Silver Heart

By TwilightAnimeLover21

Drowning. She was drowning. She kept her arms moving to keep her above the water. How long has she been in the tank of strange liquid-like water that these so called scientists wanted her to be in? There have been many test subjects before her that died doing this. Then again, they wanted to test young children in it too, but it was too "inhumane" to say the least. She kept her head bobbing above the water, greedily taking in gulps of air to keep herself alive. She coughed as she kicked to keep her self up. Her long thick hair was getting into her face and sticking to her body.

Long gone were the thoughts of 'I need to cut my hair' to 'I don't want to drown. I don't want to die!'

The scientists of Sector Seven were standing by. Observing the young woman as she desperately tries to gain traction to the side of the tank, but fails to do so.

"Test Subject 27 has lasted longer than the others." One man, with white hair and a frown etched upon his face, said to his fellow scientist.

The young man nodded. The older one wrinkled his forehead and it creased more as he studied the young 18-year-old woman. "Remember, those who had family couldn't survive. They kept asking us if it was possible to see them again. We lied to them. They died before they even had a chance to go home. But it would appear that urchins in the streets, with no home to go to, no family to love them, it seems that they have a survival instinct to stay alive." He paused. "How long has she been in there?" The old man said as he turned to his younger colleagues.

One of them lifted up a clipboard and scanned it.

"About…5 hours and 45 minutes, sir." A young man with short brown hair said. The older man nodded.

"Give her 25 more minutes. Then take her out of the tank." He said as he took his leave.

The girl could feel the burning pain through her body. Her muscles felt like they were to give out, but she had to keep afloat. She didn't want to die. She lost control of her motor skills and foul tasting water surged through her mouth and nose, it was burning her. She could feel it going into her lungs and she stopped struggling. Her onyx eyes started to see darkness and she welcomed it.

One of the scientists noticed that the subject stopped swimming and shouted.

"GET HER OUT OF THERE!" He yelled as two other people used two blunt hooks to grab the girl's swimsuit and quickly pulled her out of the water.

One of them performed CPR on her and pressed down firmly on her chest then the girl coughed out the water that was filled into her lungs and threw it up. She turned to her side and coughed harshly, trying to get the sour taste out of her mouth. She hated being here, but in her mind, it was better than being out in the streets. Here she actually got food. She lay there on the metal ground, breathing hard. She was so tired. Her muscles ached and she was shaking. The water wasn't all that warm. Scientists surrounded her and neither of them offered to help her. She could hear their tap-tap on the clipboards.

She felt her self being hauled up to her feet and she tried to keep her balance, luckily someone was there to help her.

"Okay, let's take you to your room." An official said as he led her to her room.

She felt time slow down for her eyesight. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see a titanic cube. It must be larger than anything she has ever seen. It was glowing the same blue like that of the water she was thrust into. It was pulsating with waves of, what seemed like to her, electricity. She didn't pay much attention as she blacked out as she was walking, her vision fuzzy and then nothing seemed to matter more than sleep.

The same old man that was observing the test subject, started to throw things into the wall, his secretary was trying to calm him down.

"Sir! Calm down!" She said as she grabbed the older man by his arm, only to be thrown back into the wall with a sharp yelp.

The man had a wild look in his eyes. "Listen to me Elva! That test subject is that last chance we have to make a super soldier for America!" He shouted as he pushed everything off of the desk.

The woman stared at her boss with fear filled eyes. He pounded the desk and he was heaving.

"That girl is the last chance we have to keep this operation going. We will create the ultimate super-soldier. Even if it's the last thing I do." He said with a malicious undertone.

On the other side of the base, the young brown haired doctor went to check up on Subject 27. The last few subjects died after exposure from a certain time to the water that was powered by the Cube that was currently being monitored on. It would be three months after the subject was exposed to the water over 163 times over that course. The girl has been around the base since she was about the age of 12. Other subjects were older and were war heroes or veterans trying to regain their former glory.

"Tch. Former glory like bleeding from the ears, eyes, and mouth after the three month test, fingernails falling off, and skin peeling to the point where you see the muscle underneath, tissues turning black and torn to the point of decay. This girl must have something that keeps her alive." He thought to himself.

He stopped by the large window where the subject was currently awake. She slept for about 8 hours since she was taken out of the tank. She was on her bed, legs dangling over the edge and had a weary look on her face.

He looked at his notes and went over them. When they found her on the streets of Chicago, she was just a tiny thing. Wrapped in rags and was begging to work for pennies. He was with his supervisor/mentor at the time when they saw her on Main Street by a pub. He wanted to see if the experiment won't take older soldiers, they might as well take young orphans and pay them 75 cents an hour to be a subject for Sector Seven. They took girls and boys varying between the ages of 10 and 25 years old. She was the last of the orphans that they had, indeed, now at an age of 18 she was still around.

