! Not now! Well I'm done for. Also tell the Campers I hate them and to, PLEASE SAVE ME!"Chris screamed.

"And remember find out what happens on Total Drama Return Of The I-

"Shut Up!"The Ghost shouted.

"Island"Chris whispered.



Scott:"Some creepy stuff has happened today. I mean Owen has not farted since Yesterday and I saw something Dark Outside and I have no idea what it was"

Anne Maria:"I swear me and Vito are a Couple now,the next time I see him I am kissing the heck out of him!"

Izzy:"Poor Chris,the Ghosts told me that he is being tortured right now as we speak. Ha ha! Thanks for doing what I wanted to do!"

Harold:"My Mojo is telling me something is not right in the area. I better use my Rubik's Cube to figure out what's up"*He reaches into his Pocket,but does not feel anything* *Gasp* "Oh no!"

Sierra:"Cody and I have talked and we've found it best to eliminate Alejandro,but what will that solve? Won't we keep losing without them?"

Owen:"My Super Secret Stash has been raided and someone left a note that says "Hehe" on it. So someone took my Candy under my Pillow,eh? *Gasp* Oh crap! I told someone where my Stash is!

Lightning:"The Lightning finally got rid of Smart Boy and he feels great about it. Nothing can stop me now!"

Zoey:"Cameron did not deserve to leave,I know the Boys planned this and I will get them back!"

End Confessionals

Outside Cabins-

Most of the Cast was seen confused and they were sitting on the Cabin steps waiting.

"That's very strange,usually Chris would have called us by now"Sierra said.

"Of course you would keep track"Noah smirked.

"Of Course,Chris brushes his Teeth at Seven and changes from his Bunny PJ's into his Manly Clothes that he wears every now and then"Sierra giggled.

*A few people laughed*

"Hey do you guys know what this means?"Owen asked as he held up the Card he found earlier.

"Hehe? Sounds like something Izzy would say"Scott said.

"Izzy"Owen groaned.

"I didn't do it,I swear. It was Ghosts!"Izzy yelled.

"There's No such thing"Heather replied.

"OOOOOHH!"A voice moaned.

*Lightning jumped into Harold's Arms*

"What the What!"Lightning yelled as he gripped his Neck.

"Get off"Harold croaked.

Cody looked at Izzy and she was making the Noise.

"Izzy"Cody sighed.

"Sorry"Izzy snickered.

''Owen where did you find that anyways?"Alejandro asked.

"The Place where my Super Secret Stash used to be"Owen said.

"Oh you mean under your Pillow?"Noah wondered.

*Gasp*"How'd you know?''Owen gasped.

"It's was too easy to find,I even took some Chocolate"Duncan replied.


Owen:"What! They have been stealing my candy and Snacks,I can't believe- Well I'd never."

End Confessional

"Hey Guys! Come in here for a sec"Mike yelled.

All the Boys walked into their Cabin and saw an inscription in the Wall that stated, "Leave Now!"

"Who wrote that?"Cody asked.

"Who knows"Duncan said.

"It was probably you"Harold glared.

"You have any proof?"Duncan smirked.

"Yeah,your always like writing stuff and carving the initials D and G"Harold said.

Duncan saw DxG behind him and he covered it.

"Yeah so? That doesn't prove anything"Duncan sneered.

"It kind of does,Amigo"Alejandro smiled.

"Yeah,The Lightning be getting tired of yall"Lightning smirked.

"Then The Lightning needs to go somewhere!"Duncan yelled.

"Say what!"Lightning shouted as he got in his face.

Outside with the Girls we see Chef driving up in a Car.

"Hey Chef!"Beth shouted.

"Where's Chris?"Courtney asked.

"He's been taking captive"Chef replied.

"By who?"Zoey asked.

"Spirits that roam the Island"Chef said.

"Say what now!?"Leshawna shouted.


Leshawna:"Leshawny ain't sticking around for no Caspers right now. Oh no,that ain't happening!"

