Hi, finally... I finished the last chapter... it gave me a bit trouble cause I didn't know how I should let Natsu come back but I had decided on one way and... you will read it anyway in the chapter. I am really sorry to everyone I made cry or almost cry with the last chapter. I hope this chapter can cheer you all up.

Thank you all for suporting and reviewing, putting it in either favorits or alerts or both. I am really thankful for you all and I am glad that I decided to write this story.

So now enough of talking! Read, enjoy and review please!

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Fariy Tail neither do I own Hotarubi no Mori e, it all belonges to the originals.

The yokai I fell in love with


This year I had made a decision. I still kept my plan of moving into the village of my uncle and I also was determinate to finally go back a last time to this place. I didn't want to move on, but I wanted to feel near Natsu one last time.

I put my bag in my uncle's house and I pulled a dragon like mask out of one of the bags. I hugged it near to my heart and I felt a burning in my eyes. Tears dared to come again but I held them back. I started to walk out of the house and slowly up to the mountain. I had some pink flowers in my hand. I brought them on my way to the mountain.

I came nearer and nearer to the stone gates and I felt my heart ache. I slowed down and my knees felt like they were made of pudding. Was I wrong? Was I even ready to come here already? Questions spun in my head and then I was standing in front of those stone gates.

My mind played tricks on my and I thought that Natsu was sitting there on the stairs grinning at me like he used to do it. I felt how the tears finally ran down my cheeks. Step by step I got closer to the stairs and I then placed the pink flowers on them. My grip on the dragon mask tightens and my heart ached.

"I still love you, Natsu…" I mumbled as light sobs echoed through the forest.


I froze, my sobs stopped in an instant as my tears still rolled down my cheeks. I slowly turned around and gasp. "T-t-this… c-can't be…"

Natsu POV

"Natsu, don't forget about me. Don't forget and I won't forget you."

I was looking at a beautiful girl with blond her she smiled such a wonderful smile that I couldn't take of my eyes from her. I familiar feeling washed over me. I felt that I wanted to say something to her but my tongue didn't move. Suddenly she started to fade away. Frozen in the position she was, with her smile. I stood up, I didn't even realized that I was sitting on the ground. I stretched out my hand and….

I sat up fast, looking around confused. My head hurt and my hand was still stretched out as if to reach something. Where was I again? Oh right, I was in my new house I would move in today. But then why were I on the ground and why did I have a bump on my head?

Suddenly a familiar face went into my version. "Finally you're awake. I was thinking on bringing you to the village doctor but looks like you're ok."

A man with spike red hair and a wide grin in his face said. I looked at him for a while before the memories came back to me. I was Natsu Dragneel. I moved on my own will into this village cause it felt somehow right. This man next to me was my adoptive father. He had raised me and he had the antic to accidently knock me out while training in his dojo or when he was helping me moving.

Now I also remembered how I landed on the floor. Dad was moving around with a plank and hit me with it! "You damn old man!" I growled as suddenly a woman with long blue hair appeared in the doorway.

"Igneel, is Natsu awake? I always knew that you and Metalicana weren't made to raise children. I am still surprised that the boy could survive you so long." This woman was Grandine, she was an old friend of my Dad. Same went for Metalicana she mentioned. The three of them were childhood friends had had grown up together. Well that is what Dad told me at least.

I noticed that they were going to argue and when they would start arguing there was no way for a normal human to stop them, so I went out. It was quiet hot for summer and I sat down on a rock outside. I was 19 year old now and I had made the decision to come to this village to live here on my own. Igneel had eyed me when I told him about it but for some reasons I felt like I belonged here.

Also since I was 17, dreams started to hunt me. Not nightmares or anything like that. The dreams were enjoyable. I saw myself being together with a blond girl who had the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. I saw her grow up from when she was 6 to 16 years. But it was kind of strange. Those dreams didn't seem like dreams. They were more like memories of another life from me, a life where I was wearing a dragon mask and had a scale like looking scarf.