The last subject, a young man the age of 19, named 'Benny', suffered from chronic coughing and was thin as a rail. They thought he would be a breakthrough, as he stopped coughing. He was faster, stronger, and his mind was sharper. He bulked up and he was a trooper in the base. He could aim a gun and nail the same shot over and over again. He could fight like those Chinese and Japanese martial arts masters. He took orders without question and he even could take a gun apart and put it back together in under 2 minutes. He was the PERFECT super-soldier. Until 5 months ago when he suddenly started to deteriorate. The doctors couldn't figure out why he started to lose his memory, or why he was acting like a 5 year old. It was Subject 27 that was there for 'Benny' and acted as a mother toward him as his mind started to go.

He became violent. Speaking in an incoherent language as he started to shoot and kill many scientists. They had to sedate and confine him into a straightjacket and put him into Solitary confinement. Subject 27 was the only one who visited 'Benny' on a daily basis. After many days in solitary, the doctors took him out and they examined him. He was back to being stick thin and the side effects of the experiment kicked in. The super-soldier hero that America could have had, became mentally ill. He aged in front of their very eyes. Skin sagged and he was losing his teeth, blank eyes staring ahead. He became incontinent, balding, twitching, and he did nothing but drool. Subject 27 cared for him without question. Then came the violent seizures and the bleeding. His skin fell off –reveling the telltale signs of blackened muscle tissue- and he vomited everywhere. His claw-like hands were ripping away his throat and the look that was in his hazel green eyes burned of anger and it felt like he was accusing them. As if he was damning them for turning him into the wretched being that he was. He died of heart failure and blood loss.

It wasn't even two months later when they looked at subject 27 and began putting her on a soldier's diet and had her train as one. This was their last chance of making a super soldier. They cannot fail this. So far subject 27 hasn't shown any signs of improvement since being dunked into the water as many times as she have. She looked sullen, sitting there on the bed. The young scientist thought that she was too pretty a girl to be used as a test subject. He often wondered what she would have been if she had family and a place to be instead of Sector Seven's base. Would she have been a model, a pin-up girl for a magazine, or a worker for the Woman's army? He didn't know.

She was wearing thin white clothing material that did nothing to hide her dignity. The pants were shortened to her knees and the shirt wasn't large enough to hide her breasts. He shook his head. He wondered why he was working for Sector Seven again. He observed her again. She was moving her legs a bit. She was swinging them slowly. She was most likely feeling the after pain that came along from being in the water for too long. Her skin that was once browned from all the summer days that the base would let the children out and play, it was now white as a sheet that he can plainly see her veins under her skin; Her platinum blond hair made a complete set for her; making her seem like a frail ghost. Her onyx black eyes were void of emotion. He made his leave; Subject 27 will be going back into the waters again tomorrow.

It has been three years, three long years of torture for Subject 27. Sector Seven was please in its efforts that she survived this long, but they were upset that nothing has changed her. Granted her skin was pale as ever and her hair had grown longer and she had put it into a bun style to keep it out of her onyx eyes, but the experiment failed. The World War was over; dropping the Atomic bomb in Hiroshima had ended the war.

The day after, Subject 27 was dead. She had stopped breathing in the middle of the night. It was as if she just went to sleep and never woke up. Sector Seven got rid of all the files of Project: Aindrias and destroyed evidence that it even existed. The young scientist that was in charge of the project had to force his fellow colleagues to forget everything they have learned about the experiments. The old man, who was previously in charge of the project, suffered a heart attack three months before the war ended.

"Three years of hard work down the drain." He thought as he stood in front of a fireplace with a thick stack of papers of Subject 27.

Everything that he and other scientists pulled together was in this single file. He was about to toss it into the fire…but he stopped. He got to thinking.

"What if in the future…they could pull this off? What if the younger generations could do something with the Cube that we couldn't?" He took the files and he hid them in a file that no one uses.

He could be court-marshaled for this, but he knew that one-day, someday, the file would be brought up again and used to help soldiers to become the heroes that they should be. He prayed to whatever God that was out there, that whoever would experiment with Project: Aindrias, he hoped that they would turn the future of America around, the later, the world.