Dawn:"Ghost are very plausible,we've never really looked into it though"

End Confessionals

Back in the Cabin we Duncan and Lightning punching each other.

*Scott got and the middle*

"Stop!"Scott yelled.

"What the!"DJ shrieked.

"What is it no-

Scott got cut off by seeing the Wall getting written into by the new inscription said "Now!"

I'm out"Lightning yelled.

Lightning is seen picked up by something Invisible and is thrown out the Cabin.

''Ahhh!"He yelled as he was thrown out.

"What!"Owen yelled.

Everybody is then seen thrown out.

A few seconds before they got thrown out,the Girls outside are still in disbelief.

"You have to believe me"Chef pleaded.

"Nope"Heather said.

"Ahhh!"Lightning yelled as he was thrown Outside.

"What in the world"Bridgette said.

*All of the Boys were then thrown out with most of them screaming*

"What just happened?"Mike asked.

"We got thrown out of our Crib!"Lightning yelled.

"Ahhhh! Were gonna die"Owen yelled as he gripped a Tree which he had landed on.

"Let go Bafoon!"Noah shouted.

"Oh yeah"Owen said as he let go.

"Alright now do you believe?"Chef asked.

"Of course"Harold said as he brushed himself off.

"Alright then,let's go"Chef said as he began to walk away.

Somewhere On A Trail-

''Where are we going?"Gwen asked.

"To the source of the Readings coming from my Ghost Detector"Chef said.

"That's a Fork"Alejandro pointed out.

"Don't you think I know that! I used it to eat my Lunch,this is the Ghost Detector"Chef said as he took out a big Radar Cellular Device.

"Ohhh"Lindsay said.

"Why are they here?"Dawn asked.

"The real question is why are we here"Chef replied.

"I don't get it"Owen said.

"As you can see this place is full of Crap"Chef remarked.

"Even the Food?"Noah asked.

"Do you want me to strangle you Now or Later?"Chef asked.

"Later would be great"Noah replied.

"Anyways Wawanakwa is an Ancient Burial Ground for the people who live here back in the 1100's."Chef explained.

"So we built all of this on an Ancient Burial Ground!"Cody yelled.

"That's what I said,anyways this used to be their home"Chef said.

"Why did you have to build here if it was haunted?"Heather asked.

"I told Chris it was a bad idea,but he wouldn't listen to me and said I will get paid to keep my shut"Chef said.

"So what do we have to do to stop this?"Scott asked.

"We have to go to the Darkest Cave on the Island, Morgan's Cave"Chef said.

"As in James Morgan?"Alejandro said.

"Correct"Chef said.

"He was famous for torturing countless souls in these Waters"Alejandro thought.

"True,and he is angry some one is building on his island and so he and his Monsters are planning to take it back"Chef said.

"Monsters?"Anne Maria exclaimed.

"Yeah as in Ruthless Men,maybe there are some real Monsters down there"Chef glared.

"What!?"Owen screamed.

"Just joking"Chef chuckled.

"But we really need to be careful down there"Chef said.

"Since when have you ever cared about our well being?"Heather asked.

"We are in a Crisis"Chef smiled.

"Don't trust him"Heather said to Courtney.


Heather:"Chef is acting strange,usually he is crazy and deranged,but now he seems nicer and proper"

End Confessional

Right in front of the Cast was a very Dark Cave that had Bats flying out of it.

"Woah!"Lindsay shouted.

"Yeah they are also relatives to the Cave"Chef said.

Chef took out a Match and put in an empty Latern and he lit up the Whole cave.

"Great"Cody smiled.

"You guys ready?"Chef asked.

'I guess"Brick said.

"Alright let's go"Chef said.

Morgan's Cave-

The Dark Cave got lighter every time Chef walked and the Cast could hear Moaning throughout the Cave.

"Those are trapped Spirits we have to set them free to roam the Isla- I mean the Underworld"Chef said.

