A/N: Welcome to the third story in the Stitches series :D I didn't anticipate that I'd put this story up so quickly, but what the hell :)
My one disclaimer for the entire story - I don't own Soul Eater, however, I do own Stitches, Mina, Thomas and Joseph.
"Stitches Stein?" The Class Crescent Moon teacher, Maka, called out. Stitches looked up.
"Present." she called back, nervously. Maka gave out a little smile and continued down the list. Mina turned to Stitches.
"You alright, Stitches?" Mina asked, her red hair falling over her face.
"Yeah." Stitches sighed.
"Mina West?" Maka called out, continuing roll call.
"Yo, Maka-sensei." Mina said. Maka laughed quietly slightly and continued with the roll call.
"Yo? It's our first day at a prestigious institution, and all you can say is 'Yo'?" Stitches asked. Mina laughed.
"Well, I had to balance you out, a little. Maka-sensei met you twenty minutes after Marie pushed you out and you go all formal and 'present'-like." Mina smirked. Stitches sighed and rolled her eyes with a tiny smile.
"Alright, class, if I could have your attention, please?" Maka asked. The class all turned to face her.
"Alright, I apologise if I'm a little nervous today. You are the first E.A.T class I've taken by myself, so that's a milestone. Plus, I've left my three-year-old son with my father. If you've ever met my father, you'll understand my apprehension." Maka said. Stitches, being one of the few people in the room who had met Spirit Albarn, stifled a giggle.
"Alright. So, first of all, what we want to do is separate you into meisters and weapons. So, if you want to make your way down here, if we have meisters on the left and weapons on the right, then we'll begin." Maka said. The students all walked to the front and separated into their respective groups.
Stitches, split from Mina, made her way over and stood next to a tall, purple-haired girl. She turned around and glanced Stitches up and down.
"You must be the Stein kid, right?" she asked. Stitches nodded. The girl, although she was obviously older than Stitches, seemed very laid-back, so Stitches didn't feel quite as shy.
"The one, the only. I think." she said. The purple-haired girl snickered.
"Cleo. Nice to meet you." Cleo stuck her hand out. Stitches shook it and shoved her hands back in her pockets.
"Form?" Stitches asked. Cleo smirked.
"Plain ol' scythe. You?" Cleo asked.
"Hammer." Stitches smiled. Cleo laughed slightly.
"You're gonna get so many pick up lines referring to that, you know that, right?" Cleo asked. Stitches smirked.
"I got one this morning. My father dispelled that boy pretty quickly, however." Stitches said. Cleo smirked.
"Overprotective dad? Yeah, I got me one of those. That's why I dyed my hair purple and got this." Cleo poked her tongue out, showing her piercing. Stitches smirked slightly.
"My dad's not that bad. I figure that it's kind of reasonable when he threatens a boy who's just asked me to hammer him." Stitches said. Cleo laughed and turned to the meisters.
"So," she asked, "you got a meister picked out yet?"
"Yeah, that one, right there, with the red hair. We've been best friends since the start of grade school." Stitches sighed. Cleo turned to her and raised an eyebrow.
"So, who's the person who's put that seed of doubt in your mind?" Cleo asked. Stitches was taken slightly aback.
"Sorry?" Stitches asked.
"You sighed at the end of your sentence. So, who is it?" Cleo asked. Stitches sighed.
"See that blonde boy next to her?" Stitches asked. Cleo smirked.
"Got a little crush, eh?" Cleo asked.
"I resent your accusation." Stitches said.
"I'd not tell your dad about him. With a father like yours, he'd be unconscious like that." Cleo clicked her fingers. Stitches thought for a second. She would have retorted, but Cleo was right.
"It's kinda hard to keep your meister from your father when he's my father."
After class was over, Stitches took Cleo and caught up with Mina, Thomas and Joseph.
"Hey! How are you?" Mina asked.
"I'm pretty good. This is Cleo." Stitches said. The purple-haired girl stepped forward.
"Hey." she said.
"Hi. I'm Mina, this here quiet one's Thomas, and that knucklehead is Joseph." Mina said, pointing to the oblivious black-haired boy behind her.
"Ah! There you are." Joseph said, sitting next to Mina, unaware of her comment. Mina smirked.
"Cool." Cleo smirked. She sat down next to Stitches, who sat next to Mina.
"I'm glad that Maka-sensei didn't call out those with versatile souls today." Stitches sighed.
"Stitches, you've really got to get used to getting called out in class. You're a brilliant weapon, with a versatile soul. And your mother is Marie-freakin'-Mjolnir and your father is Franken-freakin'-Stein." Mina smirked.
