I love all of you more than you know! And I'm so glad you've stuck with this story. And so I will thank everyone who reviewed on the entire story:

Anisoka280 (Thank you)!

Violet Frost (Thank you so much)!

weathergirl17284 (Thanks for sticking with this)!

Dino Green (Thank you)!

ahsokatano191 (Thanks a million)!

Guest (Even though I don't have a screen name, thank you)!

triplethreat123 (You're the best! Luv 'ya)!

Tessika14 (Thanks so much)!

Guest (I don't know who you are, but thank you)!

Padawanbarriss (Guest). (Thank you so much)!

Guest (The fact that you've read all my stories is really touching, thank you)!

Bookreaderninja (Thank you)!

Guest (Sorry about not having a screen name, thank you)!

snips1212 (Guest). (Thanks a bunch)!

AhsokaTano99 (Thank you so much)!

LongLoreLover (Thank you so much! I really appreciate it)!

Guest (Thank you for reviewing)!

Guest (I'm glad you liked the story! Thank you)!

ahsokalo (Thank you so much! And I still think you're psychic ;-)

StarWarsRocksMySocks (Thank you so much! Luv 'ya)!

Anakinsgirlfriend5 (Thank you so much! I'm really glad you read my story)!

RunningFree13 (Thank you)!

AhsokaGeekFreak (AhsokaGeek). (Guest). (Thank you so much)!

Luxsoka- Forever (Thank you! And tell your army thank you, too)!

Dr. Anthro- Tano (I'm so glad you stuck with this! You are the best big sister in the world and I could not ask for a better one! I love you)!

I seriously started crying this got so emotional for me! Wow, I'm pathetic. . . Anyway! Thank you all so much for reviewing! I love each and every one of you! Thank you all so much! You guys all have a special place in my heart! The epilogue is called Hello after the most emotional Evanescence song. This one was based completely off of Amy Lee's little sister, Bonnie's death. It is so emotional for her that she can't sing it in public without having an emotional break down. Well, here's the epilogue. I hope you like it :-)



Ahsoka POV

Two weeks have gone by since Lux and I confessed our love for each other. Which means we've been together for two weeks, I've known about Anakin and Padmé's marriage for two weeks (I still haven't even told Anakin that I know), and Rosette is two weeks old.

And honestly, I've never been happier in my entire life. Everything was perfect, but I knew it wouldn't stay that way forever. So I enjoyed it while I had it.

Lux and I had been relaxing in his apartment. I was leaning on the railing on his balcony watching the stars as he stood next to me with one arm wrapped around my shoulders.

I pointed to the sky. "Look! A shooting star!"

Lux pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead, "Make a wish, Soka."

I smiled, Lux had nicknamed me Soka about a week ago, and I loved it. I know Master Plo called me Little Soka, but when Lux said called me Soka it felt, different. It told me that he loved me, and that he would always love me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I wished as hard as I could. "What did you wish for?" Lux asked turning to face me.

I smiled. "I can't tell you, then it won't come true."

Lux brought an arm around me and pulled me to him. One of his hands was supporting my head and the other was supporting my arched back. My arms were wrapped around his neck and our lips were locked.

Our lips pulled apart but we stayed in the same position. "Did it come true?" Lux asked.

I smiled sweetly at him. "It just did."

Lux hugged me and I hugged him. "I love you, Ahsoka." He said softly.

"I love you, too, Lux." I whispered in his ear.

We kissed once again, and it felt right. I knew Lux would always be mine, and nothing would ever change that.

When we broke apart I spoke first. "Um, it's getting late. I should probably get back to the temple."

Lux smiled at me and pressed his forehead against mine. "Okay, Soka."

We kissed real quickly, and then I left.

I entered the turbo lift and rode down to the ground floor. I left the building and got on my speeder.

As I drove to the temple, my com-link went off. "Ahsoka, here." I answered.

"Hey, Ahsoka. It's Padmé." Padmé answered in an optimistic tone.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Come over to my apartment, there's something you need to see!" She squealed.

"Um, okay. . ." I said slowly.

"Great!" Then the call ended.

I turned my speeder around and headed for her apartment. It was around eleven, so there weren't a lot of people in the streets.

I exited my speeder and walked into the building.

I strode into the turbo lift and pressed the button for her floor.

I knocked on the door but nobody answered. I knocked a second time and I got the same results.

I finally just opened the door for myself. But when I got inside it was completely dark, and I couldn't find the light switch.

"Padmé?" I called softly.

"Hello, Ahsoka." I heard a male's voice, and by the sound of it he was old.

I let my eyes adjust to the dark and I saw two silhouettes. One had a feminine figure so I assumed it was a woman and the other was a man.

"Hello, Sweetie." Said the woman. She sounded old, too. "It's been a while."

My eyes adjusted to the dark further, and my memory came flooding back to me for the first time in three weeks. I stumbled back. "Mom?! Dad?!"

Oh yeah! Left you hanging! I'm so evil! But hey, that's part of the fun. The sequel should be out real soon, so you won't have to suffer for that long. Be on the look out for: Friends and Family: Where We Left Off. Review! Until next time :-)

-AhsokaTano141516 is out, peace!