"Hehe!"A Girl laughed in the distance.

*Owen gasped*

"What was that!?"Brick asked.

"That's what it said on the Card"Owen remarked.

"It must be the Daughter of James Morgan"Chef said.

"How do you know all of this?"Gwen asked.

"Research"Chef said.

*The Cast came upon Three Trails*

"What's do we do now?"Harold asked.

"We each take a path"Chef said.

"We should all go together-

"No!"Chef yelled.

"Alright"Scott laughed.

"Get a Group and go"Chef ordered.

Path One: Mike,Zoey,Owen,Bridgette,Harold,Courtney,Scott and Anne Maria.

Path Two: Gwen,Noah,Brick,Heather,Lindsay,Duncan,Lightning and Izzy.

Path Three: DJ,Leshawna,Beth,Cody,Chef,Dawn,Sierra and Alejandro.


Cody:"Great now we have to spilt up. I hate doing things like this,remember back in Scooby Doo? Splitting up never works!''

Dawn:"This Cave really has a bad Aura. I feel a bad feeling in Chef's also"

End Confessionals

Path One-

The Group is seen walking down a long Hallway in the cave.

"This is totally Manmade"Zoey said.

"Yeah the Ancient Guys must have been very casual"Harold pointed out.

"Is there any food nearby?"Owen asked.

"Is that all you are worried about?"Courtney wondered.

"Mostly"Owen drooled.

"Disgusting"Courtney said.

"What are we suppose to be doing anyway?"Anne Maria asked.

"Trying to find the Chamber"Scott replied.

"To what?"She said.

"This Morgan guy"Scott replied.

*The Cast soon heard a faint voice*

"Who's that?"Mike said.

"Like we know"Bridgette said as she tried to see what it was.

Suddenly a Ghost Priest popped up in front of them.

''Who are you?"Scott asked.

"Minister Patrick"Minister Patrick replied.

"Wh-Why are you here"Zoey asked.

"To claim you"He smirked.

"Fu Ga To Ben Keen So Chu Mong!"Minister Patrick yelled before he disappeared.

"What was that all about?"Harold wondered.

"I really don't want to find out"Anne Maria replied.

"It's too late"Mike gulped.

All of a Sudden,several Skeletons popped out of the Ground carrying Sharp Blades.

"Were doomed!"Courtney cried.

*Deep Breath*

"Not if Svetlana has anything to say about it!"Svetlana smirked.


Svetlana:"Svetlana will save these innocents as is her duty! Now I have never dealt with the Undead before so I guess I will have to quickly thing something!"

End Confessional

Path Two-

The Team is seen tired and they are starting to sweat.

"God it's so Hot!"Noah said.

"Tell me about it"Leshawna replied.

"Well it's is Hot,so I think what he means is-

"It's a figure of speech"Duncan interrupted.

"Anyone got a Napkin? My make Up is dripping"Heather asked.

"If I may Madame,you should use your Shirt"Brick remarked.

"I'm not a dirty Pig like you!"Heather yelled.

"Are you sure about that?"Gwen snickered.

"Shut It!"Heather yelled.

Suddenly a Blast of Chilling Air blasted through the Tunnel.

"What the!?"Noah shouted.

"The Lightning all of a sudden just got Cold!"Lightning said.

"Yeah it was just like Eighty Degrees right?"Leshawna asked.

"Yeah,this is sort of impossible"Gwen said as she felt her cold Skin.

"Do you like it?"A Girl giggled.

"What in the World!"Duncan shouted.

"Is that a Girl?"Lightning asked.

"What do you think it is!?"Leshawna yelled.

"Well I'm not staying to see some little Ghost Girl talk to us!"Heather groaned as she strutted off.

*In front of Heather a pile of Snow fell in front of her*

"Snow"Heather said as she touched it.

The Snow instantly turned into a shape of a Beautiful Young Lady.

"Who are you!"Gwen yelled.