But what confused me the most was that after one special dream. When I woke up after that dream, I had this scale scarf around my neck and tears were running down my face. It was the dream where I saw myself disappearing into light in her arms. I felt like I lost something, like everything I dreamed was real. I had those dreams for two years now and I still had them. They were repeating themselves especially this one where I would disappear into light.

And always, when I woke up after does dreams I felt empty like something was missing. It was like I had lived a second life as the me in my dreams and it felt so real. I felt all those emotions and I knew that this blond girl was really important to me. No, she wasn't only important. It was more like that I was in love with the girl from my dreams. I knew everything about her, but only her name. Her name was the only thing I couldn't remember after one of the dreams.

Something inside of me told me to finally find this blond girl. Then I remembered those stone gates I saw in my dreams and I began to research them. I found out that stone gates like that were only found on God Mountains. But it wasn't like there was only one mountain of this kind. So I looked up all pictures I found and then I found this one picture. It matched perfect my dream. After finding this picture it was easy to find out the place where they had taken it and then the only problem was for me to get there.

I felt that something was drawing me there and I had to argue with my Dad for more than a half year that he would finally allow me to move there. I got fast a house where I could stay and soon my things were packed and I was here.

Grendine, her daughter and Dad still wanted to help so now I was cursed that the three of them started to decorate the house. Dad was saying that this house needed a training hall, Grandine thought that it needed more windows to let in fresh air and Wendy, her daughter, was saying that this household would need a woman. After she said that my Dad looked weirdly at me and was saying something about me never getting a girlfriend here.

I shook my head. My main focus was to find the girl from my dreams and I had this feeling that my chances to find her here would be higher than anywhere else. I kept thinking about her and the dreams which were like memories as a small voice brake my train of thoughts.

"Natsu…" It whispered the voice strange enough sounded really familiar to me.

"Natsu…" It said again and this time I stood up I had the feeling like I was supposed to follow the voice. I looked over my shoulder to see that Dad and Grandine were already stuck in their argument and Wendy trying helplessly to stop them. So I went out to the street and then…

…I saw her, the blond girl with the beautiful brown eyes. She wasn't the grown up version I remembered from my latest dream but the smaller one, maybe six years old version. The girl ran around a corner her arms stretched out like she wanted to fly with using her arms as wings. I ran after her but then she disappeared. I heard a giggle and I instantly knew it was her giggle. I looked around and saw her disappearing behind another corner some meters away.

I followed again but she was nowhere to be seen when I came around the corner. I looked nervous from side to side to find her but I didn't see her. I was about to give up my hope when I heard her voce again.

"Natsu… I am here again…" I saw her running up the way to the mountain this time she was older, maybe around 13 or 14 and she was wearing a middle school uniform. But she disappeared behind a tree again when I was about to catch up to her. I was confused, but I was still searching for her. I knew that this had some meaning and I wanted to find her to finally understand why I had those dreams.

"Natsu… don't forget about me. Don't forget and I won't forget you." I heard her voice and saw her walking along a path which felt so familiar to me. This time she seemed also older again and she was wearing a high school uniform this time. I followed her again but she disappeared behind the next corner again. A strange feeling was spreading out in my body and I started to follow this mountain path.

"I am so happy I met you back then Natsu." I heart that voice again. Now I remember, every dream, every sentence I heard. Everything was real. I had been something between a yokai and a spirit here. I had lived here in this forest together with other yokais. I walked faster, I knew what was by the end of this way.

Everything made sense to me. But why was I remembering this only now? Why did I live like a normal human till now? Did I get a second chance in life? Why else did I get a second childhood, a second family, a second life? I was confused but I kept walking till I reached the stone gates.

There they were, right in front of me. Everything was like in my dreams uh… memories or whatever. I panted lightly, I didn't notice it but I had run the last meters. My heart was beating faster and I tensed when I saw a figure with blond hair by the stairs right before the stone gates. The figure placed something on the stairs and stepped back a bit. I could see now that it was a woman, maybe the same age as me or a bit younger. Anyway the thing she placed there looked like pink flowers, they had the exact same pink color like my hair.

