IceCReaMloVeRx: Yo! Wow guys, I have finally come back from the dead! It's been a super long time since I typed a fanfic (or updated one...) so it's time to kick off with a fresh start! Give this fic a chance and some reviews and criticism would be nice:) (No crazy flames;_; I have low self esteem)

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers or any of the movies. They belong to their rightful owners. I only own the OCs.

~Story Start~

The leaves rustled as the shadow leaned down to get a closer look at its target. The shadow peered into the window of a house to see a woman talking on the phone. It quickly took out the file that it was given back at headquarters. The shadow was to capture the woman as hostage. Confirming the woman's appearance on the file to the one the shadow is seeing, it was clear. Take the woman hostage or kill her on the spot. Just when the shadow was about to leap in order to break through the window, a young child's cry was heard. The woman quickly rushed off to attend the child and from the window, the shadow could see the woman comforting a young girl around the ages of 2 to 4 years old. The woman bounced the child in order to make the child stop crying, giving the toddler hushes and kisses. The shadow stopped.

Something inside its mind couldn't bring itself to take the woman and the child hostage. It wouldn't feel right, to take a mother and child as hostages just to threaten a single person. It was a dirty tactic and the shadow couldn't believe what the higher ups were thinking. Its superiors held a grudge against this single man who now held some power in the military, and in order to make this man suffer, the superiors hired the shadow to go to the man's residence, sneak into his property, and hold the family members hostage. The file that the shadow received only contained information on the man's wife, never about the man and woman having a child.

Watching the mother and child, the shadow decided to abort her mission. It didn't feel right and it went against it's morals to capture a child and use the child against its father. Knowing the superiors will be disappointed and angry, the shadow decided to stop. It couldn't bring itself to capture a daughter and her mother. The shadow swiftly jumped down from the tree, turning to leave until a group of men from the army jumped at it. Slowly, its world went black.

At Washington D.C., Major Will Lennox had just finished his meeting with the Secretary of Defense, John Keller, and the leader of N.E.S.T., General Morshower. They were just discussing what was happening at the base until a group of scouts entered the room. They properly greeted them before giving them the status report.

" We have the specified assassin captured," the leader declared. "As the source had said, the suspect was lingering around the Lennox property." Will looked alarmed. Was Sarah and Annabelle alright? Were they harmed? Will stiffened up and his gaze hardened as he looked at the scouts.

"Was my wife and child harmed?" Will asked, worried that something had happened to them.

"No, no one was harmed. We took the suspect into interrogation and the suspect claims that no one was harmed or hurt," the soldier reported.

"Let us see this person." General Morshower ordered and the lead scout waved his hand towards his men. His men left to a room and within a few minutes, they came back, only with a young woman around the age of 18 in handcuffs and shackles. Will looked surprised for a moment. This young woman, perhaps even a teenager, had tried to kill his wife and daughter? He couldn't believe it for a second, but he kept his hard gaze directed towards her. Anything was possible especially now with the economy, anyone is willing to kill in return for money.

"You're telling me that this young lady, this girl, tried to take down a woman and child?" the Secretary of Defense asked in disbelief. In his eyes, this girl in front of him looked just like a teenager who belonged in school instead of a holding cell.

"You'd be surprised sir. This "girl" happens to be one of the top assassins in a secret organization. According to the file she was given, she was to infiltrate the Lennox property and capture Major Lennox's wife as hostage and use her against Lennox to obey the organization's demands," the soldier reported, taking out the file that the assassin had, and handed it over to Will.

Will took the file and opened it, astonished that the file contained precise information of his wife. Age, height, hair color, description, full name, occupation, the file had it all. All except the information stating that they had a child that goes by the name Annabelle Lennox. Will stared at the file for a long time, long enough that he could burn holes through it. Then, he looked up and looked at the assassin. Slowly, he approached her. As he approached her, he took in her appearance.

The assassin was a young woman, the earliest age people would assume she is would be 18, and the latest would be 25. Her head was ducked down so he couldn't see her face, but her hair was dark brown and it reached to her waist. She was dressed in black short, a black mini tube top that showed her belly, a small dark gray-black vest over the tube top, and black heeled boots that reached up too her thighs. He also took note of the holsters strapped to her thighs, noticing the weapons gone. He glanced at the other soldiers and noticed how one was holding a Japanese katana.

"Hey, look up when someone's trying to talk to you," the lead scout looked down at her and jerked her forward, causing the young woman to scowl and look up. Will noticed how she had unusual lavender-purple eyes. Perhaps they were contact lenses? As she looked up at Will, her hair framed her face, her bangs covering her eyes a bit. However, her gaze at Will was stern.

"Why did you attempt to capture my wife?" Will asked, looking down at her. He wouldn't be surprised if she didn't answer. She was probably loyal to her organization so it would not surprise him if she said nothing in return. What he was more curious about, was why did she abort the mission. He highly doubts that it was a sudden change of heart if she truly was one of the top assassins in her group. She was silent. Will waited, but he wasn't surprised if she stayed silent.

"...My superiors know what happened in Mission City," a quiet voice spoke up. Will snapped his head towards her, surprised she was willing to talk. "They knew that you were involved with the Mission City incident, therefore they wanted to use something against you in order to sell you out." The assassin stayed quiet after awhile, then she looked back up at Will. "And what better way to get a man to squirm than to threaten the safety of his loved one?"