"Michelle,I'm Master Morgan's Daughter"Michelle smiled.

"Oh that Jerk right?"Lightning snickered.

"Shut it"Noah yelled.

"Oh you don't want to talk about Master like that,he's closer than you think"She said.

Michelle saw Heather leaning against a Wall in fear.

"Oh don't be afraid"Michelle said as she reached out for her.

"Stay away from me!"Heather yelled as she moved out of the way.

When Michelle touched the Wall,it froze and she gripped it and she tore out the Chunk of Wall.

"Whoa"Brick said.

"Don't be afraid!"Michelle growled as she threw the ripped out chunk against the Wall and it went through it.

''I'm out!"Lightning yelled as he ran back.

"Not so fast"Michelle said as she covered the Exit with Hard Snow.

"Crap!"Lightning yelled.

"Why don't you all stay and Play?"Michelle smirked as she covered her Body in Snow.


Noah:"Is it possible to even meet something like this? We are going to die and I didn't even want to come back to this Stupid Camp!"

End Confessional

Path Three-

Chef is seen leading the group with his Torch in hand and the cast are seeing Ruins as they walked by.

"Ahhh!"A Girl yelled.

"Who was that!"Beth yelled.

"It sounded like Zoey"Cody said.

"We have to go help her"Alejandro remarked as he began to run off.

"No!"Chef yelled.

The Cast looked at him confused.

"It's just that if we go the Path will be closed and we will never reach our destination,Misoir"Chef explained.

"That seems reasonable"DJ said as he did not want to in the Dark.

"Wait,why are you talking like that?"Alejandro asked.

"Like what,soir?"Chef replied.

"That"Alejandro said.

"Oh it's just a new habit of mind ya see"Chef chuckled.

"But I-

"Come on we need to hurry!"Chef yelled.

They reached a very Narrow Bridge and they could see the others through a Glass Pane.

"Guys..."Sierra said in shock.

"Yes a very narrow bridge"Chef said.

"No I think she means tae a look at that"Cody replied as he held his Heart.

They saw Mike's Group and Heather's Group.

"Are those Skeletons!?"DJ yelled.

"Is that a Hot Girl!?"Cody yelled.

"Codykins!"Sierra shouted.

"What?"Cody replied.

"We have to save them"Beth said.

"We need to get across this Bridge and we need to hurry,the Entrance to the Chamber is right there."Chef said in some what an English Accent.

"Did you hear that?"Alejandro whispered to Dawn.

"Yes and I have figured out something"Dawn replied.

"Come on now!"Chef shouted.

"I'll tell you in a minute"Dawn said as she walked away.

"Alright"Alejandro smiled.

"Alright who is first to go"Chef smirked.


Alejandro:"Chef is not himself,I first noticed this when he didn't yell at us and now I know it's true."

Beth:"That Bridge looks very Scary,but the others are in far more Danger!"

End Confessionals

Path One-

Svetlana is seen jumping off of Skeletons Heads to get to the other side.

"Yoohoo!"She called.

The Skeletons turned around and started to chase Svetlana.

"Go Mike!"Harold yelled.

"Ahhh!"Zoey yelled.

Svetlana sees Zoey being attack by a Skeleton that didn't follow her.

"Oh no"Svetlana yelled.

Suddenly from the other Path a Snowball came through the Wall and smack the Skeleton's head off.

"What was that!?"Zoey yelled.

''It doesn't matter run!"Bridgette told her.

Owen is seen screaming and running in circles,but he is actually defeating some of the Skeletons.

"Ahhhh!"Owen yelled.

*Owen is seen Bulldozing several Skeletons*

"Nice one Owen"Courtney said not knowing that he did it by accident.

"Take this"Svetlana yelled as she kicked some Skeletons in the Face.


Scott:"Wow,I can just sit back and let them take on the Skeletons. Scotty gots it in the Bag. *Scott falls into the Toilet Bowl* Crap! Literally!