"I still love you, Natsu…" I heard her say very quiet. Then I heard her sobs and I felt like my heart was breaking. Why was she crying? Oh right… I disappeared right after I confessed… stupid me…

I stepped a bit closer I wanted to say something to her but I couldn't remember her name. Then when I settled on saying: "Oi! Why are you crying?" something else escaped my lips and I suddenly knew again who she was.

"Luce…" I nearly whispered but she had heard me and stopped sobbing. She turned around very slowly and I wanted to step up to her and just turn her around myself but when she looked at me she was frozen.

"T-t-this… c-can't be…" I heard her mumble and when I took another step she also took one but in the opposite direction and kept and tight hold on my old dragon mask in her hands.

"You are Lucy Heartphilia, right? You're my Lucy, right?" I asked but I could see fear in her eyes as she took another step away from me. Why was she scared? I was here right in front of her and I would finally be able to touch her without anything happening. She was my Lucy and I knew it. Maybe she looked a bit different than the one I remember but still she was it. Her blond hair was a bit longer and it waved a in the wind. Her looks where also more mature, her eyes were still the same beautiful brown I remembered it to be but I missed the spark of happiness they always had. Also it bothered me that tears were still running down her face. I wanted, no I needed to see her beautiful and loving smile. I wanted to hear her laugh to smile and I wanted that this sadness in her eyes to disappear.

I grinned at her and opened my arms. "Don't worry Luce! I won't disappear this time!"

Lucy POV

He was really there. Natsu was standing right in front of me. My mind wasn't playing tricks on my, was it? Natsu was right there holding his arms open for me. His pink hair, his grin, his onyx eyes and even the scarf I gave him was around his neck. He was wearing a jacket with one sleeve on the left side, his right arm was left open. He was also wearing his white trousers and the black sandals.

But why was I so scared. Fear was all over in my heart, a fear I couldn't really explain but I guessed it was the fear the he would just disappear again. One time losing him was already enough for me and with him right here I wouldn't be able to go through everything again. I clenched onto the mask in my hands.

"Come on Luce! My arms are getting tired! Can't you give me a 'welcome back'-hug already?" I heard him saying and he still had this grin on his face.

My body reacted on its own when I started giggling. The masked felt out of my hands and I ran right into his arms. The warm of his body felt just like I remembered it but I was 1000-times happier. My tears were still running down my cheeks but they weren't tears of sadness anymore, they were tears of happiness.

"Natsu… where were you? I missed you…" I mumbled into his shoulder as I griped onto his jacket so tight. I felt like if I let go, he would leave me again.

"Well… I kind of don't understand it myself but I got to life a second life… but now I am here as a real human and we can be together as long as we want!" I could hear out of his voice that he was still grinning and I also smiled myself. The first time in two years I smiled a real smile.

"A-hum… I don't really want to ruin your happy reunion… but don't you want to know what happened?"

Natsu and I let go from each other with bright red faces and looked at the person who said this. A girl with long, wavy, blond hair and green eyes was standing under the stone gates. She looked at us with a smile on her face and somehow a really strong aura I couldn't describe was coming off from her.

"It quiet easy to explain though…" She mumbled as she put her finger on her chin and looked at the sky with a thoughtful expression.

"Well after seeing how deeply you guys loved each other I sent Natsu back to the time were he was a baby and I made sure that his foster father Igneel would find him. So that he will grow up as a normal human and when I was sure that he was old enough I started to give him back his memories of his former life." The girl looked at us and smiled her eyes sparkled. "Quiet easy, right?!"

My eyes were wide when I stared at her. Who was she I looked over at Natsu and he growled. I was officially confused about everything right now.

"And you didn't thought of making Igneel find me the first time when I was abonded in this forest? You put a damn spell on me, kept me in this forest and you were able all this time to just send me back in time to give me a normal life?" Natsu was now glaring at the girl and I kind of could guess who she was now. "God! Mavis what kind of a god are you?! Hell Makarov would have been a better god than you!"

"Uh Natsu… I don't think it is a good idea to insult a god…" I mumbled but not loud enough that he would hear me.

"I am sorry…" Mavis started crying. "… but at last you found your true love because of me…"

Natsu stopped in his anger and looked surprised at me and back at Mavis. "Uh… Oh yeah! If I hadn't lived in this forest I wouldn't have met Luce at all!"

