Reviewing Reviews :

"Finally! A fic with no usual pairings! I love GajeelxLevy! I also love GrayxCana but there's not much fic about them…when you're done with this, can you do a GrayxCana multi-chap/one-shot(s) fic?

Anyway, not too fond of Juvia but as long as it's GajeelxLevy and GrayxCana, I'm your biggest fan! Maybe you can even add in JellalxErza AND NatsuxLisanna, even just a little. NO Lucy though, kinda dislike her…"

Yes, Gray x Cana is DEFINITELY a very underrated ship, but it's my 2nd OTP for Fairy Tail. I just love the two of them together! And yes! I am actually planning a Gray x Cana songfic which will probably be a one-shot with an epilouge.

As for THIS story, I am planning on adding some minor Natsu and Lisanna, and Jellal and Erza, along with Laxus and Mirajane :) I don't like Lucy that much either and she never had a part in this story in the first place :P

And thank you to everyone who's started following this story! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I hope you all had a Happy Fairy Tail day!

Chapter 2

Gajeel packed up the rest of his things into his denim backpack, watching from his peripheral as the last few students. He looked back down at his bag, stuffing the final book into it's seams. He sighed after his success, leaning back onto his chair, his long black hair cascading down behing the seat. "Man this is such a pain." He muttered.

He felt a disturbance in the air in front of him, and looked forward to see a small petite hand outstretched towards him. He traced his eyes up the wrist, the arm, the shoulder, and then the face.

"Hi, I'm Levy McGarden!"

"I'm…Gajeel Red…fox." he slowly spewed, still surprised at the girl's sudden appearance.

She smiled shyly, looking slightly askew. "Nice to meet you."

"Back at you." he looked the other way.

"Oh- uh Juvia couldn't make it today, so she asked me to show you around." the girl said enthusiastically.

Gajeel started to show a faint blush. "Um, I appreciate it but you really don't need to do that. I can make my way around fine."

She shook her hands in front of her. "No no! I insist!"

He looked at her confusedly for a moment. "Fine then," he got up, and picked his back pack up. "Where to first?" he asked, looking down at her.

She stared up at him surpised. He probably stood at a good 6 feet. She was the shotest of everyone she knew, standing at 4 foot 11, maybe just short of 5 feet.

"Oi Shrimp, what are you gaping at."

She shook her head and blushed. "Nothing!" she said too enthusiastically. While she was admiring his height, she was admiring a few other things a long the way. Like the way his stomach didn't warp his shirt, but the shirt still hugged it, and then his pecs, obviously developed. His broad shoulders, muscled arms, and- WAIT WHAT?! She just met the guy!

She turned on her heels and started heading for the door. "Come along Gajeel, time's a wasting!"

The man shook his head before jogging after her. For someone with such short legs, she was a quick one. "Oi oi, Levy slow down."

She nodded and waited until they were walking at the same pace. "Alright." she stopped and held her hand out slightly to the right. "This is the East Cafeteria, one of the two in the school."

Gajeel poked his head in with Levy poking her head in right under him. "As long as you can provide your student ID badge, the food is half price." she caught the eyes of three waving people. She grinned and waved back.

"Who are they?"

"That's Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen. They're pretty reserved and like to keep to each other, but they're really nice people. Freed and I work in the library bookstore part time. Bickslow is on the football team, and Evergreen is pretty popular with the men. She digs Elfman though, everyone knows it." she turned her attention back to the 3 and saw Bickslow wolf whistling and Evergreen winking at her.

She turned on her heels and quickly pushed Gajeel forward. "OKAY! Next stop!"

Gajeel couldn't help but chuckle at the smaller girl's embarassment. He looked at the walls as she pushed him, halting in front of a poster. "Hey, who are those two?"

Levy looked at the poster curiously. "Oh, those are two of the best athletes and students in the entire school. Mirajane Strauss and Erza Scarlet. They've got looks, brain, talent, they're the full package! Not to mention their boyfriends are the Captain of the Football team and Student Council." she shrugged. "The Demon and Fairy Queen of Magnolia."

Gajeel inspected the poster. "Are you close with them?"

"Sort of. I'm closer with Mirajane's younger sister, Lisanna."

Gajeel nodded and stood straight as a man walked behind him.

"Hey Levy. Fancy meeting you at the gym of all places."

"Jellal!" she grinned and hugged the taller man. "You're back from the hospital! How's your leg?"

The aforementioned man lifted it off the ground and rolled his ankle. "It's doing gret but the doctor said I still can't play football till next year." He sighed and crossed his arms. "Now Laxus is out a Reciever." He shook his head sadly and noticed Gajeel's presence. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." He held out his hand. "Jellal Fernandes."

"Gajeel Redfox. Nice to meet you." he said back along with the handshake.

"The pleasure is mine."

"Yeah, Gajeel is a transfer student from Phalord just like Juvia was."

"Ahhh, I see. Well then, on behalf of the student council, welcome to Magnolia!"

Gajeel nodded with a smirk. "Thanks."

Jellal pondered something for a moment. "Black Steel Gajeel. The Quarterback for Phalord high's football team."

Gajeel looked at him confusedly, then it turned to a smirk once more. "You've heard about me."

"Yeah man, you're ruthless out there." Jellal was like a little kid meeting his sports idol for the first time. "Hey, how about joining the team in place of me?"

Gajeel thought about it for a moment before he saw Levy nod at him encouragingly. "Why not?" She asked.

Jellal shrugged and waited for a reply.

"Well I wasn't really planning on it, but if I get to work with 'The Lightning' Laxus, why not?"

Jellal smirked. "That's what I like to hear. I'll tell Laxus, and I'll contact you through Levy." He looked to the petite girl. "Is that alright?"

"Yeah sure! I'll exchange numbers with Gajeel later."

"Thanks Lev. Well, it was nice meeting you Gajeel. I'll see you at practice."

Gajeel waved at him as he jogged to the locker room.

"Jellal, don't strain yourself!" Levy cried as he disappeared. "Men..."

"He was the redhead's boyfriend?" Gajeel asked suddenly.

"Huh? Oh yeah. He and Erza have been going strong for a couple years now."

Gajeel nodded. "He seems like a good guy."

"He is." Levy said plainly as she started walking once more. "He can be scary during a clinch though, he's so serious. Anyway, I'm glad you joined the team! I'll be rooting for ya." she winked up at him.

Gajeel blushed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Whatever shrimp."

Tada! Here's chapter 2, just in time for the ending of Fairy Tail Day! I hope you liked it and please R&R!

~ PL