End Confessional

A Few Minutes Later-

The Skeletons were turned into Non Living Corpses and the Group started to move on.

"Finally"Harold smirked.

"What happen?"Mike asked while dazed.

"What do you mean!"Courtney yelled.

"You saved the day!"Zoey cheered.

"Fantastic,ready for some more?"Minister Patrick said as he returned.

"Crap!"Bridgette yelled.

"Indeed"Minister Patrick smirked.

*Mike whispered something in Owen's Ear*

"Fu Ga To Ben Keen S-

Minister Patrick got interrupted by Owen who grabbed him in a Bear Hug.

"Gotcha!"Owen smiled.

"Unhand me!"Minister Patrick yelled.

"Sure"Owen chuckled as he threw him into the Water.

''Ahhh!"he yelled as he burned away into the Water.

"What the freak!"Owen yelled.

"It's okay,he was already dead"Scott said.

"I guess your right"Owen replied.

Come on! There's the Door!"Zoey shouted in relief.

Path Two-

The Cast is seen dodging all of the Hard Snowballs.

"Hehe!"Michelle snickered.

"Cold!"Lindsay yelled.

"Don't let them hit you,there as hard as a Rock!"Noah shouted.

"We found that out the Hard way"Gwen said as she pointed to Lightning who had a Bruised Lip.

"You guys are something else"Michelle said as she froze the ground.

*They all fell on the Ground*

Duncan tried getting back up but he couldn't and he fell back down.

"Now die"She said as she pounded the Wall and the Stalactites fell to the ground.

"Ahhh!"Noah yelled as he rolled out of the way.

"Where's Izzy!"Heather yelled.

"Who cares"Gwen shrieked as she jumped out of the Icicles way.

"The Lightning is getting tired of this!"Lightning yelled as he got up and ran at her.

''You fool!"Heather yelled.

Lightning ran right into Michelle,but she turned into Snow before he could get her and she then grabbed him and started to Freeze him.

''She's making him into a Snowman!"Lindsay yelled.

"Excatly"Michelle smiled.

"Gyah!"Lightning shouted as the Snow rose up his Body.

"Lightning!"Brick yelled.

"Watch out!"Duncan yelled.

Duncan tackled Lightning out of the Way of an incoming Boulder from Above.

The Boulder smacked Michelle and made her go through the Floor into the Stream.

"Ahhhhh!"Michelle yelled in pain.

"Duncan!"Gwen yelled.

"Izzy"Noah said.

Izzy jumped down onto the Floor and she was Laughing.

"Super Fun!"Izzy laughed.

"Typical"Noah smiled.

"I know right"Heather said.

"Izzy you saved us"Brick said as he bowed.

"No Problem"Izzy replied.

*Lightning was brushing off the Snow that was on his body*

'Thanks Man"Lightning said.

"No Problem"Duncan replied.

"Were cool"Lightning said as he held out his Fist.

"Yeah"Duncan said as he bumped it.

"Come on guys let's get to the Chamber"


Lightning:"Me and Green Hair are cool for now,he saved my Life! Nobody never did that for the Lightning!"

End Confessional

Path Three-

Chef was on the other side of the Bridge waiting for the Rest.

"Come on now!"Chef yelled.

"Alright who wants to go first"DJ asked.

"Don't look at me "Beth said.

"Me either"DJ remarked.

"I will go first"Alejandro smiled.

Alejandro walked on the Wire instead of the Planks.

"He's got a lot of Balance"Cody said.

"You do too Cody,remember back in First Grade when you signed up to be a Ballerina?"Sierra wondered.

"Shut Up!"Cody yelled.

*Leshawna laughed*

"Next!"Chef yelled.

"I'll go to get away from her"Cody said as he ran across.

The Bridge started to wobble,but Cody ignored it and he reached the other side.

"Wait Cody"Sierra yelled as she ran across too.

Suddenly Bats came out of the Dark and flew around Sierra.

