Memoirs of a Third Seat

By: Shay Candy

Chapter Twelve – Training

"Thank you to everyone that has arrived here today. Many of you are aware as to why this training has been called as you have heard firsthand accounts of the recent happenings, but most of you are not," Akane spoke as she stood in front of the open space of the Sōkyoku Hill, gazing at the large group of Soul Reapers that had assembled per the Head Captain's orders. "So, before we begin I will fill you in on the happenings that are taking place here. We are going to war, unfortunately. And, unlike the battle with former Squad Five Captain, Aizen, the enemy is not one of our own. He is my long-lost twin brother."

There were quiet gasps that breezed through the winds, members of various squads turning to look at and speak with one another in hushed whispers. They'd heard talks of the Six Division's Third Seat and her family history. But none of them would have ever guessed that it would be her twin brother that would be causing an issue in the Soul Society, or that the Third Seat would be so forth coming with that information to so many strangers.

"Per order from Head Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, I will be training all Captains, Lieutenants and able bodied Seated squad members to fight and win against my brother," Akane continued, drawing their attention back to her. She gazed out at them with piercing green eyes, her features stoic. "We will meet several times during the weeks that will lead up to the battle that is to take place in 97 days at noon. Messengers will be sent a half hour prior to inform you of where the training session is to be held on that particular day. I hope that you all will continue to show and take this training seriously. It could mean life or death for you. And if it can be helped, I would prefer that we all keep our lives."

"But since it's your brother that's causing all this trouble, how do we know that you are not in cahoots with him and just using this training as a way to measure our skill before reporting to him what you've learned," someone from the tenth division asked. "How do we know that we can even begin to trust you, Third Seat Murasaki?"

There were murmurs of agreement that wafted around, many of the lower ranked members equally skeptical of the red-haired woman. Akane had opened her mouth to speak but was beat to the punch by her lieutenant who had come to her defense.

"Akane Murasaki is not a threat to us," Renji barked, his fists coming to rest upon his hips. "She is being personally, targeted by her brother just as her other siblings who had been killed by his hand had been. All because she had become a Soul Reaper. She has risked her life fighting against this man already to bring all this to a stop so that everyone would not have to fight and has sustained injuries inflicted by him. She has sworn by her honour as a Soul Reaper, to destroy Kenji Murasaki by her own hand when the chance arises. Do not doubt what she says."

"It is as Renji says," Rukia chimed in. "Akane has lost more to her brother's hand than we can even begin to comprehend. He also aims to kill her before going on to destroying the Soul Society. If Akane were a spy for him as you suggest, she could have kept this information to herself and not bothered with going through the trouble of organizing this training session at the Head Captain's request."

"Yeah but…" Another seated member started before they were silenced by the influx of the Head Captain's reiatsu, all eyes turning to the old man.

"Akane Murasaki's loyalty is not to be questioned any further," Genryusai barked. "While I understand your concern with her possibly being a traitor due to previous actions of past squad members, I can assure you that her loyalties lie with the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and not that nuisance of a brother of hers. Only one with the resolve to see through the task she has been bestowed with can speak with the conviction that I have heard from her in our previous meetings. Unlike everyone here, Third Seat Murasaki is familiar with this enemy having grown up in the same home, therefore, we need her assistance in this fight against him so that not only we survive but the entire Soul Society is kept safe."

Silence washed over everyone present, the eyes of those that had tried to question her loyalty cast downward in shame. Byakuya had watched the entire exchange, intrigued. Never had he seen in his many years of service, the Head Captain come to the aid of any subordinate. Akane was definitely a special woman indeed. And he was certain, this was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to finding out who his Third Seat really was.

The training had been grueling. Akane had drilled into them how to take proper stance when dealing with her brother. Had worn them out with making them repeat her teachings over and over again. Sparring with anyone who felt they would be up to the task. Everyone had been surprised when Byakuya Kuchiki had stepped up and challenged her. Many had the sinking suspicion that he actually suspected her of treason. While others knew why he did what he did. He'd been present during the first encounter with Kenji, had saved Akane's life that day before escorting her back to the Seireitei to have her wounds patched up by the 4th Division's captain.

Rukia walked alongside Renji, her arms folded across her chest. "I still can't believe we're going back to war after everything that we went through with Aizen. I still wonder about Akane's brother. Who could be so callous, hate something so much that he would kill his own family for choosing to be the thing that he believed caused him pain. Why would he not give them the chance to tell him the entire story? All of this could have been avoided."

"Everyone processes things differently than others," Renji murmured. "While he should have allowed his siblings or even the Soul Reapers he believed killed his parents to explain, I'm sure we could have avoided this entire situation. But there are those who do not listen to reason no matter what the truth is. Kenji seems to be one of those individuals."