Will's eyes hardened. Who was this group? How did they know about Mission City. The public was told to keep it a tight secret for those who were victims or were involved and for those outside of the incident, it was told to be a terrorist attack. Someone was probably paid to sell out the information to this group. Will gritted his teeth. Because of leaked information, some crazy group is now after him, and by striking him where it hurts, they decide to target his family. As he pondered who this group could be, his eyes wandered back over to the young woman. This led to his next question.

"...Why didn't you take my wife hostage then?" Will asked slowly. General Morshwer and John Keller glanced at the woman as she shifted her eyes, looking to the side. The soldiers however, jerked her towards the three men. She scowled at the soldiers before looking at Will. She let out a quiet sigh.

"...The file never said anything about a child. I was seriously going to leap in and break through the window to capture your wife until I heard a child's cry. Then I saw your wife carrying a child," She said quietly as she looked at Will. "Of course, I could have assumed that she was just babysitting the toddler, but something inside me told me that the child was hers, yours," the assassin paused for a bit, then she sighed and continued, "You might find it odd for a top rated assassin to have morals. But bringing a child into hostage business was something I couldn't bring myself to do...So I..."

"You aborted the mission," Will finished for her. The woman nodded slowly then returned her gaze to the ground. "You knew you would get in trouble with your superiors if you quit, but you did it anyways." The Secretary of Defense didn't look convinced.

"You're telling us that you just gave up because you couldn't bring yourself to get a child involved? What kind of bullshit are you trying to sell us?" Keller didn't buy any of what he was hearing. It seemed unreal, too fake, for an assassin to give up just because of moral beliefs.

"Not all of us are that heartless Mr. Secretary, sir," the woman looked at him. "We're still human after all."

"You're telling me that you have a soft spot for kids? That's why you couldn't finish the job? You got soft after seeing Lennox's kid?" General Morshower asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Here in front of his eyes was a coldblooded killer, an assassin for hire who should be heartless, who showed no mercy in killing and finishing the job, yet, she decided to spare the Lennox family because of Annabelle.

"That's pretty much it," She answered quietly, keeping her eyes glued to the floor as if it was much more interesting than looking at the three men. All her weapons were taken away from her and she was handcuffed and shackled in order to prevent her from escaping.

"You know...for some strange reason, I believe her," Will spoke up after moments of silence. The Secretary of State looked at him in disbelief while General Morshower watched the woman in front of him. Something inside him told him that he could trust her as her eyes showed sincerity while she spoke the truth. She also looked remorseful as she admitted that she was to take Sarah Lennox until she discovered Annabelle. "If she really is speaking the truth, and she really did abort the mission, then I think we can put her to use for N.E.S.T."

"What are you saying Lennox?" Keller demanded, narrowing his eyes at the Major.

"I'm saying that if she really is a top assassin and she really is sincere, then we take her into N.E.S.T. where she can work for us instead of being locked up in prison," Will explained, turning to John Keller. "Think about it, if she changes sides, she can be of use for N.E.S.T."

"You're telling me that you're okay with putting an assassin in N.E.S.T.?" Keller looked bewildered and gaped at Will. "What on earth are you thinking Lennox? Do you honestly think an assassin can stop your...your evil robots?"

"One, yes. And two, they're called deceptacons Sir," Will corrected. "We'll test her skills and see what she can do, I'm pretty sure she has some abilities that our soldiers don't."

"And what do you think of this General Morshower?" Keller looked at General Morshower to support his claim at how outrageous Will's idea was. However, the General simply stepped forward towards the woman and looked at her. She glanced up at him.

"You're soft at kids, right?" He questioned. The assassin nodded her head slowly, cringing a bit at the odd looks she was getting from the soldiers and from the Secretary of Defense. "Good, because at the N.E.S.T. base I have a separate job for you while your work there to help us out on missions."

"Are you out of your mind General!?" Keller gaped as he watched the general side with Will. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Were they seriously going to allow an assassin join N.E.S.T.?

"Unlock those handcuffs and take off those shackles," Will looked over to the soldiers. The soldiers looked unsure whether they should do do it or not, worried that once they set her free, she would lash out and kill them. "That's an order!"

Quickly the soldiers took out the keys and unlocked everything, taking the handcuffs and the shackles away. Soon the woman got up and rubbed her wrists. She looked around the room and then back to the men. The soldiers backed away, scared that she would attack them. She mentally scoffed.

"What's your name?" The General asked, watching her every move in case she really did attack. She didn't.

"...Luka. Luka Bucaneve..." She answered quietly, looking at the men.

"Isn't that Italian? Uh, no wait, don't answer," Will smiled sheepishly for sticking his hand out to shake. "You probably know me already from your higher ups, considering they sent you to get me, but I'm Major Will Lennox."

Luka blinked and stared at him for a bit. How could he be so friendly towards her? She just threatened his family awhile ago if she had not aborted the mission. Swallowing hard, she slowly took his hand and shook it briefly, nodding at him.

"I am General Morshower, leader of N.E.S.T., where you will now be working," General Morshower walked over to her. Luka thought a moment, they assumed that because she aborted one mission, she would quit her organization? She pondered a bit, wondering if they could trust her like that so easily. But she thought about it for a while, if her superiors continued to send her out on missions to kill families, then she would rather work for these men.

"I understand..." Luka nodded slowly, then she tilted her head a bit. "What was that other job you wanted me to do?" Then, the General smiled a bit.

"During your stay at N.E.S.T., you will be the nanny of my niece and nephew staying there."