"Ahhh!"Sierra shrieked as she dodged the Bites.

*Sierra jumped into Cody's Arms*

"Get off"Cody said.

"Who's next"Alejandro yelled.

*Dawn sung into the Breeze*

The Bats came back towards her.

"Watch out Dawn!"Cody yelled.

The Bats grabbed Dawn and carried her across.

"Thank you"Dawn smiled.

"What!"DJ yelled.

"I'll go"Leshawna sighed as she took a few steps.

*A piece of the Bridge broke off*

"Whoa!"Leshawna yelled.

"Come on"Alejandro said.

"Okay"Leshawna smiled as she ran to him.

"That's it"Alejandro"smiled.

"He's still got it"DJ smirked.

"I'm coming"Beth yelled.

Beth ran and tripped on the last Plank,but Cody caught her.

"You have to be more careful"Cody said.

"Thanks"Beth said.

"Cody!"Sierra yelled.

"What!?"Cody replied.

DJ was the last one who didn't go yet.

"Come on big Guy!"Chef yelled.

"Um,alright"DJ sighed.

DJ took a few steps and his Foot fell through a Hole.

"AHHH!"DJ cried.

"Come on!"Leshawna yelled.

DJ walked some more and he finally made it.

"See Amigo?"Alejandro smiled.

"Yeah,that wasn't so bad"DJ replied.

"Come on let's go!"Chef yelled.


DJ:''Alejandro may be evil,but he brings out the Brave in me"

End Confessional


Inside of the Chamber we see the cast with Chef. They are standing in front of a Coffin with several Graves behind it.

"Hehe"Chef snickered.

"You sure sound happy Chef"Beth said.

"But of course,we finally get to do it"Chef smirked.

"What do you mean?"Beth replied.

"I'm so glad your okay"Duncan said as he hugged Gwen.

"Me too"Gwen smiled.

*Courtney glared at them*

*The Temple started to rumble*

"What are going to do now Chef?"Harold asked.

"Well I'm going back to my original and more suitable form"Chef said.

"What!?"Alejandro yelled.

Chef opened his Mouth and a Gastly Presence came out.

"Ew"Lindsay gagged.

As the full Body came out it had on a British Warrior Suit and he had Glasses.

"Chef"DJ said as he turned around.

Chef's body fell to the Ground.

"Crap"Duncan said.

"We haven't been able to get a proper acquaintance,my name is Sir James Morgan"James said.

"I knew something was wrong with Chef,it was all over his Aura"Dawn said.

"You're a pretty smart Girl,too bad It will be put to waste"James replied.

"What- What do you mean?"Heather asked.

"Well you see the members of my sadly small Army are dying to get into a new and youthful Body"James smiled.

"I wonder whose body they're gonna get? The Lightning ain't sticking around to find out!"Lightning yelled.

"Wait! I insist,they are absolutely dying to me you"James said as he snapped his Fingers.

All of a sudden the graves rumbled and a whole bunch of Ghosts raised up and started screaming.

"AHHH!"Most of the cast yelled.

"Bye Bye!"James smiled.

The Ghost started to go inside everybody in the room.

"I don't feel so goo-

Brick was interrupted by his Eyes turning Green and he started to get on his Knees.

The rest of the Campers did the Same and they all said in Unison. "Thank you my Lord!"

"Your welcome,now we shall take our revenge!"Jame yelled.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!"Chris yelled as he woke up with a Teddy Bear in his hand.

"What the Hell!"Chris shouted.

"I thought we sealed off that place years ago?"Chris thought.

"It was just a bad Dream"Chris smiled.

*Chris went back to Sleep*

Chris's Candle suddenly went out by itself.

"Hehe"A Girl said.

Once again I'm sorry this did not come out on Halloween.

Next time:"It's Election Day and to celebrate the Cast will do a Civil War themed Challenge via Paintball Guns,Grenades,Cannons and all that good stuff."