It was dark. She didn't feel cold, in fact she felt a bit warm in a sense. She opened her eyes and it was still dark. She also felt stiff. She moved around a bit and found that she was confined in a box of sorts. She raised her hand a bit and it hit wood. She panicked. She was in a coffin. Her breathing became sharp and quick and she screamed. She pounded the surface of the wood and she could feel the splinters dig into her skin. The pain resonated throughout her body as she tried to get out but no avail. She then decided that panicking wouldn't help her cause. She laid still and took another deep breath.

Her thoughts were confused, but as she continued to take deep breaths, it was as if her mind straightened things out. She could get out of here. She raised her hands and felt the roof of the coffin again. It was about a foot away from her. If she could find a weak spot in the wood, she could get out of the coffin, but then she had to deal with the heavy dirt that was on top of her, her mind went into overdrive as she thought out the possibilities. She had a straight shot. Gritting her teeth and pulling back her fist, she punched the roof of the coffin.

A graveyard worker just filled out a fresh grave again, with his apprentice by his side.

"I'll tell ya one thing boy, they don' pay shit to be a grave worker, but it's money on the table tha's fer sure." An old man said as he sat down on an unmarked gravestone and wiped his forehead.

It was raining sure, but that didn't mean he had sweat pouring off his forehead. The grave worker's apprentice held an umbrella over his head.

"Yes Sir." He said smiling, and then he frowned suddenly.

"Sir, isn't it disrespectful for you to be sitting on a Grave marker?" The apprentice said as he leaned over to see the words on the marker, only to see none.

The older man frowned deeply. "This is an unmarked grave, boy. Whoever buried him or her, whatever it is, they had no family. The people that I saw about two weeks ago that buried tha coffin were a bunch of soldiers; maybe it was an unknown soldier that was killed in the war. Who knows?" He grumbled. Then he went complaining about his back hurting.

"But sir, what if something popped out of that grave? Like a…a Ghost?" The apprentice spoke.

The older man laughed. "Boy, there's no such thing as ghosts. If there were, why I'd eat my hat." He said as he stood up.

As the man stood up, there was a suspicious noise that was coming from the grave. The man turned around and walked to the side of the unmarked grave, his apprentice following close behind. The pouring rain didn't do much, but the old man's ears were fairly sharp. He could hear…scratching?

"Hm…must be those damned gophers. Gimme' that shovel boy, I'm gonna give those little buggers a piece of my mind." He said as he gabbed the shovel away from his apprentice's hand and readied himself.

He saw a bit of movement underneath the dirt and he had a smile on and prepared to slam his shovel down. What he didn't expect was a hand that thrusted out of the grave and he gave a frightened shout and fell onto his rear. He apprentice gave a shout of horror and he stepped beside his boss. They saw another hand that popped out of the grave and the limbs were digging themselves out.

The older man's eyes widened to the point where he couldn't believe what was happening. He was frozen in his spot as the limbs started to connect to a body. It created a hole and out came a woman. She wore a white dress and she was pale. He hair was just as pale as her body. She pulled herself out of the grave and was on her knees, breathing heavily. She then pushed herself to get up oh her feet and looked around. The most shocking thing that occurred to the two men was that this woman has electric blue eyes. She blinked at them curiously. Then she smiled and waved.

"Sorry for scaring you, but where am I?" She asked. It was crackly and dry from misuse, but the two men heard her loud and clear.

"Yo-your in Washington, D.C. You are i-in the s-soldier part of the Fallen Heroes Gra-graveyard." The apprentice squeaked out.

The girl tilted her head as if to process the information then she glowered at the two men.

"I see. Well thank you for burying me in my grave, but as you can see I'm perfectly alive, but do me a favor, NO ONE must know of this. Okay?" She asked as she stepped toward the men, they in turn scrambled back in the pouring rain and they accidentally fell into the fresh grave that they have dug and lightening flashed through out the sky. When they got out of the muddy hole, the woman was gone.

"Sir…" The apprentice said uneasily. "Didn't you say you would eat your hat if there was such thing as ghosts?" He said as he looked at his boss with wide eyes.

The boss had a dumbstruck look on his face and he took his hat of his balding head and started to chomp down on it. Wondering what sort of monster would bury a live woman like that.

TAL21:This is the first time that i will be writing something other than Anime, and i wanted to give Transformers a shot. it has been taking over my mind for the past few days, and i wanted to put it out there and see what i can get! I for one, am a HUGE Transformers fan, not a head-geek though, but i know enough about it that i understand a lot. :) So without further ado, i present, Silver Heart.If you want the full summary, go to my profile and take a look at it. I will be asking people if you want the OC in around Sam's Neighborhood or out in the Desert in Quater. At least 5 or more reviews if you want an update and want me to keep this story going! Remember to Keep on Reading and Imagining! :D