"I just feel really bad for Akane," Rukia murmured, her fingers clutching her kosode. "To have to kill her own brother? If I were in her position, I don't know if I'd be able to do it. Of course, Byakuya would never do something like this. But still… she must be very strong if she can build up an iron resolve to carry out something like this when it involves the last living member of her family."

She glanced up when she felt Renji's hand rest on her shoulder, the red hair offering her an empathic smile. She returned it before they continued towards the sixth division's barracks.

"Something strikes me as interesting though," Rukia piqued after a few long moments of silence. "When I spoke with Akane during the break, she'd told me that my brother spoke with Head Captain Yamamoto on her behalf. He was concerned about her ability to carry out this mission. And Yamamoto brought it up when you guys got back from your mission in the Rukon. My brother is never one to openly express concern like that for anyone… other than myself and you. But that's the first time he's ever gone to the Head Captain about something like that. It makes me wonder, what does my brother have up his sleeve when it comes to Akane? Do you think that he may be trying to step in and finish off Kenji in Akane's place to spare her the agony of having to do it herself?"

"Honestly? I'm not really sure," Renji answered. "Captain Kuchiki has seemed to be very concerned about her even before we learned about all of this. There was one day that he sent me to check on her because he felt her reiatsu spike right after she first joined the squad. I really didn't think too much about it then, especially since I had felt it too and would have went to check on her anyway even if the Captain didn't order it. But now that you mention his behaviour, I feel like it might be something more to it than what we actually know."

"Or we're just reading too far into it and my brother is finally just allowing everyone to see a different side of him now," Rukia said waiving the thought off. Byakuya couldn't possibly have feelings for Akane, could he? "He has changed quite a bit from when we first met him. Before you couldn't tell what, he was thinking. Now, he pretty much wears his emotions on his sleeve when it comes to matters that are close to his heart."

"Yeah, you might be right about that," Renji chuckled, dismissing the idea. "Maybe he is just showing concern for her because of the situation she is in. I mean, it is pretty similar to what happened with you when we found you in the human world."

Rukia's chest clenched at the thought, the fact that her brother had been so conflicted with upholding the law and keeping his promise to her sister because of her had hurt. She had put him in a situation where he had to place one over the other, which no man should ever have to do. To watch his own sister be sentenced to death? And be unable to do anything about it? She could only imagine the conflicting emotions that he'd been burdened with in that few weeks from when she'd returned to the Soul Society leading up to her execution.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bring up bad memories," Renji apologized when he noticed her mood shift.

"No, it's okay," Rukia answered. "The situation is similar. And maybe Brother can empathize with her, perhaps that's why he's so concerned about her wellbeing. She put on such a brave face today during the training, I was surprised. The way she talked about the situation, the way she didn't even flinch when she'd said that she would be the one to kill him? It's just like Byakuya when he announced my execution order to me and you."

"Mhm," Renji hummed with a nod of his head.

Several Weeks Later

Over the last several weeks, all the Captains, Lieutenants and seated officers met at Sōkyoku Hill and trained; the impending dooms day drawing ever nearer. Byakuya could tell that it was starting to get to his Third Seat. So, after another training session had ended, he'd sought her out. She wasn't hard to find, she mostly spent all of her time in the office, her room or the Sixth Division training grounds. He'd found her in the office, pouring over paperwork that wasn't a priority. Once the training sessions had started, Yamamoto had ordered that paperwork be placed on a backburner and everyone focus on learning the formations they would need to fight in. Or going on recon missions to gather more intel about Kenji and his whereabouts. As well as any developments in any allies he'd acquired to assist him in this fight against the Soul Reapers.

His hands were concealed in the sleeves of his kosode as he watched her, calculating slate grey eyes checking for any obvious signs of her attention shifting. When he found none, he cleared his throat. She snapped to almost immediately, her pen laid down on the desk top. "Captain?"

"You are suffering through unnecessary paperwork once again." It was more of a statement than a question, his eyes shifting from the stack of papers back to her to indicate what he'd been referring to. "You are aware that it is not a priority at this time, correct?"

"Yes, I know," Akane answered, her pen picked up once more as she went back to work. "But I figured since I am not instructing a training session right now, I would get a head start on some of this paperwork. It has been sitting for several weeks now."

"Hnn," the nobleman hummed, turning on his heel to make his way out of the office as he called over his shoulder. "Leave the paperwork and come with me, Murasaki."

"Captain," Akane questioned as she looked up at his retreating back.

"Do not fall behind, Third Seat," was his only reply before he walked out the door of the office.

Not wanting to suffer her Captain's irate attitude about not following orders, the redhead quickly jumped up from her seat and scurried to follow. She fell in step with the Captain after a few moments of running to catch up, curious emerald eyes looking around to see if she could figure out where exactly it was that he was taking her. When she could not come up with a plausible destination, she merely continued to obediently follow the raven hair to wherever it was he was taking her.