The walk to the bathroom was a lot harder than he thought. For some reason, this man was extremely heavy for someone that seemed to be thin and fit. And by how he was holding him, there was absolutely no way that he could be wearing weights underneath his clothes. It felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Kaito was finally able to get into the guest bathroom, turning on the light and balancing the unconscious body on the toilet bowl and trying his best to get off his bloody clothes. It seemed simple enough: a Japanese military uniform. Kaito had to wear something like this during one of his music videos. Or was it one of Miku's…?
Finally, he was able to get the man naked. He reached toward the showerhead and started to fill up the bathtub with warm water, and then carried the man into the tub. Kaito watched him as the man slept through the entire ordeal, despite the fact that there were five bullet wounds in his body, all missing his vital organs. The Vocaloid couldn't help but cock an eyebrow: he figured that with the amount of the bullets in him, one of them would've hit the stomach or lungs.
I should take them out before putting him in the healing chambers…
Kaito quietly left the room to grab a small dish and tweezers, finding them just where they were supposed to be (in Meiko's room). He quickly and quietly headed back, seeing the man still sleeping away. Kaito took a look at the wounds and saw that they weren't that deep into his body. He could get them out and get him healed in a jiffy without waking anyone. Win-win situation.
Slowly, he moved the tweezers into his body. Almost immediately, the man flinched and grabbed his wrist in a heartbeat. Kaito froze, unable to move away from him. His grip, for some reason, was stronger than anyone else he had ever met in his life. It almost felt like he was going to lose feeling in his hand in a matter of seconds. Yet he didn't once feel mad at him…
"You've been shot." He found himself saying softly. "I'm trying to get the bullets out of you."
The man looked down, realizing that he was in a warm bath and that the bullet holes were starting to turn a dark red from all the blood. He turned back to Kaito, almost recognizing him for a minute, before sighing and closing his eyes.
"I can handle this myself."
"Are you sure? You were out for some time."
"Well, the pain is gone now."
"Don't lie to me. You're hurt."
"Not anymore."
Kaito's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as he saw the man sigh and turn to the window above the bathtub. Suddenly, he heard a strange sizzling sound coming from the man. He looked down and saw with shock that the bullets were being pushed out of his body by sheer force of will. They plopped into the water without a second thought.
"What in the world…?"
"…see? All better." He answered. "Please do not trouble yourself more than you already did."
"…you're already in our house, so I might as well." Kaito stated. "If you can move, then you should take a bath. We should at least get the blood off of you."
"…I'll leave, if you want me too."
"That would be acceptable."
Kaito stared at him in curiousness before standing up and leaving the room, closing the door behind him. He turned his head and noticed that Luka was standing there, a rather confused / annoyed look on her face. From the looks of it, she just noticed that someone was using the guest bathroom.
"Does that mean that someone clogged up their own bathrooms again?"
"Um…it's a very, extremely long and complicated story."
"Then give me the short version."
"How can there be a short version of an extremely long and complicated story?"
"There will always be one. Now spill."
"Well…there's a person that just came out of nowhere in our living room riddled with bullet holes and now he's taking a bath in the guest bathroom."
"All right, so Meiko got drunk again and got into a bar fight?"
"No…I literally mean a random person just came out of nowhere."
"So a victim of Meiko?"
"I don't think she even left the house, Luka."
"You don't know that. You know how much she likes drinking."
Kaito found himself rubbing the back of his head. It did make sense when he figured that this man was probably one of Meiko's drinking partners and just got so drunk that he got shot and didn't even realize that he was in pain. Wouldn't explain how he was able to push bullets out of his body, though…
"I guess that's what he is…"
"Are you two talking about me?"
They both flinched, seeing the man walk out of the bathroom with the towel in his hair and his clean uniform. Kaito found himself staring at him in confusion. Where the hell did he get the blood and holes out of his outfit? There wasn't a spare one inside the bathroom…was there?
"So you're the poor guy looking for your money again?"
"Hm?" He rubbed his chin. "I don't…think so?"
"You act oddly sober for a drunk man. Whatever." Luka sighed. "You can have the guest room, but you're explaining yourself tomorrow."
"All right…"
Luka turned and left the room, leaving the two men standing there in confusion. Kaito turned into the bathroom and saw with shock that everything looked completely untouched. There wasn't a spot of blood in the bath tub or sink, and there wasn't a sewing kit in there to fix up any of the holes. Either he was a thorough quick-cleaner or there was something else going on.
"It's an extremely long story." The man answered.
"What happened…is an extremely long story."
"Then give me a short version."
"I do not think there is a short version to give for what happened to me."
"There's always a short version." Kaito grinned. "Something simple."
"Well…I was being chased."
"By who?"
"Someone. They already took the majority of our friends, and the rest have been scattered." He answered. "I still don't know how I got here, though…"
Kaito stared at him in confusion, wondering what he was talking about. Then he remembered something: the shoot-up in the harbor. There were so many cars and gunshots there, and that strange keychain that was there…maybe…it was a long shot, but…
"Is this yours?"
The man turned in confusion as he pulled out the keychain out of his pocket, seeing the perfection in his hands. Instantly, his eyes widened as he walked forward and took it in his hands. It almost looked like he found a precious or something Lord of the Rings related…that was not creepy.
"How did you…?"
"It just…found me." Kaito answered with a grin. "I'm guessing this is yours."
"Um…yes, yes it is." He answered. "It's…rather important."
"What is it, exactly?"
"You wouldn't understand if I told you."
"What makes you say that?"
"It's too complicated, even for a cyborg like you."
"Thanks for that." Kaito sighed. "Seriously."
"Please don't be offended. It's complicated for the other people that I had to explain to." He sighed. "Thank you for your hospitality, though."
"Sure…though we don't have much of a guest room, so you'll have to sleep on the couch. It folds out, though, so you may like it."
"I'll find out how to do that." He turned to him. "By the way…do I know you?"
"Oh, maybe. Shion Kaito, Vocaloid? Haven't had a few singles in a while?"
"…oh." He sounded like he was holding something back in his throat. "My name is Kiku. Honda Kiku."
"Kiku…all right then." Kaito smiled. "Are you sure you don't need help setting up the couch?"
"No, I'm fine. Thank you. I'll try not to stay long."
"Take that to the boss of the house. She'll see the extent of your stay."
"She sounds scary."
"She isn't, really." Kaito smiled. "Well then…good night."
"Good night."
You know what you guys should be seeing right now? K-Project. There's already two episodes, and I swear to God that the main character is Italy in human form. Watch it. You'll get it.