"So, you're a versie too?" Cleo asked Stitches. Stitches turned to her and nodded.
"Blame my father." Stitches sighed.
"My mother was the Shibusen alumna." Cleo said. Stitches nodded.
"My mother's where I got my weapon form from, so…" Stitches said. Cleo raised an eyebrow.
"Wait, what's your form again?" Cleo asked.
"I'm a hammer." Stitches said. Cleo's eyes widened.
"So you're the little family circumstance that kept Marie Mjolnir from going back to Oceania all those years ago." Cleo said.
"Sometimes I'm convinced that everyone else knows my parents better than I do." Stitches said.
"Well, you've Franken Stein for a father and a Deathscythe for a mother. It's bound to happen." Cleo said. Stitches smirked and shrugged before sitting down.
"So, have you got a meister picked out?" Stitches asked. Cleo nodded.
"Speaking of, I'd better go and find him. I'll see you around, Stein." Cleo said, standing up and walking off. Stitches nodded and turned to Mina.
"So, you've stopped being painfully shy, hey?" Mina asked.
"Oh, no. Cleo was just at the back of the group and asked me if I was 'the Stein kid.'" Stitches said.
"Wow, I wonder how she got that idea. The grey hair, the glasses, the fact that you look basically like your dad, but with boobs…" Mina said.
"One, that is wrong on so many levels. Two, my hair is silver." Stitches said. Mina chuckled slightly.
"You told that to me on our first day of grade school." Mina smiled. Stitches smiled back in reminiscence.
"I can't believe we've finally made it to Shibusen." Stitches said.
"Well, get used to it, because we're here for a while." Mina replied.
Stein and Marie sat across from Spirit, who had his three year old grandson on his lap.
"You really need to stop worrying, you two." Spirit said. Stein rolled his eyes.
"This is coming from the man who cried every time Maka went out on a mission." Stein said. Spirit snarled.
"Shut up." Spirit said. Marie was worried, but preoccupied herself with the adorable little shinigami child in front of her.
"Hey, Junior. How are you? Where's your mama?" Marie asked. Junior smiled widely.
"Being a teacher." he said, proudly. His hair, which was just like his father's, fell over his green eyes.
"She is, isn't she?" Marie smiled.
"So, when are you two going back to teach at Shibusen?" Spirit asked.
"We're only taking today off. We thought Stein would be in too much of an emotional state to teach today." Marie said. Stein glared at Marie.
"You're hilarious." Stein remarked. Marie smiled.
"You love me." Marie said to Stein.
"I wonder how she's doing, though." Stein said.
"See…?" Marie said, looking over at Spirit.
"I'm not in an emotional state!" Stein exclaimed. Marie smirked slightly before going back and paying attention to Junior.
"Hi, there!" Marie said. Junior smiled and giggled slightly, causing Marie to gush.
"Do you want to hold him, Marie?" Spirit asked. Marie nodded and patted her lap. The young shinigami scuttled off of his grandfather and onto the beckoning Deathscythe.
"Hi." he smiled. Marie was absolutely, positively in maternal mode at the moment. That was probably because she was trying to take her mind off of her own daughter; if she kept thinking about the fact that she was now fending for herself at Shibusen, she'd probably break down.
"Hi there! Hello." Marie said in a baby voice, tapping Junior on the nose. Spirit smirked and looked over at Stein.
"Hey. She seems pretty damn smitten with a toddler on her lap…" Spirit said. Stein shot him a glare.
"Do not even put that idea into her head." Stein said.
"Huh?" Marie asked. Stein's eyes widened.
"Nothing." Stein said, insistently. Spirit smirked.
"I was just saying to Stein how you-ow!" Spirit exclaimed, Stein kicking him in the shin under the table. A wry smirk crawled across Stein's face and Junior giggled.
"Hey, don't encourage him." Marie said to the little boy. He just smiled and giggled again.
"Grandpa Spirit funny." he smiled.
A/N: So, that chapter was just put there to get back into the swing of things. So, it's not actually that heavy a chapter. So, welcome back :)
To any new readers, well hello. You're probably mightily confused, right?
Well, just to recap, Stein and Marie had a little girl, Shelley Yumi Stein. We call her Stitches. She grew up, she's now thirteen and she's a weapon, a hammer, like Marie. That's really about it.
The next chapter finds Stitches in a predicament - who will be her meister? Make sure you vote on the poll on my author page and see if your prediction is right!