I face palmed at Natsus realization but at the same time I started giggling. This was just the way Natsu was and I was happy that he was here right next to me. I felt like touching him again so I went up to him for a hug and Natsu gladly returned it. We both looked at Mavis as she slowly started to fade away.

"Unwavering faith and resilient bonds will bring even miracles to your side. Without your love for each other, I wouldn't have been able to do this all…" and with these words Mavis left us alone.

It was silence between us as we stayed their just holding each other in the arms. I enjoyed the feeling of having Natsu again and happiness, love, relieve and so many other emotions came back to me.

"Soooooooo want to see my house?" Natsu suddenly spoke up and I looked at him confused. "I moved here just a some days ago and as long as you keep your plan on also living here we will see each other more often."

Natsu grinned at me and I laughed. "Then let's go!"

I ran ahead and laughed when I saw over my shoulder Natsu running after me. When we were in the village again Natsu passed me and was now running in front of me. He looked over his shoulder and stuck his tongue playful at me.

We stopped running when we reached his house and I laughed. It was great to be together with him again. He held out his hand for me and I gladly took it. Before we went in he gave me a kiss on my cheek, mumbling something about a good luck charm.

We went in and I was greeted with two adults arguing and a little girl trying to calm them down.

"I can't believe it, they are still arguing…" I heard Natsu mumble as he then coughed loudly to get their attention. All three of them stopped and looked at us, when they saw me I was instantly attacked by questions.

"Who are you?"

"What's your name?"

"Are you living here too?"

"How the hell could my idiot son find a girl like you?"

"Are you Natsu-sans girlfriend?"

"Will you live with Natsu in this house?"

"I still can't believe Natsu meet a girl like you…"

"SHUT UP!" Natsu yelled at them all and dragged me behind him. "Stop bothering her! Her name is Lucy and yes she is my girlfriend!"

I blushed when Natsu said it out. Since he was back we never really redo our confessions, it was clear to us that we loved each other but we never really said that we were a couple now. I was happy to hear it though, we were together now and we would always stay together from now on. Nothing could separate us anymore.

After a while everything had quiet down. Igneel, Grandine and Wendy had left and I was alone with Natsu again. We were sitting on the couch in peace together. My head rested on his shoulder and his left arm was around my waist.

"Natsu… I really love you…" I mumbled as sleepiness overcame me.

"Yeah… I love you too, Luce." He also mumbled tired. I looked up at him and he looked at me. Our faces good closer to each other until our lips finally meet each other, we shared a long and loving kiss before we separated for air again and I rested my head on his shoulder again while his rested on top of mine.

My eyes slowly closed as I finally fell asleep, save and sound in his arm. Yes from now on nothing would separate us again. I was now able to touch Natsu and he also wouldn't just disappear like that again. It was like a miracle. I had fallen in love with a yokai but in the end this yokai turned out to be a human.

It was just like Mavis had said it: "Unwavering faith and resilient bonds will bring even miracles to your side."

Thank you all for reading this story. the last sentence from Mavis is something she really said in the manga and I thought that it would be perfect for this story so I used it.

Speacial thanks to:

GoldenRoseTanya, beatress, JazzinAces, Naturesshadows, EvelinChan, moemoekyun, Badger Face, Twistedkorn, jizang, Guest: XxxRikoxxX, ClumsyMustache, CupcakeGirl633, sk8lyn123, Camanime, Guest: nyanedcat, PARADISE.x, Critic-san, aeotae, Chiharu Himeji, Lady of the Black Moon, Deekie, mimicow10, ixburnout, Nayami-Chan, AmyJusta, theta117, Emcronia, Future Shining Star, antishock, AznCokiee, Lolita-chi, The-Cute-Panda, kyrstens122

Thank you all for suporting this story and thank you all in the future who will read this story, put it in his favorit/alert or both.

Please know that I may write an epiloge but still the story counts as complete now. Thank you all for reading.

Hopefully, see ya in an epiloge or sequel (^.^)v